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Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

"Divide and conquer," Royce instructed knowing a search would go faster if they were both looking separately. "And Agent, this still is off the record. We have no warrant or authority here, we can't claim this as part of an op."
Stoleman grunted and nodded in acknowledgement once again going silent. He knew there was nobody else there but them but in this world even machines could be a problem. He gripped his gun securely and made his way to the other side of the building where he would check the side rooms there leaving his boss to her own devices...
Harrison looked down at Tess, and bit his lip. A piece of glass was petruding from her chest, so that was the cause of death. She opened her eyes, and struggled for breath, "It's ok Tess, your ok just hold on" she looked up at him in confusion. "Har? Is that you?" She asked, as she blinked a few times, then looked down at her chest. "Yes I'm here honey, listen to me. I'm sorry I'm so sorry it was a accident, I-." She cut him off, "I don't want to know dear. I just want you to know we love you. You were a great father, and a even better husband, don't forget that." He took a deep breath, and rested his hand on the wound to hopefully stop the bleeding. "Harrison stop. I love you so much, more than you could imagine. You'll be ok, I'll always be here" she rested her frail hand against his chest, and took one last breath. He closed his eyes, and pulled her in close to him. It was his fault this happened. All his fault! He wasn't going to cry, even though he wanted to so bad. He had only cried once in his life, at Tess and Caits funeral. He rested her in the grass, knowing she was gone. He ran his blood soaked hand across her face to clear it from her hair, she looked peaceful. Serene. He looked down at himself, he was covered in blood, but suddenly his hand began to glitch. Chronons. As soon as he realized it, his whole body began to break into a particale-like pattern. He looked around frantically, as the blinding light returned, taking him away again.

(sorry it's kinda long
:/ )
Agent Stoleman proceeded to make his way through the warehouse. The place was just as in a state of disrepair on the inside aswell as the out. The main space was covered in dust and dirt whilst broken parts of old shelving units cluttered the floor space with some standing but the majority strewn about the place. It took a couple of minutes to make it to the other side as he went slowly and cautiously. Eventually he reached the other side and realized, without turning, that he could no longer see his companion. He shrugged and began to poke his head into the various sized side rooms. Perhaps he'd find something interesting...
Harrison felt his hands against the dusty concrete, he was back in the warehouse. He looked at himself, covered in blood, and his particals were acting crazy. "Royce!" He shouted, he didn't know what to do! His particals wouldn't stop moving, and he was a mess.
Royce heard her name called and ran in the direction of the voice. As she turned a corner she saw it, she didn't know how to describe it. Particles and blood the particles weren't staying still it was hard to focus on. Swallowing, Royce pulled the trigger. The gun fired, the loud crack sounding as the small bullet exited the chamber and flew through the air. Staying true to it's aim, the bullet hit it's target. The particle's slowed, and Royce realized it was a person… It was Harrison. She had just shot Harrison.

"Harrison?" She asked, as she ran to Harrison's side. "What the hell? What's wrong with your particles? Oh my god, I just shot you."

Royce closed her eyes and calmed down. She saw that her shot had hit him in the shoulder, that was okay, shoulder wasn't lethal. Tearing away the cloth around the gunshot wound Royce saw that the bullet had not emerged. She tore away at the clothing more, then pulling off her jacket she applied pressure to the wound.

"Agent Stoleman," Royce yelled, as she tried to slow the bleeding. "Agent Stoleman, we have an agent down." Royce's voice cracked but she paid that not attention she turned to look down at Harrison.

"What the hell happened?" She asked him, not able to tell if he was awake or if he had fallen unconscious. "Oh god, why do these things always happen?" she asked to no one in particular. "Agent Stoleman!" She yelled again, she could feel that the blood was soaking through her jacket fast… too fast…

@Guy @ReverseWells
As the agent poked around what was once perhaps an office he became suddenly shocked by the very familliar sound of a gunshot. He raised his weapon and peeked through the doorway. Seconds later he heard the screams of a woman as well as his own name. He rapidly made his way back over the floor space pf the main room and honed in on the cries. Moments later he found the lady agent along with a bloddied man. It took him only a moment to realize who it was and what must of just happend. He paced over to get a closer look. Bullet wound to the shoulder. He'd live. Agent Stoleman relaxed and holstered his weapon before reflecting on the situation. "Well agent" he said whilst looking at Royce. "Looks like you won the game of hide and seek..." He the turned his head towards the male agent noticing his sudden disheveled and bloodied look. "But where was he hiding?" He mused aloud...
Agent Stoleman's comments did not amuse Royce. She sent him a glare.

