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Fandom Sao rp! (Reboot! Always accepting!)

Aero shrugs. "But I agree it will definitely be different outta be fun. But it just feels weird.. Like why change so much from the beta. There wasnt like anything wrong with it really... Ah and I dunno. Like I may just go look around the town of beginnings it different and I wanna like check everything out." She says while attacking Her rapier onto her belt. "You know I noticed a lot more people were wearing armour than from beta." She says while thinking for a bit. Maybe! Just maybe she'd try armour out. (Hey guys since Kirito had a special skill would you all like it if you all has one. Though like make it fair and not op lol.. Well at least to op.) @everyone

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Tobias nodded agreeing that it was time to head back for the day. At her mention of the beta gear he opened his inventory "No way its all still here!, check your inventory all our beta gear is still with us" He exclaimed as he swiped a few screens and tapped the menu a few times light enveloping his clothing. Once it subsided he was back in his black and yellow outfit with hooded cape and light metal breastplate. His spear had not changed since its handling skill was higher than his current abilities. Fafnir would have to wait to be wielded a little longer. "This is awesome" Tobias cooly stated before starting his way back to the town of beginnings the duos haul of col and items would set them up for a bit but Tobi knew what his first purchase in town would be. " Hey can we stop by some stalls on the way back or do you gotta jet when we get there?"

Aero nods and summons her menu. Then open her inventory, her signature smirk spreads across her lips. She equips a few things and unequips a few others. Seconds later she was enveloped in a bright light and back into her somewhat revealing crimson and black suit. She had made it with a few normal and special items but didnt really plan for what it would look like.. Her rapier from beta was firmly in her hand, she was back in business. "Suppose we can I wont ditch yeah anytime soon."

Tobias glanced away as Aero basically had changed in front of him. Once she was ready and had mentioned she wasnt leaving the party for a bit he turned to the town of beginnings. At the gate Tobi turned right down toward the market stalls. He bypassed weapons,armor, and various items stalls until he reached a green and white booth with a surly old man in front of it. It took the boy only seconds to make his pick of a violin looking lute that was deep black with white streaks with a matching bow. Stringing it a few times it played a great sound and was instantly equipped to his back around the waist. "Alright im all set and thanks for letting me stop here" he mentioned throughly excited to play in the pub tonight which was his routine last playthrough. After a long day of fighting sitting back with delicious ale and playing music and singing with friends could not be beat.

Aero follows Tobias through the town of beginning and looks at the various stalls. She didnt see anything she likes and didnt really need anything. She'd may get a new rapier but she liked using a weak weapon so everything relied on her own stats. It was one of the many training tricks she used, and another reason why she was on the weaker side with strength. Most people wanted to use epic high leveled and rare weapons and rely on that to boose their stats. "No problem dude." She replies while realizing she still had her rapier in her hand. She was wondering why people were giving her an even weirder look than normal. She attaches onto her belt then looks back at him.

Tobias seeing everyone was staring looked back to see Aero with her rapier and waited for her to sheath it. "Hey are you still a little fired up?" He asked his eyes still fixated on her blade as an idea began to form. Tobias walked out past the market into one of the main squares, other players were just beginning to log in and others were waiting around for their friends to join them. Once in a semi clear spot he took a few steps away from Aero spinning on his heels to face her. " So how has everything been with you?, I mean it has been like 2 months since we talked last and all, I kind of wanted to do that thing we were talking about before" With that statement he opened his menu sending her a friend request and a duel request. The boy then drew his spear poising it across his neck both arms hanging over it loke he was in a guillotine. "Lets give them a show and test your skills....unless your not up to it Bloodlust Maiden!" Tobias intentionally yelled her nickname which immediately drew the attention of the crowd. Now she would get a challenge that should ease her training requirements and they would give people a show of two known fighters going at it.

Aero smirks, "im always fired up.. And same as always people fear me, another bounty was put in my head, pissed off more guilds, made no friends, yup the usual." She replies while following him and getting the idea she knew what he was doing. As he began to talk about what they have been wanting to do she knew she was right. She watched him with her hands on her hips and her weight shifted on her left leg. As he challenged her to a duel her smirk widens. She accepts the friend request, draws her rapier, and accepts the duel request. "Oh so you want a duel? I'll give you one hell of a duel." She replies while noticing the people gathering because he shouted her nickname. Like one minute there afraid of her and the next they wanna watch her duel. Its so stupid only fear her in non safe zones. People were idiots these days.

