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Zoey was looking at Joseph awaiting an answer of some kind until she heard the toe curling screech. She looked back to Joseph, signaling them to follow. Once she caught up with him she asked. "What could that be? i mean its not to surprising coming from here but, still." she looked to the city curiously.

Capricornus said:
"'The Madelaine', huh? Sounds like a nice airship.", she replied, leaning further over the weapon to sharpen everything evenly. "As for me, well yes, I've been an engineer my whole life, but I've been wandering from town to town."
Elizabeth was interrupted by the elf, which previously stood in her shop, and had now followed them to her workshop. The elf laid both her scrolls on the table. Elizabeth took off her glasses and looked up, before picking the scrolls up and holding them towards the light. Everything matched, the seal, the watermark, etc. She was very cautious since her workshop was precious to her and there have already been a few cases of forged papers. "Clair, huh? That Clair as it seems. Sure go ahead. But watch out for some of the pieces laying around... Most are unstable and a single harsh motion could... yeah.", she answered her request before getting back to sharpening the weapon.

@XXXIwolf @Capricornus @johnthehunter



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"Ah, no problem, glad I could help.", she replied, still not looking up from the weapon, when she heard the elf exiting her workshop.

Elizabeth was soon done with sharpening the weapon, and cleaned the edges with a cloth, polishing and finishing it off. She held it against the light, to see if there were any imperfections left. "Nice and shiny." She was kind of proud of herself. She handed the sharpened weapon over to Marz. "It's as good as new." She took off her glasses and started walking towards the curtain which led to her shop. "I'm sure it would have looked waaaaay cooler if it was able to throw flames and such... But I guess just sharpening it is good enough.", she said in a mocking tone.

The Unamed Beast]"Fine.... but you would be walking away from 'The Bloodborn'.... the only Elven with metal magic" She said tauntingly as she walked away with a suspicious bag of coin in her hand. It was Atlas's money. [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]

(tfw you sleep in until 3.)

Atlas would turn in an instant to face the girl after hearing her self proclaimed title. He'd catch up rather quickly to the girl, grabbing her by the arm in the same fashion that she did to the guard not too earlier. "Excuse me, but did you say metal magic? I'm sure you were just saying it as a joke, but.... uh...." The elf would take a quick look around, making sure no random guard or person was nearby to listen into the conversation. "Would you like to make some extra coin? Like you got my gold, of course, but i'm talkin' a ton of gold."
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Absolute Bias] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]
(tfw you sleep in until 3.)

Atlas would turn in an instant to face the girl after hearing her self proclaimed title. He'd catch up rather quickly to the girl, grabbing her by the arm in the same fashion that she did to the guard not too earlier. "Excuse me, but did you say metal magic? I'm sure you were just saying it as a joke, but.... uh...." The elf would take a quick look around, making sure no random guard or person was nearby to listen into the conversation. "Would you like to make some extra coin? Like you got my gold, of course, but i'm talkin' a ton of gold."
"I am not saying it as a joke." Ashe said as she took a coin out of the satchel with Atlas's money in it. She the put it in her palm and opened it flat. In a matter of seconds the coin started to bend upwards into a 90 degree angle. "And I am fine on money.... I can literally get some from the ground if I wished." She said with a smile. "I am not going to tell you my secret either, for it wont end up to nicely for me or anyone else to be honest..."
[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]
"I am not saying it as a joke." Ashe said as she took a coin out of the satchel with Atlas's money in it. She the put it in her palm and opened it flat. In a matter of seconds the coin started to bend upwards into a 90 degree angle. "And I am fine on money.... I can literally get some from the ground if I wished." She said with a smile. "I am not going to tell you my secret either, for it wont end up to nicely for me or anyone else to be honest..."

