RP Section

Marz sends out another strike to the side which is easily parried as she sends a jab for his stomach which he knocks aside. "Not so bad for a pipsqueak, huh?" she asks sarcastically. Marz grunts and sends out a series of reckless slashes which are deflected away. "My turn."she smiles and sends out slashes a jabs which Marz dodges and parries all of them. God Dammit she thought. He sends another slash to her left catching her off guard, she manged to stop the sword from cutting into her but not before it leaves a mark on her cheek."She smiles This is actually a challenge she thinks. Marz flips his blade locking her's in the back grooves, he shoves launching her sword from her hands backwards. She back flips and catches it before it hits the ground. Marz aims a vicious vertical strike that she jumps over and kicks him in the jaw. She smerks as he stumbles back. He charges forward aiming more slices with great difficulty she parries them back. He jabs his fist catching her side and sending her back. They lock swords again,she shoves hard on his sword which pushes him back causing him to stumble. He charges her with another reckless downward slash. Wow, he really is out of ideas. she thought. She raised her sword again preparing to block but instead he sends a sucker punch right into her stomach sending her flat on her back and knocking the wind out of her. "Heh, too easy." Marz says smirking and spins the blade of his sword while approaching her slowly. Zoey un-holsters Snow and fires a shot, hitting Marz's left shoulder causing him to grab it and cause him to fall backwards slumping against the wall of a building. She stands up and aims a pistol at him, ready to fire. She re holsters it, "You're quite good, shame you're on the wrong side." she mocks while starting to walk away she notices his jacket laying on the ground. She picks it up and turns back to Marz. "You know, i like this,i think ill keep it as a memento. You probably wont be needing it." she says while slipping it on, smirking while staring at Marz and puffs up the collar and turns back around. "Adieu." she waves while beginning to sprint to reunite with Joseph


(All consent was given by the both of us for using each other's characters. And any and all injuries etc.)
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Clair had made it to the Cafe but it seemed that the duo she was expecting to find there was nowhere to be found , so instead of waiting around Clair decided she would go out and look for the two herself. After walking around aimlessly for what seemed like ten minutes she came across a rather large turf war , or at least what she assumed to be a rather large turf war. There were mobsters everywhere just doing what mobsters do and the such. Honestly how was she supposed to find Aurora and Bugsy in this mess ?

Well actually it was surprisingly easy , you see moments after entering the area she found Bugsy , well Bugsy and the kid from before but primarily she had found Bugsy ! Now by found Bugsy what I really meant was she had spotted Bugsy from quite a while away , so much so that there had to have been about half a dozen , heavily armed mobster between the two.

Now Clair wasn't one for taking anything to seriously , why would she ? Heck life was way to short for her , and she was an elf for god's sake. So when most would turn back and find another route Clair simply moved casually through the group of mobsters , taking the most direct path she could to Bugsy.

Now of course the mobsters had something to say about this , in fact they had a lot of mean and demeaning things to say about Clair as she made her way past them. One even made a grab for her but he was consequently turned to ash for doing so and his friends were simply set alight. "people these days just don't have manners. I don't even know what a 'harlot' is !".

Having now secured her path to Bugsy Clair arrived by his side quite quick. It was evident that the boy from before was currently fighting and so Clair simply retook her seat upon the bots shoulder. As she did so the battle seemed to end , which was rather unfortunate but what surprised her the most was the woman he was fighting decided to take his jacket ! "What a creep am I right 'Big Man' , what kind of woman goes around beating people up just to take there sweaty jackets. Well to each there own I guess...."

@XXXIwolf @johnthehunter @Drakeel
"Where is here?" she murmured to herself, looking around the area. She was a tad frustrated to be having to stop and she was about to voice the topic when Kyns ran indoors leaving the two girls outside, "Uhh..." she looked back at the girl she had dragged along, "Um, did you make that robot back there? it was pretty impressive." she said with a smile, "Oh and I'm Echo." she stated.

