Sacred Forest<3

Nichole sang"~Make a wish!! its up to you! find the strength inside and watch your dreams come true!! you don't need a shooting star! the magics there in your heart! close your eyes! believe and make a wish!~"
-She smiles and goes to land on a branch. She lands securely on a branch and climbs down the tree with her claws and kept her wings away from the leaves and such and calls out to Nichole- HEY NICHOLE!! I have a question!!
So.. do we keep these wings or do they go away as soon as day comes -she spreads out her wings to refer to what she was talking about as tilts her head towards her wings while she was talking and gave a questioning look-
-Tama smiles and hugs Nichole with her paws around Nichole's shoulder and Tama's wings wrapped around Nichole- I love you sis 
-Tama flies over to the lake. She looks at the necklace as she flew over the clear waters of the lake and smiles as she flies back to Nichole-
-Tama follows Nichole with her wings bounces on her back a little and the wing necklace bouncing a little bit around. She stops for a second and holds the necklace still then lets go and keeps following Nichole-
-Tama looks over at Nichole and smiles as she turns around and looks at Nichole's eyes while she spoke- Good Morning Nichole! -she says in a happy and jumpy as she smiles and the sunlight makes her dark yellow eyes look like they were sparkling-
-Tama smiles and looks at Nichole with a questioning look after she fixed her necklace with her soft, fluffy, black furred paw- So um Nichole, Do you want to go for a small flight? But under the trees so no 'you know whos' see us?
-Tama smiles and flaps her wings a little then jumps from the branch and starts to fly as she glided across the sky, flapping her wings only 5 times and she stayed in the sky, staying underneath the treetops. She weaved through the tree trunks and did a few swirls before just flying normally-

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