S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]

Lara went ove tk the rocket launcher "I could use this...but its too big..." she thought. She decided to grab it anyway and wear it like a bag.

Ryon stared at the swords. "Now that's... annoying. And creepy. Whoever wants me to pick these up is wasting their time, I don't trust stuff like this and I never will. Especially after what I went through." Ryon turned away from the weapons stubbornly. He considered forcibly jamming the swords back into the floor, hopefully it'd mess up whatever mechanism was sending them up. He smirked at the rather pointless idea.

hit another button and it turned into a cube and he toasted to Lara and he started to walk down the hall

he walked into another open room two bracelets come out of the ground this time one being black and the other white he put the black one on his left hand he started to feel his power again but this time it is stronger than it was before
Ryon struck the swords with a gravity field, sending them clattering against the wall. "That does it, I'm demolishing this place." He held both hands away from him. The tiles swirled around him faster, looking like a vortex. Static electricity jumped between them from the increase in gravitational friction.

Feeling his reserves getting low, Ryon powered up by injecting himself in the neck with D-Faya. With the new boost, he grasped onto the walls, forcing them to cave in. "Ragh, this place is sturdy but it won't last much longer." He smiled as he could feel the wall in front of him tear apart.
Lara went over and put on the white bracelet and ahe felt a boost in her power. "Wow..."


he saw her put on the white bracelet''let's go see what of the head"he walks to the other open area two stands came out of the ground with a box on both of them one green one pink
With a loud creaking of metal, a hole started to rip into the wall. Ryon intensified the gravity underfoot to anchor himself in place. Noticing the stupid sword again, he decided to get rid of the creepy thing. He grabbed hold of it with a gravitational flux and twisted it around itself three times. "Nope, I can do a better job than that."

Ryon reached into his pocket and pulled out a canister filled with a purple liquid. He observed it for a moment. "I am so glad I went back to that damned lab. Skip has to be one of their best inventions for me." He injected the PPEC into his neck and felt a surge of power flow through his mind. With his doubled mental strength, Ryon pulled the sword into three pieces and dropped it on the floor, doing the same to the other.

"Now to finish with my door." He pried the rest of the hole apart and walked through it to the next room triumphantly. "I never did like playing by other people's rules." 
He spun around real quick to face the facility's newest door. "Whoops, I wasn't born in a barn, at least I don't think I was." Ryon pointed his hand at the hole and made a fist, mashing the opening back together.

" yes in 3 2 1"
'he opened a green box there was a button inside

((there is a button inside both of them))
Ryon felt a growing pain in his head as well as an increase in his dowsing ability. "Argh, what the hell!" His dowsing ability went hyper active with the increase in power, causing him to see multiple flashbacks related to the swords he was holding. In shock, he threw them to the ground and ran. A short static field formed around his forehead as Ryon's heart-rate spiked.

"ok in 3 2 1"
and got teleported in a room full of weapons

((we go to the same place))
She presses the button on 3 and she and drake got teleported to a room full of weapons.

"I don't know who's fucking with me but I'm going to turn them into a bloody stain!" Ryon yelled angrily as he neared the end of the room. "Freaking possessed swords almost gave me a seizure." Losing his focus for a moment sent several of his carried tiles flying like ninja stars in random directions. Three of them stuck into the wall at his left and two of them flew up into the ceiling.

Ryon forcibly yanked a door sized section out of the next wall instead of tearing a hole in it. "God I hope this next room is different." He ran full speed through the hole.

he's saw 3 big huge robots he ran to the one in the middle and started to climb in it
Ryan ran through the room, not noticing the blue colored bracelet out of his frustration. He looked around at the again, seemingly empty room. "I hate this place! I am so going to burn it to the ground when I get out of here." He stepped on the bracelet and felt it under his foot. "What the..." he lifted his foot "I guess this room isn't completely empty."

Ryon bent over to pick it up curiously but stopped himself. Instead, he used his D-fala to pick it up. With the bracelet suspended in the air, Ryon eyed it carefully. "Looks like a normal bracelet but a single, normal object wouldn't be found in a big empty room like by itself. Especially in this place." Carrying the bracelet behind him in a small gravity field, Ryon peeled the next wall apart with D-Felon and walked into the next area.
Lara looked at drake as he enter the robot. She was wondering if she should go in one as well. "....I should look for something else..." she went and decide to explore the room a bit.

Not trusting the box either, Ryon stopped for a moment and stared at it. "Screw this." He crushed the purple box from the top down along with whatever contents it might've held. He then got ready to break apart the next wall behind it.

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