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Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

Pat raised his eyebrows at Steph's sarcastic remark. The girl had some fire to her, but that seemed to come with being a fifteen year-old trained assassin.

"I'm just glad I'm not the only guy in the room anymore," Pat declared, allowing his fingers to slip into the pocket on his vest. "It can make a guy nervous to be surrounded by girls, you know. How's the eye?"

Kuro woke groggily as he sat up. He had slept little the day before, staying up to maintain his AS50 to peak condition. He got up, grabbed the clothes he prepared for the day, and took a quick shower. After he took care of his hair and brushed his teeth. Dressing in a red Nike sleeveless shirt and black jeans, he put on a pair of red and black basketball shoes and left his room. He walked into the room where everyone else was and made a quick canimile tea. Looking in a reflection of the tea container, Kuro could see his icy blue eyes had been in an ever so slight glare, and were dilated. He dismissed it though, and while leaning on the counter and drinking, he watched everyone else.
"I'm going to begin the briefing now if that's okay with everyone," Royce said, passing out the remaining papers in her folder to the members of the team. "Liza Grey, age 17. The intel we collected indicates that she had shape shifting abilities. She can morph her appearance to look like anyone she wants to. Since this ability isn't , to say, dangerous. I don't want to use the usual approach. Coming in guns blazing to check out a 17 year old girl won't look good. I think that the best approach would be to send in a few of you undercover. You would go to the school for a few days, and using your cover you would gather more information on Liza Grey. Does anybody have any questions or comments?"

@Shnuydude @Kuroko @Ninja Warrior @Lyndon @Enmyira
kickboxer108 said:
"I'm going to begin the briefing now if that's okay with everyone," Royce said, passing out the remaining papers in her folder to the members of the team. "Liza Grey, age 17. The intel we collected indicates that she had shape shifting abilities. She can morph her appearance to look like anyone she wants to. Since this ability isn't , to say, dangerous. I don't want to use the usual approach. Coming in guns blazing to check out a 17 year old girl won't look good. I think that the best approach would be to send in a few of you undercover. You would go to the school for a few days, and using your cover you would gather more information on Liza Grey. Does anybody have any questions or comments?"
@Shnuydude @Kuroko @Ninja Warrior @Lyndon @Enmyira
Freya's hand immediately shot up. "Who exactly are you sending in? I need to be able to..." she hesitated and looked around the room. "To properly outfit the ones who are going..." sHe finished. She recently had made a bunch of new little items that could possibly help with this mission..
Enmyira said:
Freya's hand immediately shot up. "Who exactly are you sending in? I need to be able to..." she hesitated and looked around the room. "To properly outfit the ones who are going..." sHe finished. She recently had made a bunch of new little items that could possibly help with this mission..
"After some thought, I'm considering sending in Kuro, due to his age proximity. Steph for back up. Then, I would want either you, Freya, or Pat to go in. But the two of you can decide amongst yourselves," Royce explained her reasoning. "Kuro and Steph do either of you have any reason you wouldn't want to go undercover?"
kickboxer108 said:
"I'm going to begin the briefing now if that's okay with everyone," Royce said, passing out the remaining papers in her folder to the members of the team. "Liza Grey, age 17. The intel we collected indicates that she had shape shifting abilities. She can morph her appearance to look like anyone she wants to. Since this ability isn't , to say, dangerous. I don't want to use the usual approach. Coming in guns blazing to check out a 17 year old girl won't look good. I think that the best approach would be to send in a few of you undercover. You would go to the school for a few days, and using your cover you would gather more information on Liza Grey. Does anybody have any questions or comments?"
@Shnuydude @Kuroko @Ninja Warrior @Lyndon @Enmyira
Kuro raised his hand as to volunteer to go undercover. He would have said out loud, but he wasn't comfortable talking to them just yet. He liked going undercover, and thus was a perfect opportunity to do so. He had finished his tea, so he put it in the sink and sat down. He sat straight and watched Royce for the next part of the briefing.
kickboxer108 said:
"After some thought, I'm considering sending in Kuro, due to his age proximity. Steph for back up. Then, I would want either you, Freya, or Pat to go in. But the two of you can decide amongst yourselves," Royce explained her reasoning. "Kuro and Steph do either of you have any reason you wouldn't want to go undercover?"
Kuro said no by shaking his head. But he took out a piece of paper and quickly wrote down in cursive, " I'm sorry I'm not saying this outloud, but I would need to talk for this, right? I want to go, but that's one of my questions." It wrote. He handed it to her and waited for a response.
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"Ummm... I've never been to high school before," Steph blurted out. "But, I've done a significant amount of online research on the subject. Based off the information I've seen it's not somewhere I've ever wanted to go. It basically is a bunch of hormonal, sex-crazy teenagers none of whom are particularly interesting."

kickboxer108 said:
"After some thought, I'm considering sending in Kuro, due to his age proximity. Steph for back up. Then, I would want either you, Freya, or Pat to go in. But the two of you can decide amongst yourselves," Royce explained her reasoning. "Kuro and Steph do either of you have any reason you wouldn't want to go undercover?"
Freya made mental notes and smiled. "Agent Fox, your preference?"

