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Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

Harrison slowly walked back and forth, "Well earlier I was reading a file on this warehouse. Now I have no idea why I've been thinking about it, but it's new info that I've never read. So here's where I need your opinion. Villains always have warehouses for doing shady stuff, maybe this person wasn't any different." He stopped pacing, and stared at the floor, deep in thought. "So I was thinking about checking it out."
ReverseWells said:
Harrison slowly walked back and forth, "Well earlier I was reading a file on this warehouse. Now I have no idea why I've been thinking about it, but it's new info that I've never read. So here's where I need your opinion. Villains always have warehouses for doing shady stuff, maybe this person wasn't any different." He stopped pacing, and stared at the floor, deep in thought. "So I was thinking about checking it out."
"Okay, a villainous warehouse, at night, intoxicated? I wouldn't miss it," Royce told him. "Not to mention I'll get cabin fever if I just spin around here in my chair doing desk work. Do you have any idea what we're looking for in the warehouse?"
Harrison smirked, "We're not that intoxicated, I've only had 1, and you have had 2. And no I don't, all I know is if you see something glowing, and looks glitch-like, shoot." This would

be intresting. He'd been hunting down this mysterious man for along time, and if he finally hit the jackpot, he'd be happy.
ReverseWells said:
Harrison smirked, "We're not that intoxicated, I've only had 1, and you have had 2. And no I don't, all I know is if you see something glowing, and looks glitch-like, shoot." This would
be intresting. He'd been hunting down this mysterious man for along time, and if he finally hit the jackpot, he'd be happy.
"Okay, let's do this," Royce said. "Do I need to put on tactical gear or am I good with my jeans and leather jacket?" She looked down at her outfit. Black jeans with a red tank top covered by a black leather jacket, not to mention the thigh hoster for her Glock 9 mil. "Not that I'm expecting a fight I just don't want to be ill prepared."
After double checking her things, Freya smiled at Agent Fox and made her way to the briefing room for the final meet up. She brought the rolley-cart along that had the little gadgets she made in separate suitcases.
Harrison shook his head, "Nah I think your alright. I'm going in this. Now the warehouse is a little far, I think we should take something fast. Maybe call Jason?" He taped his side, feeling the pistol that was holstered, he always carried.
Kuroko said:
Kuro slid over another note saying "yep. It makes me want to start giving him a Sean Connery look. People never wish me good luck, much less a guy that's never met us, highly skilled agents.". He never took his eyes off of him then.
Steph decided to respond to the note by writing back. "Normally I take it as a good sign when they don't wish me luck, it makes it seem like they don't think I need it. I have a stash of water balloons in my bag for the mission. I vote we keep pranking him and having him think other students are doing it."

Mason Raidar

Finally, the boy had lined the shot up perfectly. Pulling the cue back, he tensed his muscles in his right arm and took the shot, stepping back quickly. Hitting the middle ball, the rest spread out, some going right into pockets and others bouncing off the cushions. A few seconds later, they were all in a pocket except for the white ball, which was currently spinning in the middle. "Tch..." He mumbled, placing the cue down.

Now that he let out his annoyance with Clint, Mason decided he should get up to date with the mission and went to look for the meeting room, ignoring the fact that next to no one knew who he was. Not thinking anything off it, he pushed open the door and walked in like nothing was happening.

ReverseWells said:
Harrison shook his head, "Nah I think your alright. I'm going in this. Now the warehouse is a little far, I think we should take something fast. Maybe call Jason?" He taped his side, feeling the pistol that was holstered, he always carried.
"Sounds like a good idea," Royce agreed. She pulled out her phone and tapped a few buttons and called the shield driver. @Guy

Mason Raidar

There was one other girl in the room when Mason walked in, and she began to examine him, as if he was of some sort of interest to her. As she began to chew her bottom lip, Mason snickered. "What?" He asked suddenly, walking towards the directors chair and sitting on it, moving his legs onto the table with a smirk. "Got any questions about me, ask me. Don't go talking behind me back."

Pat made his way through the hallway, he had gone to his room after the lab to make sure he was fully packed and now he was making his way towards the briefing room where Royce had told them to meet. He walked to the room, inside the room was Steph, Kuro, and the director but no one else was in sight. He wondered where the others had wandered off to. Sighing, he opened to door and walked into what he was sure to be a very uncomfortable situation. "Hello, Stephanie, Kuro, and Director. How are all of you on this mighty fine day?" @Ninja Warrior @Kuroko @Wickedkent

(Sorry all, I pulled the morning shift at work.)
Her lips pursed and she lightly smiled. "Have you been to medical yet? I've read your file. Have Agent Fox take a look at you." She nodded... then glanced over, finally seeing all the others in the room.

