S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]

Lara waited for looked at drake and mr daniel. "...what kind of relationship do those two have?..." she thought.


"yes here we go a armory full of weapons that could come in handy some of them can enhance the person who is holding it power"


"just like I can do for you master"


"can anybody tell me what is that thing on Drake's shoulder"
Lara just stayed quiet and looked at kero. She really wanted to pet her and such.she mentally sighed.


"so should we raid this place first"


she jumped off Drake shoulder and landed on Lara's and whispered in her ear"we should raid the place first"

"no now"
look over to Daniel


"ok who is doing this"


"I will"



"ko I will check you out and then we can go"
followed Drake and went into the backseat


when to his truck


'he got in the backseat of his brothers truck


filled in the backseat
Lara was checked out by drake and she sat in the front and looked out the window.

(I haven't been getting emails)

Ryon walked into Daniel's office with 12 in tow behind him. "Sorry I took so long... Where's everybody?" Ryon looked around the empty office.

"I don't see why I have to be here." 112 complained.

"Anyway, what's going on?"

"I'm guessing this guy here Daniel wanted you guys to go on some quest or something. Something about raiding an old factory, not sure how some sort aircraft fits into this though."

"How did you..."

"I listened in with telepathy. Something you apparently can't do."

Ryon touched his finger tips to the door, several images appeared in his mind. "I know where they went."

"Woah, what the heck did you just do? Your mind was like a flash photograhy album being flipped through at lightning speed."

"That would be dowsing, something you can't do. Follow me." Ryon walked out of the office and school building with 12 following.

"We're going to need a ride I'm guessing." 12 observed when they reached the parking lot.

"I can get us one." Ryon walked up to a random vehicle that was parked, which happened to be a black van. He tried the door once but it was locked, typical. He tried it a second time and it opened. Him and 12 jumped in, Ryon in the driver's seat. The vehicle started up on its own as soon as he placed his hands on the stearing wheel, then put on his seat belt.

"I'm guessing you've never drove before."

"I haven't, how hard could it be?" 12 quickly put on his seat belt as Ryon made the van automatically set itself into reverse and backed out of the lot. It hen shifted into drive and took off down the road. "See? shouldn't be to hard."

"Heh, this might be fun but I can't see it ending well. Then again, it can't be too bad. We ARE superhumans after all."

"You got that right." Ryon drove the van, following the same trail Drake and the group drove on, only quite a bit faster. Neither Ryon nor 12 were familiar with traffic laws, which was evident by the way they drove.
Lara was looking out the window and patted kero's head. She notice a van following them and on then lara could see a van folloimg then. She took a closer look and sae it was 12 and ryon. "Have you noticed the van?" She asked drake.

"So... whose van is this?"

"Somebody not very important I'm guessing." Ryon ran a stop sign, nearly colliding with two cars, making 12 look back.

"Woo, that was a close one. Heheh. You're a decent driver for it being your first time, you know that? Why didn't you pick a cooler vehicle though..."

"Gah, shut up. I'm trying to concentrate here. I'm not using just my driving skills you know, I'm also using my powers. It takes a lot of concentration so quiet down." 12's constant chatter and attitude was annoying him anyway, like it always did.

"Fine then, I'll just have to find other ways to entertain myself." 12 sat there compliantly.
"Is that them up there?" Ryon asked, not really expecting an answer.

"I dun'no, drive a little faster so we can catch up why don'tcha."

Ryon took his eyes off of the road for a second and gave 12 a mean look.


Ryon's eyes returned to the road. "Yeah sure, drive faster that way we're more likely to hit something. We're fine like this." At least Ryon was driving on the correct side of the road and hasn't hit anything, or anybody. They were still quite the distance from Drake's truck.

he pulled off the side of the road and turned on his blinkers and then got out and went in front of the van ready to stop it
Ryon hit the break, rather hard as he wasn't sure how hard to step on it. The van came to a screech hault as it started to slide sideways somewhat before stopping.

"Man, I love your driving." 12 said sarcastically.

"Like you could do any better." They got out of the car and walked over to where Drake was standing. Once there, 12 crossed his arms like he was upset for not being invited to go with. "You guys left without me so, here I am." Ryon explained rather poorly.

"Oh bro, you forgot to tell him how much we missed his company, because we all know how great these people are."

Ryon eyed 12 angrily.

"So Drake, how about I let you drive us huh? Or would you rather that the 14 year olds commandeer their own vehicle." 12 asked.
"I guess that's a no for us driving then." 12 climbed in the back of the truck.

"Good, you're annoying when I drive." Ryon climbed into the truck and sat on the opposite side of the bed.
An echo seemed to sound inside the truck, it was audible to Drake and Lara. To Drake, it said 'So, what're we blowing up today?' and to Lara, 'Whatcha readin'?'

A smirk formed on 12's face.

"Something funny?" Ryon asked 12 over the wind.

"Nope, nothing at all." 12 replied nonchalantly.

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