Sacred Forest<3

-Tama smiles and walks over to Tobi and puts her paw on his leg- You know, you out of all animals (almost said people again xP).... I bet you will be the best dear in the forest some day -she smiles and extends her claws and climbs up a small tree and lays down on a branch and swishes her tail back and forth-
Tobi smiled, his confidence gaining a good boost. "T-Thank you."
-Tama smiles- Well, I bet it's true. My Ma once told me. White lies seem pleasurable, but once they know it isn't true. It wasn't wise to start out with it in the first place. They will end up knowing the truth over time. -she smiles then remembers her Mother and then sees the memory that showed her mother being killed and so her father too in front of her very eyes and looks away- Excuse me for a moment, I 'll be right back -walks off slowly and climbs up a tree to a high branch and sheds a tear and says to herself so no one could here her- oh Ma, Why must you not be here today? -she sheds another tear-

-Winter keeps helping Nichole and she churrs to laugh- there we go! -then she hears Tama go up the tree but doesn't know that something was wrong and continues to help Nichole-
Tobi tilted his head, not quite grasping Tama's abrupt exit. He settled down on the ground, staring up at the tree.
-Tama looks down at the forest grass, all beautiful and misty with light touching down on it, she imagined her and her mother walking around and telling jokes, hunting together, having her mother stay by her side and she silently cries with her face dug into her paws as she stayed on the branch-
-she looked down as she clings to the branch tightly as Tobi was right there next to the tree she climbed up. She was 10 to 12 feet off the ground and she climbs back down and sighs- Okay I'm back -she smiles and pretends like nothing happened-
-Tama sighs and flicks her tail back and forth and stands in the grass and looks up at Tobi- Thanks -she smiles and tries to forget what she was thinking about earlier-
Tobi followed the movement of Tama's tail with his eyes. "You're welcome."
nichole smiled gratefully at winter. she looked down at tama and got an idea. "ok water."a light shower of rain fell."and light." a ball of light flew up and shinned making a beautiful rainbow.
-Tama looked up at the beautiful rainbow and smiles- Wow.. -she looked at it with her dakr yellow eyes, zoning out of the world and into the rainbow's beautiful colors then back into the world again and she smiled and laughed a little bit prances around all jumpy and happy-
Tobi watched Tama and smiled. She looked like she was enjoying herself, and he loved it when others were happy.
nichole smiled and her ears perked up. "hm?"looking around. "i thought i heard something..." then she looked up and her eyes glowed a golden color as she zoomed in on the object in the sky...a helicopter. "guys go hide now!"
Tobi bleated, his tail lowering. He ran into the underbrush, raising his tail like a flag.
-follows them into the shadows and ducks into the grass so she couldn't be seen by any human nor animal at all, she kept her tail still and stayed very quiet-
Tobi looked at Nichole, curiosity plastered on his face. What was she doing?

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