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SAO- Land of Elements Online

Noticing a window about sixreen feet up, he pointed it out. "we could get in there..." Vlad said stretching out his wings.
She nodded, and stretched hers out as well. "Right, that window..." Unless there was a wall, or an altitude limit... which would be a small one, now she thought about it. And then she took out a breath, and murmured the spell, her own body lifting up. "Umm... great. I just did this and I don't know how to fly." Said right before she started randomly shooting in various directions.
"woah there, untill you get more time to practice, why dont i fly us.....?" Vlad said, quickly dodging a rocketing saphire. then on the return trip, he caught her, holding her arms. "you might hurt yourself....."
"P-probably a good idea." She had shot past him, then got caught... and her hair kept moving for a bit. Now looking pink from her embarrassment, she just let him drag her around. THat had been a complete mistake on her part, she'd forgotten to ask about how to actually fly and had just assumed it would come naturally to her. Which, sadly, it didn't.
activating his own flight, Vlad held onto Sahire as they slowly made their way to the window and helped her in. "here you go." once she was in, he climbed in as well and looked around, whistling. "this place is nice....."
"Thank you...." She winced, lightly landing on the floor. And then she sat on the floor, taking in a few breaths. "Gonna need to practice a lot to get where I can do that on my own." Wouldn't do for him to always have to do that. Always. Every day. Every time. She shook her head, trying to keep the slowly rising unease, she wouldn't be able to move on her own, to be independant, from growing any more. And so she focused on the interior...
They were in what seemed to be a library, there had to have been hundreds of books on the shelves. Vlad stood up and then helped saphire up. "alright were in.....now what?"

great plan. pure genius.
She smirked almost, lifting the sleeves of her kimono up about halfway... "Now we get started. Normally I'm sure there's some kind of methodology we skipped, but... we're here, in a library..." A smirk on her face, and she approached the nearest bookshelf. "Where we can research whatever we need to know. As long as we can read it all...."
"im gonna leave you to that if you don't mind, I've never been good at reading, or at least reading quickly." Vlad said, walking around and looking at some of the books. "what kind of book do you want me looking for by the way?"
"Anything on the early history here." SHe told him, shrugging and taking out a few of the books from right now. "From the establishment of Lunaria and on, we need to find out about that portal... then we can go about finding out about that sky. Actually, prophecies would be good as well." And she opened the book... the words were unable to be read, but a window with text popped up for her again. Ok, that was good too.
After about 30 minutes of searching, Vlad came back with a stack of 10 or so books and set them on a table nearby to where saphire currently was. "i found these, sorry im not the reading type. i figured you could scan through them. have you found anything?"
She shook her head, having gone through three books already. "It's interesting, but for now I've found nothing on the portal. Just... records of laws and inventions and spells. Records, but no concrete information." She closed the book again, putting it on the pile. Just like a game, no real juicy bits just yet.... "What've you got there?"
"spells? anything useful?" Vlad asked, looking at the books she had set off to the side. "and i have a few history books that might explain something." he said, starting to seperate the books into piles.
"Not particularly. There's one for doubling the use of ingredients when brewing potions or making food, one for finding treasure in a forest, and one for in a cave, I don't quite get how they were different, but whatever." She told him, just grabbing another of her own books to continue looking. "A few more, but none of these spells were actual spells.... just records of them and where to get them. who made them, that sort of thing... like an index of sorts."
"ah ok." Vlad said, mildly disinterested. "you know, itd be easier if we found a NPC to talk to....." He said walking around aimlessly, looking at the books on the walls.
She looked up, nodded, and then said "Sorry, it would be easier. I just... saw all the books and fell into old habits. I'll finish reading the ones you gave me an then we'll go about looking for an NPC." It was only twelve books, wouldn't take her that long. Since she wasn't even really reading it, merely scanning for mentions of the portal or moons.
"alright. if you need me, ill be wandering around." Vlad said, as he continued his walk around the library. then when he saw a comfy looking chair, he fell into it. "or maybe not......... " he said as he passed out in the chair. (passed out=fell asleep)
She continued to scan the books, ignoring the occasional sense that something was missing, and closed the books calmly when she was finished. It appeared that he was right, they would need to go and deal with an NPC. She ignored the urge to wince, growl, or otherwise react badly to it. Talking was something she could handle, even if she didn't like them. So. Right. Up and walking in search of him... only to find the man lightly snoring in a chair near her. And cue facepalm.
Vlad snores loudly in the chair, obviously fast asleep. a butterfly fluttersin through the window and lands on his nose. he doesnt wake up.
She lifted her head to look at him, only to bring the other hand up as well, and then to sigh. Waking him up would be a BAD-IDEA. So, she decided to just grab a few random books, look into them, and let him rest for a little bit... maybe they could go back down when it came time for him to wake up, go to an inn, and leave for school. It would, of course, make sense for him to have to leave when he woke up, and it wasn't like she had anything to do that day.
Vlad was sleeping peacefully, but when the butterfly flitted off his nose he suddenly woke up. "huh who what where when and your still not done?" he said, noticing that she had sat down with another book.
"I was waiting for you to wake up." She told him, shrugging and closing the book. That hadn't taken very long... barely a few minutes. Though, now would be a good chance to tell him to get some sleep... he had fallen asleep in a random chair after all. "It must be late where you are, why not go to an inn and get some sleep? I'm sure we can pick this up again tomorrow."
"meh.....i dont sleep much anyway.....besides, i wanna explore some. maybe fight some monsters." vlad said, getting himself up out of the chair. "ready to go then?"

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