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Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

Harrison nodded, "I agree. I've had to lie about cases, for the protect America bullshit. I'm not even from this country and I have to? They don't tell the public the truth, filthy bastards." He grumbled, and stopped in front of a door, which was the files room. He lifted up his badge, which was clipped to his belt, and let the machine scan. *Harrison Smaok. Your purpose?* the machine asked him in monotone. "Looking for a file on a case I was apart of before the shutdown. I have clearance." The door clicked, and which he pushed through.
Lyndon said:
Once he had finished packing all the medical supplies and his personal belongings, Pat grabbed a folder off his desk and went to try and find Freya. Walking up to her bunk door he knocked his usually pattern and waited politely for a response.
Freya needed something to test it on... she had an idea. It wasn't a particularly nice idea... but an idea. She quietly walked to the bunks. She saw agent fox and smiled. "Hello there." She called to him. She went to the agent's room who's palm she copied and placed it against the scanner. An excited grin was on her face.
ReverseWells said:
Harrison nodded, "I agree. I've had to lie about cases, for the protect America bullshit. I'm not even from this country and I have to? They don't tell the public the truth, filthy bastards." He grumbled, and stopped in front of a door, which was the files room. He lifted up his badge, which was clipped to his belt, and let the machine scan. *Harrison Smaok. Your purpose?* the machine asked him in monotone. "Looking for a file on a case I was apart of before the shutdown. I have clearance." The door clicked, and which he pushed through.
Royce also scanned herself in and walked into the room. Looking around at all the boxes she sighed. Digitalized files were so much easier to sort through. Going through paper files was like returning to the stone age.

"The last person in here was probably Peggy Carter herself, this place is ancient," Royce voiced as she dragged her finger over a box and looking at the dust it had collected. Shaking her head she opened the box and snorted a little with laughter. Inside the box was four shot glasses and an empty bottle of vodka. Showing Harrison she said, "Looks like it was a rough case."
"Woah, how did you do that?" Pat asked Freya as he watched her open the door to a room that wasn't her own. "How did you get the fingerprints?" The file in his hand completely forgotten Pat turned all his focus to thinking of ways she could have gotten into the room.

She grinned and held out her hand. The flesh there clearly didn't fit. After a few seconds it turned to ash and disintegrated. "A new gadget I had to test." She said with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

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Harrison had been in this room many times before this. It wasn't a day unless he visited the file room. He turned his head from a box and smiled, "Well at least Peggy knew how to organize, and how to drink. Pour one for old times?" He pulled down a box labeled. |Crimes involving Powers| He sat on the floor, and opened the box, waiting for Royce to pour a shot.
Royce sighed and pour out two shots of vodka. Passing one to Harrison, shaking her head. "Drinking on the job. Well, to hell with it," Royce muttered as she held her own shot in her hand. "For old times, back when it was easier." With that Royce threw back her shot and let out a sigh. Sliding to the ground she also dragged a box over to her and opened it. Inside were files with names on the tabs, Royce reached for the closest one and opened it.
Harrison gave her a nod, then took the swig of vodka. He took a deep breath, focusing himself, then opened the box. "I just want to go back to the place in life when everything was ok. I don't want to be haunted by my thoughts. Being alone with your thoughts is the worst because you have nowhere to run. They're just dancing in your mind, and all you can do is sit there." He sighed, pulling a file out. "Sorry for my rant. But you understand where I'm coming from." It has been along time since Harrison and Royce had shared a drink, and talked. It was nice to get back into old habits.
Pat was intrigued by the gadget that Freya had just had turn to ash in her hand. He had so many questions to ask. How did she get it to turn to ash? Would she be able to just the sizes? How did it mirror the fingerprints to such a detailed quality? "I have so many questions, I don't know where to start," he confessed and then remembered the file in his hand. "Oh, I had an idea. I was hoping to go over with you."

She nodded and smiled, "Bring it on. Oh- the device.. it has skin-forming-nanites inside it that morph to make a copy of the person's palm and finger prints. Once it's used, it will disintegrate itself that way it cant be traced... Lets get working on your idea."
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Jason sat in his car within the base's motor pool. It was a relatively small place compared to other bases but that made sense in regards to its 'hidden' status. This place had not seen much use in a while which was telling by the amount of dirt and dust as well as domant state of the machines they had found on arrival. He fiddled with his radio but only got static, likely due to the several feet of concrete that surrounded him. He sat back and siged. It was his duty to drive the agents to their mission objective and wait patiently for them to get it done. Now, however, he seemed to be stuck with a bunch of kids but this gave him some hope that he may have to leave his car and get involved or perhaps get into an exciting car chase. As he favoured these thoughts he reached to the passenger seat and opened a box of donuts, sweet and sugary ones. Ever since his 'incident' he'd developed a liking for sugar even more so than usual. He placed it to his mouth and took a large bite...
Enmyira said:
She nodded and smiled, "Bring it on. Oh- the device.. it has skin-forming-nanites inside it that morph to make a copy of the person's palm and finger prints. Once it's used, it will disintegrate itself that way it cant be traced... Lets get working on your idea."
"Okay,"Pat said, his brain switching from the glove to the folder of papers. "I was think about this the other day. I want to get a way to monitor the team's vitals and such without them wearing bulky equipment and such. So, I was hoping we could talk about how we could do this. My best idea for guy is a type of undershirt. But for girls, I'm at a bit of a disadvantage. I figured you could help me, with the tech specifics and for the design for girls."
ReverseWells said:
Harrison gave her a nod, then took the swig of vodka. He took a deep breath, focusing himself, then opened the box. "I just want to go back to the place in life when everything was ok. I don't want to be haunted by my thoughts. Being alone with your thoughts is the worst because you have nowhere to run. They're just dancing in your mind, and all you can do is sit there." He sighed, pulling a file out. "Sorry for my rant. But you understand where I'm coming from." It has been along time since Harrison and Royce had shared a drink, and talked. It was nice to get back into old habits.
Royce nodded, she did understand, she continued reading the file in front of her looking at the details of the man's powers and his crimes. She was reading about how SHIELD had handled the issue when she saw a familiar name, Arya Poste. Seeing that name Royce shut the folder and poured herself another shot. She drank that one and poured herself another, then she remembered that they were still on the clock and screwed the cap back onto the bottle.

