RP Section

Zoey nodded in understanding. "I'd probably be mad too f i were shot in the back then bit the dust on the other end of the street." she turned back to Albert. "So how'd you end up here?" she inquired. "Working as a medic for enigma, i'm sure they don't just pass around forms to fill out. You know someone or just get lucky?" she smiled warmly, curios of the man's past.

XXXIwolf said:
Aurora was unsure what to do or say as well. Perhaps some privacy would do them some good. She turns her head towards the exit of the room only to be snaped back my the old man's voice. Immediately she focuses on him as she was was praised for helping his son. To this she looks down with a slight blush sheepishly scratching her cheek with her finger. "Huh? Oh a-a-anybody in my position would help a kid if it meant saving a life. Besides he was only trying to be friendly and help out when we first met. I couldn't help but care for the little guy." She giggles at the memory then saddens then clenches her fists not out of anger but regret from being reminded of the past.

"He's your son right? The only family you have left? I know how you guys feel and for some reason at this moment you remind me of my father. He's the only family I have left too. I left him behind to pursue my dreams of exploring even if it meant him being alone for awhile. I haven't spoken to him since. I wonder how he is doing? I hope he hasn't burnt the stove again trying to cook."
She looks down with softening eyes. Just the memory of her old man alone in his home alone unable to help be worried for her. How long has it been since she last spoken to him? Almost six months. Yeah she supposed it was time to say hello and write a letter or visit him. But she couldn't help but feel scared of returning of the outcome of something horrible or maybe he was happy without her after he found out the truth of what she did or see during her mother's death. Millions of thoughts crawling through her head. Doubt and remorse, soon vanished the minute the sweet old man speaks in a soothing tone which she couldn't help but smile.

"Oh my name is Aurora Valencia. I'm a traveler and the daughter of a Mechanic/ inventor. Here I am rambling my life story. Im sorry. What is your name?"
She couldn't help but change her demenor into a chipper one. She smiles sweetly.

johnthehunter said:
Marz layed in bed waken by the sound of the two conversation. "What what's going on." Marz says trying to get our of bed only to jurk back in pain from moving. Blood starts to soak thought bandages wrapped over Marzs shoulder. Marz Layed back looking at the to people standing at foot of his bed then back to his left arm. Marz slightly moves his left hand and fingers. "Well that still works" Marz says quietly in a light hearted tone. "Hay dad how was your day? I got shot. Did you pick up those cookies I asked for?" Marz says quickly trying to change the subject as fast as possible.
Richard listened to her talk of him reminding her of his father, and how she missed him."I'm sure he's doing well lass, and he very likely would want to see you again." he replied, giving a reassuring look to her. He watched her mood start to brighten up after he spoke. This: it was the things like this that made him want to help others the way he did. To bring out the kindness and happiness in others simply through talking to them. The girl finally spoke again and told him her name: Aurora. That's a pretty name, and don't worry about rambling. I quite enjoy hearing the stories of others. I am Richard Bellfast, on the note of names."

He soon heard his son stirring from his slumber. Marz had tried to sit up, but put too much pressure on the injured shoulder and reopened the wound, as evident by the blood starting to soak through the wraps. "Easy now, lad." Rick said to him when he tried to sit up. Richard's son then asked him of his day and if he got the cookies, completely downplaying the fact that he got shot. Needless to say, this caught the white-bearded man off guard a bit, causing him to stifle a quiet laugh. "Of course, son. They're on the bedside table." he replied, pointing next to the bed where the sweets were.
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Aurora smiles at both of the boys. "Thank you for listening to this girl babble. I should let you guys be." She gives a low bow and looks at Marz bowing nodding her head to him. "Hope you get better kiddo." She giggles and leaves the room for privacy. She finds herself meeting up with Clair and Bugsy and smiles at them. Bugsy gladly smiles and walks over to her side. Aurora pats her metallic friend on his chest with a reassured smile. "Well the kid is going to be fine and thanks to him we got on board the airship as planned. Sort of." She chirps then turns to the cloudy skies and back to the town of pitfum where there was a fleet and it was being terrorized with explosions and such. The fleet seemed to be moving. Her face looked with distraught. Aurora unconsciously climbs the railing of the ship to a higher point and hangs on a pole for a better view. One of the crew members telling her it was too dangerous to be up where she stood. "Pitfum is being destroyed. All those poor people. I couldn't even help them. I should have stayed. They were fine a minute ago." She mutters.

