S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]


he was in the middle of grabbing stuff win he saw someone come in he got ready for fight"hello sweetie you don't have to fight me not yet"she got closer to Drake"when will I have to then""some time in the future"she disappeared and reappeared in front of Drake"see you my love"she put her hand on Drake's chest and send him flying through the wall"what the"he crash through the wall and started to fall down the elevator shaft with the strange creature following him he quickly grab on to one of the chords and started to climb up"okay that was weird"
Ryon ran down the hallway and stopped at a corner. A man was holding a test subject off the ground by the neck. He dropped the subject and when he turned to Ryon, half of his face was missing to reveal a very robotic skull. Ryon stared wide eyed as the android approached him at a walking pace, carrying a large rifle. Switching to red, Ryon blasted him with fire but all it did was remove the flesh and clothes, revealing the entire android. "Lara? Let's not go this way." He switched to Nalcon and blasted it in the head, causing it double back a couple of steps, before he came running back towards Lara.
Lara nodded and grabbed jordan. " you dont want to die down here...so your coming with us." Ryon, lara and Jordan went the other direction.

he kept on climbing in till he saw the elevator"there it is"he punched a hole in the bottom of the elevator and made it wide enough so he can get through he got out and look for Lara and Ryon the creature got through the hole and hop on Drake shoulder again"we should get out of here""not without my group"
Lara sense another person enter the floor. " Ryon, drake is on this floor. We should go and meet up with him" she checked for a route that seemed to be the safest. "If we take a left here, go straight down the hall, then take a right around the corner...we will hopefully meet up with him without problem or...unwanted encounters..."
While running with Lara and Jordan, a boy came out of a room just ahead. Ryon blinked in disbelief as the boy looked just like him but his hair was black instead of blonde. A short haze of static circled around his head much like it did with Ryon just before he'd short out. "Hold up!" Stopping the group, the two of them stared at each other. "That has to be subject 12...."
Subject 12's face made it apparent that he was highly stressed out and angry. Ryon said quietly, "If he's anything like me, then he's in the same condition that I was in when I first woke up. Don't approach him or he'll... " but was cut off when I group of guards came around the corner. Before Ryon could react, Subject 12 plowed them over with a destructive wave of Nalcon (the shockwave psi power). "Yup, same thing I did."

(I'll be filling in Subject 12 as a character by the way.)
" wow...your were pissed off..." lara shuddered. "Do you want me to find another route?" She already has another route ready.
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Subject 12 walked towards Ryon and Lara. Ryon wasn't sure what to do. His twin was royally pissed and on the verge of shorting, not to mention seemed to have the same powers as himself but at full power. "You... look like me. Who am I?" Subject 12 asked, ignoring Lara completely.

"I don't know who you are but we're getting out of this place."

"What the hell is happening?! I can't remember anything." Subject 12 looked at Ryon with hate but made no notion to attack. Ryon walked around his twin. After going a short distance, 12 started following.

"Lara, I guess he's with us. Let's go."

"we should go right""what are you saying""someone's calling for help that away""okay okay will Go help"he quickly run off to the right until he ran into some doors and open them it was a garden inside flowers,grass and trees were everywhere he wondered in a little bit looking for what the creature said was calling for help"Drake lookout"Drake got hit in the back by something big and it sent him flying knocking down 4 trees he got up and got ready for a fight and what he saw was a giant man standing at 10 foot 9 and had a whole lot of muscle"hey big guy why do you knock me like that""I am subject 909 giant and I don't care if you're scientist or not I'm going to kill you"
Lara noticed that drake has change his location and is fighting someone....big. "I am changing the route...Drake has changed his location and is currently fighting someone." With that lara took the group towards the garden. They went right, right, straight past two intersections and left. Where they ended was in front of the door where drake was fighting. "He is in there fighting someone..."
"Then let's get in there and help." As Ryon spoke, subject 12 blasted down the door. The steel door folded inward and bounced into the room, causing a loud racket.

"You idiots take to long." 12 marched into the room without waiting for a reaction. Ryon merely followed him in to see what's going on.

he jumped up and kick subject 909 giant in the head"I will kick your face in"

subject 909 giant

'he took the kick and didn't look phase he grabs drakes leg and through him to the people who came in
Lara immediately created an air cushion, that drake landed on instead if on to them when they entered. He soflty landed on the ground in front of lara.
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Ryon created a gravity field to stop Drake at the same time as Lara made an air cushion. This combined effect stopped Drake instantly. Without hesitation, subject 12 stepped around Drake to confront subject 909. "Well aren't you a big boy. Why don't you fight someone your own size?" 12's tone wasn't joking or mocking, in fact, he still looked pissed. "You think you can take me? Bring it!"

Following a few feet behind 12, Ryon's eyes turned a bright blue as 12's turned white. "Violent type aren't you." He said quietly to 12.
Lara just stood back and watched. "Drake...I think you should let ryon's twin and him handle this..." she didnt want to be anywhere near 12. He was in a state of mind where he can kill anyone and anything if it got in his way or pissed him of

"thank you"
he says as he hit the cushion he tried to stand up but he couldn't his left leg was broken"dang it this is bad"

subject 909 giant

"I know when I am beaten there's too many to handle for me here"
he quickly sink into the ground and disappeared

the strange creature

'came running out of a tree holding a red egg"okay I got him now we can go"she got on Drake shoulder
"Your welcome" Lara looked at it and immediately wanted to hold it. But she knewnit wasnt the right time to do that. She helped drake stand and usedbher powers to look for some stairs. She found some down the hallway. "Found them" she muttered.
Ryon and the 12 simultaneously "What the hell is that thing?" They were both looking at the small creature. 12 looked like he was getting ready to blow it to bits, whatever it was. The two looked at each other in surprise then 12 looked back at the creature, eyes now red.

Ryon walked over to Drake. "I can realign your leg, but it won't feel to good. What do you want?" 12's focus was still on the creature.
"If you say so. What the hell is it?" 12's eyes went to their normal gray hue.

Ryon went ahead and realigned Drakes busted leg. He held his palm just a few centimeters away and activated his natural ability, causing the fractured bone to snap back into place with a loud crack. "Sorry 'bout that. You might want to make a leg brace because I can't carry you." Drake was almost twice the size of Ryon.

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