RP Section

XXXIwolf said:
(Lmao I don't regret it I speak the truth honey. Elves are beautiful and so does Bugsy. Haha I'll let you choose a voice for him to make it up to you. Make your hormones as crazy as you want xD )
Aurora pouts and hangs her head low then snaps her fingers. But before she could speak she watches Clair be seductive to her robot. She wasn't sure is she should be weirded out, laugh or ship it. Most likely chose ship it. Bugsy was family even if he was a bucket of bolts. She snickers silently watching the bot blush again looking down at the woman. Honestly, when was he programed to react like a human? He did not understand emotions but knew how to react as programed. Magic she supposed. Aurora nudges her buddy and winks.

"Woot! Look at you two going at it. I ship it. Get it Bugsy! Tap dat ass." The childish girl holds her stomach and laughs hard banging his metal arm ignoring the pain of flesh on metal. Bugsy fixes his composure wishing he could speak his mind to his master. Now that he thought about it. Perhaps a voice box is not such a bad idea. Bugsy steams through his pipes as if huffing. He looks at the elf and nods.

Aurora on the other hand finishes her fit and wipes a tear off her eyes and sighs.
"So! I guess I will be traveling with you. I happen to be going that way anyway. So without further adiue names Aurora this here is Bugsy. Nice ta meetcha!" She takes a hand for her to shake with the widest grin you'll ever see showing her pearly white teeth.
(Hormones wait hold on a second , I simply did that because I thought it'd be funny xD Go ahead a chose the voice yourself , It honestly doesn't bother me in the slightest where this goes so long as i get a laugh out of it xD )

Clair O'Reilly

Clair looked at Aurora completely confused when she told bugsy to 'Tap that ass' , firstly she didn't even know what that phrase meant and secondly she didn't know what the woman was laughing at ! All she had done was ask the robot's opinion on the matter , was that really worth such a fit ?

It was probably nothing , heck the woman was walking around with a broken nose for gods sake. 'has to be head trauma setting in' Clair thought to herself before giving her own name to the duo "Clair , Clair O'Reilly , it's a pleasure to meet you both......Aurora , are you sure your ok ?"

Before Clair had time to elaborate on her point or in fact get a reply , a somewhat clumsy boy seemed to have offered the three a ride to Binbig. Now that was kind ,very much so, but the act of kindness was somewhat ruined by the fact the boy had taken half a shelf of weaponry down in less time than it took to reset a simple house clock.

@XXXIwolf @johnthehunter
Zoey nods as she catches the device. "Understood." She goes with the guards. As she left the area she took a good look around. Allrigth Zoey, time to get back to Piftum she thought. She found a small town and manged to get a ride back to Piftum. Once her feat were on the ground she instantly started making her way to the bar. Once inside she noticed he wasn't there. "Just my luck." she whispered while approaching the bartender. "Excuse me, have you seen Garik around? Dwarf, well dressed?" she asks him. "That no good dwarf? bah, i thew him out an hour ago. the drunk is probably in the damn alley." he says without looking up. She leaves with a "thank you" and peers into the alley to see her dwarf freind getting beaten up. She charges in ready to take on the attacker. He runs off and Garik slumps against the wall. "Ha ha, thanks!" he says in his usual cheery voice. "Who was that...well its not important right now. Garik listen i need you to meet me in a small cafe outside the city tonight." She says in a serious tone. "Allright, Allright! ill be there." he says. Zoey forces a smile "Great." she says as she sets out for the Cafe. Once a safe distance away she picks up the device and notifies Joseph "He'll be there. Tonight." and puts the device away.
(Oh alright. I assumed it was a fetish. Either way yeah. Im down to make it a comedy. So far this post of yours got me laughing hard. If you want a fix nose I guess I have to *sigh* xD let's make it a comedy)

