Sacred Forest<3

-flies back into the hallow and sees Nichole and tries to wake her up seeing something was wrong or she was having a terrible nightmare- Nichole? a-are you okay? -uses her wing not wrapped in cold ivy to touch Nichole on the forearm slightly-
Um... You woke up talking your mother leaving you.... do you want to talk about it or leave it be -looks at her with a questioning and concerned look-
-looks at her- are you okay? -touches her head and feels it being a bit to warm- oh my, I'll make some tea -makes some berry tea and gives it to Nichole in a little wooden cup carved from her own talons a long time ago-
-sighs and tells Nichole even if Nichole was asleep....- I'm going out hunting, b-be right back -takes a second glance at Nichole and goes to hunt for an hour-
-comes back after hunting with 2 voles, and 3 mice hunted- Alright I'm back -sets down her kills and comes near Nichole- You feeling any better now?
-gives a mouse to Nichole and makes another warm berry tea for her to drink- Now drink slowly this time, It'll help if you drinking a little slowly this time 
-slowly gives her the berry tea trying to keep it warm-

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