S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]

Unable to charge anymore, Ryon launched a shockwave that caused him to recoil back. The condensed energy exploded upon making contact with two unlucky guards who were instantly crushed and ragdolled while the others nearby were sent flying across the hall. "Whew... I'm running a bit low on Nalcon." Recalling how many PPECs he had, he should still have two green canisters in his pouch. Ryon blinked and his eyes changed to a bright sky blue.
(this is ooc, but where are we in this rp??) 
(im only asking where you all are in the rp... i'll erase this after i get an answer) 
(if i were to say i just woke up in a hospital bed, would that be a good entrance??)
"Not here we don't. Let's find an operating room. I'll bet there's something in there that's useful." Ryon walked down the hall, this time to the left.

(sorry about all of the ooc messages, text in those is limited)
Lara followed him to a closed door. "there is someone in there... he is laying in the bed..."
when they jump into the operating room jordan wakes up, not knowing where he is he proceeds to make a shower of metal and other sharp objects rain on the people who entered, picking them up with his mind "where the HELL am i??!!" he screamed
Lara tried to make a air sheild but most of the object cut through it and she ended up with a few cuts.
when he noticed she was a freak like i i eased up, still holding them in the air, but not squeezing the life slowly out of them. "W-who are you? where am i, more importantly, why am i here?!?"
Ryon forced himself to the ground using a gravity field, the shards collected against the field around him. "Now that's a familiar site, except I'm not the one on the operating bed." His eyes glowed brightly with the continued use of his gravity field.
"Oh sorry." Ryon intensified the gravity underneath Lara to counteract her levitation, pulling her back to the floor. Turning his attention on the lab patient, "You there. Calm down. If we were dangerous we would've attacked you already. Now tell us, who are you?"
i let down the one that hadnt let himself down, "Sorry, thought you were the scientists again, if they had asked me how often i had the urge to choke my chicken one more time, i'd choke THEM, also, have you ever watched with no pain as the poked around in your insides? its pretty freaky"i said shivering.
"Actually, I know exactly what you mean, not the chicken part. I was in a room just down the hall from here until just a couple days ago." The metal shards fell off of the field as it dissipated, landing in a neat little circle around Ryon's feet. He pulled out the file on subject 12 that he picked up. "You, what's your name and power?" Ryon asked as he read the paper carefully.
"Well then, I guess I'll just see what you can do." Ryon stuffed the paper back into his pocket and walked into the hallway. The first guy he saw was wearing a heavy bomb disposal suit and a steel shield. He was followed by three armed guards, two with assault rifles and one with an oddly shaped gun about the size of a large pistol. The heavy armor crouched down in the middle of the hall, the assault troops took the left and right flank and the fourth guy stood over the heavy's shoulder. He fired a round from the gun, which Ryon narrowly dodged. A dart stuck into the wall, it was filled with a white fluid. "A tranquilizer? Don't get hit!" Ryon made a gravitational field down the middle of the hall as the small squad open fired. The field scattered bullets all over the place.
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Lara was barely able to dodge the tranquilizar. She quickly used her powers and controlled the knives and lodges the knives in the head of the person in the biohazard suit. She used the reste of the knives and stab the rest of the people in the face or neck. Blood started to spray every where. 
Lara was barely able to dodge the tranquilizar. She threw a smoke bomb to cloud the vision and then she threw a grenade and a pressurized air bomb at them the grenade exploded amd the air bomb increased the pressure in the area it made contact with and crushed the guards.
The heavy armor guard picked himself up onto all fours, dazed. Ryon picked him up with a gravity field and smacked him against the ceiling then back on the ground, then pressed him against the wall. The guy crumpled at Ryon's release. He walked back to the newest possible ally. "Hey? You want to get out of this place, come with us."

he let the other two go left and he went right he found stairs went down and he took them he went down 50 levels he walked into a strange room empty cages was everywhere all but oneit had some kind strange creatures sighted he open it and let it out it quickly got out and jumps on Drake's shoulder"hi little guy what do you do""I can enhance peoples powers and a lot more but you can figure out the rest"'Drake fell down to the floor in shock that it can talk"you can talk""yeah duh and thank you for letting me out""no problem so it's not here"he got up off the floor the little creature jumped on his shoulder again"what you looking for is 5 floor up""okay I am going to trust you own this"he went up 5 levels and saw room full of colors this was the medical stuff that they were looking for

((this is what it looks like))


he saw a desk at the back of the room he went to investigat it it had a computer on it he sat down and powered it up it needs a password to go any further so he tries to hack it he's seated in hacking it it had a lot of files on it he pulled out his flash drive and started to download all the files to it Drake look in the desk he found a handle to a knife And black box with the red button on it"I wonder what does the red button do"he pushed it a voice over the intercom comes on and everybody can hear this"warning warning all test subjects has been released warning warning most of them are deadly warning warning evacuate the compound warning warning"
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jordan pops up around the corner, a weird guy with long fangs biting in to me, jordan gets a chunk of the metal wall and sharpens it and stabs him repeatedly and watches him squirm in his dieing moments.

"Yes the download is complete"
he got flash drive out of the computer and put it in his pocket"how to get this stuff out""I can help with that"'a red circle appears in the air"just throw the stuff that you need In"'he started to do that grabbing all the color cans and the packs of Medicine"this is gonna take a while"
" Ryon...the people that were coming this way got killed...and the number of people on this floor has increase but is now depleting...we need to get out of here now, those test subjects that was just mention are killing the everyone on this floor" Lara informed the two people in the room

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