After a few seconds of silence a few mob men ran up, she braced herself but Kyns was already out slamming threw them like they were flies in some odd suit. As she stared in Awe he screamed about how that was why she needed to come down here. She laughed a bit to herself then cupped her hands to her mouth and yelled, "Noted!" Within a few quick bounds and a rather forceful slam of her fist and a knee to the crotch another man was down. She was quick when she struck, not as effective as Kyn and his armor but handled herself rather well. She looked over at him, "So do you have a plan here or are we going to keep striking everyone down until we're exhausted?"
Bugsy was startled by the sudden woman on her shoulder. Actually he was just confused. He simply nods at her. It was ashame he couldn't speak. Soon enough he will. Bugsy wanted to help Marz. It was his job to help people. He walks over to a defeated Marz and picks him up seeing him injured. He gently Pat's Marz' head as if saying, "hang in there" or "you did great." The large bot starts running away with a hand held over Clair as a seatbelt for her while the other held onto Marz tightly. Soon he hears more explosions and fighting not far away. He follows the noise of of echoing metal. A noise which sounded familiar. Like a robot.

Meanwhile Aurora's jaw drops in awe and fascination of Kyns armor. She whistles towards Kyns and cheers him on fist pumping. "Wahoo!!! That is some mighty fine armor. So awesome. You're really cool mista!" She cheers and helps beat up some men using her scythe. Of course she skillfully dodges some attacks from the men and does some jumps here and there like an acrobatic. She giggles having a blast fighting these guys.

After awhile Bugsy catches up and finds Aurora fighting her enemies. He comes to a halt. He was so happy to see here he toots a bit of steam from his pipes. Aurora on the other hand swings her scythe like a base ball bat slamming the man into the wall unconscious. Once she turns around and hears a familiar toot. Aurora's eyes sparkle like stars seeing her favorite group. "Bugsy!!! Clair! Oh joy! Am I glad to see you guys. You came back ta me Bugsy!" She squeals throwing her hands in the air and running towards Bugsy and Clair. She hugs her big bot to which he gladly hugs her bag nuzzling against her.

"Clair ya brought him back to me. Thank you so much!"
She hugs Clair into a tight hug once she climbs Bugsy. Bugsy nudges Aurora and points to an injured Marz saying he helped too. Aurora turns around and gasps. Concern takes over as she hops down and holds the man in her arms once he's lied down. She sees the bleeding on his shoulder and furrows her brows.

"Oh no. Marz ya okay? Ya poor kid. You brought back my Bugsy too. Thank you. Yo really are a sweet heart." With that she pecks his cheek as a thank you. @Mr Swiftshots @johnthehunter
XXXIwolf said:
Bugsy was startled by the sudden woman on her shoulder. Actually he was just confused. He simply nods at her. It was ashame he couldn't speak. Soon enough he will. Bugsy wanted to help Marz. It was his job to help people. He walks over to a defeated Marz and picks him up seeing him injured. He gently Pat's Marz' head as if saying, "hang in there" or "you did great." The large bot starts running away with a hand held over Clair as a seatbelt for her while the other held onto Marz tightly. Soon he hears more explosions and fighting not far away. He follows the noise of of echoing metal. A noise which sounded familiar. Like a robot.
Meanwhile Aurora's jaw drops in awe and fascination of Kyns armor. She whistles towards Kyns and cheers him on fist pumping. "Wahoo!!! That is some mighty fine armor. So awesome. You're really cool mista!" She cheers and helps beat up some men using her scythe. Of course she skillfully dodges some attacks from the men and does some jumps here and there like an acrobatic. She giggles having a blast fighting these guys.