@Ninja Warrior @Kuroko @Wickedkent @Lyndon @Ethan Hart

((sorry guys, didnt realize we were all in the same room))
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Mason Raidar

Raising an eye brow, Mason shrugged. "Medical?" Yawning, the boy stretched as he sat back into the chair. "Nope. Why, you worried about me already? Don't be." Agent Fox? Hmm. "No one will be 'taking a look' at me. If you want to examine me, take me out on a date first." Closing his eyes, Mason yawned once more, waiting for something to do. He thought being a S.H.E.I.L.D agent would intel more action.

Enmyira said:
Her lips pursed and she lightly smiled. "Have you been to medical yet? I've read your file. Have Agent Fox take a look at you." She nodded... then glanced over, finally seeing all the others in the room.
@Ninja Warrior @Kuroko @Wickedkent @Lyndon @Ethan Hart

((sorry guys, didnt realize we were all in the same room))
Steph saw Freya look over and waved her over. She needed advice on clothing, since Freya was the only girl still in her teens she figured she would be the best person to ask about it.
Agent Stoleman still sat in his car. He had finished off his donuts and now reclined in his seat with both eyes closed. The leather seat felt good against the contoures of his body and he found himself wondering how much research and development went into that feature alone.

As he began to drift off he was suddenly awoken by the familiar sound of his sheild commisioned cellular device. It rang and vibrated violently in his pocket before he pulled it out and answered it. "Agent Stoleman receiving" He hoped this meant his wait was over...

Guy said:
Agent Stoleman still sat in his car. He had finished off his donuts and now reclined in his seat with both eyes closed. The leather seat felt good against the contoures of his body and he found himself wondering how much research and development went into that feature alone.
As he began to drift off he was suddenly awoken by the familiar sound of his sheild commisioned cellular device. It rang and vibrated violently in his pocket before he pulled it out and answered it. "Agent Stoleman receiving" He hoped this meant his wait was over...

"Yes, Agent Stolement this is Agent Ash I need a driver, are you available?" Royce asked when the Agent answered his phone.
Guy said:
He grunted down the phone, "Yeah, I could do with some action. What's the job?"
"Just a drive to a warehouse," Royce said making eye contact with Harrison. "This is not to go on any records, it's just a drive to a warehouse. Can you meet us outside the building in five minutes?"
Harrison pulled the paper from his pocket, and looked for the location. Upstate New York, a place where he used to live years ago. "Tell him it's about a 6 hour drive, or a 1 1/2 flight, I'd personally choose the flight. Oh tell him we'd take him for drinks afterward if he'd like for payment." He flipped the paper over, and began to raid Royce's desk for a pen. Once finding on, he dug up some tape. He wrote on the back side *Out of the office, I don't give a damn if your mad, don't call either of us. Sincerely, Harrison Smoak, and Royce Ash.

PS, don't call Jason Stolement either, he's with us.*
He held up the sign to show Royce before he hung it. Since she was on the phone, he pointed to it, and gave a thumbs up.
"It's a hour and a half flight, so that'd be our preferred transport," Royce told the Agent over the phone. "Like I said off the record. Oh and drinks on Agent Smoak afterwards." @Guy @ReverseWells
"Huh Huh" he nodded as he spoke. "So this is a below the belt operation. Does Fury know?" He asked even though he was well below the paygrade necessay to even contemplate the all mighty Director Fury's stance on an op. But he liked doing it all the same.
"What operation?" Royce asked innocently. "We're exploring real estate in the warehouse, not an op in the slightest." Royce said this like she believed it, and technically it wasn't an op. It was just a trip to check out a warehouse.

@Guy @ReverseWells
He could hear through her BS. Of course he could. But at the end of the day is was just the driver and he always had plausible deniability. "I'll be out the front in five. Oh, and never mind the 'reward'. I don't drink and drive" he flipped his phone back over as he hung up. He rateched he seat back onto it's drive position and started the car. It thrummed near silently and he put his gloved hands on the wheel before then putting it into gear at which point the vehicle crept smoothly forward as he gently applied pressure to the gas pedal. He drove slowly through the depot and towards the exit. As he approached he wound down his window and tossed out the used donut box which landed righth in the bin as he passed it. He breifly smiled at his success before retuning to a more nuetral 'work' expression. Agent Stoleman proceeded to exit the depot and made his way topside. He hoped they wouldn't keep him waiting.

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