" Really i found you to be quite the friendly person.... maybe my sense of socialism is messed up" he teased sarcastically as his stance changed the crowd massing whispers about the breaker and the maiden their accomplishments from beta and other rumors but everyone was focused on the fight. "All right then dont hold back!" Tobias yelled as the countdown finished starting the duel taking a stride forward bringing his spearhead forward in a thrusting motion aimed for her left side of her stomach.

Aero would eventually use all her power but for the time being she'd start with her normal amount. She'd sidestep to the right with her signature speed and sends a quick and precise slice towards his right side. She made sure to keep her right side completely open but making it look like she made a mistake. Aero hadnt seen all of his new moves and possible new fighting style so she played more defense in order to analyze his fighting and figure out a possible pattern. She was naturally good at predicting movements and her higher perception level just helped that.

Tobias jumped back the tip of her rapier scratching his side but it could have been worse. Without missing a beat he spun kicking hard to push himself back toward her his spear crossing wide at her thigh level. This time he would be ready for her agile counter attacks.

Aero watched him as he used a spinning kick to get himself closer to her again. Smart.. Wonder if his agility level has increased? Hm lets find out. He also is in a more precise stance even while airborne.. He must be preparring for something.. So I cant use the same moves over again thats just predictable. She took mental notes quite quickly. She knew she could match the speed of his spin and attack so she flips in the direction he is spinning and lands on her feet. She takes no time to run faster than he was spinning. Running around him avoiding his attack then running straight. Her back was turned to him and she expected him to attack her or become defensive since he expected her to want him to attack her. Maybe he may even run after her but she doubted that.

Tobias mid spin had watched her movements thinking about the logical choices and the counter moves she could produce while his agility could match hers his speed could not without specific gear and skills. He would have to rely on his head and fighting style. Loosening his grip on the polearm he slid higher at the apex of his spin the blade the only thing on the ground it was an overly acrobatic move that granted him some whistles and whoops. Tobias then began his descent flipping the spearhead toward Aero's back as he landed with her still behind him his blade would come across her back if it connected but he was sure she could dodge it. His feet planted he sidestepped reversing his grip on the spear quickly the polearm completing its upward motion now he pressed down hard and right for another quick side swipe so that even if she dodge the vertical attack he covered it with a horizontal one.

(When i go for the neck wanna end it in a draw?)

Aero could hear his movement and turns her self around as he attacks her. She quickly blocks it with her rapier stopping his attack then sidestepping and removing her rapier from under his blade. (Sure)

The vanguard's face was now serious but his eyes flashed with a burning desire of competition he was enjoying this. As her rapier was removed from his spear he noted how smart she was to stay locked up or else his strength would have bowled her over.Tobias redirected yhe back of his spear to hit her left arm with the blunt side of the spear then brought it backward his spearhead burning brightly as he charged a sword skill "Tempest Wave" he called out as a flurry of stabs were sent her way wnding with another horizontal slash left to right to create some distance he jumped back afterward. "Show me more Aero!, Enough with this childs play!" He retorted as the crowd roared at their swordsmanship.

Aero blocked and dodged everyone of his attacks and smirks. "Well make me, i'll stop once I actually need to try harder." She replies simply with a smirk. That retort earned her a few 'ooos' and 'burns'. Her smirk grows as she advances forward. He was using my signature move against me with a twist.. Thats just stupid. Stabbing motions are my specialty especially since my rapier is made for those type of movements. She made sure to take note of how his speed had slightly increased from when they fought those monsters a bit ago.

Tobias made a *tch* sound "You will regret that" he stated lunging forward using his new speed stopping hard as he was within her range pulling his arm back launching his spear at her his strength parameters sending the spear flying at her with breakneck speed causing air to form around it. The crowd watched the weapon but Tobi ducked down going for a leg sweep kick doubling up with diagonal angled upward elbow. This was not his usual style but he had realized that range was not everything and close armed combat could be beneficial now he was bringing out a new repetoire Aero had not seen yet.

Aero smirks it worked and it worked well. That spear was moving impeccable fast however Aero had upped her speed and was faster than that spear. She quickly moves to the left slightly and dodges the spear, it was inches away from her and she was showing off now. She jumps up avoiding being tripped and kicked then shoots her left leg out and down kicking his elbow nullifying the attack. He did have a new style and now she has seen enough to half predict his movements. "Your easy, Blockhead." She says while still in midair. She then goes in for offense. Now Aero rarely used hand to hand combat let alone offense in general. In a split second she spun herself going in for a spinning kick, hoping to push him away or get him to lose his balance. When she lands she makes sure to point her rapier down so he cant trip her without getting cut. She then goes in for a quick and sharp uppercut to the jaw and feinted a side kick to his left side. Will he do what I think he will do next? Maybe either way Im ready.