After awhile Bugsy catches up and finds Aurora fighting her enemies. He comes to a halt. He was so happy to see here he toots a bit of steam from his pipes. Aurora on the other hand swings her scythe like a base ball bat slamming the man into the wall unconscious. Once she turns around and hears a familiar toot. Aurora's eyes sparkle like stars seeing her favorite group. "Bugsy!!! Clair! Oh joy! Am I glad to see you guys. You came back ta me Bugsy!" She squeals throwing her hands in the air and running towards Bugsy and Clair. She hugs her big bot to which he gladly hugs her bag nuzzling against her.

"Clair ya brought him back to me. Thank you so much!"
She hugs Clair into a tight hug once she climbs Bugsy. Bugsy nudges Aurora and points to an injured Marz saying he helped too. Aurora turns around and gasps. Concern takes over as she hops down and holds the man in her arms once he's lied down. She sees the bleeding on his shoulder and furrows her brows.

"Oh no. Marz ya okay? Ya poor kid. You brought back my Bugsy too. Thank you. Yo really are a sweet heart." With that she pecks his cheek as a thank you. @XXXIwolf @johnthehunter
Aurora was baffled by Clair's sudden question. How can she be thinking these things at a time like that and why does she want to borrow him? "Why do you need to borrow Bugsy? We're in the middle of a battle here!" She turns back around and remembers what Kyns did and shrugs. "Eh not my battle. Sure I guess you can borrow Bugsy. That okay with ya big fella?" The large steam trained robot turns to Clair and slightly blushes. Magic is amazing ain't it? He sees her wink at him only making him too flustered. Steam pours out of of his wind pipes from the small flirtatious action. He nods supposing there is nothing wrong and just following orders. He stands up straight and looks at Clair with a questioning look of what she wanted. Aurora throws Marz's arm over her shoulder and another arm wrapped around his waist to support him before he bleeds to death.

@Mr Swiftshots @johnthehunter
XXXIwolf said:
Aurora was baffled by Clair's sudden question. How can she be thinking these things at a time like that and why does she want to borrow him? "Why do you need to borrow Bugsy? We're in the middle of a battle here!" She turns back around and remembers what Kyns did and shrugs. "Eh not my battle. Sure I guess you can borrow Bugsy. That okay with ya big fella?" The large steam trained robot turns to Clair and slightly blushes. Magic is amazing ain't it? He sees her wink at him only making him too flustered. Steam pours out of of his wind pipes from the small flirtatious action. He nods supposing there is nothing wrong and just following orders. He stands up straight and looks at Clair with a questioning look of what she wanted. Aurora throws Marz's arm over her shoulder and another arm wrapped around his waist to support him before he bleeds to death.

@XXXIwolf @johnthehunter
Richard's relaxation didn't seem to last as a scream was heard only minutes after he sat down. He quickly got up and looked towards where it came from. 'the hell?' he thought, beginning to walk from the helm when lots of gunshot was heard. Fearful his son could be near the gunfire, Rick flicked a couple switches under the wheel and disabled the weapons lock on the ship. "You and you. Come with me." he said pointing at two of the men on his airship as he walked towards the port. "The rest of you, be on guard. No one is allowed on board unless they're with me. Be ready to take off at a moment's notice." He and the men that were with him armed themselves, rick of course with his rifle and steel knuckles, and got into the truck they used to deliver supplies earlier. 'Forgive me Natalya...' he thought to himself before driving off to the source of the noise.

After driving through a parking lot with what appeared to be the aftermath of a turf war, Richard continued to drive the truck towards the sound of gunfire, which led him down a road with a group of people including a sizeable robot with someone inside it running from gunmen. He was going to look elsewhere until he saw Marz. The elf girl was carrying him, and is that...blood? "Take care of those gunmen and continue to provide cover fire for that group!" He ordered his men before pulling up beside the group. "Get on, we don't have much time." He said to them. "I have an airship that can get us out of this place."
Elizabeth had sat in her workshop behind the counter. She was trying to make a new weapon, to be precise, she was trying to make a gauntlet like hers, but this time ot should be able to shoot clouds of acid. As she was trying to attach the small container with acid to the gauntlet, she was surprised by Kyns who had entered the workshop as quick as he had left it. The small container slipped out of her hands, letting the acid spill into a small puddle, which destroyed the ground at that spot. "Great, another accident... Or should I say acident?" She giggled at her own pun.

