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Fandom SAO; Other tales

morgans army

New Member
This will be my first rp to host, so bear with me!. The gist is an alternate world in Sword Art online. Simple stuff.

Check the overview for proper details.
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Morgan sat, legs crossed on a bench in the square of town. Most of the higher levels used this city, Vinni, on floor 72. It was a sort-of rally point. And the best place for Morgan to sell her wares; Intel. She wore a maroon cloak with the hood pulled up over her head, eyeing the passersby for someone to sell to.

Eventually she knew she had to give the info over to the clearing party, but for now she could make a few quick coins selling the location of the entrance to the dungeon for floor 76 to whoever looked foolish enough to tackle it solo.
Shizuri smirked as another person entered her store with a bag (well inventory) full of bits and bats that they wanted to sell or exchange to her, only for her as usual to end up not only getting the items but them getting nothing as well. This customer wanted to sell a bunch of items that he gained from levels 50 - 60 in exchange for an item she found on the 75th floor he put five items down for it all weapons but upon closer inspection, they weren't worth anything near the price she was charging so she said to double it getting a surprised look from the man, she then showed him the combined total of its worth compared to hers total and he was shocked or at least acted it. As such she demanded either three times the items or the rest of it in gold what she got was half and half with a little extra for the cost of her appraisal that's normally how all her sales went she would in a sense scam anyone who didn't know the real cost of an item.

Shizuri sighed that was her third customer in 30 minutes to say she was a red player or well an ex-red player she did run a good business even if half the people were scared of her. Shizuri finally shut her shop up it was still early days but she heard that the entrance to floor 67 was found and Shizuri being who she was wanted to be the first or one of them to get a shot at the room which meant she needed info and what better place to go than the hotshots at floor 72. Shizuri headed to the teleportation crystal and stood in it. "Floor 72, Vinni" She said and within a split process she was there.

Shizuri walked forward and looked around now...hmm...she had never needed information before so she wouldn't even have a clue what to look for, she had always been like the middle women never the first on a trend but never the last, however now she needed this information earlier than usual. She had an idea what better way to get this information than to just get everyone's attention. Shizuri moved out of the teleportation crystal before placing both her hands on her hips. "HELLO Everyone! now I know some of you lovely people out there have information regarding this discovery of the 76 floor entrance discovery...I want it oh and trust me money is no problem!" Shizuri shouted, now the big problem with this is the red mark above her head because of her intense player killing that stopped just over a year ago she has a red mark that she knows will stay for a long time.
Morgan smirked. She hadn't seen this new person making a spectacle of herself before. Another, lesser, info broker started toward her. Morgan stood and pulled her hood back and the other tactfully took a different direction. Morgan did a double take. Was it her intimidation that caused them to leave, or the potential client's bright red marker floating over her.

Morgan needed only a moment to weigh her options before deciding it wad worth the risk. "Hey, stranger. You realize what your asking for is incredibly rare intel right?" She eyed her hip reflexively, though she knew the stranger's money would be stored in inventory, "And...expensive"
Shizuri eyes narrowed as seeming three to four info brokers made their way towards the girl within seconds of her getting attention. She just stared at them as they all shouted different priced and within a second she clapped her hands. "Listen I'm not dumb...not one of you know where it is, you want to know how I know." Shizuri smirked as she moved her hair out of her eyes and began reading the groups weapons specs off. "All your weapons were fine until about this level but even trying the next level you would all need better gear so before you try con a con artist learn to play the game." Shizuri smirked as the group dismissed itself.

Shizuri just sat down and sighed if this was any other game she could just sit here and spam but this game was most definitely not any normal game she has learnt that the hard way after all she has possible killed nearly 250 real people that's like..terrorist level, she shudders at the thought. Shizuri's eyes flick up not long later at the sight of what seems to be another info broker...or someone trying to kill her because of what she has done either way was fine. She listened and found out that this women was an info broker instantly her eyes shot up and looked at the women's gear just from looking at it she was impressed.

Shizuri stood up and smirked as the women mentioned cost, she also noticed the women looking at her hips where normally a sword would reside but Shizuri didn't use a sword. "Money is no obstacle." Shizuri stated before smirking. "Only thing is I have one condition." Shizuri smirked this women's gear proved she at least could handle herself meaning this would work well in Shizuri's favour. "You have to show me to the entrance and if it's there I'll pay double the price if not you don't anything call it insurance." Shizuri said before once again smirking. "Plus you get to stare at me as we go if that isn't incentive I don't know what is." Shizuri said, as she spoke she placed one hand on her hip and two fingers onto her face one above and one below her right eye she quickly bent over and winked with her right eye. She had seen girls in anime do it and well it worked for them. Shizuri let out a small laugh as she stood back straight.
Trying incredibly hard not to laugh in surprise, biting back a smile Morgan said simply, "It's incredibly strange to double a number that doesn't exist."