Aurora smiles at the name then notices her nose all buster up and hisses at the look. "Oh hold up a second will ya?" She holds her nose and pants 1,2,3,4 CRUNCH!! The sound of torn meat sounded disgusting, Aurora of course winces at the pain with a groan before putting a bandage over it from her small bag on her utility belt. She wiggles her nose scrunching it up. "There all better." Bugs gives her a thumbs up of approval. She smiles back at him then turns to the guy who went past them. Her eyes glistening at the offer with stars. "Oh really?! What a sweetheart! That would make travel much easier. Don't worry about the trouble. We'll do our part to help around the ship. Right Clair?" She looks at Clair then back to the clumsy boy seeing things fall on him as he tries to act cool. Aurora gasps and hurries to his side to help him up placing a hand on his right shoulder while the other hoists him up a little. "Oh goodness you poor thing. You alright sweetie?" She frowns looking at him with concern. It was either that or to giggle at him. Poor kid looked like he tried his best to act sly.

@Mr Swiftshots @johnthehunter
Elizabeth pouted. "Hmm, next guess: Mister 'I have too many body complexes and so I wear this armor to hide it', eh?" Her eyes lightened up, and she promptly changed subjects when he said that his armor needed some fixing. "So you really need a place to deposit this armor huh... Alright let's say you can leava it here", she replied, pointing with her thumb towards the curtain, "BUT I'll get to try some things on it." She knew this was a risky demand since she often screwed up armors, but hey, it was worth a shot and her father could always fix it up... if it wasn't too broken. But this, she better kept to herself. "So, whaddaya say?", she asked with a smirk on her face.

Soon more people came into the small shop, almost filling the room. On of them was clearly a part from the elves, which was a rather rare sight here in the west, the other two were normal, well not really normal, humans. This time, Fenrir seemed too afraid to go to the front to sniff on those strangers, probably because of the metal titan that seemed to follow the other girl around. Elizabeth raised one hand to try to get everyone's attention. "Hey, can I help anyone with anything... Also did someone say airship?", she asked, her eyes shining once again. No matter how much she loved airships, she never actually got to ride on one of them.

@Ghost Hunter @XXXIwolf @johnthehunter @Mr Swiftshots
Zoey stood directly outside the cafe leaning against a wall, her arms crossed and one foot pressed on the wall. The sun had set not to long ago and she watched the road the lead to Pitfum expecting to see the dwarf at anytime. She sighed, it had been 5 hours since she spoke with Garik, she finally heard the alcoholic dwarf's voice rambling to himself about how she was "dragging him all the way out here" and such."Garik! Over here." he made his way to her. "Allright, Whats all this about Z?" he said after catching his breath. He was incredibly out of shape. "I have an update on that on that contract also i need some information on that supply line job." she chose her words carefully not directly lying to him. Allright Joseph, get here quick she thought taking a quick look around and leading Garik into the building. It pained her heart to know she was betraying a close freind.
A shiver runs down Marzs spine as the girl touches his shoulder he turns his head facing her. Her face just a few inches from his. She was a very attractive girl (even with a slightly bloody nose) with round beautiful eyes. As she bent over to help him up marz caught a glance down the women's shirt. Marz felt his face turn a new even darker shade of red as he fumbled back flaring is arms slightly until catching himself. Stand directly up with his right arm scratching the back of his head. "Ha..ha umm.. ohh my name Johnathan Bellfast but every one just calles me marz." he says as a polearm slowly tips over behind him hitting the ground with a loud clang. Marz turns lifting the heavy weapon leaning it back onto its post. Marz holds his hands out for a moment making sure it was steady this time.