She lifted herself from her seat with a heavy sigh. She cleaned her fingers with the same cloth as before and made her way out of the shop. As she walked outside, she saw a bunch of people. Two were laying on the ground, then there were three girls, one of which was Clair, another elf and the third was the white haired girl from before, the boy from before, Marz, an older man and Kyns who was in his armor. "I guess all the ways lead to my shop.", she murmured. She walked a few steps further. "Alright, alright, even though I know who you are, this is a new guess: Mister 'I fight the bad ones and so, I get all the girls'." She said to Kyns, making a head motion to the girls.
"Not so fast, dragon killer." Joseph shouted towards Kyns, now as he emerges with his full armor. He lunges towards Kyns, who was distracted by one of his men was distracted by one of Joseph's men; he pulls back his arm, ready to swing at the armor bare handed. "Killer of the fire dragon, Kyns," Joseph cried out in excitement, "Granted the title of 'Dragon slayer' at the age of 19," He takes a swing towards the suit of metal, aiming at his hand, "You're rather famous amongst those within the underground business."

@Ghost Hunter
Vultz said:
Richard's relaxation didn't seem to last as a scream was heard only minutes after he sat down. He quickly got up and looked towards where it came from. 'the hell?' he thought, beginning to walk from the helm when lots of gunshot was heard. Fearful his son could be near the gunfire, Rick flicked a couple switches under the wheel and disabled the weapons lock on the ship. "You and you. Come with me." he said pointing at two of the men on his airship as he walked towards the port. "The rest of you, be on guard. No one is allowed on board unless they're with me. Be ready to take off at a moment's notice." He and the men that were with him armed themselves, rick of course with his rifle and steel knuckles, and got into the truck they used to deliver supplies earlier. 'Forgive me Natalya...' he thought to himself before driving off to the source of the noise.
After driving through a parking lot with what appeared to be the aftermath of a turf war, Richard continued to drive the truck towards the sound of gunfire, which led him down a road with a group of people including a sizeable robot with someone inside it running from gunmen. He was going to look elsewhere until he saw Marz. The elf girl was carrying him, and is that...blood? "Take care of those gunmen and continue to provide cover fire for that group!" He ordered his men before pulling up beside the group. "Get on, we don't have much time." He said to them. "I have an airship that can get us out of this place."
Aurora squealed in horror seeing Bugsy's head come off. Bugsy was taken aback as well. Aurora never let's just anyone or any anybody touch the inside of Bugsy's mechanics for many reasons. Aurora was cut off before she could complain and watched with interest as Clair decides to show Aurora how to fix Bugsy's missing components and in an instant she finishes stuffing the head back, Bugsy let's out a Shakey toot from the pipes. He touches his face and gives a thumbs up of reassurance to Aurora that he felt great. The girl sighs relieved and eyes sparkle like stars. The massive bot turns to Clair and hears her seductive voice again. He simply Pat's her head as thanks and puffs his chest out in a cocky way that he can go faster than one would like to think.

The sudden sounds of a truck screeching and coming to a halt were heard. Aurora and her small gang were approached by a man that looked a little like Marz.

A bunch of assistance from the elder man crowding around them defending from Joseph's men. Confused yet grateful for the back up, she simply followed the man's orders for Marz sake.

"Thank you sir. We can't thank you enough. But if it's not much to ask, can you help this bleeding sweetheart. He brought my Bugsy back and I cant let him die without a proper thank you." She saddens at the thought. She never did like the idea of death. Her mother actually died in front of her from a horrible accident. Aside from that, Aurora scurries to the truck with the injured man and followed by Bugsy and Clair. They guy offered safety and get away even a free ride to the airship. What luck. Clair was just talking about heading there herself too.

