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Fandom RWBY


: Church Augustine

⊱Age: 27

⊱Race: Human

⊱Description: Male/Female: Male


: 6'5"



Hair color

: Black

Body type

: Built/Strong/Muscular


: Lacking the strength in Aura that most Huntsmen have, Church must compensate with two layers of armor.

1st Layer

.) A full body suit of standard iron Chain-Mail covers Church from head to toe.

2nd Layer

.) Attachments of High-Entropy Alloys, that are as light as aluminum and as strong as titanium, cover his extremities and vital organs.



: With knowledge passed down from generations of skilled blacksmith's, Church forged his two-handed axe with his own hands. This axe has 3 forms, that coincide well with his semblance.

1.) Two-handed Axe

: Exactly as it is displayed in the picture

2.) Two, One-Handed Axes

: Church's Axe can separate at the haft to form two one handed axes for both hands.

3.) One-Handed Axe w/Shield

: Instead of two, one-handed Axe's as option two displays, one of the Axes can take the form of a 4-foot shield for defensive needs

: "Stance": In his youth, Church was late to discover his Semblance. He trained for 4 years with a retired Huntress, Adal Windstorm, and discovered it, during one of his sparring sessions.

Church started the sparring session by going on the offensive, using the Two-Handed form of his Axe to land precise, surgical, and well-placed strikes.

When Adal responded with an even greater offensive, Church unlocked the haft of his Axe, deployed his shield, and went on the defensive. Church blocked and deflected every strike by Adal, only attacking with the other half of his Axe when the opportunity presented itself.

Finally, Adal appeared to exhaust herself, and Church snapped his shield back to it's Axe form and charged the instructor with his two, one-handed axes.

At that moment, after using all three of his fighting styles, Church felt his Aura pulsing and at that moment, he instinctually knew what his Semblance was.

1.) Balanced Stance

: A balanced combat stance that focuses on precise and surgical attacks. Church has noticed a significant boost to his accuracy and battle-field awareness when using this stance. (Two-handed Axe)

2.) Iron Stance

: A defensive combat stance that slightly increases the strength of his Aura and his overall fortitude, allowing Church to endure more hits while remaining on his feet. (Axe and Shield)

3.) Dueler's Stance

: An offensive stance that grants Church a boost to his speed, power, and agility. (Two, One-Handed Axes.)

Notable Strengths: 1.)Compared to other Humans, Church is an exceptionally large, built, and all around "hard" individual. His strength doesn't come from his Aura or other otherworldly force; his strength comes from his body.

2.) Church's calm and introverted personality, even in combat, allows him to approach situations logically and critically. When people talk, he actively listens. As he fights, he observes his opponent, adjusting as needed to maximize his chances for success.

⊱Notable Weaknesses: 1.) Church's Aura is significantly weaker than that of other student's, forcing him to focus more on his own self-preservation and discouraging epic displays of reckless heroism.

2.) Church's sister, Asha, is a significant emotional weakness. In many ways, Asha is the only family he has left and any form of logic or reason would evaporate for Church if she was in mortal danger.

3.) Church has an extremely limited ranged combat capability. While able to throw his Axes accurately for a significant distance, he must then go retrieve them.

⊱Fighting Style: Melee/Defensive

⊱Personality: Introverted, Follower, Humble

⊱Bio: Church grew up on the outskirts of a small village in Forever Fall. He lived with his Mom, Dad, and Sister, Asha Augustine. His father worked as an expert blacksmith with strong partnerships to the surrounding villages and even Signal Academy. The blacksmithing shop was built by his father’s own hands as a separate building off of their house. His mother worked as tailor who saw similar success, in a shop located in the village itself. Growing up, Church went through grade school in Vale, and then when he was 16 assumed the role of apprentice blacksmith in his father’s shop. Church found he was skilled in weapon smithing, loved it, and had no intention of ever becoming a fighter.

That is until a year later, when the Grimm attacked en masse on the village which housed his mother’s shop. And on that specific day, Asha was with his mother as well. Church remembered hearing his mother’s frantic voice over the phone as she called his father alerting him to their situation. Church remembered his father, without hesitation, grabbing a weapon and tossing him the first sword he’d ever wield. “We’re getting them out of there.” He had said to Church, and they sprinted towards the village.