"It ain't much of a secret now though, eh?" Atlas looked on, watching the girl destroy his gold. "Think of it this way though. If you can help me raid a docked airship, i'll be in debt. It will not be too hard to get someone to clear you of the many lists that your name happens to be on, according to you, and then we can part ways afterwords." Atlas would let go of the girl, taking a few steps back after doing so. "It's a win for the both of us, your name is forgotten, and I get enough gold to live forever. So, what do you think?" He'd cross both arms, idly looking around at the people passing by while waiting for an answer. "Plus, earned gold is better than created gold."
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Kyns blinked, confused about what just happened. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he felt as though Echo had cast some sort of spell on him, then dispelled once everything was clear. "A robot huh?" Kyns pondered, holstering his shotgun. "Well, then I guess that's no need to sound any alarms or anything. But I kinda want to see myself what all this fuss is about." Kyns remembered one of the terrified civilians say something about the empty loft. Kyns figured it was just around the corner, being that's where Echo ran off to. He tapped Echo's shoulder, beckoning her to follow him as he rounded the corner to the robot. He ran, hoping it hadn't run off yet, occasionally checking behind himself to see if Echo was following.

Once he made it to the loft, it was clear why everyone was freaking out, it really did look like this woman was being eaten. Her legs were kicking, and made it look she was struggling for her life. He walked up to the robot quietly and peered inside it's gaping mouth. He could hear muffled singing, and the sounds of various metals being scraped together. He checked to make sure the woman wasn't wearing a skirt and once he confirmed she was indeed wearing pants, grabbed her leg and pulled her out of the robot with one arm. He let her hang upside down for a moment before gently placing her on her back.
"What on Flumi are you doing in there?" Kyns asked, dusting himself off and straightening his vest. "If this is supposed to be a prank it's hilarious, might I say." Kyns said smirking. Trying to hold himself back from laughing. He put on a stern look, hoping to make himself take this a little more seriously. "Miss, you're scaring half the town and causing a scene, i'm not sure if you're aware of that." Kyns said in a gruff voice, putting on his best policeman persona. He held out his hand, offering to help the woman up.

[QUOTE="Absolute Bias]
"It ain't much of a secret now though, eh?" Atlas looked on, watching the girl destroy his gold. "Think of it this way though. If you can help me raid a docked airship, i'll be in debt. It will not be too hard to get someone to clear you of the many lists that your name happens to be on, according to you, and then we can part ways afterwords." Atlas would let go of the girl, taking a few steps back after doing so. "It's a win for the both of us, your name is forgotten, and I get enough gold to live forever. So, what do you think?" He'd cross both arms, idly looking around at the people passing by while waiting for an answer. "Plus, earned gold is better than created gold."

"My name will never be off those lists." Ashe said with a sigh. "Look, I am not hunted for doing something or harming someone." She said as she tossed Atlas his coins back. "The reason is what I am, and I am not going to say what I am because I do not want to. I am no going to help you raid an Airship whatsoever and that is the end of it." She said a bit annoyed. "Now if you will excuse me, I am going to be on my way to get some things and then leave the city. I am travelling somewhere."
Echo silently followed him into the empty loft, wincing a bit at the scene. Whoever was in there had a horrendous voice. then watched as the dragon slayer grabbed the woman by her leg and dangled her by her leg for a few seconds. Well, that's one way of doing it... She thought to herself with a silent laugh, walking up beside Kyns and lazily pointed at her, "You sound like a dying cow when you sing." she mused half heartedly.

She wanted to laugh, but the male beside her seemed to be trying his best to stay serious so she simply made a bored face and looked over at the girls robot companion, "What in the world did you need to do that required you to crawl in the mouth?" She asked, looking at the robot. It seemed to be made of something like steel or aluminum with a large seven smack on it's chest area. Seemingly rather complex if she remembered anything about engineering.
"Can you just shut up and follow?" Joseph snapped at the elf, dropping his cigarette and snuffing it out with his foot, only to light a fresh one right afterwards. "It's either one of my boys acting out of order," Joseph paused to take a drag of his smoke, "or it's a civilian acting up, and we can't have that, can we?" a wicked half smile appeared on Joseph's face as he continued towards the source of the noise.

