S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]


he park his truck outside bar and got out of the truck"you guys better stick close to me this place is a very bad place"he walked into the bar and went to the bartender"hay boss they are all waiting for you who are those two""don't worry about them they are with me"the bartender open the secret door and Drake walk through it
Ryon quietly followed. He was in a poor mood at the moment, which was evident in his expression.

in a long damnp hallway they finally reached in the door"are you guys shore about this you guys be known as criminals if you follow me through these doors"
"It's not like my existence is well known to the public anyway. I highly doubt that whatever institute was keeping me, wants information on me to be known."

he open the door and 50 people stupid ready and simultaneously said "we're ready boss""get ready You Two the armory is to the left"he points to a door on the left"get what you need or want"
Ryon just stood there. He didn't have any weapons or hand to hand combat training of any kind. Ryon was as ready as he could get, his psychokinetic powers was all he needed anyway. "I'm good to go."
Lara went to the armory and saw an a ray of weapons. "wow" she thought. She looked around and saw guns and grenades. what she wanted was knives she looked around and saw a few hunting and throwing knives and put down her old ones. She took those and a some grenades, smoke bombs and flash-bangs. She some gloves with metal plates near the knuckles and wore those. She came back and was good to go.

"ok boys load up in the trucks"
all 50 man went outside and got in trucks and he followed and got back in his truck and got ready to take off
"I figured we'd be doing an infiltration, not an assault. With this many people, we risk a large casualty rate. Not to mention that I'm basically a ticking time bomb." Ryon said, as he jumped into the truck with the other two.

"I told you will become a criminal and I always do everything with a bang or it won't be fun"
'he quickly pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive down the road again but this time with a lot of trucks behind him
Lara looked out the window. She found it funny how on she ended up becoming a criminal after leaving her hometown. The rest of her life was suppose to be peaceful and normal. Now that she became a criminal her became anything but peaceful and normal. "The world is really a weird and twisted place isn't." She thought
"If you want to go out with a bang so badly, I could always blow the place up. Just throw me in the middle of the facility and let me use all of my red cylinders." Ryon looked at Lara's expression and could almost tell what she was thinking. "We can always fix it. All problems can be fixed."
" I am not worried about becoming a criminal... i actually found it kind of funny" she replied back.
From here until they reached the destination, Ryon had planned on remaining quiet unless somebody spoke to him. He had done quite a bit of talking in the past twelve hours and was a bit sick of doing so.

he drove in complete silence for an hour"there it is we are about to get out of the truck"he stopped the truck and Got out of it and ran to a office building and bust down the doors"okay everybody down get in here boys!"
Ryon walked into the office building with both hands in his pockets. He looked around but didn't recognize the area. He also didn't remember seeing an office building near the lab he woke up in. "Is this even the right place?"
' Drake

he went behind the check in counter and felt on the ground for a while till he found a lever and pulled on it the floor opened up in front of lara and Ryon and elevator came from it"you were saying"he got in the elevator
"Well, I guess they needed something to hide the damage I did with." Ryon walked into the elevator and looked at the panel. "This elevator needs a key-card to go anywhere as well as a hand print. Since I highly doubt that anyone here works in this facility, shall I hack the penal and take us down? Hop on."

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