RP Section

XXXIwolf said:
Aurora squealed in horror seeing Bugsy's head come off. Bugsy was taken aback as well. Aurora never let's just anyone or any anybody touch the inside of Bugsy's mechanics for many reasons. Aurora was cut off before she could complain and watched with interest as Clair decides to show Aurora how to fix Bugsy's missing components and in an instant she finishes stuffing the head back, Bugsy let's out a Shakey toot from the pipes. He touches his face and gives a thumbs up of reassurance to Aurora that he felt great. The girl sighs relieved and eyes sparkle like stars. The massive bot turns to Clair and hears her seductive voice again. He simply Pat's her head as thanks and puffs his chest out in a cocky way that he can go faster than one would like to think.
The sudden sounds of a truck screeching and coming to a halt were heard. Aurora and her small gang were approached by a man that looked a little like Marz.

A bunch of assistance from the elder man crowding around them defending from Joseph's men. Confused yet grateful for the back up, she simply followed the man's orders for Marz sake.

"Thank you sir. We can't thank you enough. But if it's not much to ask, can you help this bleeding sweetheart. He brought my Bugsy back and I cant let him die without a proper thank you." She saddens at the thought. She never did like the idea of death. Her mother actually died in front of her from a horrible accident. Aside from that, Aurora scurries to the truck with the injured man and followed by Bugsy and Clair. They guy offered safety and get away even a free ride to the airship. What luck. Clair was just talking about heading there herself too.

"Hang kid. Ya gonna be okay."
(@johnthehunter I'd appreciate it if you asked permission next time before controlling my character c:)

After everyone was on and rick gave the medpack to one of the crewmembers to help keep his son stable, he put the pedal to the metal and headed straight back to the airship. "I'll take care of that once we're a safe distance away from this place." he said to Clair, hearing here talk about a faulty comparator. Once at the dock he drove the truck back into the lower bay. "You two, get my son to the medical bay quickly." he said to aurora and the other crewmember as he got out of the truck and headed to the upper deck. "I need one man to every engine and another to the balloon pump! I'm going to have to put them into overdrive to get us out of here. I'll also need a man on the guns in the case that we're followed by hostiles." He made his way up to the helm as the crew followed his orders and got into their positions. Once there, he pushed the engine lever past full ahead and all the way to overdrive. "Hold onto something everyone!" he said as the ship began to accelerate very quickly. Once they were clear of the dock, he pushed the pump control lever into overdrive as well, causing the ship to rise into the clouds in almost mere seconds.

Rick returned the balloon pump to normal levels once they were safely obscured in the clouds, and multiple whistles were heard near followed by the sound of explosions coming where they had just left. "Looks like he got out of here in the nick of time..." Richard said to himself, putting the engines from overdrive down to full-ahead. He locks the steering wheel for dead ahead and goes in to see how his son is fairing
Aurora holds onto Bugsy as she was suddenly thrown back from the acceleration of the truck. The bot also held Clair which she probably enjoyed at the moment. Once the truck came to a halt, the old man gave her group directions to get on board the airship. Aurora gladly helps carry Marz to the airship with the help of her assistant. One of the crew members guiding her to the medical bay where he was placed on a bed or table to be attended by the wounds he had gained during battle. She sighs in relief. Bugsy was too big to fit in cramped rooms so he was left behind with Clair to watch over him. Aurora hears the old man shout about holding onto something. Before she could even react, she gets slammed against the wall from the sudden rise. Bugsy held onto Clair keeping her safe as he uses his body for shelter and a hand holding the rails of the ship for safety. Once the ship became stable, Aurora groans and rubs her head hearing the sudden sounds of explosions for some reason. She thought that maybe they were just thunder clouds or something. The snow haired mechanic sees the old man walk into the room and looks over Marz. "Um... thank you for saving us from that situation." Sheepishly she fiddles with her fingers then rubs her left arm unsure what to say next until she notices the man wear a concerned face toward the kid in bed. "Is he someone special to you mista? You both have similar features." She gives a slight blush.


Meanwhile Bugsy releases Clair from his grip and shivers in fear a but from the view of a fleet bombarding the town they once stood. It was all getting destroyed in a split second. They were lucky to escape but what about the others? Nuts and bolts shaking loosely inside Bugsy as he shivers.

@Mr Swiftshots
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The squeals of sirens reverberated throughout the city, as the crimson trails of whizzing of bombs filled the sky, crashing onto the pavement and exploding on impact, sending a shock wave of dust up, high into the sky and flinging tiny bits of debris in every which way.