It was not long until they reached their destination, and by this time, the scream has already stopped, at least for a few minutes before Joseph and his group arrived at the scene.

"Dragon killer," he growled to himself, as, without a doubt, the man in the middle of this commotion was none other than Kyns Arvo himself. Joseph turned towards Zoey before continuing, "Do you know how the bad guys always enter dramatically?" Joseph fiddled with his gauntlet as he speaks. Then, with a simple motion of his hand, his men swarmed the site.

@Ghost Hunter @XXXIwolf
She smiled at Joseph's snapping. "I mean i could but, where's the fun in that?" she followed quietly the rest of the way listening to what Joseph was saying.

She got a good look at Kyns and couldn't believe that someone who looks so common had supposedly slain a dragon of all things. She gave Joseph a confused look while he was messing with his gauntlet then stared in awe from the large amount of mobsters that just appeared. "
You seem like you've got this entire city on lock down" she said whilst un-holstering her pistols, preparing for a firefight.

@Ghost Hunter @XXXIwolf
Echo was about to say something else when the door burst open, revealing a small group standing at the entrance. Her eyes widened as she recognized them immediately as a group of (Who she assumed were) mob members and Joseph, leader of the Enigma. As his men started swarming she lazily pointed a finger to the center of the room, a perfect illusion of searing blue flame creating a barrier. Since it was fake to make it more convincing she threw out the best illusion of heat she could then threw a hand on her hip.

"Good afternoon Ladies, feeling feisty today are we?" she drawled with a smirk, putting on her well crafted mask of boredom. She was already planning a way to get them out, the talking would just be to buy time.

@Ghost Hunter @XXXIwolf
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"Ah what the hell are you doing? Who's touching me? I'll have you know busta you should buy me a drink before you get to that level of intimacy. I ain't cheap." Aurora huffs then makes an, "oof" sound once dropped. Her goggles on and slanted. She looks up at the two arrivals. A handsome young man and a lovely bleach blonde haired woman. Dumbfounded, she stares at both of them switching back and forth and grunts getting up herself while dusting the grass off. She hears the blonde woman compliment her in a rude way of near singing which makes her huff and blush. Okay she takes it back she ain't pretty no more. Rude! "For your information sweetheart, I wasn't trying to sing. I was just humming and I actually sing pretty good. I just...am rusty that's all." Sheepishly she rubs the back of her head while holding a wrench. She then hears a scolding from Kyns.

"What! How dare you accuse me of making a scene?! I didn't do anything. I was just minding my own business doing maintainence on Bugsy over here. The big lug gets dirty easily so I have to check up on him every now and then and what are you a cop?"
She leans closer to Kyns and pokes his chest glaring at him nearing her face close to his with a low growl. "You're also one to talk pal. Groping my leg lifting my loose shirt from behind to check me out. Who does that and what's with your balding hair?" She gasps and turns to Bugsy. The not sat in silence awaiting orders. "Wait a minute! This is all your fault! You caused a commotion, and ya didn't say anything? And don't say its because I was in ya mouth. Ya lying shit! Now I'm in trouble because of you." She walks over to Kyns and grabs ahold of his shirt in a begging motion now frowning and sulking. "I'm sorry mista police man. Please don't take Bugsy from me. He's my responsibility he didn't do anything wrong. Its my fault. Please don't take my baby from me. Take me instead. I'll do anything! I'll fix anything you need, I'll buy you food, make you a vehicle or shifting weapon like my Reaper. Just please don't cuff my baby!!!!" Aurora shakes the man vigorously then drops to her knees and hugs him by the legs sulking and pleading. There she goes again. Oh my now she's blowing her nose on his pant leg.

