S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]

"I try." Lara used her powers and lifted drake in the air. She then looked back at the ryon and 12 and jordan and said"there are some stair down the hallway that leads up. We can use them to get out of here"

"yeah I should and for your question I don't know"
he made a brace from the earth and put it on his leg

the strange creature

"I am subject 666 but I like to be called something else"
"Screw that, I'm gonna call it crispy." 12 grinned evilly for a moment but his face went serious again. "I'm sticking with crispy."

Ryon sighed. "You're on the verge of shorting and you can still manage to crack jokes." He took a delmeter out of his pocket and put it in 12's hand. "Eat this in case you come close to killing us all, yourself included."

"that sounds nice kero and we should get moving"


"since master likes it I like it too you may call me kero"
"Lara, you'll have to volunteer. You're the second biggest of the group and combat capable with your hands full. If you carry him with your powers, you won't be as combat effective." Ryon instructed as 12 pocketed the delmeter for later use.
" true.." lara went and helped drake walk."lets we just need to go down the hallway" lead the group down the hall
12 almost immediately took the lead. He watched the front carefully. "Just tell me which way to turn."

Ryon took up the rear. He looked at Drake, "What sorta color stuff? Lem'me see."

"can you open the portal again kero"
when it was open he reached in and grab a can and pulled it out it was the silver color can he had it to Ryon


"yes I can master"
she opened up the portal again
12 turned right and stuck his arm straight out, clenching his fingers. The hallway to the right started bending with a horrid screech of twisting metal. The hall's floor, walls, and ceiling collapsed into each other. "Not anymore they're not."

Ryon took the container and stuffed it in his pocket. "Thanks." Then, something just dawned on him. "Lara, can you get a location on that android?"
Lara and everyone reached the stairs without any problem. She usedvher powers to see if anyone was up there. "No is up there" she then lifted everyone up in the air and they flew up to the top floor.
"You know, I don't recall it being this place this easy to just walk in and out of. Of course they didn't have the elevator last time I was here." Ryon said as they went up. "There was a lot more guards and a lot less rampant test subjects."
After 2 minutes they were on the top floor. Lara was exaushted from using her power too much.

he was something metal through the door"I think I know he is"the Android ripped the door off the hinges
"How the heck did he get up there so fast?" Ryon's eyes turned white as launched a weak wave of Nalcon, which only nocked the androids head back. "Damn, I'm out..." He started digging in his pocket for another dose of Nalcon.

"I got this." With a wave of his hand, subject 12 lit the android on fire but it nothing more than leave black smudges on the steel plated chest.

"Gah, use your nalcon! Fire won't hurt it." Ryon produced a green canister and loaded it into his injector, holding it to the right side of his neck and pulling the injector's switch. The green fluid shot up into Ryon's neck, making him wince.
Lara took a few steps back and used her knifes and her power and sent multiple pressurized cuts towards the android.

he got off of Lara and grabbed the Android lifting it past his head and threw it down the stairwell the got back on lara what he did made him very exhausted"we should get going before it starts coming back up"


"are you okay master"
"You two destroy the stairs! Destroy the stairs!" Lara yelled at ryon and 12
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Ryon and subject 12 both switched to blue simultaneously. Not thinking about what their combined powers would do, they violently assaulted the stairway with fluctuating gravitational fluxes. The stairs exploded upwards and the walls gain a wave-like effect, causing them to crack and warp. Moments later, the stairway shifted upwards and molded into the ceiling awkwardly, blocking off the exit.

"What about the other people?"

"They'll be fine... or not." 12 responded.

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