"That Crimson Bitch!" he shouted towards the sky, though he couldn't let his though linger for much longer, as Kyns jumped out of his power suit. "Maybe there is something to your name after all," Joseph said with a wide grin, almost forgetting about the bombs which seemed to bombard everywhere around them, "Maybe I ought to do the honors as well." he reached around his head, untying the strap which secures the mask to his face, letting the mask drop onto the floor, revealing a stern face, with a scar stretching from his left eye to the bottom of his right cheek and a disfigured nose, which seemed to have been broken multiple time during fights before. "I ain't as pretty as you, ballerina." he mocked Kyns from his earlier stunt, charging towards him after doing so.

@Ghost Hunter
Absolute Bias] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]

"My name will never be off those lists."
The elf spoke, mocking the girl. "Spare your breath, i've heard the same story a thousand times over." He'd ignore the coins flying towards him, letting them all fall to the ground. Atlas would raise a hand, using it to block out the sun as he looked up at a nearby docked airship. "I get the feeling that you believe something about you is special. Let me just say one thing. You are no different than anyone else on the same path, we are all equals in one way or another." Another group would rush by as he spoke. "I'm also wondering why someone like you would want to leave a place like this."
(Sorry for the super late reply!!!)

"You would not understand...." She said as she looked at her palms. "Do you think..... All Abominations are bad?" she asked in a serious questioning tone. "That they are only meant for destruction?"
Kyns smirked, bombs and shrapnel flying about the streets. "Awwwwww, you're coming out of your shell!" Kyns said in response to Joseph's mocking. The sounds about him dulled, all his attention was on Joseph. As soon as Joseph charged, Kyns blocked and braced himself, feeling the raw power of Joseph's blows on his forearms. Kyns kicked low, attempting to knock down Joseph...
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Bugsy turns to Clair and shakes his head. Though he would like that, he want anyone else to fix or attach it other than his master. The last time Clair fixed him up was a very odd sensation. He still had no idea who she was and he did not know if he could trust her unless Aurora thinks she's okay. Sure robots don't have feelings but he was filled with mechanics and magic so it was a bit different than a regular simple robot. He did lack some emotions such as feeling or smell even taste. He was fine with what he is as long as his master approves so does he. He looks towards the small narrow doors unable to fit inside and follow Aurora. He wondered what is there to do next. He simply points to where Aurora left as if telling Clair ask her permission.

Mr Swiftshots

"Hahaha ha! hah hee muhahahahahaa! Oh god of death and war, do you hear my praises?! My worship of your ever enduring Symphony of destruction?" Blume yelled to no one in particular as she danced on top of her ship. She had made her way out to smell the fires, and to listen to her orchestra of cannons more closely. A warmth overwhelmed her, giving a buzzing high. She loved this all. Then she heard buzzing noises of the landing crews taking flight to "Invite" Her honored guests aboard her mighty vessel. Again she smiled, putting a finger to her lips and letting a little moan. "Oh dear dragon slayer, how ecstatic I am to meet you, so please hurry home so I may dine with thy." She laughed again as she knows she is only talking to herself.

View media item 2726

The small steamed powered aircrafts flew threw the air zooming between blasts as the fired upon the citizens of Pitfum. The sky pirates yelled mianicly, thrilled with the sight of slaughter. The pilots zoomed overhead searching for the dragon slayer, until the found someone fitting the description. The pilot slowed as it flew close to the buildings in the ground to allow the pirates outfitted with swords and pistols. The landing crews jumped out of the planes landing on buildings and in the street slashing and hacking, shooting anyone in their way from pillaging. Three men, dressed in all black found Kyns with a woman, fighting The head of a well known crime syndicate. The three smiled as the descended from the roof tops putting chloroform cloth to the Dragon slayer and his company, then quickly leaving, melding in the crowd to be picked up by the planes. but one lingered eyeing the broken faced man. "Aha Mister Lawrence... Lady Blume sends her regards, but do not fret my friend. You'll get yours soon..." And with that, the masked pirate left with the rest. The kidnapping squad flew back to the Flag ship, and signalled the rest to follow, bringing whatever loot they had stolen along with a metal suit that presumably belonged to Kyns. Then within an instant, the bombardment ceased as suddenly as it began, with the red streaks disappearing from the skys.
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Kyns' kick almost caught Joseph off guard, making him stumble a little before regaining control of his balance, though by this time, Kyns was already taken away by three of the crimson witch's men. Joseph simply stood dumbfounded, looking at these three darkly dressed men; he was clearly confused at how they appeared so suddenly, and just like that, Kyns was gone. Joseph sighed, both annoyed and relieved at the situation. Having his fight with the dragon slayer ticked Joseph off, even though he could feel a rib or two being broken during the fight.