He then turns facing the shop keeper behind the counter hopeing she wasn't to mad at him for knocking over nearly an entire rack of weapons. Thinking to himself "just walk away, just walk away. Play it off cool." Walking towards the counter "do you have a pair of flight goggles by chance? Oh and a sharpening stone for a blade this size." He says removing his kukri from its sheath. Placing it on the counter lightly. Marz felt likely sheepish having such a fancy and elegant blade in a place like this. It had been a gift from his father for his birthday.
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"Hmm, next guess: Mister 'I have too many body complexes and so I wear this armor to hide it', eh?" Kyns smirked a little at this remark. "So you really need a place to deposit this armor huh... Alright let's say you can leave it here BUT I'll get to try some things on it." Kyns cringed a little at this...his armor was like his baby...it was already perfect as it is. But he NEEDED this depot, and it seemed for the most part rent was free. "Well....I suppose if you don't break it too much. I need the suit for my line of work. It's gonna be in and out of the depot a lot." Kyns smiled and placed a hand on Flameguard. (his suit) "So, whaddaya say?" The woman asked. Well..this was the best deal Kyns was gonna get in this town... "Okay, you can try some stuff on it." He said, almost clinging to his armor. "Just don't mess with the arms...took me and my friend forever to get the hydraulics just right in there." Kyns smiled. "And just to clear up any confusion, I have my whole body, I don't have any body complexes, my father didn't give it to me as his dying wish, and I most certainly didn't steal it from an abandoned factory when I was 10, constantly repairing it until I could finally wear it." Kyns said smirking at the woman. "I'm a dragonslayer. Kyns the Dragonslayer to be exact. And you might be, wait lemme guess, a Miss: my mom wanted me to be a lady but dad wanted me to be an engineer?" He asked still smirking, holding out his hand to the shopkeeper for a handshake.
Aurora stares at the man for the longest waiting for a reply that never came. Both staring at each other's eyes, the way the man stares at Aurora sort of made her blush. Luckily he didn't catch her small blush and she didn't catch him taking a peek at her cleavage. She wasn't one for romance or focusing on such a thing, but this man caught her off guard to which he reveals his name to be Johnathan or Marz. She liked that name. In a way their names happen to Match the theme of space. Aurora suddenly notices Marz' face lit up redder than a tomato and backing away. She was startled a bit and backs away a bit holding her arm. She felt she had done something wrong making her feel a little nervous. Before she could even speak he walks away. She sighs. For a slight second her eyes turned into hearts then giggle. "What a cutie. Too bad he's not interested." Her small infatuation vanishes before it becomes ruined by a snickering man whom was laughing at Marz clumsiness. She grows and punches his face. "What are you laughing at bub?!" Her finger pokes the fat man's chest which makes him stutter to explain. "Ah shut up!" Aurora huffs leaving the man be. No point in being a prick if he can't defend himself. Such a violent woman. She walks up to Clair.

"Alright well I have things to do around here before we head out. When you're done meet me at a café. You'll find me once ya see Bugsy." She taps on her metal companion and waves to Clair. Both she and Bugsy leave the building.
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"Deal.", she agreed. "Don't worry, your suit will be in good hands... as long as those hands aren't mine.", she added, whispering the last part under her breath. She took a key attached to a chain from under the counter and handed it over to her client. "You can leave it in right behind the shop, don't forget to lock the door afterwards. You can never be too sure in a city like this.", she said, this time in a more serious tone before turning back to her quirky self. "So the name's Kyns, huh? Since ,what my next two guesses would be, appear to also be wrong I'll just give up and will call you by your normal name. Name's Elizabeth Booker DeWitt, and your guess is wrong aswell.", she smirked.

Dragonslayer you say, huh? I think I've heard of you, not entirely sure though.", she said, reaching out her hand to shake Kyns', before turning to her other client who had previously thrown down some weapons. She noticed that he felt slightly uncomfortable and tried to ease that feeling. "Don't worry about those weapons", she waved it off with a hand gesture, "be happy it didn't explode and kill everyone. So you're looking for some goggles and a sharpening stone...", she talked more to herself than to her client, while turning around, searching in the shelves behind her. "Ah, here." She took a pair of orange goggles and a sharpening stone and placed it on the counter. She took a magnifying lens, inspecting the sword further. "Yes, this stone should do. Also if you want these goggles in a different colour, I have some in the back of the shop."

