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Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

Mason Raidar

"Who am I?" The male asked. "Why don't you ask your friend. She seems to have 'read my file' already. Why I already have a file is beyond me." Snorting, Mason snickered as she asked about his weapon. "Similar to Agent Barton." He hinted. "I went by the name Apollo at one point too. I guess you can call me that. But sparring? I mean, no. Where I do have some combat training, I'm not stupid. I know I'll stand no chance against an agent who has been her for longer." Shrugging to the last question, Mason yawned. "Can I leave now? I'm heading to the school."

@Ninja Warrior @Enmyira
Agent Stoleman sat in his car watching the base entrance. He saw the other agents had approached the entrance and seemed to be milling about. It took him a moment to realize they may not have noticed him. His car, on the surface, didn't particularly stand out and the tinted windows made it impossible to see inside. With these facts in mind, in honked his horn a vouple of times to get their attention...

Mason Raidar

"Tch." He snickered as the girl said she liked him. "If I didn't do bullshit I wouldn't be here." Scratching his arm, Mason left the room without another word, walking towards the exit of the base. A heads up was always nice. He would be able to scout the area and perhaps make some 'friends' before the mission started. Therefore, Mason no longer cared if he could or couldn't go. He would do it anyway.

@Ninja Warrior
Royce heard a car honk and then realize that the car was for them. She began to walk in that direction, sliding into the car leaving the door open so that Harrison could slide in beside her.

"So, you got the address Harrison?" Royce asked Harrison.

@Guy @ReverseWells
Apon honking his car horn, Jason observed at least one of the agents approach his vehicle and enter the back the seat. Naturally he had the doors unlocked in advance and the agent, a female, slid across the seats to allow for her partner to take the other. He said nothing instead waiting for the other passengers...
Steph watched as the archer walked away. He had been frank, that was a nice change. But he didn't really seem like a team kind of guy. "Archers are always so dramatic," Steph noted. "Reason A they use a bow, when a gun can do their job in half the time. Reason B, anyone else thing cupid when they hear the words bow and arrow? I prefer my weapons, they're more logical for fighting, in my opinion."
Harrison followed in suit towards the car, he didn't even notice it. He slid inside the back seat, "Yea I've got it. Upstate New York, 538 Clear View Drive. It's in the industrial district, and looks pretty worn down." He handed the driver the picture that was attached to the file, and sat back in his seat.
ReverseWells said:
Harrison followed in suit towards the car, he didn't even notice it. He slid inside the back seat, "Yea I've got it. Upstate New York, 538 Clear View Drive. It's in the industrial district, and looks pretty worn down." He handed the driver the picture that was attached to the file, and sat back in his seat.
"I'm taking a nap on the way, wake me up when we get there," Royce announced. By nap she meant more that she was going to close her eyes and get her mind ready for the mission, she never actually managed to fall asleep.
Agent Stoleman took the picture and looked at it. Within the picture was a largish building which did indeed look dissused and worn down. He placed the photo face up in a little cubby hole within the dashboard. He then proceeded to press a screen in the centre of the dashboard which caused it to light up. He inputted the address the male agent had mentioned and an arrow appeared on the screen alongside some co-ordinates and other numbers. Satisfied he adressed the two agents in the back seats without turning his head. "So... Nobody called shotgun then or are we still waiting?"
Harrison shook his head, "Nope we're good to go, I'm alright back here." Taking a nap wasn't a bad idea, but sleep was hard to come by for him. "Also this isn't really a mission, just checking this warehouse."
Agent Stoleman aknowledged him with a wary grunt before speaking. "Very good. I hope you have both made use of the facilities as I don't plan to stop on the way.
Harrison noted his sarcasm, something this industry lacked. "Your in luck, I wore my diaper today." He pulls his aviators from his breast pocket out, and slid them on. He looked out the window, watching the road speed past him.
Royce opened her eyes to check where they were. Looking outside the window she couldn't make out anything that she recognized. Sighing she checked her phone and saw an alert on one of the cases she had flagged. She opened the alert, she saw it was about Arya. She shut out the app, she closed her eyes. She needed to focus on what they were about to do, she didn't need a distraction. Leaning forward, "Can you estimate when we'll be arriving?" She asked Agent Stoleman.
Agent Stoleman didn't respond verbally. Instead he pointed to the GPS on the dashboards inbuilt screen. "Should be as advertised unless any jolly green giants are causing tailbacks"...
Royce was getting bored, sitting the car. She realized she should have brought something to do. She pulled out her gun and disassembled it on the empty middle seat next to her. Then, setting a timer she began reassembling the German gun. Her hands flying across the smooth black metal was a natural movement to her.
Wickedkent said:

"Sure" Aaron said "I think everyone is ready"

He then stood and checked his phone, then put it back in his pocket

"Road trip time!" Steph exclaimed, then she hopped of her seat to get her bag and came back. Nunchuks in hand and her bag over her shoulder. "Yo, Big Boss do I head to the hanger or out front for a car?"
[QUOTE="Ninja Warrior]"Road trip time!" Steph exclaimed, then she hopped of her seat to get her bag and came back. Nunchuks in hand and her bag over her shoulder. "Yo, Big Boss do I head to the hanger or out front for a car?"

"The faster the transport the better" He said with a smile "Plus, we can still prepare ourselves after we get there"

Wickedkent said:
"The faster the transport the better" He said with a smile "Plus, we can still prepare ourselves after we get there"

"Okay, yeah, but I have one major question," Steph said leaning on the door frame spinning her nunchucks in her hand. "Can I fly the plane?"
[QUOTE="Ninja Warrior]"Okay, yeah, but I have one major question," Steph said leaning on the door frame spinning her nunchucks in her hand. "Can I fly the plane?"


Aaron thought of it for a couple of seconds then looked at Steph

"Sure" He said "No harm would be done if you did"

Wickedkent said:

Aaron thought of it for a couple of seconds then looked at Steph

"Sure" He said "No harm would be done if you did"

"Thank God," Steph exclaimed. "No one ever let's me fly. Apparently, my evasive tactics are a bit on the dramatic side. Which is totally riddiclous, I just make sure I don't get hit. Besides my SO thought I did good. Anyway, thanks Big Boss."
[QUOTE="Ninja Warrior]"Thank God," Steph exclaimed. "No one ever let's me fly. Apparently, my evasive tactics are a bit on the dramatic side. Which is totally riddiclous, I just make sure I don't get hit. Besides my SO thought I did good. Anyway, thanks Big Boss."


"Dont mention it" He said "So, lets go?"

He then stood up and opened the door, he then found his small bag at the side of the door and smiled


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