"Elf, you alive?" he shouted towards the general direction of Zoey's collapsed body. "If you are, I could really use a pack of smokes right no-" a sudden gunshot could be heard from the distance. It was supposedly a sniper from another gang, trying to take advantage of the commotion. The bullet pieced Joseph's lower back, sending him forward as he collapsed head first onto the ground.

Echo groaned, rolling over onto the silky smooth sheet she had been placed on before opening a single, icy blue eye. She slammed a hand into the mattress as she abruptly pushed herself into a sitting position, head whirling around the room. It was large and spacious with deep red walls and dark oak paneling running halfway up the walls. Red furniture sat around the room and a large beige rug cover most of the floor, random spirals of sandy brown making ornate -yet subtle- designs. The room hardly looked threatening, but Echo couldn't help the urge to run.

She kicked her legs out from under the thick blanket, instantly regretting the action as cool air hit her. She noted a deep violet dress with black embroidery swirling along the waist hanging on the back of the door and tilted her head. This was far to odd for her liking. She stood and scurried across the room swinging the door open to find two well dressed men standing on either side of the door. She bounded forward intent on running away before one of the two grabbed her forearm, "And were exactly do you think you're going?" he asked, a bite clear in his voice. She jerked her arm attempting to free herself from the iron grip before scowling, "Away." she murmured. The second male -a guard she realized, both guards- looked at her, "Go back in the room, cleanup and change into the clothes provided, you shall be dining with Lady Blume, the Crimson witch."

Echo paled, then turned around and walked back into the far to fancy room before leaning against the door so it slammed, a loud thump echoing down the halls. She pressed two fingers to her temples and looked at the ground. How had this even happened? She would be dining with the Crimson witch?! She scowled then thought back to her last memory before ending up... wherever this was. She had been knocked out with, what had to be chloroform. She swore then looked over to the desk were a hairbrush sat and slowly walked over, pulling her hair out of the ponytail it had been in before running the brush through the waves of her hair. She slowly looked over at the violet dress and walked over to it, grabbing it off the hook before scowling, again.

It was gorgeous, a piece of art in itself but the fact that she'd be wearing it while dining with the Crimson witch... She scowled then hopped into it. It fit rather well for something that didn't belong to her. She struggled with the zipper for a minute, but managed to pull it all the way up. Not caring to check and see how it looked on her. She grabbed the matching shoes threw them on and walked out, the long skirts whispering along the hall as she was escorted to the dining room.

@Ghost Hunter
Zoey watched the men appear and disappear in a matter of seconds while struggling to stand. "I guess that solves that?" she said with cautious optimism finally managing to stand, off balance,but standing. She turned her attention to Joseph when he asks if shes alive. "Yeah, i'm good." she smiles a little at his first request. Then the gunshot rang out, she saw Joseph fly forward with blood coming out of his lower back. Fuck she thought while rushing to hi, firing a couple shots in the direction the bullet came from trying to shoo away the shooter. She pushes Joseph a little so his head is facing up. "Shit, We need to get you to somewhere less open. Can you walk if i help?" she asks while taking off her cloak to wrap it around his lower back putting as much pressure as she can in an attempt to stop the bleeding. "We need to get this thing out of you. Where do i need to take you?" she asks with growing concern while starting to stand and having Joseph put weight on her just then she realized he was unconscious. "Well this makes things a bit more challenging." she mutters while moving him over. Fuck fuck fuck where was that baasee. she starts to panic a little. Wait what about that place i was taken too...there's probbaly medical personal there. She saw a goon running past "Hey!" she called "Where should i take him?" the goon stopped for a moment. "Follow me." he said in a rushed tone while running over to hold some of Joseph's weight. They carried him to an alley. The goon knocked a few times and a door opened. She carried him in and lied him on a table in the medical area. A medic came over and got to work on removing the bullet from his back. She waited near until he came too.

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"Yes?" A small, elderly man stumbled towards the door, his hair grey from old age and his beard unkempt. He wore a dirtied, white medic uniform and spoke with a very thick Scottish accent, "Did Joseph break his bloody nose again?" he further inquired while fetching a small medic kit from a drawer in his office, which would prove to be insufficient for this type of wound, as he gazes up and Joseph laying bloodied and face down on a table. "Jesus Christ, what happened here?" he raised his voice in shock, as he cuts away at the bloodied cloth which seems to be some sort of first aid, done to stop the bleeding. "Lassy, I need you to tell me exactly what happened." as he rushed around his clinic, searching for tools to begin surgery.