@Ghost Hunter
"oh no these are perfect!" Marz says exactly. Pick them off of the counter inspecting them closely. Smiling with glee. "How much?" He ask eagerly almost forgetting about the sharpening stone. Feeling much more at ease from the kindness of the shopkeeper.
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johnthehunter said:
"oh no these are perfect!" Marz says exactly. Pick them off of the counter inspecting them closely. Smiling with glee. "How much?" He ask eagerly almost forgetting about the sharpening stone. Feeling much more at ease from the kindness of the shopkeeper.
"The goggles are three, the stone's five.", she replied with a smile. "You'd better try them on first, in case they're too tight or too loose, I can adjust them. Also, if you want to, I can sharpen your sword for free this time, back in my workshop.", she added, pointing behind her. "Also if there's anything else you need be sure to say so."
"Deal. Don't worry, your suit will be in good hands... as long as those hands aren't mine. You can leave it in right behind the shop, don't forget to lock the door afterwards. You can never be too sure in a city like this." Kyns nodded and grabbed the keys, placing them in his satchel. "So the name's Kyns, huh? Since ,what my next two guesses would be, appear to also be wrong I'll just give up and will call you by your normal name. Name's Elizabeth Booker DeWitt, and your guess is wrong aswell." Elizabeth said smirking. "Dragonslayer you say, huh? I think I've heard of you, not entirely sure though." She said, shaking his hand. "Thanks, Elizabeth. I'll put it in the back right now." Kyns said happily. Taking the key out of his pocket, placing it in the hand of his suit and climbing in. It was then he noticed the others in the shop. He was so busy worrying about his suit, he barely even realized they had come in. He unlocked his suit from idle mode and picked up his helmet with his free hand and turned around. "Hi." Is all he said, to the familiar elf woman behind himself. Was she famous? He swore he saw a picture of her somewher...He caught the glimpse of a woman leaving the store as he turned around as well, and assumed she had gotten what she came for. He also noticed some kid buying some goggles from Elizabeth. But he didn't want to bother them, so he put on his helmet and clonked his way into the workshop, shaking the building as he walked. He fiddled with the keys for a moment, still being not so keen on using small objects in his suit. Once he finally got the freakin' door open he entered, disengaged his armor, and climbed out, stopping to turn and lock his helmet on the armor. "Don't worry, i'll be back for you..." He said to Flameguard, hoping whoever was working back here didn't hear him. He walked back into the shop and locked the door behind himself. "Alright...i'm off...thanks for watching my gear for me." He said to Elizabeth sadly. "Hey, if anything happens to me, you can have my armor." Kyns said jokingly. "I'll be back for it soon to go on a mission if you'd like to accompany me, I just need to stop at a guard barrack." Kyns said, before leaving the building. He hoped that whoever was following him before had given up.
Marz slipped the goggles on over his head. The inner padding pressing against his face. Some how they just felt right. They fit fine but marz known if he was going to wear them while using his glider they would need to be tighter. Pulling them off he handed them to the shopkeeper "a bit tighter would be wonderful." Marz stopped for a moment consider her offer to sharpened his weapon. laughing a little in his head how a blacksmith called his kukri a sword if anything it was a dagger or a machete. "I probably shouldn't leave something so nice and experience with a stranger in a town like this. But the shop seemed nice enough and the women was pretty friendly and that other guy is leaving a whole suit here." Marz thought to himself looking at the women "I guess their wouldn't be any harm with you sharpening it. How long will it take?" He finally says. Sliding the hilt of the weapon towards her with the ever slight hint of reluctantness. " Just be careful please it's still fairly new and I think id die if anything happend to it."
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Elizabeth turned around, seeing him disappear into the workshop. With every step he took the whole shop shook a little.

After a while he came back. Elizabeth's facial expression turned serious for a moment. "You'd better not joke about such things around here.", she replied. She was aware of the fact that he only said it as a joke, but she was still very serious about the crime in Pitfum, and she also had her reasons to. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of it. And sure, I'd love wandering around a little. It gets boring around here after some time.", she answered as her expression turned normal again. "See you around, yeah?"

She turned back to her new client. "Oh well, it shouldn't take too long. More or less 10 minutes I guess? I'll be careful, but if you want to, you can come with me." She told him, opening the curtain which led to the back of the shop, to her and her parents' workshop.

