S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]

Lara felt ryon outside the school. "Mr daniel...you never gave ryon his schedule for class and he is standing in front of the school"

On the cue of hearing his name, Ryon looks over to see a couple of familiar faces. He gave a slight, waist high wave at Lara and Mr. Daniel before approaching, stopping roughly seven feet to the right of where Lara was sitting. "Someone need me?"
"So... someone needed to tell me that I need my schedule? Probably, but I already knew that." His tone was a bit smart alecky but in a joking manner that was missing a smile. "What else you got to tell me?" Ryon scratched the back of his head tiredly.
"Subject 12 huh? We really need to come with a proper name for that boy..." Ryon turned around to see 12 staring up at the school as if he''d never seen one before. They might look alike, but their personalities were way off.
"You do know that, according to our files, he's basically a clone of me... and I have no idea what I am." Ryon paused for a moment as if he just heard the name suggestion. "Why Marcus?"
"Let's ask and find out," he spun around a shouted at 'Marcus' "Hey Twelve, how about we start calling you Marcus?"

12 looked at the group with the strangest expression, his left brow was arced, his mouth was open and he looked genuinely caught off guard. "Who the hell is Marcus???" he shouted back.

"Yeah, that was about the reaction I expected."
"I'm not sure. Wonder what he'll do if we just started calling him Marcus without asking him." Ryon almost smirked at the idea. "Would be kind of funny to do."

12 (Marcus) diverted his attention away and started to watch as what he thought to be random people started coming to the school. There wasn't a whole lot of them, just a few here and there.
"He'll be fine as long as nobody tries to pick a fight with him. People aren't like that here are they?" Ryon looked almost worried. "Guarantee you that his first response will be quite violent."
"Then go and keep an eye on him, with his temper he is gonna use his powers...probably..."

Ryon walked up to 12. "Hey, what're you doing here?"

"I got bored so I followed you here. Wanted to see what this place was that everybody had to so badly get to."

"How long do you plan on staying?"

"Can't answer that."

Ryon sighed, that wasn't much of an answer. "Just, don't get into trouble. I don't want to see burnt or smashed students, alright?"

"What ever big bub. I promise not to kill the local idiots. Now go away, you're bothering me."

Ryon left 12 to himself, he wasn't doing much, just watching the traffic of students. "Bub says that he 'won't kill the locals'."
Lara sighed "fair enough...ill help by keeping and eye on him with my powers... you get your schedule and get to class" lara put her book away and got and heads of to her 1st period class which is math.


he got to abandoned apartment. he got out of his truck and then went to the doors and hit a button he wait for a while and then the doors opened he started to walk in and then turned left then headed to the stairs. he went up 5 floors and then went right until he came upon a blue door he knock on it a voice inside says"comin I was expecting you" he open up the door and went in and then set in a chair looking into the darkness"the job is complete now where's my payment"silence fills the room


"yeah I have it here you go"
Lara was now sitting in math class looking out the window as she waits for class to start. "Hope nothing happens today..." she thought.

Ryon looked at his schedule while walking down the hall. "Math huh? This paper's different from either of yesterday's two. Mr. Daniel must've made a new one, considering it's missing a last name." He walked into his assigned classroom and sat in the back of the room, paying no mind to anyone that might already be in there.

12 was laying down outside under a tree. He had finally fallen asleep since getting out of the research lab and it was bliss to him.
While lara was waiting she experiment with her powers a bit. She tried Changing the air temperature out and see if she make a mirage of a cat. After a few tries she was able to make one. "That could coming handy in a fight" she muttered


set in math and look outside the window


"look to the sc 12""what do you mean you old fool"''look to your enemies he goes by the one and only matro"''k whatever man I'm going to school"he left the building and went to his truck and went to school

Lara practiced her mirage technique until class started. No one a cat appearing and dissappearing in front of the school. The only perdon who could have noticed would be 12 since he was outside.

Lara looked at morishige "....yeah I guess your right..." she stopped but she go enough practice and will continue later at lunch on the rooftop or garden.


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