RP Section

(That didn't appear in my notif. for some reason :/ )

"I assume you know who I am." Joseph stared down towards the dwarf, his arms crossed tightly in front of his body. "Now there's two things I want from you," he continued, pulling out a small knife from under his coat while doing so, inspecting, almost admiring, the blade's beauty "Information on who contracted you to do this," he touches the blade of the knife onto the dwarf's neck, "and who else was involved, apart from this elf here."

Echo's posture slacked as Gabe left, leaving her looking a little softer. He hated that guy, he was a major pain in the ass. She frowned a bit then absentmindedly returned the smile that was given to her and looked down at the contract, flipping threw before grabbing the bright blue stamp and slapping it right on the front before handing it back. She was about to grab her bag and leave when he asked who she was, "I'm just here doing an assessment of some of the men, but my names Echo." She said, mirroring the head tilt he gave here, "And Who exactly might you be?"
Garik stared at the man. "Suppose i don't talk? eh?" His voice filled with defiance. he ponders for a moment then said "Binburg. That's all you'll get out of me." he said now starring Joseph in the eyes. He couldn't see but he knew Zoey was behind him That Bitch he thought. If i get out of this ill tear her to shreds. "And you can thank just that elf there." he sneered.

"I suppose you really don't know who I am," Joseph grabbed the dwarf's neck, pulling him up until he is dangling in the air, struggling in his grasps, his feet kicking the air as small gasps somehow managed to escape from his mouth, his movements getting more frantic as time goes by until all movements were gone altogether. "Ah shit, I got a bit too angry." Joseph groaned, turning towards the elf as he does so, "He said something about Binbig right?"

Kyns smiled when she mirrored his head movements. "My name is Kyns the Dragonslayer." He said happily. "Good to meet you Echo." He said, folding the contract and putting it in his satchel. "Hey, you look ready to leave. You wanna tag along with me?" Kyns said, still smiling.

I'd split the cash with you." He said eagerly, feeling his hair. It felt a little lighter on the top...maybe that Kykdren took off more than he thought...
Aurora meanwhile, continued her shopping. After sufficient amount of tools, she heads toward an inn where she has been currently residing for the past week. She places her supplies in a metal box carrying it outside in an empty lot. She stood under a tree with Bugsy. A map pulled out and swung open to observe her next path. She munches on a snack. They were macaroons. Her gray eyes scan the map pointing a finger at her current destination. "If we're here and we head East to this town, we should be able to get some stuff we need, continue my project for awhile. Soon we won't have to worry about walking anymore." She chirps making her metallic buddy nod. The snow haired woman puts away her map in a pouch then brings out her tools. She stands up walking over to Bugsy. "Alright maintenance time. I'm going to have to wait till we get to the East to fix you up properly, for now how about you open ya mouth for me buddy?" She taps on the tin can causing the bot to open his mouth. Aurora climbs in immediately and making a rukus of wires, clinging noises and screwing as well as rustling sounds.

A passerby walks by and halts. His face dropped in a pale color horrified at the scene. He holds his chest and takes a step back. His point of view was of Aurora being eaten by this Titan. She was kicking her feet and it sounded like muffling screams but she was actually singing. Bugsy's glowing red eyes turn to the paled man who jumps at the eye contact. The stranger screams

Aurora meanwhile, continued her shopping. After sufficient amount of tools, she heads toward an inn where she has been currently residing for the past week. She places her supplies in a metal box carrying it outside in an empty lot. She stood under a tree with Bugsy. A map pulled out and swung open to observe her next path. She munches on a snack. They were macaroons. Her gray eyes scan the map pointing a finger at her current destination. "If we're here and we head East to this town, we should be able to get some stuff we need, continue my project for awhile. Soon we won't have to worry about walking anymore." She chirps making her metallic buddy nod. The snow haired woman puts away her map in a pouch then brings out her tools. She stands up walking over to Bugsy. "Alright maintenance time. I'm going to have to wait till we get to the East to fix you up properly, for now how about you open ya mouth for me buddy?" She taps on the tin can causing the bot to open his mouth. Aurora climbs in immediately and making a rukus of wires, clinging noises and screwing as well as rustling sounds.

