Sacred Forest<3

Tobi sighed. "We know you do, and we appreciate it." He gave her a look when she gasped.
-Tama looks down and clings to the tree as she reaches the ground, concerned- Nichole!! -she runs up to Tobi and looks up at Nichole with concern, like she was looking at her mother. Except she didn't have one anymore and no one knew that but only Tama- Nichole.... Can you please rest your powers? Rest your powers until you gain your strength. Do you promise too do that for me? -she looks at her with her concern dark yellow eyes-

-Winter flies out and lands on a branch above them- Tama, It's alright -she looks at Tama then at Nichole- Nichole.... I think you should just rest your powers okay? I'll make you some berry tea if you want.
-Tama looks at her with concern- Would you rather keep the mist or be in pain? Look we can all hide easily Nichole -she says in a voice but keeps back the tears she's been holding back from since when she saw Nichole in pain and she has a lump in her throat and stops talking-
nichole said"i'll be fine..."standing and dragging her useless legs with her weakly. her forelegs shook finally giving out. the mist started clearing and nichole's eyes flashed but stopped. "gasp gasp..."
Nichole! -Tama worries as she runs up the tree, hops onto Tobi's back lightly and nudges Nichole as she sheds a almost invisible tear- Nichole! -she says in more of a whiny voice now-
-Tama freaks out and sheds a tear and then suddenly, an orb of light comes from her and ascends into Nichole and Nichole feels well again (tama now realises she has powers too). Tama jumps since this happened after she concentrated on Nichole and thought about her a lot and cared for her. She had unlocked some kind of healing power, but only part of it-
-Tama smiles and walks on his back lightly up to his face as he was looking at her- Hey, I'm not the only one -she points her paw to him like a dork and giggles as she flicks her fluffy black, grey, and white tail back and forth-
Tobi laughed lightly. "That's funny. Thanks." He waggled his tail happily.

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