S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]

Ryon was still asleep on the living area couch, a late sleeper if nobody wakes him. In the meantime, 12 was now out on the mansion grounds, in the backyard. He wasn't really doing anything, just standing there.
It took lara 30 mins to make breakfast and she spent 20 mins making lunch. After 10 minutes she finished eating, washed the dishes, she grabbed her lunch box and then she headed of to school. She yawned, she was still tired from yesterday.

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he set the table again he went to the living room area he nudged Ryon who is sleeping on the couch
Lara arrived at the school. She looked at the time and saw that she was very early. So she decided to go to garden and read until school starts.

Ryon grumbled quietly then rolled over so that he was facing whoever woke him up. "You've got a better way of waking people up than Drake, you know that?" He sat up and looked around, feeling a bit hungry for once.

"yeah I know my brother can be quite a Brut breakfasts is ready and now time to go get to lazy bum up"
he started head to drakes room
Lara arrived at the garden. She sat down under the tree and took out the same book she was reading yesterday and started reading it peacefully.

"Breakfast? Wonder what he made." Ryon got up and wondered into the dining room. He sat down at the table and waited for others to show up. Meanwhile, 12 had wondered into the front yard.

he went in drakes room"come on bro breakfasts is done wake up"


she was wondering the house and found herself in the dining room she saw Ryon"good morning"


"I am up"
'he forced himself up it hurt him alot to move and he was a lot slower moving he forced his way to the dining room and set down


he got to the school and went to the garden and saw Lara"you are a bit early"


'he got to the school and went to the gym to set it up
"Good morning uh... squirrel. Morning Drake." Ryon couldn't recall the creature's name and he really didn't want to use 12's nickname Crispy.

"good morning did you watch the news yet"


"good morning"
he grab the remote to the TV turn it on and then turn to 10 news it was talking about the explosion and what they found underneath it"look your famous Ryon"he chuckold a bit but it hurt him


"my name is kero"
she said in a mad way


he went outside"yo if you're out there breakfast is done"he started to head to the kitchen then
"No I didnt...what happened?" lara had a pretty good guess about what it was about.

"What makes you figure that I'm famous? That agency will cover it up. My existence will have to remain under the public and official radar for them to continue their research crap." Ryon stood up and got himself a glass of water when subject 12 walked in.

he started bringing french toast, eggs and pancakes to the table sat down and made his plate and started to eat


"yeah I guess your right"
made his plate and started to eat


"a terrorist attack"


made a plate to and started to eat
Lara thought "so thats what they are calling it...pretty smart" she said to mr Daniel "have they figure out why?"


"no not yet someone's covering it up why"
he started water the flowers in the garden
After eating, Ryon got up and headed to out. 12 met him at the front door. They stared at each other for a moment in silence.

After eating, he got up and headed to out. and went to his Volvo then took off down the road


"I got to go to a meeting with Xobic to get paid for the Job I just done"
he got up and headed to out. and went to his truck then took off down the road


she jumped on Drake's shoulder
While lara was reading, the same cat the was sitting on the tree on first day came and sat by Lara. Lara looked at the cat and petted her head "hi there" she said with a smile.

"I guess I'm headed to school." Ryon solemnly started walking off to the school from Drake's front porch. He'd reach the location by memory just as he did before.

"The hell am I suppose to do then?" 12 asked to no one in particular.
It took him awhile, but Ryon got to school quicker than he thought he would. Drake lived a bit closer than he thought. He stood around just outside of the front doors, not really sure what to do from here. Still not having his schedule caused this minor problem but oh well, Ryon would just have to find something to do for the time being.

Back at the mansion, 12 had left to go see what this school was that his twin had left for. Following his trail was pretty simple, he'd picked into Ryon's thought process at the moment when they met at the front door using telepathy. A trick that was apparently unique to 12 him and not Ryon. 12 had left the house approximately 25 minutes after Ron did, just long enough to start getting bored.

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