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Fandom Sao rp! (Reboot! Always accepting!)

Libra259 said:
(Guys imma do the announcements real soon, do you want them after the fight or in the middle. Then my character and Nate's can try and finish it later xD idc as long as its soon)
(Either one)
'Clever girl.', he thought to himself as he went on the defensive, careful to keep her attacks away from anything vital. Occasionally she would sneak a hit in on his leg or arm, but it would do minimal damage. He took this girl for the more glass cannon type....but the broadsword intrigued him. It was almost the same size as Aether...and that gave him and idea. As she struck again, he twisted his shield arm and thrusted it outward. In one swift motion, her sword slid into shield sheath with a reassuring click, locking it into place. He grinned as he then used this surprise to charge forward and stop in front of her, holding the tip of his blade at her throat.

"Do you yield now?"
Aero laughs. She backflips kicking the flat of his sword attempting to kick it from his hand. "I do not yield and never will. You want me to yield, well make me." She replies with a smirk while landing perfectly on the ground. She made distance between them. Aero's grin turned to a devious smile like she planned that move or knew something he didn't. 2 minutes to go. Lets play the waiting game again! My sword will turn back into a rapier, growing in length and shrinking in width. I could of always just pulled the daggers from my belt but wheres the fun in that?

@Knight Nate
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AnarchyReins said:
(I'm fine with anything. Just so my Arcus still gets to go on a date with Mitsu.)

"Hmmm...." Mitsu hummed as she thought. "Maybe we could look around Starting City's central market?" Mitsu offered. "I heard you can sometimes find some bizarre things there... it'd be interesting..." she said.

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The back flip he was not expecting, and he stumbled backwards from it but held firmly to his sword. While she was agile, she didn't posses the strength to remove it from his iron grip. He grinned as he regained his balance. He stabbed Aether into the ground and pulled her broadsword out of his shield, and with one quick motion.....slipped it into his inventory. She wouldn't be getting it back anytime soon; but he wasn't a thief. He would return it as soon as the duel ended, but for now, he wanted to throw her off her game. He was trying to force her to submit, since he didn't really want to injure her, but it seemed like she wasn't willing. Her pride got in the way of that, it seems. He grabbed Aether back out of the ground and charged again, this time making wide, lengthy slashes, so as to try and catch her when she dodged. At this point, even if he got damage while she dodged, it would be enough to make her panic. At least, that's what he hoped.
His actions made Aero giggle... Giggle. This rarely happened though when it did she had a full set plan that was being enacted. Yay plan b! She thought then draws both her daggers and blocks every one of his attacks knowing if she dodged them that she would get herself into a tight spot. Though as she blocked his attacks she'd use her free hand and slash a his torso sometimes his legs but not the arms. Aero had many weapons she could pull on him but honestly thats not fun. She was merely playing with him at this point, just showing off. Aero did have an issue with her pride but how could she not, its one of the only things she had left to hold onto.

@Knight Nate
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Disciple frowned as he watched her block his sword with a pair of daggers. Odd. Must be a bug of some kind. However, he didn't dwell on it, and saw another opening. This time it was all or nothing, but it was a risk he needed to take. He brought his shield up again and countered her hit, smacking the dagger away and exposing her. He then used all his strength to perform one wide circular slash, hoping to end it there and finish her. As he finished, he stumbled around and his guard dropped....
Aero realized she took advantage of a certain bug she found and mentally swore. She let him kick one of her daggers from her hand and it broke into particles, courtesy to the bug. She jumped up half avoiding the blow that could of very well ended her. Her life point go down by 10%. She then twists her dagger's hilt and it was enveloped into light. As the light cleared she was wielding a katana. Her blade glowed orange as she used a sword skill. She spun herself like she was preforming a spinning kick but slices at him at the same time. Using her momentum and sword skill to hopefully amplify her attack and possibly ended the duel.

@Knight Nate
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Unable to guard in time, the dive sends Disciple to the ground with Aero on top of him, her blade at his neck. He grinned up at her.

"Well....that was certainly unexpected."

Something poked her in the side; Aether was pointed up and ready to insert itself into her abdomen at any time. They were at a stalemate.

"Shall we call it a draw?"
Violet nodded at the seemingly concluded duel. She picked her blade from the ground and turned with a swish of her loose clothes she started to walk away. She looked to the one that had winked to her earlier and nodded as she passed. She then looked forward and walked away. She had studied all she needed to, and she was prepared in case of a duel.

@Knight Nate
Aria returned Violet's nod and picked up her swords as well. Looks like it was a draw. She hadn't really planned for that, but hey, at least the chicken nuggets remained in her possession. For now. She thought maybe now would be a good time to speak to people, so with a new spring in her step, she bounced over to talk to Violet.

"So, you're 'Rose Thorn', right? Fancy seeing you here. That was a pretty nice duel, right?"
avis said:
Aria returned Violet's nod and picked up her swords as well. Looks like it was a draw. She hadn't really planned for that, but hey, at least the chicken nuggets remained in her possession. For now. She thought maybe now would be a good time to speak to people, so with a new spring in her step, she bounced over to talk to Violet.
"So, you're 'Rose Thorn', right? Fancy seeing you here. That was a pretty nice duel, right?"
"Yes I am. And yes, yes it was" she said as she walked. "And what is your name?" she had asked her. She had her broadsword sheathed on her back and was walking with her head high.
"Some call me Regalia Blue, some call me asshole, some call me 'the girl who stole my sandwich', but uh, you can just call me Aria," she replied, making playfully dramatic hand movements as she spoke.

