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Realistic or Modern Salvation

Closes and locks the door behind Zero who is the last to enter "I didn't catch your name" shoving the door closed "damn thing..." he says quietly cursing at the door
"yeah, i woke up this morning thinking i was the only person in this city...then one tried to kill me, i think. Then Zero came knocking on my door...then you." smiles awkwardly and nods
Rei awkwardly perked up at the sound of his name. It had been awhile since he had heard it out of someone else's mouth...years even. Evoking memories of his past, Rei silently thought of Salvation, hoping that for godssake it was real.
Jason hears a large group of the undead outside, as he looks out he can't help but blame himself "Stupid..." he says looking at his shotgun "Sorry guys...i guess we gotta stay here at least until they pass...there's too many of them..." he says quietly scolding himself
Adrian bites her lower lip and runs her fingers through her hair. She sits down on a near by chair and pulls out a picture of herself and Shannon. Adrian was standing, facing the camera and Shannon was behind her, her chin resting against Adrian's shoulder and her arms wrapped tightly around her waist.
"hey, don't worry. We'll get movin' as soon this is over. We just gotta wait it out a little longer" he stands at the window hoping that the undead are somehow magically swept away, off the street, giving them time to make a dash for the city. He sighs knowing it wont happen and keeps his eye trained on the slowly movie group of wandering undead "funny how they stay in such tight groups"
Adrian looks up and smiles sadly. "I'm worrying. A lot. I don't think anything you say or do will make me stop worrying until we find her." She says softly. "And yeah. It's weird."
"yeah, any of the room basically. There's one downstairs and two smaller ones upstairs." points in the corresponding directions and stays facing the front door, pistol in hand "i got the door"
Adrian nods and goes upstairs. She picks the closest room and walks in, closing the door, and laying down on the bed.
Humming 'Home' by Edward Sharpe and keeping a close eye on the door and an ear on the creatures outside, he can't shake the feeling that something big is going to happen soon. he sighs "I hate this..."
Adrian sighs and her eyes begin to tear up. She looks at the picture again. "Please be safe..." She murmurs.
Rue couldn’t help but smile as she listened to the man speak, suddenly it had become obvious to her that he saw her as a threat. Of course the sword she still had out could be the cause of that, but the lack of his gun was no doubt also a cause of his uneasiness. “If I didn’t know better I’d think you were serious.” Rue replied, her voice measured. She still held her sword at the ready, the moans from below still present, but she didn’t point it at the man nor did she make a move to take the gun. “And who said I wanted to stay here anyway? I was just sightseeing.” Rue began, pausing to tuck a rogue strand of hair behind her ear as she regarded the man with growing interest. “I really should get going now; you know, the whole “I came, I went, I conquered” thing, however that goes. But you get the point, don’t you? As much as I’d love to camp here for a year or however long your supplies will hold out one moan means more moans and I’d rather not take my chances. Oh, and for the record I don’t “throw” my swords anywhere.” She finished, risking a step towards the door, somehow getting away without voicing her true fears that he couldn’t be trusted. These days nothing could be trusted, and an act of goodwill was certainly a trap disguised behind seemingly good intentions.

(@divyansh, Well this time I do have an excuse for taking so long to post, I couldn’t get my computer to pull up RpNation for the longest time >.<)
The very moment he reached for the gun, and took a deep breath of relief, as he fell on his back, now pointing the gun directly at the girl's temple. " I don't think i can let u leave like that, at least not alive. You know far too much, maybe little girl has a band who are ready to raid" he said in a comical voice. he surely feared that if she was part of some group and was verily just a scout sent to find more people, people to be murdered and their stuff stolen afterwards. It had not been long since he had heard a gun shot, Aragorn was convinced that the shot was from the south, in the direction of the subs, also the direction from which this lady had came. " Well i have a plan for escape and would rather not have you or if any any of your fellows interrupt my plans" he said in a low tone, his brain was now running the only thought that needed discussion was to take her down for good or not, if she were to be killed right now it would decrease the complications that Aragorn might face in the future drastically but then again she might as well be skillful and so helpful. He kept thinking waiting for her to reply, he was sure if she would come too close shooting her would be the only way out.

