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Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

Harrison finished taping the paper to the door, "Nope, like you said it's not a op." He held the door open for her, then shut it once she passed through. "Thanks for coming, you didn't have to."
[QUOTE="Ninja Warrior]Steph saw Freya look over and waved her over. She needed advice on clothing, since Freya was the only girl still in her teens she figured she would be the best person to ask about it.

She eyed the cocky agent before sighing and goign over to the waving Stephanie. She gave her a smile and gestured with her head, "What's up?" She asked, then added ," oh also, Since you're going on the mission, the special suitcases are out in the hall. They have the special contact lenses and glasses. Make sure you take one with you before you head out."
"I'm not about to let you have all the fun without me," Royce said smirking. "Besides, I seem to remember being promised drinks afterwards." Royce continued to walk towards the door, where they would leave from. @ReverseWells
Enmyira said:
She eyed the cocky agent before sighing and goign over to the waving Stephanie. She gave her a smile and gestured with her head, "What's up?" She asked, then added ," oh also, Since you're going on the mission, the special suitcases are out in the hall. They have the special contact lenses and glasses. Make sure you take one with you before you head out."
"Thanks for those," Steph said, actually grateful for new tech. Missions got steadily easier the more tech they got. "Actually, I was hoping you could help me with clothing. All I have is cargo pants and tank tops with leather jackets. I was thinking that's probably not something I want to wear everyday. To be completely honest, I don't want to leave my fashion fate in the hands of guys who would probably wear tie dye with plaid."
Harrison smiled, "That's true I did promise. It's good to get back into old habits, even though it means getting drunk every night." The hangover was the bad part, but luckily he was very tolerant over achohal, making him need to drink a lot to get drunk. And he had grown used to hangovers the next day, a large bottle of Gatorade and he'd be good.
Agent Stoleman drove up and out into the fresh air. He worked his was along some small roads which threaded their way through and around the unassuming complex. It looked like a dissused military bunker with a few other buildinds dotted around it. He made his way to the apparent front of the main building; pulled up an waited with the engine idling...
[QUOTE="Ninja Warrior]"Thanks for those," Steph said, actually grateful for new tech. Missions got steadily easier the more tech they got. "Actually, I was hoping you could help me with clothing. All I have is cargo pants and tank tops with leather jackets. I was thinking that's probably not something I want to wear everyday. To be completely honest, I don't want to leave my fashion fate in the hands of guys who would probably wear tie dye with plaid."

Freya couldnt help but giggle at the girl's words. "Well, I'm not the most fashion forward person, but feel free to brows my closet!" She told her.
"Yeah, luckily for you. You don't get migraines the morning after," Royce told him bitterly, thinking of the last time when she had woken up with a burning in her throat and a searing pain behind her eyes. They walked through the hallway to the last door, once through the door they were standing on the steps of the building. "If you got migraines, you wouldn't be so happy to get back to old habits." @ReverseWells
Enmyira said:
Freya couldnt help but giggle at the girl's words. "Well, I'm not the most fashion forward person, but feel free to brows my closet!" She told her.
"Do you have anything that screams I'm a Chinese stereotype?" Steph asked. "Royce said that they're less likely to question a stereotype. I don't know where she comes up with this stuff. My best guess is that she has a calendar and everyday gives her little pieces of advice like that."
Harrison couldn't help a chuckle, "I've told you Royce, Gatorade and a cheeseburger solves the problem." He could remember the last time they had a midnight adventure. They were drunk, and had decided to go to Mcdonalds. The only way he had remembered that was the excess bags of McDonald's in his car, they must've been hungry. "So I'm familiar with the area we're heading to, I know a great bar there. They have a pool table, I'll kick your ass."
[QUOTE="Ninja Warrior]"Do you have anything that screams I'm a Chinese stereotype?" Steph asked. "Royce said that they're less likely to question a stereotype. I don't know where she comes up with this stuff. My best guess is that she has a calendar and everyday gives her little pieces of advice like that."

