S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]

Lara looks over the railing to see the android. It looked damaged but was still moving. "Um...guys lets get going...that android is still moving"
Just as Ryon started to look down at it, the android hoisted its cannon up and started firing. The weapon fired high velocity stun rounds that punched into the ceiling just as Ryon ducked his head out of the way, leaving behind an electrical residue. "Yeah let's get out of here."

12 looked at the after effeects on the ceiling, "Man, I want that gun."
" alright. We just need to go down this hall and take a right and exist is there" lara said as she started walking of with drake

he jump down on the Android crushing it a little bit when he landed on it he grabbed the cannon and ripped it off"that was going to cause trouble can you bring me up"'this made him very exhausted now
Lara brought drake back up. She sighed she wanted to say dont be reckles, but knew it was stupid to say because this whole thing was reckless
Ryon gave the android a hard from his newly powered up nalcon, knocking the machine onto its back.

12 smiled with a wicked cheerfulness. "Aww you got me a new toy, how nice. Thanks." He held the cannon under his arm as it was a bit over sized for him.

"hope you have fun with that how much more do we have to go"
his cell phone started to ring he answered it"yo""boss they are in place we are waiting for you to exit the building""okay thank you guys"he hang up his cell phone and put it in his pocket
"What's going on?" Ryon asked once Drake put away his phone. "And please don't tell me that your gang rigged the place with explosives."

12's eyebrow arched upward at Ryon's mention of explosives and he looked at Drake sideways.
Lara smiles a little "yup...life is gonna be interesting now" she thought. they were halfway towards the exist.
"Given that I already don't like you, probably. But my main concern is that not only will it force these people after us, there are also several innocent people here. Like some of the test subjects." Ryon stated plainly.

"So let me get this straight. You planned on blowing up this entire place along with the test subjects, which would include me." 12 was holding back his anger for when he heard a direct answer. He obviously didn't like the thought.
"So then, you plan on blowing the hell out of an office building?" Ryon and 12 both calmed down some. He had forgotten that 12 was still borderline shorting.

"In that case, at least we'll get some exiting fireworks."

"Hey, eat that delmeter tablet I gave you."

12 reached into his pocket and took out the pill.
"You mean this thing?" He popped it into his mouth like a piece of candy and swallowed it. Seconds later, that static jumping around his head was gone. "Oh wow, I feel like I just lost weight while standing in front of an air conditioner."

as they exit the building a big explosion happened behind them Drake look towards his truck"yeah that's cool lets get in my truck"
Ryon and 12 both jumped in the back seat. While in back, they idly talked about what was going on recently. The two were quiet as their conversation really didn't concern anybody else. "So according to a file a found, I think you might be subject 12 here... "

"What makes you think that?"

"Well let's see, you have the same description that the file states. Looks, powers..." Ryon handed him the file.

After reading some of the paper, 12 asked "How do you know this isn't you?"

"Because I don't have telepathy or black hair."

12 Flipped to the next page. "You're subject 10?" He said a bit loudly.

"I am?"
Lara looked out the window and after a few minutes fell asleep. This whole thing was exhausting and she used her powers alot more than she is use to. "I am gonna need to practice more..." she thought as she fell asleep.

he took off going down the road he kept on driving to he got to his house

((it looks like this))


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