"Hang kid. Ya gonna be okay."
Clair smiled sweetly when the bot patted her head however that smile quickly turned to a frown when a truck came screeching to a halt just a few feet in front of her. What the hell was this ! Just when she was about to get some alone time with Bugsy , some old fart decides 'Oh no miss I can't allow that to happen you see I have a bloody airship !'. Clair still ha no Idea what the term 'harlot' meant but she was sure now that the word suited this man perfectly.

In fact the only reason Clair didn't say something then and there was because Bugsy decided to join the man. Once Bugsy had boarded the truck Clair turned her head away from him and began to pout with annoyance at both the man and the bot.

This didn't last long however for her attention was soon stolen by the two suited men's fight. Honestly Clair had never understood why people used those things , they were heavy , sweaty , hot and not in the good way. And to top it off they were simply outdated , Bots where way better , for more reasons than not.

Anyway her attention was caught when one suited man mentioned the slaying of a fire dragon. What kind of dark individual would slay a dragon ? Dragons were fucking cool ! And how did he slay a dragon that literally spits fire while within a metallic suit ? It just didn't make sense to Clair , but it did snap her out of her bad mood rather quickly. "Airship , airship , airship...... Ah yes the one that passed over head earlier this morning ! That's right the one with the faulty comparator , you should really get that checked out."

@XXXIwolf @Ghost Hunter @Aine
Zoey kept running trying to avoid the giant robot.This really is a nice jacket im glad i jacked-it She shook her head as the joke made zero sense. She ran until she saw Joseph charge bare handed into the 6'4 metal titan aiming a hit at it's head. "JOSEPH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THAT'S SUICIDE!" she called out while taking a shot at the titan's body, knowing full well it wouldn't even dent the armor but hopefully it would distract it.

@Ghost Hunter
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"My plan is to get everyone that's alive to safety. This market square is doomed. And as an honorary member of the police, i'm going to uphold my duties and hold off the mob until everyone gets away from here." Kyns yelled to Echo in as gruff a voice as possible, jokingly. A man came running at him, wearing a mask and looking about 50% more terrifying than the rest of the mob. Kyns heard Joseph speak; calling him the dragon slayer. An elf woman took some shots at him as the mob leader charged at him. The bullets deflecting off his armor. As Joseph began to punch him, Kyns quickly grabbed his fist, crushing it a little with the hydraulics in his arms and lifted him off the ground. "I take it you know me." Kyns said smiling under his helmet, throwing him to the ground. Lifting his leg, Kyns attempted to stomp on Joseph's skull....
Joseph narrowly avoided the foot of this amour that Kyns surrounded himself in, rolling over right before the toe crunched down onto the streets, sending bits of rocks and pavements flying into the air and shaking the ground around the two. "Too weak to fight me without that armor?" Joseph laughed, jumping back onto his feet has he does so. "I mean, I do get it, you probably need some sort of advantage to make this a fair fight." Joseph launches back into the fight, this time, aiming at the helmet of Kyns' armor.

@Ghost Hunter
The blow of Joseph's fist lands onto Kyn's helmet. This guy was fast and hit pretty hard, being that he made Kyns stagger back a little..even in his armor. His comment on Kyn's strength ticked him off a little bit. But he knew that he was outnumbered and almost all of Joseph's cronies we packing heat. Stepping out the armor would just essentially make him a bullet sponge. "Naw, i'm not too weak. Just trust me on that. What i'm wondering is: are you too bashful to take off that mask? What's wrong? Your face look like rotten potato and smell just as bad?" Kyns taunted, grappling Joseph and attempting to throw him at a group of his men.
She watches the fight continue on and eventually decides to intervene. She charges the metal man, aiming a high kick at his helmet while hes making his taunt. "You seem pretty cornered dragon slayer." she smiled as she un-holstered the other pistol and began taking shots as rapidly as she good, concentrating her fire in the upper part of the chest piece. Hoping for more of a distraction and maybe even some damage.
railing against the stone wall Marz look off in horror as the elf women picked up his favorite jacket. "Aw that's just not cool" Marz says weakly. Sheathing his wepone Marz attempts to put as much pressure as he could to the wound as he begins to black out. Marz sees a giant hand reaching down from the heavens pick up from the ground cratering him "g-god?" He meters is a hazaed state. "God... God Don't... Don't leave my glider..." Marz whispers reaching out to the glider then black out.