A passerby walks by and halts. His face dropped in a pale color horrified at the scene. He holds his chest and takes a step back. His point of view was of Aurora being eaten by this Titan. She was kicking her feet and it sounded like muffling screams but she was actually singing. Bugsy's glowing red eyes turn to the paled man who jumps at the eye contact. The stranger screams echoing through town as he scurries away. He passes by the police station where Echo and Kyns were. The man's blood curdling scream was one that could not be missed.

"We're all going to die. There is a Titan eating a human at the empty loft! Run for your lives!" Some people scurry with him in a panic.

@Ghost Hunter @PurpleTurtle
She nods in response."Yeah, Binbig" she turned her attention to the dead dwarf. "I think ill almost miss the drunk." She smiled a little. She looked at the ground for a moment then back to Joseph. "Say...could i...join you? I've go no where left to go besides a shack in the north, i wouldn't be troublesome." she said with a slight hope in her voice. Okay, don't fuck this up she thought.

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Atlas Oladan

A loud crash could be heard through the less populated area of the Putfim market, a scream following a moment afterwords. The noise would sound as if someone had just knocked over a rather large pile of pots and pans. Atlas would be the cause of such noises, as he had not in fact knocked some objects over, but had caused someone else to do so. The elf had pushed a dwarf towards a market stand as he was rushing past, causing many valuables to fall off shelves and containers. Quickly, and without any hesitation, the elf would make his way away from the scene, hiding his face so that none of the nearby people could catch it. Not too long after the incident a guard had stopped Atlas, questioning him. "You see the thief in the market? The one that assaulted the dwarf?" Of course the elf denied all claims. "No, man. Was not around the area, but I heard what happened."

Atlas spoke, shaking his head in response to the nearby guard. He turned to walk away, but was grabbed by the guard and turned back. "You'll have to come with me, elf. We will have a chat with my superiors and see what they think, because people are saying otherwise." The elf recoils as the guard grabs him, shaking his head and taking a few steps back. "I know my rights. Can't detain on thoughts alone, right?" Atlas let one hand fall to the sheath of the sword that sat at his waist, getting ready to draw it and scare away the guard. The guard itself was in a large armored suit, gender hidden below the protection that the suit provided. Any weapon the guard had was either built into the suit, or just really well hidden. "Besides, you are a hired guard, and all you do is sit around and watch shelves. Can't I get a break?" No response was given by the guard as it moved forward, attempting to pick up the elf. Atlas moved back a few more steps, avoiding the slow movements of the armored mercenary.

The two would repeat the behavior for a little while, causing quite a bit of noise and drawing a crowd. Anyone nearby would likely see the pair arguing back and forth, a shouting match slowly beginning.

(Hope this is good for a first post. :/ )
XXXIwolf said:
Aurora stares at the man for the longest waiting for a reply that never came. Both staring at each other's eyes, the way the man stares at Aurora sort of made her blush. Luckily he didn't catch her small blush and she didn't catch him taking a peek at her cleavage. She wasn't one for romance or focusing on such a thing, but this man caught her off guard to which he reveals his name to be Johnathan or Marz. She liked that name. In a way their names happen to Match the theme of space. Aurora suddenly notices Marz' face lit up redder than a tomato and backing away. She was startled a bit and backs away a bit holding her arm. She felt she had done something wrong making her feel a little nervous. Before she could even speak he walks away. She sighs. For a slight second her eyes turned into hearts then giggle. "What a cutie. Too bad he's not interested." Her small infatuation vanishes before it becomes ruined by a snickering man whom was laughing at Marz clumsiness. She grows and punches his face. "What are you laughing at bub?!" Her finger pokes the fat man's chest which makes him stutter to explain. "Ah shut up!" Aurora huffs leaving the man be. No point in being a prick if he can't defend himself. Such a violent woman. She walks up to Clair.

"Alright well I have things to do around here before we head out. When you're done meet me at a café. You'll find me once ya see Bugsy." She taps on her metal companion and waves to Clair. Both she and Bugsy leave the building.
Capricornus said:
Elizabeth walked him through her workshop, followed by Fenrir. Every around her workshop were lying scrap pieces of metal, semi-finished weapons, blueprints, also a few armor pieces that she failed to make use of. Literally everything one could think of when entering an engineer's workshop.
The first thing she did was take a look at the goggles. She shortened the leather slightly, and adjusted a few screws. "Here", she said, handing them to her client. She moved a little further and placed the weapon on the table, carefully. She put on her glasses, which had magnifying lenses attached to them. She took her own sharpening stone and started sharpening the weapons edges. She was amazed by all the details. She could see with her bare eyes that it was a costly weapon.