Aurora climbs down and lands back on deck with her small group. "So where to next? You had to deliver something. Do you think there is a workshop or something there? I need to do maintenance on Bugsy. I wasn't done doing that. Do you have my things buddy?" Bugsy nods and starts gagging until he likes out all of her tools and the tool box even her pouch full of macaroons. Bugsy holds onto the railing for support and the other on his belly as if it was horrible. Steam spewing from his pipes. Aurora looks the somewhat oil drenched tools and picks up her pouch of snacks after it was puked out. Aurora rummages through it and munches on her snack and offers Clair some. Bugsy just pants if that was even possible and collapses on the floor face forward with a toot. Aurora simply giggles and waves him off. "He'll be fine."

@Vultz @Mr Swiftshots
XXXIwolf said:
Aurora smiles at both of the boys. "Thank you for listening to this girl babble. I should let you guys be." She gives a low bow and looks at Marz bowing nodding her head to him. "Hope you get better kiddo." She giggles and leaves the room for privacy. She finds herself meeting up with Clair and Bugsy and smiles at them. Bugsy gladly smiles and walks over to her side. Aurora pats her metallic friend on his chest with a reassured smile. "Well the kid is going to be fine and thanks to him we got on board the airship as planned. Sort of." She chirps then turns to the cloudy skies and back to the town of pitfum where there was a fleet and it was being terrorized with explosions and such. The fleet seemed to be moving. Her face looked with distraught. Aurora unconsciously climbs the railing of the ship to a higher point and hangs on a pole for a better view. One of the crew members telling her it was too dangerous to be up where she stood. "Pitfum is being destroyed. All those poor people. I couldn't even help them. I should have stayed. They were fine a minute ago." She mutters.
Aurora climbs down and lands back on deck with her small group. "So where to next? You had to deliver something. Do you think there is a workshop or something there? I need to do maintenance on Bugsy. I wasn't done doing that. Do you have my things buddy?" Bugsy nods and starts gagging until he likes out all of her tools and the tool box even her pouch full of macaroons. Bugsy holds onto the railing for support and the other on his belly as if it was horrible. Steam spewing from his pipes. Aurora looks the somewhat oil drenched tools and picks up her pouch of snacks after it was puked out. Aurora rummages through it and munches on her snack and offers Clair some. Bugsy just pants if that was even possible and collapses on the floor face forward with a toot. Aurora simply giggles and waves him off. "He'll be fine."

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Aurora grabs a hand full of multicolored macaroons and shoves them in her mouth as if it was popcorn. Eyes shinning with stars and interest hearing her companion ramble on about this place. "Cool! You sound very passionate about it. Isn't it where all the main elves live? They learn to use magic or herbs no? Did you study at any of the colleges?" She asks a question after another curious hoping they can all be answered in one talk.

@Mr Swiftshots
XXXIwolf said:
Aurora grabs a hand full of multicolored macaroons and shoves them in her mouth as if it was popcorn. Eyes shinning with stars and interest hearing her companion ramble on about this place. "Cool! You sound very passionate about it. Isn't it where all the main elves live? They learn to use magic or herbs no? Did you study at any of the colleges?" She asks a question after another curious hoping they can all be answered in one talk.
@XXXIwolf [/color]
"Join?" He laughed loudly at her question, . "I used to own the whole bloody thing!" he makes a gesture with his arms. He looked down, studying his now, less than impressive body, "Well, I guess you wouldn't call me much of a threat now..." Albert grumbles to himself, he laughed a little before continuing with his story, "I got too old for the job, and back then, Enigma wasn't anywhere near as big, or dangerous, as it is right now."