@Ghost Hunter @Aine @Drakeel @PurpleTurtle @Mr Swiftshots
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Marz Slowly run his fingers down the newly sharpened blade. "Haha ya" he said replying to her joke, not looking up from blade. He intently gazed at the weapon zoning out of the room. ALL sound seemed to disappearing for a moment then pierced by the nearly inaudible sound of a distance scream. "Wait did you guys hear that?" Marz says snapping back to attention sliding the kukri back into its sheath. "I've got to go someone's in trouble." Marz says rushing out of the workshop. "Oh here you go!" He says as he places a few coins on the counter picking up the sharpening stone.

Exiting the shop Marz can more clearly make out where the screams were coming from. Marz starts running down the street as fast as possible. Pushing his new goggles up to his face he quickly flips out his glider and jumping on it keeping the wing down. Riding it like a skate bored just a few feet above the ground Marz quickly zipped fly down the street. "Whooo" he yell increasing his speed as he banked on a sharp turn Marz finds the sources of the screams seeing Bugsy with Aurora legs sticking out of his mouth. He can't help but laugh at the sight think about all the commotion she had caused. Marz hopped off his board flipping it shut slowly walking and up to Bugsy. Marz grabbed onto Bugsy cuff climbing up onto the robots shoulder. joking Marz says as he pears into the mouth of the robot "Do you all ways make such a big scene..." Marz cuts him self off as he staites into the robots mouth find him self straining straight at the girls butt. Marzs face turning a whole new shade of red he loses his grip on the robots shoulder falling to the ground hitting his back. Marz looks up seeing kyns start to climb it robot.
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@The Unamed Beast[/URL]

"My name will never be off those lists."
The elf spoke, mocking the girl. "Spare your breath, i've heard the same story a thousand times over." He'd ignore the coins flying towards him, letting them all fall to the ground. Atlas would raise a hand, using it to block out the sun as he looked up at a nearby docked airship. "I get the feeling that you believe something about you is special. Let me just say one thing. You are no different than anyone else on the same path, we are all equals in one way or another." Another group would rush by as he spoke. "I'm also wondering why someone like you would want to leave a place like this."
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Before Kyns could interrogate the lady, she got up and started rambling..something about how dare him...and a baby? And that he groped her...this was just getting weird. She grabbed onto his leg, sobbing and blowing her nose."I wasn't GROPING you. I was solving the problem..." Kyns said in his defense. He ignored her question about him being a cop, in case anyone in the crowd forming around them was a mobster or in a gang. "I'm not gonna take your robot. It's okay, just trying to put an end to this the sce-" Kyns stopped short, as he saw a bunch of armed men mobilizing, sprinting into the area like it was some sort of war zone. "Okay, time to get off me miss." Kyns said hurriedly and calmly as possible, whilst quickly looking about himself. Suddenly icy blue fire burst about the streets, stalling the armed men. "Echo, now's our chance!" Kyns said, freeing himself from the woman and pushing himself away from her. "We need to get to my depot downtown. Come on, I know a shortcut!" Kyns drew his shotgun and took a shot at the oncoming men, sending out a hail of searing fire and pellets, which didn't get far...but it caught one of their arms on fire. Kyns began sprinting to the alleyway he took to get from Elizabeth's shop to the barrack, rounding the corner and sprinting past the barracks into the alley. He stopped and reloaded, checking all about himself.

"You're just going to leave her?!" Echo gawked, quickly grabbing the girls hand and dragging her along. As they ran she threw a breezy "Sorry over her shoulder before sprinting. She only assumed the robot was fully capable of following the group itself. As they fled they rounded a sharp corner then sprinted past the barracks into an alleyway were she immediately released the girls hand, "Where are we going? Oh and you welcome!"

After a few ragged breaths she turned back to the girl she had dragged along, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to leave you in the line of fire. You okay?" she asked, doing a once over of the women.
"Bastard's getting away!" one of the militants shouted, looking back towards Joseph, who was walking calmly through the commotion, the sound of gunshots filling the city as his men painted the walls with lead.