"So, you didn't tell me your name yet, did you?", she tried to start up a conversation, her eyes still fixed on her work. She wasn't very good with armors but she sure knew how to handle any kind of weapon. "Name's Elizabeth. So how did you get here? I hear you talking about an airship earlier, do you enjoy flying? Also, what took you to such a city, filled with crimes 'n all?", she continued bombarding him with questions.
Clair was more focused on fiddling with bugsy's head than she was with anything else going on around her , she just couldn't help doing so. It felt like something was off with the bot's head , now Clair couldn't tell if it was something simple or drastic this early on but she was sure something was off. In fact she was so sure that she would have opened up the bot's head right there and then had she not have been interrupted by Aurora and subsequently forced off of the bots shoulder. With a soft sigh Clair waved the two off , retaking her sack of parts in hand moments after "Yeh , sure.....see you then I guess".

Once the two had vanished from sight Clair moved towards the counter and began searching through a pouch she had secured to her left hip. After searching for a few seconds Clair found what she was looking for. The elf placed two white scrolls sealed with fine red ink , imprinted with the college crest and finely decorated at that. With a smile Clair pushed the two scrolls towards Elizabeth "sorry to interrupt but I was just wondering if I could use your workshop for a while , those scrolls there contain both my engineering license and proof of graduation. I hope they suffice."

@Capricornus @johnthehunter
XXXIwolf said:
Aurora meanwhile, continued her shopping. After sufficient amount of tools, she heads toward an inn where she has been currently residing for the past week. She places her supplies in a metal box carrying it outside in an empty lot. She stood under a tree with Bugsy. A map pulled out and swung open to observe her next path. She munches on a snack. They were macaroons. Her gray eyes scan the map pointing a finger at her current destination. "If we're here and we head East to this town, we should be able to get some stuff we need, continue my project for awhile. Soon we won't have to worry about walking anymore." She chirps making her metallic buddy nod. The snow haired woman puts away her map in a pouch then brings out her tools. She stands up walking over to Bugsy. "Alright maintenance time. I'm going to have to wait till we get to the East to fix you up properly, for now how about you open ya mouth for me buddy?" She taps on the tin can causing the bot to open his mouth. Aurora climbs in immediately and making a rukus of wires, clinging noises and screwing as well as rustling sounds.
A passerby walks by and halts. His face dropped in a pale color horrified at the scene. He holds his chest and takes a step back. His point of view was of Aurora being eaten by this Titan. She was kicking her feet and it sounded like muffling screams but she was actually singing. Bugsy's glowing red eyes turn to the paled man who jumps at the eye contact. The stranger screams

Aurora meanwhile, continued her shopping. After sufficient amount of tools, she heads toward an inn where she has been currently residing for the past week. She places her supplies in a metal box carrying it outside in an empty lot. She stood under a tree with Bugsy. A map pulled out and swung open to observe her next path. She munches on a snack. They were macaroons. Her gray eyes scan the map pointing a finger at her current destination. "If we're here and we head East to this town, we should be able to get some stuff we need, continue my project for awhile. Soon we won't have to worry about walking anymore." She chirps making her metallic buddy nod. The snow haired woman puts away her map in a pouch then brings out her tools. She stands up walking over to Bugsy. "Alright maintenance time. I'm going to have to wait till we get to the East to fix you up properly, for now how about you open ya mouth for me buddy?" She taps on the tin can causing the bot to open his mouth. Aurora climbs in immediately and making a rukus of wires, clinging noises and screwing as well as rustling sounds.

A passerby walks by and halts. His face dropped in a pale color horrified at the scene. He holds his chest and takes a step back. His point of view was of Aurora being eaten by this Titan. She was kicking her feet and it sounded like muffling screams but she was actually singing. Bugsy's glowing red eyes turn to the paled man who jumps at the eye contact. The stranger screams echoing through town as he scurries away. He passes by the police station where Echo and Kyns were. The man's blood curdling scream was one that could not be missed.

"We're all going to die. There is a Titan eating a human at the empty loft! Run for your lives!" Some people scurry with him in a panic.