Zoey looked at him with awe. "Wow! I'm so sorry! i'm incredibly honored." she said with her voice full of surprise. She couldn't believe that she had met two gang leaders in the same week! "It's amazing to meet you." she smiled, still shocked by Albert's story. "How long have you and Joseph known each other?" she said curiously, trying to put some of the pieces together.

"No no, you don't have to be so polite," he replied, waving his hands in denial, "Joseph's probably the only one who still view me as a leader anyways." He smiled at her again before continuing, "I mean, ever since he joined the gang I guess so, Jesus, about 8 years now," he rubbed his eyes at disbelief, time definitely goes by fast. "His brother was a long time friend of mine though, the one that introduced me to Joseph actually."

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Zoey nodded at Albert's story making sure he knew she was paying attention. "That's amazing, it was awesome meeting you Al!" she smiled."I hope to see you again soon." she added. "When do you think it would be safe to enter?" she questioned, gesturing to the door in the process. "I'd imagine he's quite..." she searched for the word. "...disappointed at the sudden turn of events to say the least." she said with a small smile of amusement.

[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Clair rested her back upon Busy and crossed her arms across her chest as she thought on the question , questions. However before long she began rambling yet again "Elves live in the outer city while most within are dwarfs. Most elves can't be taught how to wield there magic as it tends to come naturally , it's like walking or talking. Most colleges that focus on herbs are found within the outer ring along with the majority of the elven population. I previously studied at Oonbin , achieved a doctorate in steam working , metallurgy , clock-working , technology , advanced technology , mathematics , physics , aerodynamics ......and pretty much anything else they were offering at the time. Ha ha good times , good times. I remember the day I got the acceptance letter , my mother nearly died. It was about two weeks after my fifteenth birthday. How about you ? Where did you study ?"

Aurora was taken aback by her question and puts a finger on her chin after swallowing her food wearing crumbs on her face. "Uuuuuum. Never! I never really studied anywhere. I work at my father's shop in a small town in the mountains in the North called, "Steelgrove." My father likes to work in silence and he loves nature. I learned to work with mechanics since I was three. Well forced to. Not that I can complain because I love it!" She chirps. "How I get by? Well my dad wants me to take his business or do my dream. I took my dream but once I settle in the future I'll take over the business. Right now I'm traveling the world with Bugsy as much as possible." She remembers her past and the day she walked out of the door. To be honest there was an argument the day she left in the morning. She felt like her father was hiding a secret as to why they live there and why she couldn't leave the town. It was odd for a mechanic to live in the wilderness. She sighs leaning on the rails. The wind blowing through her hair flowing with the wind. Her sad mood never suits an enthusiastic girl like her. It was odd if you ever grew close o her.

Bugsy finally woke up and starts cleaning up and placing Aurora's things in his chest which was a secret compartment. As he continues, there was a cased scroll with blueprints of making Bugsy into a steam street bike o she wouldn't have to walk.

12 hours later

Kyns awoke in a large fancy room. Groggily, he raised his head and looked around. His eyes widening as he recalled recent events. Confused he threw off the heavy blanket that lay atop him and stood up. Immediately regretting this action, he stumbled about the room like a newborn calf. "HOLY SHIT, WHERE THE FU- AUUUGGGHHHH!!" Kyns yelled as he got his footing and stood still, hearing the distant lull of an engine. "ARE WE ON A FUCKING AIRSHIP?!!" He yelled to nobody in particular. Realizing that he was freaking out a little, he sat on the floor, relaxing himself just as his master had taught him to. Once he was calm, Kyns got up and looked about his room, noting the fancy clothes hanging on his door. He looked down at his own clothes, straightening his vest and tightening his tie. Were these not fancy enough? He recalled the crimson streaks in the sky from earlier, the men dropping down and knocking him out...he was clearly on the Crimson Witch's ship wasn't he? Alright, these aren't fancy enough. He thought to himself as he sighed, changing into the suit that was left for him. It was a dark, almost black, purple suit with matching pants and bow tie. And a pair of black dress gloves. Might as well play along...Kyns figured. Then it hit him, his armor was gone. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, they must have left it down in Pitfum..FUCK! Kyns put his hand to his chin and pondered a bit on his situation. His satchel was gone, so he didn't have his shotgun...or his headphones...Kyns looked over to his bed, the frame was fancy with intricate carvings, with about a minute of patience he was able to crack a large sliver of the wood off easily. Making a one-stab shiv. He heard a door slam outside in the hall.