"That's because I do, sweetheart," he replied, with his arms stretched out, slowing turning around to admire his work of chaos. He lets out a massive grin while doing so. "Well, chase him then!" he shouted back towards the troops, though to no avail, as all of his troops retreated after seeing a blue flame appear in the middle of the room. "Are you all fucking retarded?" he grumbled at himself in frustration as he ran straight through the illusion, giving chase to the dragon slayer.

This is an opportunity that Joseph cannot miss. Killing the Dragon Slayer would for sure boost his status within the underground world, but more importantly, the thrill of battling with someone who killed a dragon is second to none.

@Ghost Hunter @XXXIwolf
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Zoey smiled at the chaos. "Now this is fun!" she remarked watching the goons spray bullets every which way.

She nodded in response to Joseph and followed, chasing after Kyns. Bracing herself for the flames until she had passed through them completely unharmed. She noticed a giant robot and a teenager laying next to it. She sped up trying to catch back up to Joseph.
"What about the elf girl?" she called out to him. "I can go after her!" she added.

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(lol that was mean. Luckily I was taking a nap when this happened xD )

Aurora sniffles and gets pushed aside. As if the guy wasn't as much of a jerk as he was, or so she thought, she grunts and watches Kyns scurry off like a coward baffled. She didn't know what to think of this. She didn't even have time to comprehend what was going on until she was yanked away from Bugsy and her tools and...Marz?! The guy from before? Flames surrounding and distracting the bad guys from hurting anyone. Aurora snaps back to reality startled by the gun shooting fucking her head. Her mood changing into a serious yet confused tone as she was dragged to safety by Echo. She took back what she said. She was a doll. An angel. Before turning the corner she takes in Bugsy's appearance. They knew what to do whenever they were separated, but she couldn't help but feel like apart of herself for stolen. She worked hard on Bugsy, it's where she got her dream, her goal, her best friend. An arm stretched out to him and some tears daring to fall. She bites her lip trying to be brave. It hurts. Really bad. "Bugsy! Be careful okay?! Stay safe! Guard mode on! We'll meet up soon!" With that she was gone from Bugsy's vision.

The bot frowns already missing his nut case of a master. Guard mode right! His eyes glowing red for a second as he stands up selling Aurora's items then protecting Marz shielding him from open fire. He carries the young man in his big arms as he makes his way into the dark alleys. He had a bike mode but it waa a working progress for Aurora right now. For now his job ia to to get away safely, protect Marz from danger for now and wait for Aurora or find her.

Meanwhile Aurora was left go and asked if she was alright with an apology. Her mood everything seemed serious as she glares at her feet following them.
"I'm fine. Thank you. Those guys are gonna pay for splitting Bugsy and I off." She grits her teeth and clenches her fist tight. In a split second she takes out her steam punk scythe called "Reaper". She twists the knob in between the blade and stick making it leave a ticking sound. She looks at Echo and gives her a creepy smile. "Names Aurora. What's yours? Thank you for saving me. You're a doll."

@Ghost Hunter @PurpleTurtle @johnthehunter
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Kyns turned to Echo. "I need to grab my steam armor from my depot." Kyns said in a hushed tone. He rolled his eyes as soon as he saw that Echo had dragged along that girl. "I have no idea who these guys are..and i'm pretty tired of getting jumped today." Suddenly a mobster sprinted into the alleyway. Kyns threw his shotgun into the air, and the mobster foolishly looked up at it, confused at Kyns' actions. Kyns quickly slugged the mobster in the gut, recoiling him to the ground. Blood came out of his mouth and the man fell over, throwing up what Kyns assumed to be his lunch. "Ugh, nasty." Kyns said, catching his shotgun and holstering. Plugging his nose, he lifted the man by the back of his collar, and stomped on the back of his head right into the puddle of throw up. Kyns looked up, and three more men began running in his direction. "And that's about all the time I have right now guys." Kyns drew his shotgun, firing a round at the closest man and lighting his face on fire, causing him to fall on the ground in agony. Kyns spun on his heel and sprinted down the alley, "Let's go almost there!!" Kyns yelled back to Echo and Aurora.
Aurora follows and whispers to Echo. "Your buddy ain't to bright when it comes to being chased down is he? If he wants to keep it low. The sound of gun shots are giving away positions don't ya think? If he wants I can be on the front lines. Least I can do since I ticked the guy off."