@Ghost Hunter @PurpleTurtle
(you put the same thing twice in your post c:)
As marz entired the workshop he was amazed at the large size compared to the small front room. The smell of the forge remined marz of the reactors onboard the Madeleine. Marz slowly walk through the room his eyes dancing from on project to project looking at every clock gear and tool. fascinated my every thing is sight. As Marz driftes off looking at all around the room he is taken back to realty when Elizabeth hands him his new goggles. "Thank you" he says as he puts them on letting them casually rest around his neck. He stood over her shoulder watching her work sharpening the blade. Her movements were fluent and steady. Marz stood patient and quite listening to the hypnotic ring the stone made with the blade. Until Elizabeth shot out a slew of questions "So how did you get here? I hear you talking about an airship earlier, do you enjoy flying? Also, what took you to such a city, filled with crimes 'n all?" "Well I came here on my farther airship the "Madeleine", he built it with his farther and I practically have lived my entire life aboard traveling around the world." Marz pause of a moment thinking about the question if he enjoyed flying. "I love it. The rush and the freedom the open sky. It's as if you just lose yourself to it ya know." Marz trails off his head clear in the clouds. "Oh aww what were we talking about?" Marz says snapping back into reality. " Oh why we came here. Right. We just stop from port to port trading goods iv seen practical every major city but have never really set foot into them. What about you? Lived your whole life here as a blacksmith?"

(Sorry it took so long to reply was busy with real life stuff and my phone died so I couldn't type. I also edited my last post telling you my character name)
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Echo's eyes immediately rolled upon mention of his name, "My grandmother thinks you're practically a god." she said then listened to his offer, "Ah sure, why not?" She shrugged, giggling a bit at his uneven haircut, she was about to say something when she heard an ear shattering scream. Immediately she rushed to the window and looked outside, her eyes widening, "What on earth is that..." she murmured trying to see what was happening. The trouble wasn't in her immediate line of sight, appearing to be around the corner considering people were running away from there. She was about to run and look but stopped in the doorway and looked at Kyns, "Want to check it out?"
Joseph turned around, to look at one of the men that followed him into the abandoned cafe, "Would you be so kind to clean that up?" he says, grabbing the guard's shoulders and walking out of the cafe after doing so. He turns around towards the elf, assessing her up and down before turning back around. "I heard that the 'dragon slayer' is in town." he said, looking slightly over his back, ruffling through his jacket for a pack of cigarettes after doing so, "Strongest man in all of Flumi I heard." he lights a smoke before continuing, "I wonder how strong he really is."

Zoey follows him after he speaks. "Wasn't he the guy walking around in hulking armor?" she asks half to herself . "IF were going after him we should head back to Pitfum as fast as we can." she said as she took a couple steps back to the city then turning back around to face Joseph. "Are we just going to attack him in the streets or do you have something planned?" she said curiously.

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"Alright, i'm ready when you are." Kyns said excitedly, hearing that Echo would be coming along. He heard her giggle as well, and he covered his hair with his hands and shushed her. But his little jest was interrupted by an ear splintering screech. Echo careened to the window, and was soon follow by Kyns, who dashed outside, looking about. A screeching young lady came running down the street, tripping about in her heels . Hollering about some sort of titan...monster..thing. She startled Kyns and he backed up, allowing her to sprint right past him and avoiding a collision. Kyns pivoted on his foot and raised an eyebrow towards Echo, shrugging to show his confusion.
Echo ran up beside Kyns, about as confused as he was. As a precaution she threw up an illusion of invisibility around them and ran forward, wrapping the corner then freezing in complete shock at the sight in front of her, a woman being... eaten? Why isn't the the... Titan swallowing her? She thought, walking cautiously forward. It wasn't a Titan, It was a robot she realized but wasn't sure why the woman was screaming. She jogged back to beside Kyns, her illusion dropping, "It's a robot." She mused, wondering what exactly the girl was doing. As far as she knew, robots didn't eat.
[QUOTE="Absolute Bias]
Atlas Oladan
A loud crash could be heard through the less populated area of the Putfim market, a scream following a moment afterwords. The noise would sound as if someone had just knocked over a rather large pile of pots and pans. Atlas would be the cause of such noises, as he had not in fact knocked some objects over, but had caused someone else to do so. The elf had pushed a dwarf towards a market stand as he was rushing past, causing many valuables to fall off shelves and containers. Quickly, and without any hesitation, the elf would make his way away from the scene, hiding his face so that none of the nearby people could catch it. Not too long after the incident a guard had stopped Atlas, questioning him. "You see the thief in the market? The one that assaulted the dwarf?" Of course the elf denied all claims. "No, man. Was not around the area, but I heard what happened."