Freya laughed more and shook her head. "If you want to fit the asian stereotype... you may want to dress quite a bit more formally than you normally do."
ReverseWells said:
Harrison couldn't help a chuckle, "I've told you Royce, Gatorade and a cheeseburger solves the problem." He could remember the last time they had a midnight adventure. They were drunk, and had decided to go to Mcdonalds. The only way he had remembered that was the excess bags of McDonald's in his car, they must've been hungry. "So I'm familiar with the area we're heading to, I know a great bar there. They have a pool table, I'll kick your ass."
"I don't like pool, unless I'm hitting someone with the stick," Royce argued. "I mean seriously they give you a super long pole to hit one tiny ball. It's just stupid. Also, no fast food my stomach can't handle the fake meat. If you need your cheeseburger we're going to a quality restaurant."
Enmyira said:
Freya laughed more and shook her head. "If you want to fit the asian stereotype... you may want to dress quite a bit more formally than you normally do."
"So, no cargo pants?" Steph asked rather disappointed. She could hide so many things in a pair of cargo pants. "I draw the line at any dress or pants that inhibit my range of motion. While I'm kicking someone in the face they would die of laughter because my pants would be splitting. No lie, this happened, well not the dying but the pants and the laughter. It was horrible... "

Mason Raidar

"Leaving so soon? I'm sooo hurt." With a smirk, he watched the girl leave with a sarcastic tone in his voice as he swiveled around in the Director's chair. "Why is this so comfy yet uncomfortable?" He asked himself, jumping to his feet. "Oh well." Mason let out a short sigh and walked towards the exit before hearing someone ask about Asian Stereotypes.

"You mean the people who's parents are super strict and demand good grades?" Mason asked randomly out loud. "Or the people who have no fashion sense? Oh, also say you're studying to be a doctor, that is really Asian! Ace all maths tests and fail at P.E and boom! Perfect Asian stereotype." It may have sounded really rude, but it was true, and it was helping. "Hey, I'm coming on the mission too. I have to put in some word, even if little. And now that I have, I can take it by myself..."

@Ninja Warrior @Enmyira
Harrison frowned, "Sorry fun police. And the burgers, you had Mcdonalds last time, you probably don't remember. So don't argue with me on that part. Fine we won't play pool, or eat food. Just drink and not talk to each other." He looked around, and spotted the car.
"I think that we should drink, then drink, possibly play pool, drink, I'll challenge you to a rematch because you won the first time, then we'll leave, get into an alley fight, and after all of that we will go and get burgers," Royce said, reciting their usual routine. Skipping over the unflattering moments when she hit on random guys and Harrison convinced that leaving with a random stranger was a very bad idea. @ReverseWells
@Ninja Warrior[/URL] @Enmyira
Steph was still flabbergasted at the idea of failing P.E. But succeeding at math, that just seemed like waste of time. The only math she was needed was counting to see how many men she has to fight or to see how long she has to disarm a bomb.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Steph asked him. "I mean, your arms are muscular, while they are very similar one is slightly larger. So, you use some kind of weapon that is commonly used with one arm over the other. So, that eliminates bo staff, numchucks, and flying kamas which are my personal favorites. Also, you most likely have some kind of hand-to-hand combat, so we should spar sometime. Speaking of sparring, where's Jordan? Sorry if I'm rambling I do this sometimes because I have ADD. But wait, who are you?"


Aaron pulled out his phone and kept ignoring harrison but keeping out an annoyed face.

As soon as Harrison left the room he put back his phone in his pocket and sighed.

"That annoying bastard" He said under his breath

Harrison nodded, satisfied with her answer. "I like that, I'll kick your ass, then they guy you flirted with who wants to take you home. Also there's a great burger joint there too. Onion rings after along night, oooo their good."
[QUOTE="Ninja Warrior]"Thanks for those," Steph said, actually grateful for new tech. Missions got steadily easier the more tech they got. "Actually, I was hoping you could help me with clothing. All I have is cargo pants and tank tops with leather jackets. I was thinking that's probably not something I want to wear everyday. To be completely honest, I don't want to leave my fashion fate in the hands of guys who would probably wear tie dye with plaid."

(So mean. And not true.)
ReverseWells said:
Harrison nodded, satisfied with her answer. "I like that, I'll kick your ass, then they guy you flirted with who wants to take you home. Also there's a great burger joint there too. Onion rings after along night, oooo their good."
"Fine, but you're paying, I've been on a practically nonexistent government salary. You know SHIELD shut down, there's no official government funding to pay us with," Royce pointed out. "You have FBI money."
Harrison shrugged, "Alright, but the FBI isn't the highest paying job. 75,000 a year is kinda tight. Probably 5,000 goes into boose." He sighed, that wasn't good that he spent that much. But it was only himself he took care off, so he made by.
"I don't even know my own salary right now," Royce said. "Think small figures. I mean they provide food and board, so it's not horrible. The bunks aren't bad here. Ive had far worse. Try Cairo hotels.

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