S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]

Lara notices that one of the people in the building is calling someone. "What about that guy over there?" she points to the person. " he might know something since he is calling some one"
Ryon flicked his hand towards the guy and the phone burst into flames. "Problem solved. Now somebody go get that guy."
Lara used her power and lifted the guy in the air and brought him in front of Ryon and Drake.
"R-Ryon? The test subject! Oh god no!" The man was staring straight at Ryon with a paniced look. "He knows? Unless anybody has a better idea, I'm going to kill him. He knows who we are now." Ryon's eyes turned white, signaling that he was going to use a shockwave.
"Why would we need to do that? I can just as easily hack the control panel in a matter of seconds. It'd be easier that way, plus what would we do with him afterward? We don't need any hostages." It became apparent that Lara didn't want to kill anybody unless it was necessary. "I'll just knock him out."

put the gun to man's head and pull the trigger killing him he search the body for the card and found one he put the man's hand on the scanner and he use the card to and they we down
A little blood splattered on Lara. She just wiped it off and went down the elevator with Ryon and Drake. She was unfazed by the sudden kill. She just sighed.
"Such unnecessary bloodshed. Allow me." While they were going down, Ryon placed his hand on the panal. A tiny bolt of static jumped from his palm as he edited the floor they were headed to. With a bing sound, the doors opened up to what looked almost like a hospital. Ryon grimaced at the site. "Well, I recognize this place."
Lara got out of the elevator and surveyed the area with her powers. She can tell that there are multiple people here and are doing experiment and such.
Already familiar with the area, Ryon walked straight down the hall and turned right, stopping at around the corner. He pressed his hand to the door and it swung open. Almost immediately, the 6 scientists inside armed themselves with stun sticks and approached cautiously. "I guess it is pretty obvious that we're here. Somebody had the bright idea of bringing an army with us." Ryon's eyes turned a bright blue as one of the guards was lifted and crushed up against the ceiling. Three of them ran towards Ryon with their stun sticks raised and Ryon backed out of the room, forcibly bocking the electronic door shut.
while the door was closed Lara put her hand on the door and removed all the oxygen from the air in the room that was closed. Suffocating the scientists.
After about a minute, Ryon opened the door back whilst bracing himself against the wall as the zero oxygen room created a short lived vacuum. He then walked into the room and started rummaging through the lab equipment, looking for something.
Lara stayed outside and kept guard, since she can sense people coming their way before the get here.
Ryon picked found some strange files laying on the cabinet along with a canister filled with a black liquid. He walked out of the room while reading the paper. "Apollinar huh?" He looked at the black canister in his hand while standing in the doorway.
"It says here that once administered, it causes the subject to almost instantly short out. It'll be bad if I get hit with this stuff." He stuffed in in his PPECs pouch with the rest of the drugs. Flipping through the files, he saw one that mention a subject 12. Interested, Ryon started reading the document.
Ryon stuffed the documents in his back pocket to read later. "Which way are they coming from?"
Ryon immediately turned right and prepared for combat. Sure enough, a well armed security guard in a black uniform and packing a rifle peaked around the corner. "Heads up, armed guards." Right after Ryon finished talking, someone fired a round. The bullet made contact with Ryon's left shoulder but also deflected off into the wall. "Let's move! I'll cover the rear!"
Lara put up and air shield that stops the bullets and use her powers to control the knives that she got and was able to stab some of the guard in the heart and head.
Ryon knocked over multiple guards with a weak but wide shockwave. To follow up, he began concentrating to launch a more powerful blast, crossing his arms in front of him. A faint white glow wrapped around his hands, shoulders, and forehead.

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