Sacred Forest<3

Tobi tilted his head. Was he supposed to follow the light? He must. He bounded away, his tail raised.
Tobi swallowed hard. That helicopter was too close for comfort.
-she looked in horror at the helicopter and thought: Not this time, not now, not ever! she ran to Winter and Nichole and stayed low to the ground and sometimes waited for Tobi and sometimes she ran over to tobi encouraging him to keep on going then she ran back to Winter and Nichole, afraid the humans might kill her in front of Winter, Nichole, and Tobi as they did to her with her parents and she shed a tear. don't think about it don't think about don't think about it! she screamed inside her head and looked at a tree, extended her claws, and climbed up. So she caught up by jumping from branch to branch in the trees-
Tobi managed to keep running, his usually shaky legs becoming a bit stronger in the time of desperation. He looked back occasionally, hoping to see the others.
-she looks down at them for a second while jumping to the next tree and bumps against the branch and falls and yowls as she lays there and then gets up slowly and walks quickly after them, she was a little behind and she quickened her walk into a sprint and catches up with them while running with her fluffy face and tail flying through the wind as she was running and then glances at a tree and quickly climbs up it and then keeps on jumping from branch to branch, catching up with them and was soon a little ahead of Winter and Nichole but saw that Tobi was way ahead-
-she looks up at the hallow, extends her claws, and quickly climbs up the tree and reaches the hallow after a minute. Winter starts to talk- Hey Nichole. do you think you can climb up or should I fly you up?
-Winter looks at her- Alright, but I'll fly under you just in case you fall kk? -Tama stands in the hole of the hallow and waits for them to come up as she kept her ears back. She would be spotted easily by a human since her fur coat was black and white, she was only meant to stay in shadows, she back further into the hallow and sits down with her tail swishing side to side nervously-
-Winter had stayed below her like she promised and if Nichole were to drop she would catch her-

-Tama watched and then always backed up sometimes- and sat down and just flicked her tail back and forth-
Alright, You might want to hold on -she flew over to Nichole and swoops under her and Nichole places her paws in between Winter's wings as she spreads er wings and flies around the tree, escalating up slowly so Nichole wouldn't fall off and they reach the hallow and Winter flies in and sets Nichole down and sighs- there we go
Tobi looked worried. He bounded out of his hiding place and eased Nichole onto his back. He hid, looking around carefully.
Tobi nodded. "No problem, Nichole. You do too much, you know that?" He said quietly.

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