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XXXIwolf said:
Aurora holds onto Bugsy as she was suddenly thrown back from the acceleration of the truck. The bot also held Clair which she probably enjoyed at the moment. Once the truck came to a halt, the old man gave her group directions to get on board the airship. Aurora gladly helps carry Marz to the airship with the help of her assistant. One of the crew members guiding her to the medical bay where he was placed on a bed or table to be attended by the wounds he had gained during battle. She sighs in relief. Bugsy was too big to fit in cramped rooms so he was left behind with Clair to watch over him. Aurora hears the old man shout about holding onto something. Before she could even react, she gets slammed against the wall from the sudden rise. Bugsy held onto Clair keeping her safe as he uses his body for shelter and a hand holding the rails of the ship for safety. Once the ship became stable, Aurora groans and rubs her head hearing the sudden sounds of explosions for some reason. She thought that maybe they were just thunder clouds or something. The snow haired mechanic sees the old man walk into the room and looks over Marz. "Um... thank you for saving us from that situation." Sheepishly she fiddles with her fingers then rubs her left arm unsure what to say next until she notices the man wear a concerned face toward the kid in bed. "Is he someone special to you mista? You both have similar features." She gives a slight blush.

Meanwhile Bugsy releases Clair from his grip and shivers in fear a but from the view of a fleet bombarding the town they once stood. It was all getting destroyed in a split second. They were lucky to escape but what about the others? Nuts and bolts shaking loosely inside Bugsy as he shivers.

@Mr Swiftshots
Richard entered the room and sat beside the bed his son was laying in and watched him with a concerned(obviously), saddened, and an almost pleading gaze. 'Of course the first time I let you do what you wanted in a city this happens to you. In all honesty, I think I should have let you do it in one of the cities in Kiljiirn or Driviirn. Heh, if Natalya were still here, she'd probably pummel us both.' He thought to himself as his eyes wandered over to Marz's wrapped injury. Rick was brought out of his deep thought when the silver haired girl sitting opposite to him began to talk. "It's no problem miss," he said after she thanked him for saving them, his kind look and demeanor returning as he looked towards her. "Though I should probably be thanking you for keeping Marz alive as long as you did." The lass then asked who marz was to him. "He is my son, and the last family I have left." he said, though he tried not to stress the last part. Feeling the atmosphere become awkward again, he quietly cleared his throat. "So...might I ask your name, miss?"
Aurora was unsure what to do or say as well. Perhaps some privacy would do them some good. She turns her head towards the exit of the room only to be snaped back my the old man's voice. Immediately she focuses on him as she was was praised for helping his son. To this she looks down with a slight blush sheepishly scratching her cheek with her finger. "Huh? Oh a-a-anybody in my position would help a kid if it meant saving a life. Besides he was only trying to be friendly and help out when we first met. I couldn't help but care for the little guy." She giggles at the memory then saddens then clenches her fists not out of anger but regret from being reminded of the past.

"He's your son right? The only family you have left? I know how you guys feel and for some reason at this moment you remind me of my father. He's the only family I have left too. I left him behind to pursue my dreams of exploring even if it meant him being alone for awhile. I haven't spoken to him since. I wonder how he is doing? I hope he hasn't burnt the stove again trying to cook."
She looks down with softening eyes. Just the memory of her old man alone in his home alone unable to help be worried for her. How long has it been since she last spoken to him? Almost six months. Yeah she supposed it was time to say hello and write a letter or visit him. But she couldn't help but feel scared of returning of the outcome of something horrible or maybe he was happy without her after he found out the truth of what she did or see during her mother's death. Millions of thoughts crawling through her head. Doubt and remorse, soon vanished the minute the sweet old man speaks in a soothing tone which she couldn't help but smile.

"Oh my name is Aurora Valencia. I'm a traveler and the daughter of a Mechanic/ inventor. Here I am rambling my life story. Im sorry. What is your name?"
She couldn't help but change her demenor into a chipper one. She smiles sweetly.

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She turned to the medic and began explaining. "He was fighting with the dragon slayer, who was in a mechanical battle suit. He probably broke a few bones that way Then when the explosions went off someone used the confusion to shoot him in the back with a sniper rifle." she tried to stay out of the medic's way. "I tried to do the best i could to stop the bleeding." she said while watching him move about the clinic.