"I'm sorry, I fail to see how this is at all a game," Royce said. "Now, we're need an ambulance or you need to drive us as fast as possibly can to get to a hospital. He is a decorated agent, his fate is not to die on the floor of an abandoned warehouse because of your comments on a game of hide and seek. Now, either call a bus with for a federal agent or start the car. Do it double time or I will write you up for insubordination."

Royce knew that she was being harsh but she was nervous. Harrison was the only person she had left that she slightly cared about at all. She wasn't about to lose him like she had lost the rest of them.
Harrison's particales finally stopped, but because a solid mass had hit him, a bullet. His eyes widen, as he saw the shooter was Royce. He knew she was just doing what he told her to do, shoot if she saw particales. He collapsed to the ground, feeling the pain in his shoulder increase. "It's ok. Leave me alone."
Stoleman noticed her glare and looked again at the agent she cradled in her arms. To be fair, the bleeding seemed quite bad. With his abilities still somewhat new to him and the world what it was, sometimes he forgot that somepeople were just human. He aknowledged her request and turned away taking a couple of steps out of earshot. He reached into his jacket pocket and produced a small earpeice which he then stuck in his right ear. He placed his finger against it a talked quietly, semingly to himself. "Jansen, we've an agent down. Bring the car to the entrance and plot the quickest route to the nearest hospital". He seemed to get confirmation and turned back. "The best option is my ride. I parked it at the entrance just in case." He paused having noticed the odd contraption. "What you wanna do with this thing boss?"
Harrison's mind was spinning, he couldn't focus on the everything that's going on. He was the culprit, he was shot, the chaos Royce and Jason were arguing about. "Would you two stop bickering like a old married couple? Leave the damn Particale Accelerator...." He stopped himself, how did he know the name? Before he left he had no idea what it was, but suddenly information flooded his

mind. "
On the top of the machine is a single piece of metal that isn't moving like the rest. One of you pull it of, it'll stop the machine." He didn't know how he knew that? What had that machine done to him?
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Royce reached up and grabbed the piece that Harrison had mentioned. She breathed in slowly and released her breath.

"Okay," Royce said as she calmed down. "We just got to get you to a hospital."
Kuro had been sitting silently sitting there, staring out the window distantly. In his hand was his butterfly knife, spinning. He thought hard about the mission and how he had to get close to the target.( sorry for bad post, really tired.)

Aaron Meister

Aaron then went to the plane and sat at the Co-pilot's seat.

Harrison nodded, not sure if saying a sardonic comment would help his case. He took a deep breath, so this is what Tess felt like, but worse. He closed his eyes, not wanting to think about anything. No more stress. No more burdens. He just wanted to be at peace.
Freya settled her things and then immediately sat. It seemed all the others had yet to come... This was going to be a long mission. She slightly frowned and rubbed her head.
Royce used her belt to hold down the jacket she had been pressing on the wound. Looking around she couldn't hear any sirens. She wondered where the ambulance was or where a ride was to hospital.
Harrison took a deep breath, feeling his head against the concrete. He had began to feel cold awhile ago, but now it was setting in. He looked at his exposed shoulder, watching the belt began to wrap around it. "There's no time for a hospital.... Just do it here. Plus we know what would happen if I go." He would have to run tests back at SHEILD, but he was fairly certain he might have the Chronon Syndrome. If he went to a hospital, they would find out. He didn't want anyone knowing.
Stoleman was quick to remind them that his car was outside. "I should have field medical kit onboard. Nothing fancy but if you'd rather die here than the hospital it may help"
"Harrison," Royce began. "You're bleeding out. I need to stop the bleeding, I can cauterize the wound and dress it using the kit but without any anesthetic it'll hurt like bitch." Royce tried to sugar coat this, she had been through field first aid before it was never pretty or fun. It just did the job.
"Okay," Steph said over the announcement system. "This is your pilot speaking. We apologize that there's not in flight meal, I can't cook for crap. But sit back relax and enjoy the ride."

With that doing a headcount of everyone in the plane she lifted the aircraft off the ground and began the flight.
Stoleman took his cue and moved with some speed back through the warehouse and out through the front. Outside he found his car parked up neat and accesible just as he had asked. He went over to the car and opend the rear passenger side door and lent in. "Everything alright sir?" Jansen asked. Stoleman opened a panel between the rear passenger seats and a small medical kit revealed itself. "Just another day in the office buddy" he grabbed it and exited the vehicle before closing the door. He then paced back towards the downed agent...

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