"I'm not finding anything interesting," She said. "You?"
Lyndon said:
"Okay,"Pat said, his brain switching from the glove to the folder of papers. "I was think about this the other day. I want to get a way to monitor the team's vitals and such without them wearing bulky equipment and such. So, I was hoping we could talk about how we could do this. My best idea for guy is a type of undershirt. But for girls, I'm at a bit of a disadvantage. I figured you could help me, with the tech specifics and for the design for girls."
An undershirt. That was a good idea. She honestly would have just stuck something under their skin. "Hmm. Alright, that wont be too hard!" she smiled.
Harrison smiled from under his file, hearing the cap screwing, and unscrewing. She probably stumbled on Arya. "Nothing with substance. Just some stuff about a warehouse." He took the paper from the file, and tucked it in his back pocket. He stood up, closing the box, then picking it up. He slid it back into place, and offered his hand to Royce. "Grab the bottle, those glasses make me feel 12. Once the teens are gone, we're going to do something more productive."
ReverseWells said:
Harrison smiled from under his file, hearing the cap screwing, and unscrewing. She probably stumbled on Arya. "Nothing with substance. Just some stuff about a warehouse." He took the paper from the file, and tucked it in his back pocket. He stood up, closing the box, then picking it up. He slid it back into place, and offered his hand to Royce. "Grab the bottle, those glasses make me feel 12. Once the teens are gone, we're going to do something more productive."
Taking Harrison's offered hand she stood and then ran a hand down her pants smoothing them out. "I've got a bottle or two in my office too," Royce told him grabbing the slightly lighter bottle and walking towards the door. "I can see where they're at, they may need to make a clothing run before heading to the school." Royce left the room popping a breath mint into her mouth to make it taste better. She had never liked the taste that vodka left in her mouth.
Enmyira said:
An undershirt. That was a good idea. She honestly would have just stuck something under their skin. "Hmm. Alright, that wont be too hard!" she smiled.
Pat smiled at Freya's enthusiasm and offered her the folder he was holding.

"I've indicated on a model where the tech could best pick up signs like pulse and breath sounds," Pat explained. "While I wanted to have the most accurate readings which would be just sticking things to their skin. I don't want to bring on awkward conversations in the locker room or anything."
Lyndon said:
Pat smiled at Freya's enthusiasm and offered her the folder he was holding.
"I've indicated on a model where the tech could best pick up signs like pulse and breath sounds," Pat explained. "While I wanted to have the most accurate readings which would be just sticking things to their skin. I don't want to bring on awkward conversations in the locker room or anything."
She nodded. "Right. Shall we head to the lab?"
Harrison shut the door once Royce was out, then followed her in suit. "I think I left a bottle of Jack, but I don't know. Hey mind if I have one?" He said gesturing to the mint, "Having a breath that smells like straight liquor isn't very professional in front of teenagers."
ReverseWells said:
Harrison shut the door once Royce was out, then followed her in suit. "I think I left a bottle of Jack, but I don't know. Hey mind if I have one?" He said gesturing to the mint, "Having a breath that smells like straight liquor isn't very professional in front of teenagers."
"It was your idea to drink," Royce pointed out. "I'm tempted to let you have liquor breath." Royce passed him the tin as she headed for the bunking section. When she got there she realized none of the team was actually in their bunk packing. Peeking into Steph's room she saw a duffle with cargo pants laying on the ground, she really hoped Jordan would help her fit in like he had said.

"They're all off doing who knows what," Royce told Harrison. "I'll check the lab."
"It always is Royce, but you don't have to. But what do you do, chug with me. That's why we're friends" He smiled, and took 2 mints from the tin, and popped them into his mouth. He decided to follow her around, seeing nothing much better to do. "They're teens, they never listen to authority." He wouldn't be surprised seeing them in the lab, a place where they shouldn't be.
ReverseWells said:
"It always is Royce, but you don't have to. But what do you do, chug with me. That's why we're friends" He smiled, and took 2 mints from the tin, and popped them into his mouth. He decided to follow her around, seeing nothing much better to do. "They're teens, they never listen to authority." He wouldn't be surprised seeing them in the lab, a place where they shouldn't be.
"These are highly trained teenagers who work for a secret government agency, to them there is no authority. Even though I never specifically told them that they were to tell me when they finished packing," Royce pointed out as she began to make her way to the lab. "My guess is that Freya and Patrick are in the lab, Steph is most likely in the gym and since she wanted to spar I'm guessing Jordan went because he is the only one besides Kuro who has the training. Then, Kuro left a note saying he was going to the court to play some basket ball." Royce remembered seeing a sheet of paper as they walked by the door.
Harrison nodded, and acted like he was listening. But in reality he was going over the information he read about. In the past years, nothing had came up about a warehouse, and this one was intresting. "Once were not busy I need your opinion on something" he said clearly deep in thought.
Lyndon said:
"I'll follow your lead," Pat told the blonde agent.
She nodded and lead them to the lab. She settled at her desk in her skinny chair and gestured for him to steal someone's. Almost immediately after logging in she started putting in variables and logarithms to come up with a model that would fit his descriptions.

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