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Fandom Sao rp! (Reboot! Always accepting!)

Tobias kind of tilted his head trying to figure out what she meant. Once he had a pretty good idea of what he thought she was talking about he nodded. "Lead the way ill be right beside yah" He chimed glad that she had seemed to cheer up a bit.

Aero nods then laughs, "you still dont totally know what im talking about do you?" She asks with a raises eyebrow while taking a left turn and walking further into the forest.

Tobias follows chuckling as he walks next to her faking a hearty chuckle. " Know where were going of course.... I have no idea" he answers honestly and more like himself. Tobias continued to let Aero lead and more or less just looked around every once in a while catching his eyes on her as that nervous feeling came creeping up again.

Aero just laughs, "your a horrible lier." She says with a cute wide smile. She passes by tree after tree after tree. Weeving through the thickening trees. She huff, this use to be so much easier. She thought with a sigh. They walk for another six minutes until they step into a clearing. This was one of the many places Aero spent most of her time in beta while testing out different moves. It was super peaceful and a light breeze was always blowing. It make the tall grass sway and the follows shake. She'd walk farther into the plains while the wind blows her crimson hair along with it. Shd turn around and signal for him to come, "come on, you gotta keep up when im walking. My legs are pretty short since im pretty short and you can take longer strides than me!" She teases with a chuckle.

Tobias attempted to keep up getting snagged a couple of times. Finally he reached the clearing his eyes widened at first to the landscape, it was breathtaking and then at the crimson flowwing in the wind. His attention was brought back when she talked about keeping up and he did as she instructed. Now he was right beside her " Yeah yeah i am coming butThis place is amazing Aero... so why are we here?" He questioned aloud meaning to think it but letting it slip

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"Well I honestly dont know." Aero chuckled with a grin. "I more or less come here to just work on moves when I dont wanna deal with morons irl or ig." She chuckles again. The crimson haired girl smiles widely, "though bit onward there are some hog type of monsters that spawn, well and a mini boss." She grins while walking further into the field.

Tobias was moving with Aero through the field. "Well i am here, So does that make me the moron?" He questioned making a pouty face. As she mentioned a mini boss Tobias just sighed here we go again.

Aero chuckles, "sometimes but your a moron who knows what to say and are talented in music." She heard the sigh and chuckles again. "What? Im still upset I did that and the answer probably isnt fighting again. But thats how I deal with things through the virtual world, through the fighting or even training irl." She says while her smile drops and slows her pace. "Speaking of irl.. I should probably go soon." (Ok we need to do the announcements but we need everyone on xD )
Tobias thought about i and it did lind of make sense. I mean why be in a fighting game and not fight. So with a nod he affirmed her realization, and then his smile kind of faded at her last statement. "Yeah... I got to get back soon too" his voice dropping but catching himself and acting happy again.


Aero nods then sighs catching how his voice dropped slightly then returns back to how it was before. ".. Please dont hide your emotion when your with me. I don't hide mine when im with you, your one of the only ones that actually get to see me without my armour." She says then turns around to look at him. A small smile spreading across her lips. Then she turns back around and runs into a full sprint, "neither one of use have a lot of time so lets go slowpoke!" She shouts as her crimson hair whips around.

@Knight Nate





-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x @AssassinaMystica

(You guys there? We need ya all to do the announcements for when we all get stuck
xD )
As Aero turned, she would run into the large figure that was the Golden Disciple. He looked down at her and then to her friend, an eyebrow raised. A new shield with a grand looking sword sheathed into it was on his arm, covering a part of his body since his arms were crossed. A thin smile appeared on his lips as he spoke to the both of them.

"Don't tell me you're getting off so soon."

He didn't really like talking to other beta testers, but so far these were the strongest players he's seen. And besides, he wanted to try out his new weapons. He admitted it was more than a little surprising to see Gules morph into a sword and shield, but hey, he got used to it. Now, he had Aegis and Aether at his side, and he felt stronger than ever.

"What do you say to a short duel?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/images-33.jpg.8ea64f949cb9532293f3ad43f8439ca3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/images-33.jpg.8ea64f949cb9532293f3ad43f8439ca3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Aegis and Aether)



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Aero falls on her butt looking up at him and smirks. Hm wonder if he'll be good?.. "I suppose I dont have to go so soon." She says while standing up. "But make lets make this quick." She says with a small yawn. Aero really completely forgot what had just happened since she kinda has a horrible short term memory.