@Ghost Hunter
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Echo watched as Kyns was thrown up on, grimacing before listening to the girl beside her, smiling as she pointed out the dragon slayers lack of thought, "As fun as that would be," She explained, "We're vastly outnumbered, best to keep running." She explained then started sprinting, signaling for the girl to follow. She was curious as to why Kyns needed armor so badly, was it really necessary? She sprinted harder and matched his pace, checking every few seconds to see if the girl fell to far behind, "How far is it? You can't expect to outrun all of them for long."
As Echo, Aurora, and Kyns run from the hail of bullets Marz was left laying on the ground next to Bugesy slightly unconscious. As Bugesy lifts Marz he begins to regain conscious "WHAT IS GOING ON!" Marz yells as Bugesy run though the flames in the opposite direction of the group. He looks back at the group of attackers start to run after Kyns and the others. "Bugesy turn around! we have to go back for them!" Marz orders. The robot seemed to ignore the order still running is the opposite way. "Bugesy we have to protect Aurora!" When Marz says this to robot turns around and starts to run back. Marz now standing in the robots palm un-holsters his pistol and begins to fire shot at the group of attackers as they run. "You guys go on a head, ill handle tiny!" yells Zoey charging the running robot head on. "squish her!" Marz calls out. As the Bugesy massive metal right foot comes crashing down Zoey leaps to the left grabbing onto Bugesy left kneecap. She swing her weight back up to the right crossing in front of Bugesy kicking Marz in the chest sending him fly in the ground. Marz lands on his back the air knock out of him "Keep going! go find Aurora! That's an order!" Marz wheezes the best he could. Zoey land gently on the balls of her feet and hands "Aww little guy wants to protect his girlfriend its a shame she'll never see you again" she gloats unsheathing her blade. Marz stood up off of the ground "Looks like I'm popular with all the ladies today." he says removing his flight jacket and unsheathing his blade. "THAT WAS SO FUCKING COOL" he thinks in his head as the two of them begin to circle each other. Marz makes the 1st move charges the elf women recklessly swing a powerful over head chop down on her. Zoey easily parries the attack pushing the boys attack back. He quickly revers his grip on his hilt spinning blade slicing back up nearly catching the elf by surprise "this kids is beater then he looks" Zoey thinks to herself.
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"We're close! In fact we're here!" Kyns yelled back, bounding around the corner. He burst into the blacksmith's fumbling with his satchel for his keys. Once he found them he opened the door to the the workshop. "HeyElizabethsorrybutIneedthissuitnowlikerightnowmobsattackingBYYYE!!!" Kyns unlatched the helmet and climbed into the armor, deactivating it from idle mode and locking the helmet back on. The whirring of clockworks and the hiss of steam could be heard from the engine as his suit sprang to life. Kyns quickly smacked his fists together, testing if the hydraulics in the arms still worked. "Thanks for watching Flameguard for me Beth, if you..uh..don't mind me calling you that." Kyns said, waving to his friend as he ran out of the workshop, remembering to lock the door, Beth's words fresh in his mind. He fumbled horribly with the keys and just threw them behind the counter after he managed to lock the door.

Kyns leaped out of the shop, cobblestone cracking under his feet as he dropped to the ground.
"THIS IS WHY WE NEEDED TO COME DOWN HERRRRE!!!" Kyns yelled to Echo. Two mobsters came running down the street, obviously not smart enough to take the alleyway. That's where all the cool kids go. Kyns ran at the closest baddie and he quickly winced, cowering back as the several hundred pound wall of pure bone-shattering mass came crashing into him, snapping his spine in two. Kyns picked him up, reared back, and chucked him at the second man. Nailing him in the head and knocking him down.
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