Sacred Forest<3

-Tama looked up at her smiling, fury face. Tama's eyes widen with a big smile on her face as she wipped her tail over to the right and walked back up to Nichole and looks at her happy face- Alright! -she heads the the tree trunk and climbs down and then looks up again at Nichole while climbing and pauses for a minute- You coming?
nichole slid down having a great time."weeee!!!" she felt happy she didnt care that she was small anymore she was happy being here with tama as her sister and family. thats all that mattered to her.(-wipes tear away-its just so beautiful!!)
(-starts to cry- I told myself I wouldn't!!! -cries... jk!-) -she lands on the ground with a thud and laughs- ahahahahaha -she smiles at Nichole and walks around her, jogs, then runs around Nichole... after running around Nichole, Tama gets dizzy and spins a little after stopping and falls over giggling-
-she looked at Nichole as she was rolling and ran next to her and rolled with her giggling and laughing, saying in a happy tone- Your so weird! In a good way -she giggles-
-Tama rolled over and laid on her somach and looked up at the clouds- Hey look! I see a bunny hopping on a flower! -points to the cloud with her paw and falls onto her back and stays on her back while giggling
nichole laughed and said"hey look that one looks like..." she went silent it was of her mom the one who abandoned her. she looked away to look at other clouds."hey a rose!"
-Tama smiled and then walks over to the rose again and lied down next to it, her face covered in the misty grass as she sighs she falls back asleep in the long grass. She wasn't that visible until you came up close, otherwise all you would see is a little black smudge in the grass-
(yup... I'm sad of that) -she woke up at sunset and walked over to Nichole after she stretched and yawned- Good Afternoon Nichole -she smiles at Nichole-
-she winced at the popping and then looked at Nichole's eyes and smiles- Want to go and well hu- -cuts off remembering she doesn't know how to hunt- oh yeah.... never mind about that.... -pauses to think about what to do other than hunting-

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