Sacred Forest<3

-Tama stared in horror of all this and lowered to the growned into the grass again as she saw the fight and the dog and she winced as Nichole yowled and then hid her face with her small black paws-
-Tama looks at her and nudges her face with her mussel, trying to get her up but it doesn't work. So Tama just lies down and sighs and looks at Nichole then back at the misty grass, lit with sunlight- -Winter looks at them and watches Tama as she does this and thinks: wow, um.... why is Tama doing this like Nichole is her Mom..... weird.... wait, doesn't Tama have a mother? hmm I guess I won't ever know-
-Tama jumps up and flicks her tail to the left and then puts her ears back at she nudges Nichole and looks at her- Did you try moving at all? -she looks at Nichole's legs and then back at her face-
-she looks up at Nichole and thinks and then has an Idea- What if Winter would help you by holding you up a little and helping you at least try to fly? -Winter looks at tama- that is a good idea to me -and then she looks at Nichole- Do you think it's a good idea?
Tobi sighed and turned away from from them. So much for helping. "Bye guys. " He mumbled, walking away.
Tobi stared down at her, his eyes half-lidded. "I guess so. But do guys really want me around you? I don't want I annoy anyone."
-Winter flies over to Nichole- okay so, I will be basically flying with you in my talons, but I won't grip hard to the point where I'm hurting your ribs, okay?
-Tama looks at him confused- Why? You are here right? you can do something right... You just don't think you can -she looks at him and then over at Winter as she was trying to help Nichole-
Tobi smiled. "Yeah, that's true. Thanks, Tama!" He said softly.

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