@Ghost Hunter @johnthehunter
Kyns nodded to the boy as he left. Okay, i'll be back. And sorry for the joke...i'll be fine." He said to Elizabeth. Kyns dug into his satchel for his headphones and flipped on the small record player that connected to them. Soon, the sounds of a spinning record and static could be heard, quickly followed by slow orchestra music. He smiled and left the building on his way to the guard barracks. He straightened his tie as he walked outside, casually looking around for anyone who might be following him. He looked for anybody suspicious in the crowd of people walking about...but this was Pitfum so almost everyone was suspicious. He saw the sheen of a blade being drawn. Casually, Kyns began walking through the streets to the barracks.

Kyns quickly ducked into an alleyway, removing his single shot shotgun: Devil's Breath (see character page). He loaded it and clipped it's holster to his bandolier. Gripping the shotgun tightly, he looked back out into the crowd. A Kykdren lizard-man accompanied by a dwarf underfoot began walking to the same alleyway. The Kykdren was a monster of a man, and held a monster of a knife loosely in his left hand. The dwarf was quite chubby and seemed to be unarmed. Probably here for his rite of passage into some gang. Kyns holstered the shotgun and sprinted through the alleyway, it lead to the barracks anyway, you could even consider it a bit of a treacherous shortcut. As he got to the end of the alleyway, Kyns stopped for a breath and looked behind himself. Nothing. He breathed a sigh of relief and stepped into the street. The barracks was just a few blocks away.
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The broken chimes of a rusty doorbell sounded as a group of foot steps approached the abandoned restaurant - their boots crushing the broken glass right beneath their feet; the cracked ceramic tiles produced a slight screeching noise as they grinned against one another. "Awful customer service," Joseph growled as he steps into the deserted cafe, as he followed two men, armed with some sort of custom steam rifle. Another two followed in after them, carrying the same type of weapon. Joseph looked around the restaurant, scouting for a small dwarf or the elf he stupidly let go of yesterday.

"Ya here, elf?" he shouted, making sure that everyone within the building would hear it, if there was even anyone here in the first place anyways.

"oh sure." Marz says relieved that the weapon wouldn't leave his sight. Pick up the blade marz walkes through the curtain way following the women. "I didn't catch your name. I'm marz."
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johnthehunter said:
"oh sure." Marz says relieved that the weapon wouldn't leave his sight. Stepping through the curtain way with the women.
Elizabeth walked him through her workshop, followed by Fenrir. Every around her workshop were lying scrap pieces of metal, semi-finished weapons, blueprints, also a few armor pieces that she failed to make use of. Literally everything one could think of when entering an engineer's workshop.

The first thing she did was take a look at the goggles. She shortened the leather slightly, and adjusted a few screws. "Here", she said, handing them to her client. She moved a little further and placed the weapon on the table, carefully. She put on her glasses, which had magnifying lenses attached to them. She took her own sharpening stone and started sharpening the weapons edges. She was amazed by all the details. She could see with her bare eyes that it was a costly weapon.

"So, you didn't tell me your name yet, did you?", she tried to start up a conversation, her eyes still fixed on her work. She wasn't very good with armors but she sure knew how to handle any kind of weapon. "Name's Elizabeth. So how did you get here? I hear you talking about an airship earlier, do you enjoy flying? Also, what took you to such a city, filled with crimes 'n all?", she continued bombarding him with questions.
"I do have a name you know." Zoey called in response. "In the Kitchen." She added after a second turning her head to the only entrance to the kitchen. "Oy, what's this about?" The slightly drunk drunk dwarf responded. Without looking she pointed Ice at him "Be quiet...Garik" she said in a much more serious tone. At this the dwarf instantly silenced. "We need to have a little chat with a very powerful man." She stated still looking to the doorway.

Echo dropped into a crouch, her breaths even and quiet as she swung her leg out, knocking the human male on his ass, Again, "If you fight like that well undercover, You're as good as dead meat." she pressed, but he was on his feet charging at her in blind rage. As she completed a lengthy eye roll she stepped to the side and twisted, pushing him down again, "Get up and start target practice." she muttered then swivelled on her foot and walked over to the desk she was provided before pulling out her book.