(#fitzsimmons for life)
"Well, I think logically. It makes more sense for you to go. I mean if there's a technical issue I'll have no clue how to help. But, if there's a medical issue you can still probably handle it effectively. So, I think you're the more logical option," Pat pointed out. "Of course, I am more than willing if you don't want to go."

Lyndon said:
"Well, I think logically. It makes more sense for you to go. I mean if there's a technical issue I'll have no clue how to help. But, if there's a medical issue you can still probably handle it effectively. So, I think you're the more logical option," Pat pointed out. "Of course, I am more than willing if you don't want to go."
"Oh god... I have no idea." She frowned and looked at their leader. She was suppose to know how to sort this out... right?

Kuroko said:
Kuro said no by shaking his head. But he took out a piece of paper and quickly wrote down in cursive, " I'm sorry I'm not saying this outloud, but I would need to talk for this, right? I want to go, but that's one of my questions." It wrote. He handed it to her and waited for a response.
"If you can't decide I'll send both of you," Royce said to Pat and Freya. Then turning to Kuro continued. "I figured that we could fit that into your undercover identity. Liza will open up more around someone she can trust not to tell anyone. So, as horrible as it sounds, she's more likely to tell you her secrets if she thinks that you're not going to tell anyone."
Pat looked over at Freya. "So, what do you think about going into this hell of sex-crazy teenagers together?" He asked her.

Lyndon said:
Pat looked over at Freya. "So, what do you think about going into this hell of sex-crazy teenagers together?" He asked her.
She grimanced and looked at her soon to be partner In crime. "To be honest I'm a bit nervous. I only went to high school for a year."
"No worries, there are teenagers across the globe of much lower intelligence than you who seem to succeed there," Pat told her. He had also only completed one year of high school before deciding to pursue a much quicker option of education. "Besides, with all of us there how can it go wrong?"

kickboxer108 said:
"If you can't decide I'll send both of you," Royce said to Pat and Freya. Then turning to Kuro continued. "I figured that we could fit that into your undercover identity. Liza will open up more around someone she can trust not to tell anyone. So, as horrible as it sounds, she's more likely to tell you her secrets if she thinks that you're not going to tell anyone."
Kuro nodded in affirmation, then spoke for the first time in a long time. " Okay. So get to know her, get the secret by being a best friend. Got it. I'll probably need to get popular to get her attention.....wow. This... Talking. It feels weird."
Lyndon said:
"No worries, there are teenagers across the globe of much lower intelligence than you who seem to succeed there," Pat told her. He had also only completed one year of high school before deciding to pursue a much quicker option of education. "Besides, with all of us there how can it go wrong?"
She smiled then. Nodded to. "You know just what to say, Agent Fox. Thank you." She told him.
Enmyira said:
She smiled then. Nodded to. "You know just what to say, Agent Fox. Thank you." She told him.
"Get a room," Steph muttered quietly. Then, feeling eyes on her added. "Just practicing for the mission, you know the whole moody teenager thing."
Royce rolled her eyes at Steph's comment before choosing to continue. "Okay, now that all of that is decided, I would like you all to privately come up with identities. You can choose to keep your names but I suggest you all come up with some backstories for yourselves in case anybody asks."
Jordan had been ignoring most of the people in the room because his eye had messed up again and he went blind in that eye for a bit. After finally fixing the problem he raised his hand "And what exactly will I be doing for this mission?"
Shnuydude said:
Jordan had been ignoring most of the people in the room because his eye had messed up again and he went blind in that eye for a bit. After finally fixing the problem he raised his hand "And what exactly will I be doing for this mission?"
"Jordan, I had been planning on having you and either Freya or Pat running back end here. But since both of them are going, it makes more sense for you to go as well," Royce sighed looking down at her mission plans. "Would you want to do that? Or would you rather stay and run back end?"
Jordan tapped the table with his fingers a couple of times before answering "I wouldn't mind getting going in, if anything I might be able to help kuro get that popularity he says he might need."

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