Sacred Forest<3

-tilts her head and thinks: Powers?! She has Powers??? I never knew that O-o. Goes off into the air and practices her flight skills and she loops in the air and dives down and lands on a branch but hurts her talons a bit- Ow... I gotta work on that -tries to work on it and keeps trying but she can't seem to figure out a trick, she flies down to the ground and ponders for a minute when she suddenly sees a human-like shadow appears over her, her bright yellow eyes widen and as soon as she turns around they grab her by her wing and inject a sleeping medication into me, I give out a loud screech then fall asleep as they put me into a cage.... (uh oh... humans are involved eyiyi! xP)
Nichole's ears perked up and she ran to the direction of the scream. She saw a human and her eyes turned red. fire swirled around the human.
-I wake up to the sounds of human screams and see a human burning to death, I can barely move and I cannot fly at all right now- Huh? - I see that I'm in a cage and I don't remember anything that happened to me at all- Ah!! How did I get in here?!? 
-tries to break the metal cage door with her talons but cannot and I let out a screech of anger and that makes the human turn to me and say something in an angry voice in which I don't understand- 
-the human drops me in the cage on the ground and that hurts my wings a little bit- Ow! -I felt like screeching in the human's ear and deafening them then killing them- 
(Imma go, I'll be back on tomorrow, bye yullen :P )
the attack killed the human instantly and Nichole shrunk back to normal and her claws glowed. ''stand back winter...THUNDER CLAW!'' her eyes glowuing yellow as she cut the bars of the cage.
-steps out of the cage quickly and tries to fly but feels to week- I-I can't fly right now, I guess we could go on paw or talon as I presume -churrs to laugh a bit and sighs since she is disappointed that she cannot fly right now-
-nervously she says...- Alright -climbs onto her back, trying not to dig her talons into her back and lowers a little knowing they are about to move someplace else-
(alright just making sure) -lifts up her wing and stretches it out enough so that Nichole could see it- Do you see anything wrong with my wing? -tilts her head-

(gtg bye, brb later)
-hums and then sees the day and yawns- My my look at the sun -sighs as Nichole finishes wrapping her wing in the cold ivy- I better get some rest.(like good night but for nocturnal animals :P )
Yeah... - goes outside and perches on the branch above the hallow/home/hole and says loud enough for Nichole to here- Good Light Nichole -tucks her head under her wing as the sun rises and she falls asleep-

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