(Edit; wait crap didn't realize we were this early in the story ok)
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Aero chuckles, "why dont we? I need to get home very soon." She says as her expression drops for a slight moment. Shit.. How late am I?.. At least five minutes.. Damn no. "Ah Im leaving now. But you've got skill. Id like to duel you for real sometime." She summons her menu and frowns. Aero kinda dismissed the fact he was still on top of her and still had blades that could still stab or slice her but she didnt care at the moment. "The log out button is gone.. Its fricken gone.. And would you get off of me?" Aero grumbles.

@Knight Nate
"Oh. My apologies."

He quickly stood up, dusting himself off as he did so, and upon her comment that the logout was gone, raised an eyebrow and opened his own menu. His eyes widened as he too found no logout. Perhaps another bug or glitch?...surely it wasn't intentional. He then glanced downward toward Aero and, remembering his manners, held out a hand to help her up.
avis said:
"Some call me Regalia Blue, some call me asshole, some call me 'the girl who stole my sandwich', but uh, you can just call me Aria," she replied, making playfully dramatic hand movements as she spoke.
(Edit; wait crap didn't realize we were this early in the story ok)
"I see my fame precedes me, so I seem to not have to have an introduction." She said "I have to say, I am quite intrigued with the dual blades..."
"Eh, they aren't nearly as interesting as you would think," Aria groaned, throwing her head back dramatically. "As far as I know, there's no duel wielding skill, so I'm kinda stuck using one at a time." She paused, then let out an annoyed huff. "I betcha one of those beta testers has that skill. Pfft, man, they get all the cool stuff!"
avis said:
"Eh, they aren't nearly as interesting as you would think," Aria groaned, throwing her head back dramatically. "As far as I know, there's no duel wielding skill, so I'm kinda stuck using one at a time." She paused, then let out an annoyed huff. "I betcha one of those beta testers has that skill. Pfft, man, they get all the cool stuff!"
"I should know, I was allowed to take one item from the Beta test." Violet said with a bit of a chuckle. "I had decided to take my Warriors way" She said "But I do not remember a Dual wield specialty.... Probably not in my class range though"
Oh, so Rose-y here was a beta tester? Aria never had any aggressive distaste for them, but she wasn't a huge fan of their special benefits. She understood why they got them, but still. She was jealous, to say the least.

"So, your sword is Warrior's Way? Nice name, nice sword too! Makes me I wish I was a beta tester. Eh, can't win em all I guess."

While she was pretty sure duel wield was a beta exclusive, Aria couldn't help but wonder if she could get the skill somehow. She wasn't horribly comfortable with the controls or layout of the game, so she'd have to log off and look it up.

Hang on," she began, fumbling about the menus for the logout button. "I need to look something up. I'll be right back."

To her dismay, the logout button was nowhere to be found. She chalked it up to a glitch, or maybe her inexperience.

"Hey uh, correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't there be a logout button somewhere?"
"Hm there no way thats a glitch.. It just cant be.. There was a log out button in beta and thats not something they'd let slip." Aero thought aloud while taking his hand and pulling herself up. She curses a bit while thinking a bit more.

@Knight Nate
avis said:
Oh, so Rose-y here was a beta tester? Aria never had any aggressive distaste for them, but she wasn't a huge fan of their special benefits. She understood why they got them, but still. She was jealous, to say the least.
"So, your sword is Warrior's Way? Nice name, nice sword too! Makes me I wish I was a beta tester. Eh, can't win em all I guess."

While she was pretty sure duel wield was a beta exclusive, Aria couldn't help but wonder if she could get the skill somehow. She wasn't horribly comfortable with the controls or layout of the game, so she'd have to log off and look it up.

Hang on," she began, fumbling about the menus for the logout button. "I need to look something up. I'll be right back."

To her dismay, the logout button was nowhere to be found. She chalked it up to a glitch, or maybe her inexperience.

"Hey uh, correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't there be a logout button somewhere?"
"Huh? It should be in your menu... right he...." Violet had opened hermenu and was looking for the og out button but the place where it should be was blank. "Thats weird..... it should be right here..."
"Maybe the interface is screwing up because of all the people logging on or something," Aria said, not quite sure of herself. She didn't really know too much about virtual reality, and this was just worrying. She had classes in the morning! She couldn't be stuck playing SAO all night! What was her excuse to her professors gonna be, "I couldn't log out of my game?" Aria just hoped this was a temporary thing.
avis said:
"Maybe the interface is screwing up because of all the people logging on or something," Aria said, not quite sure of herself. She didn't really know too much about virtual reality, and this was just worrying. She had classes in the morning! She couldn't be stuck playing SAO all night! What was her excuse to her professors gonna be, "I couldn't log out of my game?" Aria just hoped this was a temporary thing.
"That can't be it..." Violet said looking at the blank spot. "This has to be done intentional.... The log out button was the one thing they did not have any problems with during the beta." She said as she closed her menu window. "I am guessing someone wants to trap us in here... But 'why' is the question.... oh well, not like I have a life to go back to anyway"

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