Marz drift in and out of consciousness having lost a lot of blood. Realizing that he was being carried by Bugesy and not by a god he whispers. "What.. what are you doing... here? I told you go find Aurora." Blacking afterwards. Marz is woken up by the sound of rapid gun fire. He finds himself being carried by Aurora onto a truck hearing the familiar sound of his father voice. "Old man? That you?" "Here use this." Rick says handling small med-kit from the glove box of the truck to on of the crewmen. Marz is layed in the back bead of the truck looking over sees flashes of light along with the sound of gun shot. Marz makes a weak attempt to reach for his pistol holster on his him. The crewmen seeing this pusts a light hand onto Marz wrist " not now laddie." Marz seeing the familiar face rests him letting his arm the entire left side of his body beginning to go into shock.
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A kick and a hail of bullets hits Kyns by surprise. But only angering him. Kyns threw down Joseph. Filled with spite at the elf woman for denting his chest piece. Bullets ricocheting off his armor as if the were bouncy balls. "DO YOU MIND!!????" Kyns yells at Joseph's companion. Lifting her by the hair and punching her square in the gut. Kyns dropped her, and returned his attention to Joseph.
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Echo jumped back as the man she knew as Enigma's leader went off on Kyns. Another woman came, striking Kyns in the head with a well placed kick and started shooting. She mentally contemplated the odds of them getting out then threw up an illusion of herself beside her before making her actual self invisible. She ran forward, swinging her leg at the enigma leader trying to knock him of balance as Kyns punched the female in the gut. Immediately she also turned on the female, slamming a fist in the side of her face. Her illusion wasn't fool proof when she was moving. She small made ripples in the air, barely noticeable but there. With concentration anyone could tell the rough area she was in.
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Elizabeth stood infront of the door of her shop, spectating the fight happening right infront of them. "Damn... This will scare off most of my customers...", she murmured under her breath. She wasn't immensly shocked by the fight, since crimes were pretty common, but she was afraid that there would be, once again, less customers due to this. She watched them fight as the masked guy and his companion started shooting at Kyns. Soon, the other elf that had accompanied Kyns earlier went in to help him. Standing there, still with her cloth in her hands, Elizabeth thought of joining them, but wasn't sure if she wouldn't hinder them, more than helping them out.

Serqet was walking around in Pitfum. She didn't have any quest at that time, so she just wandered around, enjoying her so said free time. She wasn't looking for trouble or anything alike, but the sound of gunshots and bullets againts metal just seemed to catch her attention. She walked towards where the sound came from and noticed that it was near DeWitt's blacksmiths. She stood in a safe distance from everyone who stood around the fight. "If any of them die, I guess no one would mind me taking there goods... It has also been some time since I visited the DeWitt family... I guess I should soon change that.", she thought to herself, spectating the fight.

"It is said that the Infamous Crimson Witch strikes without warning and kills without mercy. That she has an unsateable blood lustful that only the blood of all the world could quench. Ha well let me tell you this, my thirst for blood couldn't be sated by even the universe. Isn't that right First mate?"
A woman sitting upon a throne of vines and roses asked while smelling a prickly green and purple flower not know to the world. after all it was her own creation. Her red dress was as bright as ever, and tales say that it was dyed red by the blood of those she has killed. The Crimson woman stood up and walked towards the large windows of the bridge. She was aboard her enormous flagship, glaring down. "Pitfum...What a pitifully horrid city."

