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Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

kickboxer108 said:
"Sounds good, sir," Royce continued to type on the computer screen attempting to locate a file. One of her sources had recommended she pull up before the mission. "Have you acquainted yourself with Agents Wang and Vortigern here yet?" Royce asked gesturing towards the two agents sitting at the table alongside the director.
@Wickedkent @Ninja Warrior @Kuroko
Wickedkent said:


Aaron nodded and smiled

"I believe i know them very well" He said with a chuckle he then put his hands over steph's shoulder, stared at him and laughed

"Who you calling big boss?"

@Ninja Warrior @kickboxer108 )
"Ummm, you… You're Big Boss," Steph said glancing at the hand on her shoulder. She wasn't a fan of physical contact unless she was putting the person into a headlock. To avoid the contact, Steph got up and made her way over to go refill her coffee cup. "But seriously, do either of you know any decent Chinese girl names?"
[QUOTE="Ninja Warrior]"Ummm, you… You're Big Boss," Steph said glancing at the hand on her shoulder. She wasn't a fan of physical contact unless she was putting the person into a headlock. To avoid the contact, Steph got up and made her way over to go refill her coffee cup. "But seriously, do either of you know any decent Chinese girl names?"

Royce noticed the way Steph looked at the director's hands before moving. She was familiar with Steph's case file, she knew about the girl's history. Please, this was SHIELD, everyone had some sort of history.

"How about Lian?" Royce suggested to the young agent.
"Ummmm… I'm going to google some names later, I feel like they have got to have names longer than one syllable," Steph sighed, then added. "Thank you though Boss Lady and Aaron." She capitulated each letter of his name. Steph studied the director, she needed to do some digging. While she had been told that she had some problems with authority, she tried to keep a positive opinion of people until shown that she was mistaken about them. She took a long slow drink of her coffee and went back to get seat.

@kickboxer108 @Wickedkent


Aaron then took out his phone and viewed some pictures, he saw a picture of Fury training him when he was new.

"Damn, Fury..." He thought to himself "Leaving me with such a task"

He then put his phone back in his pocket and opened the folder containing the information about the op.

Harrison met Royce in the meeting room, he didn't care to hunt down kids. He found a seat at the head of the table, and dove back into thought.


Aaron sighed

"you guys get to enjoy on missions, while I stay on my office sitting until my butt hurts" He said "Should i come with you guys?"

He then looked at royce

@kickboxer108 )
"Steph, I do think you should use a name with a Chinese origin," Royce addressed Steph first. "The reason I think that you should use a Chinese name is because it is a stereotype and people like stereotypes because they are familiar. People don't want things to be wrong they want things to be like they normally are. So, if you have a Chinese name you're less likely to draw attention to yourself." Royce then turned her attention to the director. "Sir, if you would like to join the op then by all means jump in, but I don't know what you would use for your cover. Harrison and I will be staying here because we don't have a suitable cover."

@Ninja Warrior @Wickedkent @ReverseWells
kickboxer108 said:
"Steph, I do think you should use a name with a Chinese origin," Royce addressed Steph first. "The reason I think that you should use a Chinese name is because it is a stereotype and people like stereotypes because they are familiar. People don't want things to be wrong they want things to be like they normally are. So, if you have a Chinese name you're less likely to draw attention to yourself." Royce then turned her attention to the director. "Sir, if you would like to join the op then by all means jump in, but I don't know what you would use for your cover. Harrison and I will be staying here because we don't have a suitable cover."
@Ninja Warrior @Wickedkent @ReverseWells


Aaron smiled

"What kind of cover do we need?" He asked "Chinese?"

he was thinking of the last time he had been on a mission, it was like a month ago which felt like years, He was happy that he can go into a mission again.

Wickedkent said:


Aaron smiled

"What kind of cover do we need?" He asked "Chinese?"

he was thinking of the last time he had been on a mission, it was like a month ago which felt like years, He was happy that he can go into a mission again.

"Sir, for the team, they'll be going into a high school," Royce began, the continued. "They're using covers as transfer students. Steph's cover is Chinese because it's the most dominant part of her heritage. We're trying to blend in and not have questions asked."
kickboxer108 said:
"Sir, for the team, they'll be going into a high school," Royce began, the continued. "They're using covers as transfer students. Steph's cover is Chinese because it's the most dominant part of her heritage. We're trying to blend in and not have questions asked."


Aaron then looked at royce

"Since i dont look like a high school student, I will just be a substitute teacher" He said, he then opened the folder he was bringing and pulled out a paper.

"Have a look on this" He said as he handed the paper to royce

Name: Anthony August


Occupation: Teacher/ Substitute Teacher

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Graduated as Maxima Cum laude at the university of portland.