@Knight Nate
Akane sighed, running a hand across her forehead, feeling the virtual sweat acummulated across it. She noted to herself how real it actually felt on her fingertips. She has been grinding in the fields all day, leveling up herself in order to gain an advantage later in the game. She stretched letting her head roll around.

While she was doing this she caught an image out of the corner of her eye. Three players were standing only about 20 yards away from her, two of which looked like they were getting ready to... Fight? "Well I can't miss this" she mumbled to herself before walking over to the area to watch the imminent duel.

@Knight Nate
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The Disciple smiled, slowly pulling Aether from Aegis.

"Believe me, it won't take long."

He didn't know much about this world, but he did know that his skills were great when it came to fighting. He doubted he would lose this.

He assumed a defensive stance, ready to counter, and let her make the first move.
Aero's smirk widens a bit as she draws her rapier. She too stands in a defensive position showing she wasnt going to make the first move. Ive done to much offense and I want this over quick, not to quick. Hm.. Wonder his level and agility and speed skills... His weapons look quite fancyish... Eh my rapier may break so hm lets try to do this under five minutes. Aero thought ready to use her special skill if needed. "No I insist you first."

@Knight Nate
"By all means, please have the first move."

Disciple knew what she was doing; baiting him out, hatching a counter plan. But Disciple was a very patient man. She'd have to make the first blow sometime. And when she did....
Aero chuckles. "Fine mate guess this is gonna be a bit longer than I thought." I cant afford to much fricken offense.. He's bound to be pretty strong and pretty strong is leagues ahead of me.. But I honestly dont think anyone can match my speed or agility.. Hm my acrobatics are pretty damn good too.. Aero loosens her grip on her rapier and crosses her arms but her smirk never faulters. Even though it looked like her guard was dropped she hadnt dropped at it all. She made it look like she did, hoping it would get him to attack her.

@Knight Nate
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Disciple raised an eyebrow. She was obviously still trying to bait him out of his guard, but he was smarter than that. He tightened his grip on Aegis and began making his way towards her at a very slow pace, still in position to counter at a moments notice.
Aero hadnt actually planned anything out at all she just didnt wanna use offense. Honestly she never tries to predict movements or make plans until she knows enough of there fighting to comfirm it. She may have made dense choices and do dense things at times but Aero was very far from being dense. She could normaly outwit any of her opponents even if they were very very smart. So she continued to stand there then does an obscure thing, the crimson haired girl sits down crossed legged looking at her opponent. Now she was just improving though she didnt show it since it was part of her plan to not use offense. If he wanted to test his skills he'd have to come at her.

@Knight Nate
At this point, Disciple stopped his advance and took a few steps back. Heh. Trying to make him come closer? Well, he had something for that. He threw Aether up into the air and quickly opened up his inventory. In his hand appeared a couple throwing daggers. He threw them quickly at her and grabbed Aether as it fell from the air, then charged at her. As he reached her, he stopped abruptly, then began moving his arm forward, but stopped it and brought his shield up quickly in a counter stance.
Aero didnt move a muscle until the daggers were just about to hit her. She hits one out of the way with her rapier and catches the other. She twirls ot around in her hand and laughs. What does he think she's gonna do? Attack him with this awesome fancy attack, i dont think so. Thats her style when she is in her maiden zone but thats not her style when she's normal. Aero looks at him still waiting for him to try and hit her with that seord of his.

@Knight Nate
Mitsuko sighed as she looked at the virtual reality headgear, lied down on her bed and activated it. She felt the real world drift away, she quickly created her character and entered the information needed. The setting changed and she looked around amazed at the world of SAO. Mitsu quickly started exploring the area.
Arcus logged in to SAO. He was a beta tester so he already had a character. When he was logged he was in the inn he logged out in. He tested his body movements, and walked out of the in. Arcus made sure to unequip his wolfsbane sword and armor, form the Christmas boss he defeated. He equipped the starter sword they all started out with. Arcus then walked out side, and went towards the middle of town looking for anyone else that was logged on.

@I am Shadow

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