"Captain EisenBlut, would you like to fire on the city ma-"

"Aha! what have I told you? Call me Lady Blume. The crew and you are my family after all... Now Commence the bombardment!!" She bellowed and the First mate echoed through a brass mega phone to relay the message to the crew. and in a few seconds the chorus of artillery all sung the beautiful song of war and death. Blume sighed, smiling a smile of pure bliss and unimaginable pleasure as she leaned on the metal framed glass, feeling the vibrations of the war machine churning. "What a lovely sound.."

Down below at Pitfum, sirens began to bellow as citizens began to run in panic getting to the nearest bomb shelters. People were confused, was this war? there hasn't been a war in ages, who was attacking? But when they saw the Crimson. streaks of bombs rip threw the sky, they knew... The Crimson Witch has come forth to cast a spell of misery and death. Explosions ripped threw the city as well as Gas fogs began to choke the citizens, and sting their eyes. Although some may know it was only tear gas. Chaos was all about, fear spreading like a wild disease, the death toll was mounting by the shells that hit. It was pure bliss.
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"Oh trust me, you wouldn't like to see this face, pretty boy." Joseph chuckled back at the dragon slayer, laughing at the insults Kyns directed towards him, "But really now, you can't insult me for wearing a mask, while you have to hide behind thick metal armor to keep yourself safe." Joseph felt Kyns lifting him up, and with immense force, threw him towards his guards. Joseph, while a little dazed, managed to regain his sense of balance after landing on the ground, his men almost acting as cushions to soften his fall. "You really outta stay out of this, Elf." he grunted at himself, as he saw Zoey trying her best to aid him in this fight.

"It's really about time we wrap things up, Dragon Killer."
He growled, looking towards Kyns. "Maybe you really aren't what they make you out to be." His eyes dropped to the ground in disappointment as he reached for a cigarette, though it seems like it was all gone. He ran towards the back of Kyns' armor, and with all his might, tried to bend or break the engine that powered the suit. "I've been wondering about this for the entire fight," Joseph whispers into the Dragon Slayer's ears, "but are you really that slow outside of the suit?" he continued, still trying his hardest to break the damn armor.

@Ghost Hunter @Drakeel @PurpleTurtle
Kyns has had enough of the insults on his strength. In a quick motion he locked his armor and popped open the helmet, threw it down and back flipped out of his armor. "You know, I really didn't want to kill you, but you're making it real HARD FOR ME TO HONOR MY FUCKING DECISION!!!" Kyns roared in frustration, landing behind Joseph. Kyns drew is shotgun and threw it to the ground. "Call off your men. I don't want any distractions." Kyns said smirking at Joseph. Years of unarmed training rushed through his mind and he bumped his fists together just like the Hilingrove monks had taught him, channeling his energies for combat. Suddenly, a ring of explosions were heard, and he looked to the sky. Crimson streaks painted the sky with a hue of war. The Crimson Witch was bombing...oh my god...why NOW Kyns thought to himself. He looked back at Joseph, and smiled. "Don't think that this gives you a rain check bud. Last I checked, a rain of artillery doesn't count for precipitation." Kyns said, still jokingly as usual. "Now come on. If you wanna see the power of a Dragonslayer first hand, you gotta make the first move."
Zoey felt the punch to the gut then a surprising amount of force hit her face. she collapsed on the floor gasping and wheezing. "What...what was that?"she stammered quietly. Then the explosions starting going off. "Joseph...we should leave." she said in a week voice while forcing herself to stand. "It's not safe.We can kill each other another time," she looked to Kyns then Joseph. "Id prefer if we were not obliterated." she called out regaining some of her strength. Watching as Kyns climbed out of his armor and challenge Joseph to a fist fight. "ARE YOU GUYS KIDDING ME?" she yelled furiously. "You guys are really doing this right now?" she asked. "Joseph we need to leave or we'll be blown off the face of Flumi!" she pleaded.

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