Church remembered hearing the cries and shouts of people as they evacuated the village, he and his father arriving just in time to see an Ursa break down the door to the tailoring shop. Church’s father lunged onto the Ursa to get its attention, and his mother starting flailing at it as well, to buy him and Asha some time. “Get your sister out of here. Now!” his father demanded. Church remembers how conflicted he was in that moment. He wanted to stay and help his parents, but also felt a duty to protect his sister. In the end, protecting his sister turned out to be his priority.

Together, he and Asha sprinted out of the village back toward their home where a “panic room” waited for them to utilize. They didn’t make it far, however, before two Beowolves intercepted them. Church yelled at Asha to sprint back to the house and he brandished his sword and began swinging violently toward the Grimm, drawing their attention. The Grimm turned out to be more agile then Church thought, and he wasn’t even able to land a single hit. One of the Beowolves lunged at Church, knocking him back and pinned him on the ground, and that is where Church expected his journey to end.

Fate, as it would seem, had a different plan for Church as a squad of police officers and two huntsmen arrived just in time to exterminate the Beowolves before he came to any real harm. Church marveled at the huntsmen. Armed with weapons he had never seen forged, and armor just as unique. They cut down the Grimm swiftly and surgically. When they were finished, one of the Huntsmen walked over, took Church’s hand, and pulled him to his feet. “You alright?” He asked.

“Yeah.” Church replied, shaking the dust off. “But the village…”

“We’re already on it.” The other Huntsman stated as he led the group toward the fighting. The Huntsman who helped him gave him a nod and ran to catch up with his group.

Church never saw his parents again, after that day. Indeed, they had perished by the Ursa they engaged in the shop. Soon after, a parchment arrived from the Vale Bank stating that he and his sister had a security deposit, their father had kept for them, to withdraw. The inheritance was substantial and Church knew exactly what he wanted to do with it. If he had been able to fight, he could’ve rescued his father, mother, and Asha without a sweat. Like the Huntsman.

Church sat Asha down and explained to her what he was going to do. “I’m going to train to be a Huntsman. I know I’m a little old to just be starting, but it’s what I want to do.” To his shock, Asha also stood and said she wanted to train with him. Church tried to object, but Asha was a stubborn girl. She couldn’t be told no, even when their parent’s had been alive. Together they looked and soon found the name of a retired Huntress, Adal Windstorm. After approaching her, explaining what they wanted, and offering payment, the white haired woman looked both of them deep in the eyes, studying them.

“You.” Adal said, pointing at Asha. “I can train you.” Adal’s eyes wandered over to Church. “But you….” She said, her voice trailing off. “Well…. I suppose we shall see.”

To say Church was discouraged by those words was an understatement, but he wouldn’t quit. This was what he wanted, and he knew it.


Today Church and Asha have gone their separate ways, long time graduates of beacon. Asha still works with a professional team in Vacuo, while Church has opted to operate alone, working as a body guard for high profile officials in Vale who study volatile artifacts in some of the most dangerous places.


Any other optional media:

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If you guys want me to roleplay a character that isn't used much, I can do so. Also, I'd be happy to play Weiss or Ruby as needed, but other than that, I will be using this OC character:

Sapphire Stone


Name: Sapphire Stone

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Wolf Faunus

A Bit More Appearance

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 139 lbs

Armor: View attachment 179201

Mental Characteristics

Personality: Overall, Sapphire is sarcastic, easily tempered, and awkward. However, two of the three is due to her background and training. If she tries making friends with people (which is rare), she will mostly screw it up with awkwardness. Sapphire has a horrible temper, so any high pitched noises or people arguing and blabbing about nonsense will set her off. Even though she has a rough outside, she still longs to make some friends. Inside she's overly caring, still awkward, and sweet.

Strengths: Melee fighting, tracking (by means of scent), sleeping, eating, keeping secrets (maybe).

Weaknesses: Communication, following orders, people.

Fears: She is deathly afraid of fire, if Sapphire comes near it, it will render her helpless and usually in a ball on the floor, whimpering for help. The White Fang.

Likes: Meat, listening to music, sleeping, being praised (even if she rarely does anything to deserve it).

Dislikes: High pitched noises, enclosed spaces, crowds

History and Other


Silver was born into a small family of Faunus consisting of an older brother, mother, and father. She was special, however, but not in a good way. Silver was born with achromatopsia, the inability to see any color other than grey, white, and black. This didn't render her capabilities, minus the fact that she didn't know anything about this thing called, 'color.' At the age of three, her father mysteriously vanished from the face of Remnant, so as Silver grew up, she never really knew him. When she was about ten, her brother seemingly vanished as well. Little did the girl know, she would be next.