( @deepwoods its no problemo, i was sleeping most of the time xD )
The gun pointed at her head successfully wiped the smile off Rue's face but she didn't allow panic to set in yet, he hadn't shot her yet which meant he didn't necessarily want to kill her. She had to work with that knowledge in mind, but of course also the knowledge that he had pointed a gun at her and obviously knew how to use it. "Well if you plan on having me leave without my weapons then you might as well have given me a death warrant. You with your gun you are so quick to aim know just as well as I do how precious a weapon is. Maybe I do have a little band of merry men awaiting me, maybe not; it's your bluff to call. But do know that I take offense at being called 'little girl'" Rue said, huffing indignantly, wanting to say more but holding her tongue as her eyes remained locked on the gun. "If you plan on shooting that thing then get it over with all ready, this wait is killing me." Rue couldn't help but add in sarcastically.

(Well I'm glad to hear you kept busy xD )
It was not long till the importance of saving ammo popped in his mind, " well i don't need to kill him, i have my ways of dealing with these pesky zambie" he said with a grin, " well that might not be a bluff, i verily am saved looked in my fortress am i not? " he asked the woman, as he slowly got up the gun still pointed at her, " for some reason i doubt i feel safe leaving u alone with your weapons and your merry men, nor do i wish to call the zambies for a tea party by shooting you" he said as the conflict began to take over, a little panic he could sense inside of him. It was flowing into his nerves even his hand was trembling a little now. He knew that he was safe here but if the girl was to cause any trouble then it would simply mean complications and maybe a success for her band to enter in the roof and maybe even putting a end to the misery that my life was, he would have never given up on his life for some personal reasons and always kept fighting even if it was hard, as he never wanted to die a coward, a loser! soon he began to keep his knife in the pocket, " Well you may not leave for a week as it can be dangerous for me, but well till then I think what I can do with you, Oh little girl"he said with a sneer at his face as he tried to anger her by calling her 'little girl' yet again.

He slowly walked towards her quarter of a step at a time, never getting in the range of her sword. Soon a drop of rain fell at his nose and he lost his concentration, rendering his aim near the ear.

( u cant run though the door is chained e-e, maybe i shall make u my hostage muahahaha)
"Okay, forget the merry men; that was a bluff, I admit it. I'm not Robin Hood. And I can't take you seriously when you talk about my acclaimed "merry men"." Rue said with a smile, she couldn't stop herself from throwing in the merry men part before, besides she thought he'd call her bluff without a second thought. Humans were so rare these days and a group even more so. "The name's Rue by the way, so you don't have to sound so pitiful when you call me "little girl" anymore. Really, it shows a lack of imagination on your part." she said nonchalantly, not missing his subtle advance towards her. If the lock on the door and gun in his hand had been absent she would have made a run for it but that option wasn't there. Instead she consoled herself by tightening her grip on the hilt of her sword.

(And what then? You won't be getting any ransom, that's for sure :P )
( but but but Q-Q what about torturing her torture is fun slowly clipping the fingers slowly peeling the skin <~ feels like a sadistic creep now,)

"rare name little girl" he said with a laugh then giving a bigger laugh as he thought that all names are rare now-a-days, after all no one calls zambie by a name, well the paradox didn't apply to the crazy nuts who might be giving names to the zambie, " Well well, r...ue" he said pronouncing it awkwardly for entertainment purpose, " How can i suppose this is not a double bluff and how may i be certain you won't leave with a vendetta?" he asked as his eyebrow went up forming a arch, ' should I take her hostage for the week, after all it would be prepared in that much time, but still i don't think it would be safe, will it? if i am to let her go and she is bluffing yet again she might come back in a group and be aggressive i doubt a girl with such fine silk clothing and a katana would be wandering alone' he debated on the reasonable doubt that she was a danger and was just acting in a docile way to fool him, " If it is not a problem to you oh milady would you mind staying here for a week?" he asked hoping for this matter to end here otherwise it might be troublesome. He moves now close enough to grab her but close enough into the range of the sword.
"I'm flattered, I truly am." Rue said beaming, her enthusiasm exaggerated. "As much as I wish that was a double bluff it isn't. You're really giving me too much credit." she said, wanting to take a step back from him but resisting. She didn't want to look weak and if things did go terribly wrong at least she'd go out without turning, that at least would be a blessing. "I'm afraid it is a problem for me to stay here for a week though, terribly sorry about that. Like I said I have places to go, people to see, and all of that. And I don't know about you but I really don't enjoy being stranded on a roof for a week, just one of my odd qualities I suppose. But maybe we could compromise? How about you let me go without a fuss and I'll forgive you for the many insults you've thrown my way? Really, the world ends but that's no excuse to forget all about common courtesy..." Rue said, her voice trailing off at the end as her mind raced to think of a way to get out of this predicament. She was in deep this time.

(You're starting to worry me...)

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