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Realistic or Modern Salvation

( dont be worried little girl i wont harm u * hides knife behind me)

He laughed madly, his scare now visible, " You sure a odd one, forgive me! YOU! would forgive me! what would that forgiveness be for?", he now knew that the girl was scared and that he must be attracting the attention of the zambies by his laugh it surely was immature of him but in this age a laugh was a true bliss, he slowly took a step back as if trying to the girl's fear off. He kept the pistol into is belt and slowly walked toward the edge of the roof grabbing the remote, " Well i think i might as well trust you, chivalry is still a thing at least for me " he said with a sigh, " So rue you want to leave in the rain itself? I for a bit maybe entertain me?" he asked scratching his chin as he looked above watching the rain turning furious and fast. " If needed i can drive the brain-less zambies away, and we may have shelter from the storm that approaches he said with a wink. ' after all a little entertainment can't be bad ' he though to himself as he picked the sniper to his back, his eyes were now not facing rue as he glared down the roof towards the area that surrounded them
During these events, Rei was fiddling with his radio. "...hello?" He whispered, trying to track down the reception he had once got before. Pressed for time, he tried to recall exactly what the message sounded like. Leading back in a chair and clutching his meager supplies in one hand, he rapidly taped his pointer finger on the edge of the chair. "There should be an FRID on the radio, so the fact that I did not see any specific location for the frequency probably means that they are more than 100 meters away. Bearing in mind the gun, and the fact Mau said he has identified the sniper's position... its likely that he will be expecting us there soon. Though it is entirely possible someone else has already made there way there or befriended them....we will have to weave through the buildings avoiding sight. Use silenced weapons or melee weapons to reduce noise, and find a window for us to sneak in through in order to safely confirm the hostility of the sniper and/or his co-ordinates..." Rei ran the situation through his head, "if thats impossible to achieve, i always have my explosives...this launcher is weighing me down anyway," Rei then raised his voice, "Yo. Are you to ready to get out of here? We will be undead crap in a matter of days if we dont get out of here soon!"
standing up, putting his shotgun on his back and pistol in his hand "Hell yeah, i thought we'd never get goin'."
Adrian hears Rei yell and she immediately jumps off of the bed and runs downstairs. "I'm ready." She states. She puts the picture of her and her girlfriend back in her pocket. She grabs her crossbow which was hanging off of her shoulder.
peering out the window and slightly opening the door "So we're going back to where i saw the sniper?" his expression on his face is curious but confident
takes a deep breath "Alright, it's north of here" stepping out of the house and pointing to the closer of the two cities "There, it's not far"
"I see, maybe i misjudged the distance," Rei sighed, "at any rate, be careful... we have eough attention on us right now as it is," Rei assmed positio to follow Mau.

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"I don't know what you take me for but if anyone will be entertaining anyone it will not be me, got that?" Rue said, her voice at once hard. She wasn't so sure if he was telling the truth about the chivalry part. But already the rain was soaking her and she didn't want to risk her precious silk getting ruined, it was so hard to find pretty things these days, so she started toward the door without another word. At least inside there was plenty of rooms and the chance that she could lose herself, and possibly him, in one of them. Suddenly the whole day crashed in on her and she just wanted to find somewhere safe where she didn't have to worry about the Undead finding her or strange men with guns shooting her in the back. But that was all but impossible, wasn't it?

(@divyansh, Like I'd ever believe a Bambi hater >.>)
"damn skippy..." he starts walking at a moderate but assertive rate "keep up, not too close though. Just in case they see us coming."
Rei held his sword in one hand, surpressing the noise of his supplies with the other. He kept a moderate distance between Mau and he as Mau had said. With teamwork like this, the safety in Salvation almost seemed like a joke.
"well it seems its time for us to depart" he said pulling his gun out and pointing at her, " I was hoping you would be different, now i wont have any entertainment" he said with a sigh pulling the trigger. He laughed loudly on the surprised face of the girl as the gun was not having any bullets, "Well my friend the strongest weapon is the mind, and the weakness of all is the imagination" he said pressing a button on the remote causing a explosion 5 blocks north causing all the zambies to rush towards that direction, "want me to escort you down?" he asked as he loaded the pistol with a clip this time and cocked it. Then he reached for a flash light and he walked towards a little tent at the back of the entrance to the roof, He dropped all the stuff there, " well I think i can trust you" he said with a smile, " I am repairing a vehicle to escape this city soon", he was fast to say so but still feared if his trust was wrongful
Adrian nods her head. She hears an explosion not far off and she pauses for a split second. "Was that one of you causing that?" She asks, praying to God that it was.
he shakes his head "No..." his eyes narrow and he listens for more sounds "you said you have explosives?" he asks Zero
"I have them," he replied waving his launcher in the air. "I'd rather be careful using it though
"well, only if we need them, i want you use them." he smirks hoping that they need to use them "I always loved fireworks"
Before he turned around his eyes was caught by little movement in the south, surely a sniper had eyes like that of a eagle, though he wondered if any eagles still remained, verily he thought them to be extinct and so a descendant of the eagles. " WAIT! The town is not empty" he yelled to the girl as he pulled out his binoculars He viewed towards the subs yet again, while cloths getting drenched in the rain, a small puff, a white cloud came through his mouth as he exhaled a deep breath, his heart beating fast as he saw three figures, and he was not sure but maybe a projectile weapon. His eyes turned red in fury as he looked back at the girl, " Betray eh? little one?" he said with great anger as he aimed the gun at her yet again, this time pointing between her eyes, " So it was a double bluff!" he yelled,he always had hate for those who lied or took the path of trickery. 
( @deepwoods where art thou)
"yeah, good idea" he picks up the pace of his steps as they are now entering the park where he saw the sniper last "He was on that building last" he points to the tall building from the rock he hid behind

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