S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]

"Where the heck are we?"

"I dun'no let's ask. Drake, what is this pla..." Ryon stopped short as a memory painfully pulled its way out. He rubbed his forehead and grunted slightly. Though the memory was only a couple of images, it was quite easy to make out. It was a few flashes of a three floor mansion, one in the front yard and two on the inside.

"this is my home"
he got out of the truck and got out lara he carried her inside the best he can he was struggling though


he is in the kitchen cooking food when he heard his brother pulled in the driveway


"this is your home wow it is big"
Ryon and 12 got out of the truck, 12 eyeing the creature Kero. "So crispy, I've been wondering. What the hell are you?"

"This mansion reminds me of some place."
When they were inisde lara woke up. She slowly rose her a looked around, still in a sleep state. "Where are we?..." she asked. Then she noticed she was being carried. She looked at the person who was carrying. She saw drake and she was wide awake. "....um...can you let me down....?"

he let her down"my home"


"I am almost just like you but a animal and I can do lot more"
she said in a smug way


"dinners almost done bro"
When lara was put down. "Thanks...I should head home now..." lara was tired but she didnt want to intrude, plus she was uncomfortable staying at drakes house. Not because he was a criminal because she never stayed at another person's house overnight before. She started to head out. She was planning on using her powers and fly home.
Lara smiled and went outside. She flew off and went to her school first . It took like 30 minutes to get there. She rested for a few minutes then flew home. It was 3 blocks away from the right of the school. Once she was home she took a shower, cooked up something fast and easy to eat and went to bed and fell asleep after a few seconds. She put her weapons on the table in her room.
The two looked at each other then back at Drake. "Yeah, we don't live anywhere,"

"To hell with that, I'm shacking up at this bigass place." 12 walked to the front doors and turned around, staring at Ryon and Drake as if he was expecting a tour or for them to follow. "One condition though, the look alike gets a different room."

Ryon sighed, "Do I even want to ask why?"

"hey bro its time to eat I made you a lot of food just like you like it"


heard does words and ran to the dining room and started to eat
Now alone, Ryon and 12 just stared at each other outside, angrily. "I don't know why, but I don't like you one bit."

"That's mutual, don't like you much either. Maybe it's your poor attitude and behavior."

"If you don't like it then do something about, huh? Show me watch'ya got pretty boy." 12 taunted. Both of their eyes turned white and they walked further away from the mansion as to not damage it.

"After you 'subject 12'."

"Gladly!" 12 launched a shockwave at Ryon, causing him to slide back several feet. He had blocked the impact with a smaller, more compact nalcon wave but it didn't stop the recoil.

For a short while, the two of them traded small nalcon blasts and blocked them, each time caused them to skid to the side. It was as if they were merely warming up for a more serious fight.

he got done eating he decided to check out what was going on outside he saw the two boys fighting with their powers he made the surrounding around the two boys look like they was fighting upon a cliff

Ryon managed to connect one of the light blows to 12's chest, knocking the wind out of him. He staggered back and gasped. "Good shot but you're still not going to win!" His eyes lit up to a brighter white color, Ryon followed suite. The blows started to become a bit more powerful as 12 deflected a nalcon blast from Ryon which blew a six inch deep crater into the dirt.

12 launched an equally powerful blast at Ryon, who used his enhanced reaction time to dive out of the way. 12's blast kicked up a large cloud of dirt that fired off into the trees, knocking down several limbs. "Ooh, powerful." Ryon said sarcastically.

"I'll show you power." At this, Ryon reacted by immediately charging, his charge was somewhat behind 12's. 12 released his fully charged shot only half a second before Ryon did. Being just under a full charge and fired after, the two blasts collided roughly five feet away from Ryon and 20 feet from 12. The two nalcon waves exploded with a powerful gust and a harsh, low pitched sound and blew a wide crater into the ground.

The two paused as they just realized that the scenery was different. "What the...?" Ryon looked around.

"...The heck?" 12 and Ryon both looked up into the window to see somebody standing there, watching.

"Looks like we got an audience."

"I guess so, let's not keep the public waiting. Shall we continue?"
"Eat? I don't recall ever doing that before." 12's eyes dimmed down to gray.

Ryon's eye also dyed down to their normal blue color. "I haven't eaten since yesterday. Maybe those drugs offer some sort of nutrition. Anyways eating sounds good to me." The two of them walked towards the mansion, leaving the yard full of craters and fallen pieces of tree.

"After you, 'big bro'." 12 said with a lot of emphasis around big bro as he held the door open.

"Big bro?"

The two walked in, "Since your subject 10 and I'm 12, that makes you big bro."

The pair walked into the dining room and just stood there, unfamiliar with the habits of people. "Hey, if I'm subject 10 and you're 12, what happened to subject 11?"

"Good question but utterly pointless unless we meet them."

had eaton half of the food already when Ryon and 12 walked in


when to go take a bath in hot spring that is in the back of the yard 

he got up and went to the hot spring to take a bath to"You Two have the rest and no more fighting in my yard K"
"Yes 'mom'." 12 sat down and stared at the food on the table. He really didn't feel hungry and neither did Ryon. "I'll eat later."

Drake got done with his bath and went to bed

mrishige got done with his bath and went to bed
At some point, Ryon had wondered into a living room area and passed out on a couch. 12 ended up staying up all night, wondering around the mansion. He was unable to sleep, just as Ryon was during his first night.

Now upstairs, 12 walked around the hallways aimlessly and not bothering to open any doors as he didn't know whose room it might be.
The next day lara woke up. Her body was kind of sore but regardless she got up from bed and got ready for school.


he woke up and noticed that he cannot move his body was so sore from using his strength


he got up at 3:30 a.m. he clean the table that had food on its steel and started to make breakfast
Lara washed up, wore the school uniform, tied up her hair with a dark purple ribbon, and tied a bandana that is a similar color to school uniform around her arm to cover up the mark, around hertook her knives and went downstairs to make breakfast.

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