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Realistic or Modern Salvation

( =-= dude its like 50 or more floors ._. and the door chained cmon atleast take a little time e-e, realism dude its the fault of reailty)
"Me, funny? Never." Rue replied, her voice dripping sarcasm. It was hard to push down her anger at having her weapons taken but just as soon as it had happened a moan drifted up from the stairs and then he had released her to lock the door once more. Seeing an opportunity she quickly scooped up her weapons, drawing one blade but leaving the other be. "You do know it won't leave, right?" she asked, eyeing his dropped weapons but not making a move to take them. There didn't seem a point, he could overpower her easily enough even if he lacked his knife and gun. "You kill it or it attracts others, that's just how it goes. If you want me to do the honors I'm perfectly willing." she offered, not moving but still holding one sword drawn.

(@divyansh, You shouldn't throw bugs at people, they may just have to get you back when you least expect it >.> And sorry I take so long to post, I'm just naturally slow :P )
"That was rather honorable " he said without turning his head as he grabbed his knife and his her arm reached for his gun, " good to know you don't stab a person behind his back, and well I can camp here for a whole year if needed, so the zambie wont be a problem" his head slowly tilting back, he was a little surprised as he saw no weapon pointing at him, he took a breath of relief. " if you want to stay here u know that you must pass that weapon to me" demanded in a rather forceful tone, he could not trust her maybe she might slay me in my sleep, so he had to remain cautious. He began to turn around, " So better through the sword to the side" he said with a awkward expression after all he knew that there is a very low chance she would agree after all she has the upper hand, ' I cant fight a katana with a knife' he thought to himself hoping that she will agree, as being submissive was not Aragorn's favorite task 
( dont worry u took time i was practicing on my synthesizer, i dont mind a nice rp *^*, though try to take about 10 min if u could, i would go soon that why)
Clearing the house, he decides to stay for the night, boarding up the door he kicked in and sitting at its entry point. "Gotta get to the second city tomorrow morning" Though it was only early evening, Jason would rather secure a house earlier than later. He wonders the house taking account of all the supplies he has and what he needs "i need medical stuff..."
Rei clutched his pistols tight as he broke down the door to the next house he was scavenging. He swiftly tossed his head to both sides, scanning for any immediate danger. Convinced there were no living dead in the house, he lowered his guns and checked for supplies "some canned beans, and some detergent..." he checked his loot as he exited the house. "...i suppose it'll do for now." He surpressed the noises of his footsteps as he creeped along the worn-down concrete with not particular destination in mind. Pillaging house after house finding only meager supplies of foods and other household objects he deemed somewhat useful, he came upon a house with boarded up doors. "The family here must have known what they were doing..." he muttered feeling the wood. "These boards were put up relatively recently. It is possible there is a survivor in here..." Rei's brow furrowed as he contemplated his options. He could knock, yes, but he did not know who was inside. He weighed the costs and the benefits in his mind as more and more doubts seeped their way into his internal confliction. Ultimately, his curiousity got the better of him as he decided to ring the doorbell on the door, hopefully relaying the message that he was not undead.
Hearing the doorbell ring in the house "The hell?" he cocks his shotgun and approaches the door "Uh...who is it?" he face palms himself at the stupid question.
Pausing for a moment, Rei mocked, "an undead bastard," in his monotone voice loosing the sarcasm he intended to convey almost entirely. "I have some food. Hungry?" He asked almost in a whisper now, as if trying to hide his voice to anyone else who might want some of the food.
Sees the young kid. the sky getting darker. "Starving" Pulling him into the house and closing the door "You got weapons? Friends?" Looking out the window for followers of the kid
Rei looked left and right when he entered the door somewhat confused. "Uhhh, no friends. But i have food. And uh... weapons, yes. Though i dont suppose you wanted to fight," Rei grew slightly less tense. "You are?"
"no, just making sure you aren't gonna try anything... What are you doing here?" closes the blinds weapon, not aimed at him, but toward his general direction "I don't want trouble"
"I don't particularly know nor do I think I'll ever have an answer for that," he sighed moving across the room abruptly. "I doubt you do either. Its the apocolypse. None of us really know what we are doing. But I do know I won't cause you trouble," he yawned taking a seat. I'm on a quest for survivors. Interested in tagging along? Theres nothing better to do here anyways"
"true and yeah sure...why the hell not?" he chuckles slightly taking a seat near him "You got a name?" his gun now propped against the wall.
"You can call me Zero, for simplification..." he leaned back, trying to relax in the ever so tense environment of the end of the world. "And you? I will assume you do indeed have a name."
"...I heard a radio broadcast," Rei rested his chin lightly on his right hand, "I intend to look for where the signal was coming from. Judging solely by the sound, I deduced it was somewhere high in the air. Furthermore, the altitude was rather high. Whoever broadcasted it is armed and i suspect it is likely a trap but...might as well look, yknow?"
Adrian walks along one of the roads, sighing to herself. She contemplates everything that has happened since all of this started. She didn't know where her parents were, her sister was in another state because she was a Marine, and she got separated from her girlfriend. "This is just perfect." She says sarcastically as she sees a small horde of zombies. A group of maybe 4 or 5. Her eyes scan over the zombies trying to figure out if there was any way around them.
"earlier today some manic look like they were gonna shoot me...they were on top of a building... Now that you say that...he must have been the one broadcasting. Nevertheless, I agree. If it was the guy who i saw today, he's armed...and smart too. I don't have a long range wepon so i couldn't have even stood a chance so i booked it." he sits upright n his chair "We could go back tomorrow morning" he can hear the undead moaning outside of the house, he grips his shotgun and smiles at the sight of darkness 
"where are you taking this 'group' that you acquire?" tilts head curiously
"Are you familiar with Salvation?" Rei woke an intense face. "Its hope for everyone. I plan on evacuating everyone I can there. But first and foremost, I believe there is a problem outside..." Rei sighed as he got up. "I think I will deal with them...care to join?"
Adrian quickly looks around. "Damn it!" She mutters to herself as she sees no way around them. She notices a rock a few feet away from herself and she reaches for it. She throws the rock to one side of the group and their attention is quickly turned away from what they were doing and on the rock. Adrian smirks and quickly makes her way around them, though she stumbles and accidentally kicks another rock. The zombies attention is immediately turned back to her and she silently curses herself for her stupidity. She takes out her sword and starts to run down the street.
"That's where i'm heading as well. Good to know someone else believes in this place. And i'd be delighted to" smiles and jokingly bows, pumping his shotgun "Let's go."

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