Atlas spoke, shaking his head in response to the nearby guard. He turned to walk away, but was grabbed by the guard and turned back. "You'll have to come with me, elf. We will have a chat with my superiors and see what they think, because people are saying otherwise." The elf recoils as the guard grabs him, shaking his head and taking a few steps back. "I know my rights. Can't detain on thoughts alone, right?" Atlas let one hand fall to the sheath of the sword that sat at his waist, getting ready to draw it and scare away the guard. The guard itself was in a large armored suit, gender hidden below the protection that the suit provided. Any weapon the guard had was either built into the suit, or just really well hidden. "Besides, you are a hired guard, and all you do is sit around and watch shelves. Can't I get a break?" No response was given by the guard as it moved forward, attempting to pick up the elf. Atlas moved back a few more steps, avoiding the slow movements of the armored mercenary.

The two would repeat the behavior for a little while, causing quite a bit of noise and drawing a crowd. Anyone nearby would likely see the pair arguing back and forth, a shouting match slowly beginning.

(Hope this is good for a first post. :/ )

A girl with long amber hair stopped by the scene and gripped the Guards arm. "Wasn't him chief..." The girl said. She had a large war hammer strapped on her but she seemed to be able to carry it like it weighed like a sword. She also had goggles on her eyes. "Besides.... you wouldn't want to get another demerit...." She said with a smile as she released her grip on the guards arm. "He did not assault anyone...." She said as a red spot started to appear on the guards armor. "You got it?"
The Unamed Beast]A girl with long amber hair stopped by the scene and gripped the Guards arm.[COLOR=#ff0000] "Wasn't him chief..." [/COLOR]The girl said. She had a large war hammer strapped on her but she seemed to be able to carry it like it weighed like a sword. She also had goggles on her eyes. [COLOR=#ff0000]"Besides.... you wouldn't want to get another demerit...."[/COLOR] She said with a smile as she released her grip on the guards arm. [COLOR=#ff0000]"He did not assault anyone...."[/COLOR] She said as a red spot started to appear on the guards armor. [COLOR=#ff0000]"You got it?"[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]

(My bad on the late response.)

Atlas and the guard were about to duke it out, both of them ready to kill at a moments notice over something as small as the argument. The two only stopped as a girl stepped in from the crowd, grabbing the guard's arm. The elf would look on in disbelief, directing his vision back and forth between the girl and the guard. The guard would do almost same, looking at the crowd that now gathered around the area. "Seems i'm in the wrong." With an audible sigh from behind all the armor the guard was wearing, they would take a few steps away. "My place is elsewhere, and I shall now take my leave." Without another word, the guard would turn and walk away through the crowd. Atlas would step forward, letting his hands rest at his side away from the sword that he had thoughts of pulling a moment before. "You just stopped somethin' terrible, man." The crowd around them would quickly disperse, seeing as there was not much of a problem anymore. "Any reason you felt the need to step in? Cause i'm pretty sure you'll be in some sort of list for doin' this." He'd speak while looking at the various vendors and carts around the market, watching as people passed by.
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Absolute Bias] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]
(My bad on the late response.)

Atlas and the guard were about to duke it out, both of them ready to kill at a moments notice over something as small as the argument. The two only stopped as a girl stepped in from the crowd, grabbing the guard's arm. The elf would look on in disbelief, directing his vision back and forth between the girl and the guard. The guard would do almost same, looking at the crowd that now gathered around the area. "Seems i'm in the wrong." With an audible sigh from behind all the armor the guard was wearing, they would take a few steps away. "My place is elsewhere, and I shall now take my leave." Without another word, the guard would turn and walk away through the crowd. Atlas would step forward, letting his hands rest at his side away from the sword that he had thoughts of pulling a moment before. "You just stopped somethin' terrible, man." The crowd around them would quickly disperse, seeing as there was not much of a problem anymore. "Any reason you felt the need to step in? Cause i'm pretty sure you'll be in some sort of list for doin' this." He'd speak while looking at the various vendors and carts around the market, watching as people passed by.
"You know... Its because you remind me of my old man..." She said as she pushed him into the wall. "Too much of him for that matter..." She said with a sigh as she looked around. "And besides, whats one more list having my name in it?" She asked as she took off her goggles. As she did, her eyes were revealed. "Anyway.... It seems I am responsible for saving both of my race families ass's...." She said as he clutched her War hammer. "Now, explain why you did that or we are gonna have a talk..... and not one you will like...."
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]

