Sacred Forest<3

Hey Nichole I'm going to go fly for a little bit if you want to come along go right ahead -Tama smiles then takes off into the light breeze. The stretched her wings out widely and sighed.-
-Tama looks behind her and smiles- Hey Nichole! How about a race? The one that wins, wins! The one that looses has to hunt for 3 days for the winner and themselves! -She laughed.- I mean, If you are up for the challenge!! -Tama laughed and then landed on a branch waiting for Nichole's reply.-
-Tama smiled- Deal! Okay so you have to weave between those trees, make 2 loops without tripping or messing it up, AND... you have to catch a mouse while going your fastest in flight! You ready to do this? -she looked at Nichole with a questioning look as she was getting in her readying position, she was getting ready to jump off of the branch and start along with Nichole.-
Go! -she takes off like lightening and weaves through the trees perfectly, then does 2 loops in the air without even one stumble and quickly spots a mouse, dives for it at full speed, catches it, and flies back up into the air, does 1 loop then lands on a branch safely.-
Nichole took off and did two loops quickly and looked for a mouse. one came into view and she caught it and flew around once more. she then landed on the branch she started from.
-Tama flew over to Nichole and sighed as she set down her mouse on the side of them. She breathed heavily from flying.- few! what a flight! So, who do YOU think won?
-Tama breathed heavily and then laughed a little.- Wow, I think so also.... So we BOTH have to go in water for a minute and hunt for each other! I call hunting for the first 1 and a half days! -She laughs a little-
-Tama smiled and then slowly dipped her front paw in the water, then she warmed it by thinking of fire and she warmed the water by her thought so it wouldn't be cold. She then dipped into the water, patelling in the motionless water.- Hey you if think you'll hate the water, you brought this on yourself -Tama laughs as she wackes some fresh water at Nichole's face and giggles. She then makes water, and flight combine in her mind, a blue orb and glowing orb of air flouted around her as she closed her eyes and she made two necklaces with the shape of a light white and red fish on it --> . She place the first one around her neck so then she had webbed-feet in between her paws and fish fins on the ends of her arms. She also had gills instead of lungs when she went underwater and lungs instead of gills when she came above water. She had a fish fin at the end of her tail also. She grinned and gave the other necklace to Nichole.- Just so you won't drown, plus, I think I might want to come swimming again! -She dunked underwater and grew gills as she went deeper into the water and breathed the water and smiled as she yelled toward her surface with a voice clear as when she had lungs.- Come on in! we have exploring to do! oh and don't forget your necklace!! She swam around and giggled underwater.- This is fun!
-She watched Nichole dive in and Tama giggles as she glides through the water. In the dark places she used her powers of light so Tama would shine to brighten the darkness. She laughed and spoke to Nichole.- Wow this is fun! All the normal cats don't know what they're missing! wooooohooo! -She spun and did flips in the water. She kept her wings tightly close to her back so her wings wouldn't move. She didn't know how to control when her wings would come out or not come out so she just kept her wings close to her back, keeping it away from bobbing in the water. She swam around like a fish and she giggled.- Why didn't we think of this earlier?
-Tama saw Nichole's coat gleaming in the sunlight before she went back down. A beam of light struck Tama and she smiled. Nichole was gorgeous! Tama swam deeper with herself glowing like a glow stick (:tongue:) and looked around at the bottom of the lake for something interesting.-
-She swam around and saw the fish swimming around her, they thought that she was a fish. She thought inside her head: wow fish are stupid! She snatched a few then went up to the surface and threw them to Nichole then went back down and caught 9 more fish. She went up to the surface and tossed the 9 fish onto the land and went back down, only to grab another fish and bring it back up. She had caught 15 fish total.- Wow!! That is a lot of fish in one catch! -Tama giggled a little.-
-Tama smiled- Thank you... hey wait a minute!! I just hunted so I just got dinner for the both of us! wow! -She climbed onto the surface and shook off the water and she took off her fish necklace and wraps it tightly around her black fury wrist and her fins disappeared along with her gills. She dried off the water a little bit but still couldn't fly for a little bit since her wings were all wet.- Darn it, I can't fly right now, I guess we will have to walk back to the hallow -Her smile drops then she puts a questioning look on her face- Wait a minute.. how ae we going to carry all this fish to the hallow. Tama looks over at some vines that looked like a fishing net and she got an idea.- I have an idea! I'll be right back! -She goes and gets the fishnet-looking vines and brings them over to Nichole.- I think this'll do that trick! -She placed all the fish on the fishnet-looking vines and then wrapped up the fish and started pulling the vines' rope and the fish staying securely inside the vines. Tama looks over at Nichole and says through her teeth since she had the vine rope clenched in her teeth. She laughs a little.- Can I have some help please?
-They pulled the vines full of fish to the hallow, Tama's wings were now dry enough so she could fly.- Hey Nichole are your wings dry? If they are then let's just fly the fish up to the hallow okay?

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