Sacred Forest<3

-comes in slowly as her talons clack against the wood of the hole and looks around- Cool -churrs as if to laugh happily- I'm very great full to meet someone that is not a jerk and is very generous. every single owl I met.. eyiyi! they are so unkind -churrs to laugh-
-looks around and then goes outside on the branch just outside the hole/home/hallow (whatevz you call it ^-^) and flaps her wings once as they stretch out as long as a human's arm span and looks over at Nichole- You mind if I go hunting for a little bit?
Alright -churrs as if to giggle, then she jumps off the branch, spreads her wings and flies in the forest and uses her amazing hearing to sense something, it was a mouse... she swoops down with her talons extended and in one single snatch... grabs the mouse with her talons and kills it in mid-flight and she beats the air currents and flies back up again and spots another presence, this time it was a vole. She swoops down once more in a silent spiral, captures the vole, flies up again and kills the vole in her talons. After an hour of hunting she flies back to the hole/home and spirals into the opening without hitting anything and lands on her talons with a small THUD.- ahh there we go -churrs as if the laugh-
-put her wings to her sides and then sighed- this is nice, being able to actually talk to someone and not be..... -stops to change her mind about talking about it- well never mind let's just eat -churrs to laugh then eats her prey that she caught on the hunt-
-smacks her beak a few times and sighs- well, I'm going to go and practice my flight a little bit. Would you like to come? -tilts her head as if to question as her heart shaped feather rim stays straight (idk why i added that detail, don't ask... I'm weird, i like to post random stuff that isn't important to their movement or action sometimes :T) 
-waits for her answer-
Alright, race you down to the ground -goes up to the branch outside of the home/hole and spreads wings- 3, 2, 1, Go! -she jumps off the branch and waits to spread her wings until she gets really close to the ground as she has her wings folded with her going down quickly, face and beak first and then, inches from the ground, she spreads her wings and glides to a nearby branch and comes to a stop as she lands on the branch and takes her balance :) -

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