"Your old man? Do I loo-" He would be cut off as the girl pushed him into a nearby wall, only to continue a moment later. "I can obviously see that you don't care about dying, either." Atlas would roll his eyes, looking towards a passing group instead of at the girl. "What would you like me to explain, exactly? I don't recall doing anything wrong, honestly." Watching as the group faded out of sight, he'd look back at the girl, a fake smile on his face as he continued to speak. "Also, are we not talking now?"
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Absolute Bias] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]
"Your old man? Do I loo-" He would be cut off as the girl pushed him into a nearby wall, only to continue a moment later. "I can obviously see that you don't care about dying, either." Atlas would roll his eyes, looking towards a passing group instead of at the girl. "What would you like me to explain, exactly? I don't recall doing anything wrong, honestly." Watching as the group faded out of sight, he'd look back at the girl, a fake smile on his face as he continued to speak. "Also, are we not talking now?"
"Trust me..... I know what you are trying to do." She said. "Mainly because I am not fully human I can understand you are lying straight to my face. I saved your butt back there." She said as she took her hand off of the war hammer and onto the area where the elf kept his money. "Or how about I clump your money into a worthless pile of metal?" she said with a smirk. "I can do it without even touching them, so do not even try me."
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]

"I could have handled the guard, obviously. You did not save me." The elf's coin purse sits on the left side of his waist, opposite of where his sword is. "You'd be destroying some random Kykdren's gold, not mine." Atlas would reach to un-clip the bag that held his gold, letting it fall to the ground or into the girl's hand. He'd return the smirk before continuing with what he was saying. "I happen to be in a rush at the moment, mainly to get away from you, but ya' know. If you have any questions, i'd be willing to answer them at a later date, instead of out here in a public area where i'm in full view of everyone when you gut me." Without any hesitation, the elf would turn from the girl and begin to walk away, if of course he was not stopped.
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"'The Madelaine', huh? Sounds like a nice airship.", she replied, leaning further over the weapon to sharpen everything evenly. "As for me, well yes, I've been an engineer my whole life, but I've been wandering from town to town."

Elizabeth was interrupted by the elf, which previously stood in her shop, and had now followed them to her workshop. The elf laid both her scrolls on the table. Elizabeth took off her glasses and looked up, before picking the scrolls up and holding them towards the light. Everything matched, the seal, the watermark, etc. She was very cautious since her workshop was precious to her and there have already been a few cases of forged papers. "Clair, huh? That Clair as it seems. Sure go ahead. But watch out for some of the pieces laying around... Most are unstable and a single harsh motion could... yeah.", she answered her request before getting back to sharpening the weapon.

@johnthehunter @Mr Swiftshots
Absolute Bias] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]
"I could have handled the guard, obviously. You did not save me." The elf's coin purse sits on the left side of his waist, opposite of where his sword is. "You'd be destroying some random Kykdren's gold, not mine." Atlas would reach to un-clip the bag that held his gold, letting it fall to the ground or into the girl's hand. He'd return the smirk before continuing with what he was saying. "I happen to be in a rush at the moment, mainly to get away from you, but ya' know. If you have any questions, i'd be willing to answer them at a later date, instead of out here in a public area where i'm in full view of everyone when you gut me." Without any hesitation, the elf would turn from the girl and begin to walk away, if of course he was not stopped.
"Fine.... but you would be walking away from 'The Bloodborn'.... the only Elven with metal magic" She said tauntingly as she walked away with a suspicious bag of coin in her hand. It was Atlas's money.
Joseph didn't pay any mind to the elf's question. Why would I need a plan, especially if it's just to kill one person? He thought to himself, rubbing his chin while doing so. Suddenly, a scream echoed throughout the city, and it seems to be coming from somewhere near the barracks. Curious, Joseph began stepping towards the noise, signalling the guards, as well as Zoey, to follow him.

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