Suddenly the comedy of the situation vanished as her eyes drifted away from the client's provocative stance back up to her red marker

'Does she plan to kill me out in the wild..?'. Morgan had enough money...but more was always welcome, and if this girl really was legit..

"Alright", she said "We have a deal. But I'm bringing my own protection. Nothing personal, but even the entrance to a new dungeon can be dangerous with high level monsters. Higher than 76, mind you"

Who to hire though? Morgan had an idea. What better protection from a red player than a red player...
Shizuri smiled she liked this women she had a good sense os business or so it seemed. Shizuri simply put her hands back on her hips and let out a small laugh. "Please numbers never stop so it has to be a number that exists." Shizuri said before she began looking around. She listened closely to what the women had to say next and let out a huge sigh another person who was scared of her red mark it seemed, she wasn't dumb this person's gear was made for fighting and high levels at that. Shizuri just nodded. "That's fine, I wouldn't expect you to walk in there naked, although that would be quite fun to see someone try and fight like that." Shizuri said before opening her inventory and spinning the page around to face the women, she pointed to the gold section. "Just making sure but is this enough?" Shizuri asked the amount of 00's there it may as well have been a new number and other than that her inventory was filled with all sorts of gear and other high-level items stuff that put other clearers to shame. Shizuri removed one of the two gauntlets she uses as weapons and moved her hand forward."You may call me Shizuri, that's also awkwardly my real name because well YAY for creativity." Shizuri said before quickly adding. "I know its like above our heads and everything but I like doing it this way better."
Morgan shook her head. This girl was something else. She really wanted to believe there was special circumstances regarding her red status.

Flustered, Morgan awkwardly tried accepting the trade offer and taking Shizure's hand at the same time, "I-I'm simply, Morgan" she said, somehow nervous, "And if this is really your offer then I'll show you the entrance, escort, whatever you want. And when I hear the clearing party is about to go clear it up of loot and monsters I'll even make sure you're the first to know!". Suddenly, she let go of her hand. She had been shaking it this whole time. She popped her hood up, embarrassed, as she sent a party invite to Shizuri.
'Hmm, it seems my little friend Shizuri has made another friend. That is definitely going to make things interesting...'

The whole time Kieran had been standing on the roof of a building that was quite far away from the delightful duo. Though he didn't spend much of his time on Vinni, he still knew it well enough to find some good stalking spots.

'Regardless, there's too many people here. I'll have to wait until they venture somewhere else.'

More than anything else, Kieran wanted to get this over with so he could go home. He promised himself that this would be his last job for today. His target didn't particularly look like someone who would PK, if anything, she looked the exact opposite. However, with the intensity of her red crystal, Kieran was starting to think that getting this job done was going to be way harder than it seemed. He didn't let that discourage him, however.

How could he? After all, he had a reputation to upkeep. He likely being called the most deadliest assassin in all of the floors. He shuddered just thinking about the headlines of the info packets "The Deadly Dead Man let one of his bounties escape, because... well... they were too cute."

Kieran knew better than anyone else not to judge a book by his cover, he had to, in his line of work. Deep down inside, he knew that as long as there are PKers and people who wanted them dead, he would be happy to oblige.

Especially after what they did to his family...
Shizuri smiled while watching the girl she seemed to struggle trying to shake her hand while accepting her invite it was quite funny to watch. Shizuri nodded as the girl finally had a name or at least one that she now felt comfortable calling her. Shizuri nodded although her plan would end up her most likely her knowing about the clearer party to be there first but extra information was always nice. Shizuri noticed as the girls removed her hand that she was shaking slightly which caused a sigh to escape her mouth as she slowly pointed above her to about the point where the red mark normally is. "There's no need to be scared of this let's just say I was younger stupid and well...in love maybe if your lucky and I get bored you'll get to hear the full story that might be worth something to someone." Shizuri said before she instantly turned around and looked about but she saw no one too suspicious she has always been watching her back waiting for someone to try and take her head after all, red mark normally means money to a lot of people. Shizuri looked down to the floor before staring at morgan. "You ready to go?" She asked before putting her gauntlet back on. "Or did you still need to find this protection, if so just call a bounty hunter or something they'll lend you a hand for a price or course they'll most likely try and kill me along the way."
Worried, Morgans brow furrowed. She hadn't considered that protection would probably end this girl if she did anything shifty. She resolved to handle whatever came up and brought up her menu, tapping on keys.

