Sacred Forest<3

-Tama lies down as she waits for Nichole- 
-Tama decides to play with a small rainbow colors and summons rainbow colors into her paw and waves her paw around a little and giggles as she paints the air with colors then the colors disappear after a minute-
nichole smiled"be right back!" she flew out onto the ground and sat down. "fire,water,earth, air, and light..." orbs of her elements circled her.
"fire the passion..."the orange one glowed. "water calmness..." the blue glowed. "earth the love and gentleness..."the green glowed and they started rising. "wind the freedom we have..." the gray one rose with the others. "lastly light the joy in our hearts!" the yellow glowed brightly rising. "let the gates be open!" they went into their proper places. she plucked a feather with a wince. "harmonize!" there was a bright light and a rainbow of colors surrounded nichole.
-Tama called down softly to where Nichole couldn't hear her. Tama thought that Nichole could hear her and so she keeps watching on what was happening, gazing with her eyes wide as the colors glowed brighter then when they appeared.-
nichole was lifted into the air and her fur blew in the wind. the colors entered her and she landed gently on the ground. she spread her wings wide and they were shining.
alright! -she flies out of the hallow and hovers in the air, steadily beating her wings in the air while she waits for Nichole to come (oh my gosh did you watch the video? LOL)
-she flew around and then spotted a mouse, she smiled, swooped down and swiped the mouse up with her front paws as she extended her claws while doing so. That mouse tried to run but she squeezed it between her paws and killed it.- Now that's a new way to hunt for us cats! -she laughed-
-Tama looks up at the sun and saw it was early in the morning. She sighs and then looked down at the paecefull forest, the wind swayed the grass and the birds chirped songs with beautiful voices.-

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