Sacred Forest<3

-She is still very young since her mother and father got killed by humans so she stays in the shadows to stay away from anyone dangerous, like humans.... She stays in the shadows and spots another cat, a fawn, and an owl and takes a step in the shadows and a twig snaps and she lowers more to the ground-

-Winter looks at Tobi and then Nichole and looks away blushing, she realizes she made a weird face- So you guys know each other already? I me- -she hears a twig snap nearby and uses her amazing hearing and vision to look around and sees no one, then looks closer in the shadows to see an outline of a small cat and looks over at Nichole and whispers- Do you see that?
Tobi turned around quickly and noticed the cat. "Aww, it's just another kitty."
-Tama puts her ears back and her eyes show and looked as if they glowed as the sunlight hit her eyes. The owl flies toward her and she backs away into the darkness of the shadows to where she was barely visible- -Winter leans in a little closer- It's okay, no one will hurt you -Tama comes out slowly as the owl backs a way a little bit and comes into the sunlight, as her dark black coat shines a little bit and her stripes stand out, although she stays low to the ground, looking like she was scared of something- -Winter looks at her with kindness.- Would you like to come over there? -she points her wing towards Nichole and Tobi- 
-Tama looks at her with her large and dark yellow eyes- S-Sure -walks with the owl over to Nichole and Tobi but stays at a distance and in the grass. She was so tiny compared to Winter-
-stays low in the grass and looks at them and flicks her fluffy black, grey, and white tail back and forth and says a little scared- My-My name is Tama -she says really quietly and blushes a little and the grass hides her nose and all anyone could see was the top of her back, tail, and her forehead and eyes- 
(dude Tama is really tiny, like half Nichole's size, tiny <3)
(Yup ^-^) -Winter looks at the poor kitten and introduces herself- I'm Winter, It's nice to meet you Tama. -Tama smiles a little but stays in the covers of the grass since she was still nervous since she didn't know any of these animals (I was about to say people xD )-
(Something I totally would do. xD ) Tobi yawned and lowered himself to the ground. He was very tired. He rested his head on the ground and closed his eyes.
-Tama gets up a little and looks at Nichole and thinks: wow I'm small. well, at least there is another cat. She looks at Nichole and smiles a little as she walks over to Tobi and looks at him as he closed his eyes and she felt bored so she darted to a tree like a squirrel and lies down on a branch with her tail hanging down and Winter flies up next to Tama-
Tobi opened his eyes, and watched, disappointed, as Tama made her way up the tree.
-Tama looks behind her and smirks as she bounds off that tree branch and clings to the next one that was a foot away perfectly and walks on it like it was nothing then climbs down the tree quickly and giggles-

-Winter watches in amazement- wow.. what a smart kitty -Tama looks at her and whines since she was just a young kitten- Don't call me kitty, I hate that -Tama sighs and lies down into the grass, the grass almost concealing her so she was barely able to be seen, she also lay down in the shadows so then it was really hard to see her, Winter thinks: wow, for such a small kitten she sure is smart about camouflage-
H-Hi -she again stayed in the shadows but after a while she came out into the sunlit area and flicked her fluffy tail back and forth once again, then gained confidence to wave with her paw-
nichole smiled then heard a twig snap behind her. she turned and saw a dog and they growled at each other circling. nichole let out a loud hiss before jumping the dog. they gave bite for bite swipe and kick.
they were fighting hard and the dog kicked nichole into a tree. she let out a loud yowl and limped back into the fight. the dog yelped as nichole bit into his back.
Tobi jumped up and bleated. "Hey, you stupid, mean dog! Leave her alone!" He said, gathering his courage.
the dog ran at tobi. nichole stood up weakly her legs shaking and her eyes glowed a pale blue. spears of ice went through the dog killing him instantly. Nichole then collapsed her breathing labored.

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