"I'm sending an open invite for an extra. We'll take off when we get at least one. Shouldn't take long since I offered a small chunk of your uh...generous payment"

Becoming suddenly serious, Morgan locked eyes with the other player, "If you are legitimate, then you've paid me and I will have your back, period"

She eased up and tried to casually steer Shizuri away from the growing crowd of curious eyes, using her Scan ability to keep a look out for whispering yellow players. "So what's up with the gauntlets? They don't look...bladed."
Shizuri simply nodded her head as she smiled she liked that idea better less chance a bounty hunter would join an open invite to a party with a red player in it after all that looks like a trap. Shizuri sniggered this girl definitely knew how to run a good info broker business she would have to remember her if she ever needed any more information. Shizuri quickly noticed the girls attitude change to a much more serious one and as such so did Shizuri's but she just simply nodded at what Morgan had to say she didn't need words to prove she was legitimate. Shizuri simply followed morgan for all she knew she could have been led into a trap but she doubted it. Shizuri stopped suddenly as her gauntlets were mentioned and she hit them both together. "What can I say I got bored of swords on like the fifth floor and switched to martial arts, I'm like one of the few players who enjoy getting up close and dirty and pounding the foes with my fists." Shizuri said before she let out a little laugh in the wrong context that could have sounded very wrong.
The context was completely lost on Morgan. But she was interested. She only personally knew one person who used unarmed, and they were still on guard duty on Floor 1.

"Not many people ever go that route. It can't be easy to find sword skills for that style of fighting. Come to me if you ever need a lead on some rare...down and dirty moves, per se?"

As she steered them into an open cafe she briefly changed the open invite to direct potential party members to join them at a table in the back to meet up.

Selecting a table, she turned to Shizuri and asked, "This alright?" she stopped herself from adding "I'll pay". This was a business. Not a date. Chivalry doesn't pay the bills.
Akemi sighed heavily as he made it back to the 72nd floor. His rusty brown hair was crazy from all the moving he'd been doing and his helmet didn't do him any good either especially since it got extremely hot inside of it..well his whole armor set did that to him but he did his best not to die of heatstroke if that was even a thing. "Why couldn't I have been an assasin or even a blacksmith those guys don't have to wear this god forsaken hunk of metal." He said quietly to himself as he opened up his inventory and removed his armor, only to be greeted with more casual clothing consisting of a pair of black pants and shoes and a blue vest over a white button down. "Ahh that's better." He smiled as he rolled up his sleeves a bit and made his way to a small cafe, upon entry he received a notification for someone wishi5to form a party and apparently he met their standards "Maybe..maybe." He said as he ordered a drink and made his way to one of the smaller tables and began to listen around since places like this were the best to find info since the npcs either let something slip or he'd over hear a fee players talking and right now their weren't many people around just a him and pair of girls in the back and the npcs 'working' or 'eating' so he decided to wait around a bit while he looked into this party notification as he looked through his messages and inventory.

He sat there in silence pondering over the thought and eventually found himself pressing the accept button on the screen in front of him and to his surprise the other two members were the ones that were sitting in the back of the cafe so he decided to approach them. With drink in hand Akemi made his way to the back of the cafe and gave the girls a greeting nod. "Hello ladies, I saw your party invite and figured that I might meet your requirements." He said while looking at the two. One of them seemed familiar but he didn't know from where and the other just seemed to be a rather innocent player who he just never met before.
Kai Takeshi Finally reaching floor 72 he looked around and saw that there wasn't much people around here. He sighed while hoping he could find some people to help him out with the new boss. Only to be encountered by one of his closest friends in real life. Ahri. He looked at the white headed girl under his hoodie and smiled a bit. "What are you doing up here shouldn't you be selling gear right now?" He said laughing a bit knowing she was a merchant. He looked at her and thought about something that came across his head. "Do you know any black smiths? I got to get my sword back in tip top shape." Kai said showing her the durability on his blade as it was only at 10%.

Ahri Kurosaki She hugged him tight as she stepped back in awe from seeing her closest friend. Sooner or later she was made fun of and her cheeks puffed up a bit as she got mad. "Maybe you should go slay some monsters idiot!" She said crossing her arms looking away from him. Once he brought up the blacksmith part and how low durability his blade was she looked at it. "How hard where you grinding? I noticed your stats rose a lot and you have a new hoodie like outfit." She said looking up and down at her new friend.

Kai Takeshi "Harder then you think." Kai said walking past Ahri knowing she'd follow him. "You see the thing is I needed more a better outfit to hide my face for all my Pk's..." He said silently, Kai knew all to well people can see he's a red player. For some reason Ahri was never scared when she saw Kai battle for his life against others and ended up killing them. He sat in a chair in the middle of the town as he sighed looking around. "Not a lot of people want to advance huh?"

Ahri Kurosaki She followed him and heard the whole story as they came to a stopping point and sat down. She looked around and shook her head. "Not many people like to come up here since it's harder then everyone thinks it is. So many people have died in this floor." She said sighing.

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