She opened the leather and found the mans name, pondering over his assessment. After careful consideration she wrote, Gabe excels in blending into his surroundings but his fighting is style is inadequate, She looked up in thought well tapping the pen on the book, Transfer back to Combat. She finished then closed the book and pushed it to the corner of her desk. With a sigh she removed the wraps from her hands and assessed her hands. The bruises were only to be expected if she did hand to hand combat with 6 different people for 4 hours straight, but the red wasn't exactly flattering to her hands. She frowned then shoved her hands in her pockets and looked around.

Echo liked the barracks, they were large and airy with bright lights. Most of it was for housing but the area she was using was just empty space with makeshift matts put down so when Echo knocked people on there ass they weren't bruised to badly.
Kyns took off his headphones and put them back in his satchel. As he walked towards the barracks, he heard a loud thump, and the sound of cracking cobblestone. Someone must have jumped down from a rooftop. Kyns turned around, only to see a dagger being thrust towards him. Kyns ducked swiftly, and the knife caught a bit of his hair. "Ooooooh, almost got a bit of my head there bud." Kyns stepped away from his attacker. "Surprisingly" it was the same huge Kykdren from minutes before. "Alright, I don't have all day...but i'll play for a little while." Kyns smirked, and the lizard-man roared in response to the taunt. Kyns made the first move, drawing his shotgun and unleashing a shot at the Kykdren's knee. The Kykdren keeled over in pain dropping the knife on the ground, his scales didn't catch ablaze however, fortunately for him. Kyns walked up to the man, grabbing his dagger from the ground and placing it against the lizard's throat. "Get out of here, and bring your little Dwarf buddy with you." Kyns said, scowling at the Kykdren. He understood, rising from the ground and limping away. His Dwarf protege finally dropped from the rooftop, panting and beat red. He raised his fists, ready for combat, realized his ally was limping away, and then followed.

Kyns unloaded the empty shell from his shotgun, and loaded a fresh one, placing it in his holster. He kicked the dagger away from himself. Someone else can keep it. He thought to himself. Kyns turned and walked to the barracks. Knocked once, and then entered.
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"What the fuck are you doing in the kitchen?" he shouted again in response, a little concerned that this might be a trap, this though made him sigh deeply sighed deeply, as he is angered by his lack of care when he decided to release the elf. Who in their right minds would release someone that just destroyed so much of their property? He thought to himself, "Come to the entrance, and you better have that bastard Garik with you."

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Echo's eyes slid over to the door as it flung open, taking in the brown haired man. Slightly taller then her, pale and armed, "If your looking for someone there probably in the back." she stated, jerking her head in the direction of a large door, "If you need information on something then I'm your girl." she finished, leaning against the desk before looking over at Gabe who gave her a glare and shoved past the man in the doorway. She simply reached across the desk, grabbed her book and wrote a not so nice comment in his section.

@Ghost Hunter
"Alright! I'm coming and yes I have the dwarf."she says in a defensive tone."You double crossed me, you bitch."Garik said as he wss being forced towards the entrance at gunpoint. She pushed Garik towards Joseph and bowed."Voila" she says with a hint of amusement in her voice. "Oh..oh my god... it's...it's..." The dwarf stammered trembling in fear.

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Kyns walked in, "If your looking for someone there probably in the back." A strong looking lady behind the main desk said. The front room smelled of blood, chalk, and lead. A familiar cent of almost any barrack. It was very comforting to him, and he took in the scenery happily. As he was daydreaming, Kyns was shoved aside by a fairly ticked off officer. . He greeted the trainees and police on break "If you need information on something then I'm your girl." The woman said. Kyns waved to the lady and smiled as he walked up to the job board. After a quick scan he settled on the job to fight an ogre named Colick the Cow Eater. He grabbed the contract off the board and brought it up to the lady behind the desk. "I'd like an acceptance stamp for this bounty." Kyns said, happily turning over the sheet. "Are you new around here Miss? You don't seem very familiar..what's your name?" Kyns asked, turning his head to the side. He was sure he had met every guard and policeman in this city, but then again this wasn't his usual barrack he went to.

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