His mother and father died at a plane crash, while going home from a business trip.

Relationships: Single
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"Looks solid, I'll let the rest of the team know when they arrive," Royce told him. "Sir, may I ask if there's a specific reason you want to get out into the field?"

kickboxer108 said:
"Looks solid, I'll let the rest of the team know when they arrive," Royce told him. "Sir, may I ask if there's a specific reason you want to get out into the field?"


Aaron then looked at royce

"the first reason is that being in the office sitting for 8 hours every 6 days is tiresome" He said "and 2nd is that i took interest on this girl's shapeshifting"
"Understood, sir," Royce noted, she supposed if she was forced to sit behind a desk all the time she might want to go on a mission even if it meant going to a high school.


Mason Raidar

"I'm not doing it." Mason told Clint as they walked together. "Mission? No thanks." Sighing as he walked ahead of Clint, the older archer grabbed his shoulder.

"Listen. You're doing it. That's an order. Remember our promise? Now stop your arguing."

"Urggh....fine." Jerking away from the Avenger, Mason continued his walk through the base, which was in New York no to surprisingly, and looked at the smooth, un-cracked walls and glistening flooring which bounced off the low level light off of it, up into the air so that more light was in the hall then it should have been. "Urgh..." Opening a door, he looked inside to find no one. An room with a couch, tv and a snooker table in the middle. Why no one is chilling out here was anyone's guess.

Pulling a cue out from underneath the table, he set up all the balls. Placing the white ball at the top, he leaned down and closed one eyes, judging how much power he would need to pot all the balls.

Harrison dove out of thought when he heard the director mention the mission. Why was he even going? As he listened to the conversation, his intrest grew. "Your not going to be rusty are you Aaron, we don't want a subsistute teacher getting fired on the first day." He didn't address him by Sir, simply because he didn't see the need. He got in trouble many times at the FBI for doing this, but he could care less.
Royce smiled a little at Harrison's question. He had always hated bureaucratic bull crap and calling people sir. Especially, people as young as the director. Pulling out her phone Royce sent Harrison a text that read "There's a bottle of scotch in the top cabinet on the right. If you need it." Then she slid her phone back into her pocket where it belonged. @ReverseWells
Harrison felt his phone buzz, as he slipped a look from under the table. He bit his lip, trying to hold back the laughter that wanted to escape him. "I think my presence here isn't needed, after all I'm just a handler on this mission." He stood up, he didn't give a damn if he was allowed to leave or not. "Hope your not having a early mid-life crisis Aaron, because going back to high school isn't the answer." He left the room, and decided to head to Royce's office, she'd join him shortly. On the way, he stopped by his old office, lucky enough to to find his hidden stash of Jack. He stepped into hers, and sat down in her chair, and set the bottle next to him.
ReverseWells said:
Harrison felt his phone buzz, as he slipped a look from under the table. He bit his lip, trying to hold back the laughter that wanted to escape him. "I think my presence here isn't needed, after all I'm just a handler on this mission." He stood up, he didn't give a damn if he was allowed to leave or not. "Hope your not having a early mid-life crisis Aaron, because going back to high school isn't the answer." He left the room, and decided to head to Royce's office, she'd join him shortly. On the way, he stopped by his old office, lucky enough to to find his hidden stash of Jack. He stepped into hers, and sat down in her chair, and set the bottle next to him.
"I'm going to go see what's up with Harrison," Royce announced not long after he left. "Inside this folder are transcripts for each of the team. Since you're accompanying them, sir, it's probably best you hold onto them. Also, on the way to the school Steph and Jordan needed to stop by the mall so they could pick out more appropriate clothing." With that Royce left the briefing room and headed to her office. When she got there she saw Harrison was sitting in her chair. "I let you have the chair if you pass me the booze," she offered.
Harrison shrugged, "Nah, I need to stand up anyways." He stood up, and gestured for her to sit down. "It'd be rude, it's your chair. Damn British in me." He moved away from the chair, and began to slowly pace back and forth in her office. "So, I need your opinion."
Steph nodded in agreement with Kuro's note. Then when Royce left she looked over at the director. "Big Boss, for some reason I think you got some less than impressed agents and its two against one," Steph told him. "Also, the whole Aaron this is reminding me of Criminal Minds. You getting some CM vibes Kuro?"

@Kuroko @Wickedkent
ReverseWells said:
Harrison shrugged, "Nah, I need to stand up anyways." He stood up, and gestured for her to sit down. "It'd be rude, it's your chair. Damn British in me." He moved away from the chair, and began to slowly pace back and forth in her office. "So, I need your opinion."
"Opinion on what?" Royce asked as she sat down in her chair and spun around a few times. She stopped spinning and propped her feet up on her desk.

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