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Marz layed in bed waken by the sound of the two conversation. "What what's going on." Marz says trying to get our of bed only to jurk back in pain from moving. Blood starts to soak thought bandages wrapped over Marzs shoulder. Marz Layed back looking at the to people standing at foot of his bed then back to his left arm. Marz slightly moves his left hand and fingers. "Well that still works" Marz says quietly in a light hearted tone. "Hay dad how was your day? I got shot. Did you pick up those cookies I asked for?" Marz says quickly trying to change the subject as fast as possible.
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"Yer did good, las." he said in his usual tone of voice, by now he started cutting into Joseph's back, using small hooks to keep the cuts opened large enough for him to work into. "Right in the spine..." he whispered, then turned towards the elf. "Please," he said, gesturing towards the door of his clinic, his eyes still inspecting Joseph's wounds. "Have a seat outside, this will take awhile."

Zoey nodded to the doctor and went outside the clinic, she sat for a few moments then her adventures spirit took over and she began to wander finding some rooms filled with firearms and others with just goons, after a while she returned back to outside the clinic and sat back down, satisfied that she had looked around. "Hopefully this all goes well." She said quietly while taking off the kid's jacket. I mean I didn't have to steal this she thought while smiling and inspecting it.Could come in handy though she set it next to her and waited patiently for the medic.

The Unamed Beast](Sorry for the super late reply!!!) [COLOR=#ff0000]"You would not understand...." [/COLOR]She said as she looked at her palms. [COLOR=#ff0000]"Do you think..... All Abominations are bad?"[/COLOR] she asked in a serious questioning tone. [COLOR=#ff0000]"That they are only meant for destruction?"[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]

"Oh boy, here comes your entire life story." Atlas says, rolling his eyes yet again. "I assume you would want me to say no. Well, i'ma say yes to it. An Abomination, as you put it, is bad. The name alone kind of gives their purpose away."
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Absolute Bias] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]
"Oh boy, here comes your entire life story." Atlas says, rolling his eyes yet again. "I assume you would want me to say no. Well, i'ma say yes to it. An Abomination, as you put it, is bad. The name alone kind of gives their purpose away."
"Fine..." Ashe said as she turned around. "If you feel that way, fine. I just will leave you at that." She said as she walked away, all of Atlas's money melting onto the pavement. "Good luck getting around without any money!" She said with a smile as she turned the corner.
The door towards the doctor's room clunked opened, revealing an exhausted doctor, his gaze directly moved towards the elf, sitting in the waiting room, holding onto a jacket. "What's yer name, las?" he spoke in a very soft and tired voice, very different from the one that he greeted them with, "I'm Albert, but people within the..." he took a small pause, assessing which word he should use, "...family just call me 'Al"

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She was mildly surprised when the door popped open she imminently turned to the medic who she soon learned was called 'Al" "I'm Zoey, Thank you for the hard work to save him. You look exhausted." she said warmly while standing up and extending a hand to shake. "Did everything go well?" she asked with concern in her voice.

Albert extended his wrinkled hands towards the elf, accepting her handshake, giving a quick smile as he does so. "Well, that bastard Joseph went and blew his spine. His nerve endings are totally fucked." he answered harshly, wiping the sweat from his forehead, "I removed the bullet, but he's gonna need some sort of exoskeleton if he wants to walk again." This was the worst that he has seen anyone still alive in, and it is clearly reflected by the slight tremble in his voice. He looks once again at her, "You're new, aren't you? That or you're really good at not getting hurt." He joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

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Zoey nodded. "Well be able to find one right?" she asked after he finished."And yeah im new" she smiled "Pretty good at getting hurt though. Use to climb mountains when i was a kid, fell up to a good 20 feet once." she looked towards the ground smiling "I was absolutely fascinated with finding the workshop, anyways." she looked back to Al "Thank you so much for helping Albert." she turned to the door pointing at it. "Is he awake now or...?" she questioned

"Yeah, in fact, I'm putting in the order right now" Albert answered, pulling a small note from hsi pockets, containing Joseph's measurements on it. He smiled while hearing her story. "Reminds me of when Joseph and his brother was younger." he chuckled, "Adventurous little buggers, them two." he stares down onto the note, reminiscing at past memories, before looking up towards her again. "I wouldn't recommend you talking to him right now though," he puts an arm between her and the door, "He gets a bit angry after getting hurt."


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