On Silver's twelfth birthday, she had gone out into the dangerous streets of Vacuo to find a job, as her mother had quit her job after losing her son, and food was running low. This was a terrible mistake, for the White Fang had recently become even more violent, and were looking for "new recruits." Before entering the local dust shop that was hiring, Silver was swooped up by two White Fang goons, both equally stronger and faster than her. She didn't know it at the time, but those two "goons" were her father and brother. They took her to the nearest White Fang hideout and revealed their identities, shocking the girl. No matter how much they tried to convince her, however, Silver had no desire to join their cause. Her future probably would have been a lot better if she had just joined, but the girl was stubborn.

The leader of the White Fang (not Adam or Torchwick or Cinder, before all of them) had to cut in, doing whatever means possible to form the stubborn little girl into a soldier. She suffered several injuries, but none worse than the one that left a permanent wound. After two years of Silver not giving in, the leader had had enough. He took the girl by her arm and used a piece of metal (in the shape of the White Fang symbol) heated to a bright orange and pressed it against her shoulder, burning the symbol into her flesh. Silver still has a scar from the moment, reminding her of the time when she finally caved in. She pleaded for the pain to go away, and it did. Silver was from then on formed into the perfect White Fang soldier.. before escaping a year afterwards. No longer prisoner to the White Fang, Silver did her best to brake the militaristic habits instilled upon her by them, trying to become a normal teenager again. Before finding out about Beacon, as she figured she could use her new fighting abilities for good instead of evil.

Other: When the subject of White Fang comes up, she will almost subconsciously touch her shoulder, right where the burn was seared into her flesh.

Weapon: View attachment 220582


The Unamed Character] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20915-redlikeroses/ said:
@RedLikeRoses[/URL] take a chill pill..... you can freak once @Marasai gets to the fights of the new season
Don't even get me started on those fights. If you do, my head will literally explode. *holds back desire to blab about episode 8*
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]lolz. CROW IS AWESOME!!!!!

I can't explain my emotions for Qrow, but they are not good. I ship him and Winter to be honest.
RedLikeRoses said:
I was thinking that since you didn't know much about Cinder, and she's not a main character, I'll just be an OC.
Okay! And we can save Cinder for you for when a good opportunity comes out to introduce her in the story!

RedLikeRoses said:
If you guys want me to roleplay a character that isn't used much, I can do so. Also, I'd be happy to play Weiss or Ruby as needed, but other than that, I will be using this OC character:
Thanks! I was really hoping someone would want to play those two. ^^

RedLikeRoses said:
Don't even get me started on those fights. If you do, my head will literally explode. *holds back desire to blab about episode 8*
AAAAAH, *freaks out in fangasm* episode 8 was awesome, and what really sold me on the show!!

And to everyone who posted their profiles, thanks! I'll post the starter tonight for everyone to check.
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[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]kk thanks. i got an amazing OC that is sort of like Whise
I always mispell the name but who cares

Weiss Schnee :)

Perhaps our OC's can be on a team together!
RedLikeRoses said:
Episode 8 of which season? I'm talking about season 3.
Gah, season 1, which means I can look forward to things getting even better.

RedLikeRoses said:
What is the character ratio of OC's to Canon?
Hm, let's see. So far, I think I count possibly 4 Canons (Yang, Nora, Cinder, Ruby/Weiss), and 3 OCs.
Let me give you guys a preview of mine

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Nagisa_(Psp2i)_600_487554.jpg.c5d068e4014e611b10f0f86b7b3fb6ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99110" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Nagisa_(Psp2i)_600_487554.jpg.c5d068e4014e611b10f0f86b7b3fb6ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Crimson Sapphire.... at your service"



  • Nagisa_(Psp2i)_600_487554.jpg
    45.5 KB · Views: 24
Marasai said:
Gah, season 1, which means I can look forward to things getting even better.
Hm, let's see. So far, I think I count possibly 4 Canons (Yang, Nora, Cinder, Ruby/Weiss), and 3 OCs.
We're gonna have to even the ratio out so that we can make teams.
...I am known to hold grudges.

So @Marasai any specific plan for this rp? Is it gonna be in an AU where OC's are combined with Canon's? Are we gonna have people antagonists (the White Fang, Cinder, Roman) or Grimm atagonists. What are you thinking for the plotline?

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