S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]

Lara looked around for a bit and found a bag full of knives. She went and grabbed the knives. She also saw a sniper rifle. "I have no idea how to use that...."

Ryon looked around in confusion. "What the... an armory?" He then noticed his to friends were also in there. "Drake? Lara?" He started walking towards Lara as she was the closest.
The intense gravity field around Ryon weakened for a moment until he noticed that Lara was wearing some new stuff. "Don't move!" he commanded her. He touched her forehead for a dowsing scan. It picked up strangely as if he was scanning somebody else. "Yeah, I found a couple of possessed swords that about gave me a seizure. I ended up tearing apart several rooms that all looked alike also."
Lara felt a bit awkward and moved away from ryon a bit. "Did you find a bracelet?"

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Ryon backed away from her. "Yeah I found a bracelet." The blue colored bracelet floated over by her and fell on the ground. "There's your bracelet. Now I have a question, who are you? You didn't feel like the Lara I know when I dowsed you just now." Ryon eyed her suspiciously.
"I accidentally scanned you when we first met. I scanned you a second time just now and it was like dowsing a different person."
"Hmm... I'll be keeping an eye on you two from here on out. I don't trust your new, 'equipment'" Ryon looked around at the mess of weapons in the room. There certainly was a lot of stuff.
"Ok..." lara eyed the sniper rifle. "If I can control the wind path of the bullet...I should be able to use it with abit of practice" she thought.

"Yeah, maybe if you had a reaction time that could follow the bullet." Ryon wiped a cold sweat off of his forehead. A small bit of static still jumped around just above his eyes.
"I don't like this place. I know nothing about it. Trap doors that lead to strange objects that are supposedly treasure, no guards, no security systems... hell, i haven't even seen another person here, besides you two." Ryon sat down on a bech after scooting some weapons aside to make room.
"This place has weapons that can enhance the powers of people with abilities. Drake found this place..."

"Yeah? And where are the people that run this factory at? I'm pretty sure it's connected to that human experimentations lab. Otherwise it would have items that just so happen to boost powers." Ryon picked up a container that was labelled 'Liquid Explosives'.
"I wonder how potent this stuff is..." Ryon turned the bottle around in his hand, considering whether or not he should test it out. "What do you think? Should I test out this 'liquid explosives' stuff? Might be fun."
"Be careful with that...it migh t explode if shake it around foo much.."Lara thought for a minute "you can test it out later on that sc-12"

"SC- 12?" That made Ryon think about subject 12 who was back at the building's entrance. "I'm not sure how this stuff is suppose to be detonated. Guess I'll just dowse it to when I want something exploded."
"Sc-12 is that airship that appeared in front of the school" lara informed ryon. She then says " lighting that on fire might make it explode"

"So... you want to blow up an air craft? Should probably move it away from the school first." He said as he opened the container and pulled out a thin beaker with sealed with a cork. There were many more glass containers inside just like it, 12 in total counting the one in Ryon's hand. He held the glass beaker to Lara, it was filled with a light brown liquid. "You want one?"

jump off of Lara shoulder and started to look around


got out of the robot and walk towards Ryon and Lara"if you're wondering about the people who run this place are guys up top should be seeing them any second now"


"I hear some cars coming guys get ready for a fight"


made 20 clones of wolves
"A fight huh? Where will they be coming in at?" Ryon stood up, putting the liquid explosives down where he was sitting. His eyes turned red.

Meanwhile, 12 was sitting just outside the facility's front doors on the ground, half asleep while leaning against the building.

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