Tobias was impressed and knew she had him in a tight spot. However her jibes had gotten to him. Doing something unthinkable Tobias stayed in place taking the blade through his arm then with his strength pulled upward yelling out in pain to throw her off balance. He then sent out a fist of his own to block the uppercut, moving quick he kicked at her chest then stepped back ripping the rapier out of his arm and throwing it behind him his eyes burning. Then he slowed his breathing as people thought he was done and then put out his palm of his working arm waving her toward him.

(Sorry i took so long was in meeting)

(Np and she would of pulled the rapier out if it sliced him, and was he actually in pain cuz there is no pain in sao xD ) Aero smirks a bit. The shout didnt effect her as she dodged the kick. Well that was daring. He did do what I predicted, what will be do now? Hmm.. How will he defend himself now? This is interesting. She doesnt come forwards though. "What now? Why have me come towards you?"

(He rps his character so no not really lol and sorry my mind is a million places didnt catch it sorries, So we will play as she still has her weapon)

"Only one way to prove we are on the same level Aero.... If you win, only then will I tell you" Tobias breathed his right arm hanging limply at his side as if it had been really messed up. Now it was his turn to strike although he had only one more trick. Others were booing him now calling him retorts and telling him to just pack it in. This made him smile, the plan had worked his friend he had made was in these players eyes in this singular moment something to notice. Not just someone to be feared or talked shit about but a worthy and famed person. Tobias' smile widened as he started stepping toward her slowly "If you win..." he repeated making almost a whisper as the crowd called for Aero to finish it. Tobias then broke into a sprint his speed faster than anything he had shown before jumping he flipped over the girl reaching for his spear all he needed was one hit a neck shot would do.

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Aero wasn't surprised at his speed but seeing him like that switched something on inside her. Something she hated and could only half control.. That something was what got her her name.. Her bloodlust. Her pupils became smaller as her whole look became a bit darker and more insane. She quickly turns around and hold her rapier tighter. "If I win.. There is no ifs." She replies, her tone cheerful in a creepy way yet completely dark. "Come attack me, i'll show the crowd the real bloodlust maiden." She says as some people began to back up at the sight of her 'other half'.

Tobias had reached his spear but stopped bearing the change in her tone. No he thought Not now. She had reverted Tobias had only seen this a few times and everytime it was not pretty. He simply sighed as his grip tightened around the shaft pulling the spear out of the ground. "Everyone step back" he called out to Everyone around as they backed off further he turned around meeting those ....eyes. His face was soft now as he poised his spear. The man kept his speed he would have to go all out. Charging his sword skill he attacked coming at her with his spear spinning his health gauge was halved from before and hers was still full. He had to end this soon. As he came close he fiented left then right pulling his blade back for a chest strike from right to left. The whole time his eyes on her hoping she would see him.

Aero, no the bloodlust maiden looks back at him with a smirk. She didnt react to the first feint from experience in previous battles. She however reacted to the second feint sidestepping to the left avoiding the feint, if it would of hit her, and catching his spear. His attack speed was faster than normal but slower than before from the hits he took. She shoves the spear back not before attempting to kick him hard in the knee. The bloodlust maiden wasnt keen on quick duels or anything, she just wanted to kill, slow and steadily. "Why look at me like that? Hm?" She asks almost mockingly with a slight purr. "Who do you expect me to see? Oh wait not me but the other me. A friend maybe? Or maybe even a lover?" She teased with a growing smirk.

Tobias brought the spear down ward blocking the knee then back up to hit her in the chin while simultaneously kicking out then pivoting on his foot coming off the ground for a round house kick with his left foot. "Your in there Aero fight it, Im on your side damnt this isnt you. Your the girl who loves to laugh and is always optimistic" he retorted as he fought on ignoring her demons taunts. This wasnt the girl he had played with.. not anymore now the real fight had begun. If the other attacks had not connected he would duck out to the right swinging around for a backfist to her head.

The bloodlust maiden let his spear hit her chin only slightly moving her head back. Though focussing on the kick that he did at the same time. She blocked that with her leg. Then caught his round house kick he sent towards her and threw his leg back. One thing changed, only one. Her new objectiv was to kill and to kill only, no longer just to win. "Save your breath, I come out when she cant handle the lust for vengence.. The yearning for those specific people to be dead... Her craving for their blood to be splattered on the ground and decorating the walls. I was created when those people took everything from her. And I plan on staying for as long as she lives. You cant erase just one memory so deal with it. The reason I stay for so long is because we both want the same thing, to kill, but she wants specific people and I dont care who it is." She explains while aiming to slice his leg.


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