Suddenly, his
door opened and two snazzily dressed armed guards came strutting in. "Come on, Lady Blume does not have all day to wait for you." They said simultaneously. Kyns raised an eyebrow. "Well, lead on then." He said smiling casually. As the guards turned he stashed the shiv inside his suit and walked behind them. He was lead through a long hall by the guards, before walking into a large dining room, where he assumed the Crimson Witch awaited.

Marz smiled meekly happy that his father didn't seem upset with him for not being more careful. Marz attempts to reach over to the cookies forgetting about his injuries only to jolt back in pain. "Ehh!" Marz grunts out. "Probably wasn't the best idea" Marz thinks to himself as the bandages counties to become soked in blood. "You think you could hand me those?" Marz says pointing the the cookies with his good arm. "... and maybe a sling for my arm." (This is befor the time Skip)
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Pirate Flag ship- Dinning hall

The Dinning hall was a rather small one compared to others of its design yet large compared to many Warship dinning halls, complete with columns and a intricately designed chandelier which seemed to be made of wood vines and glowing flowers that Illuminated the room with a bright violet hue. The table was a typical Victorian styled hand carved table that cold hold eight. The Chairs were again typical except for what seemed to be a bushel of orchids crowning the head of each chair. The table was set for dinner and at the end was the Infamous Crimson Witch wearing a slim fitted (for the time) crimson dress, with petals of roses decorating the seams and collar of the dress and thorny vines rapping around her forearms; although they oddly did not prick her Palestinian white skin. Her Eyes were a piercing Violet hue, and her lips were stained blue from the countless toxins she ingested.

Blume Von EisenBlut, the Commander of her Pirate band was sitting at the far end of the table going through a note book of sorts, making markings and scratches with a quill pen while listening to Bach Prelude no. 1 from a voxophone. When the doors opened on both sides of the room as her servers ushered her guest for the evening, she quickly hid her book in a hidden compartment under the dinning table. She stood up and with a wide grin she opened her arms. "Aha I see the guests of Honor has finally arrived!" She announced. She quickly went over to Echo first. "Lady Echo, it is and absolute pleasure to meet you. And by god your beauty is breath taking." Blume said as she wrapped her arms around Echo, giving her a peck on the lips.

"And Kyns, the Great and Mighty Dragon slayer. Your reputation proceeds you." Blume made her way towards Kyns, pressing her body against his, as she stared him in his eyes and pecked her nose against his. Blume quickly turned and walked back taking her seat. "Now let's get dinner under way shall we?" Blume asked giving a smirk.

@Ghost Hunter @PurpleTurtle
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As Echo was brought into the decent sized dining room, her eyes roamed taking in the fancy room that looked... oddly inviting. The columns in particular stole her interest, the flowers were breathtaking, and if she wasn't in the presence of the witch she would probably go look at them. As the Crimson witch stood and walked over to her, complimenting her before hugging her and kissing her. She immediately flushed and fought the urge to shrink away. She looked over at Kyns with wide eyes then quirked a brow as he too was bombarded with compliments. As the witch sat down Echo took a seat, unsure of the action. She looked at the dinnerware in front of her and looked at Blume, "How do you know my Name?" she asked curiously.

Kyns was about as famous as it got, but she on the other hand was completely back office. She looked down at her dress, eyeing the black embroidery before looking back up and meeting the witches piercing Violet eyes, "If you don't mind me asking, why exactly are we here?" she questioned, her eyes jumping between that of the witch and the pillars of flowers.

@Ghost Hunter @MsPolite
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Blume was shocked into stillness by her utter bluntness. And after Blume had showered them with compliments, and treated them with the upper most respect?! Blume gritted her teeth as she was beginning to force her smile. The Witch quickly grabbed a knife then stabbed it into the table with a loud thud. "How about we all sit down NOW? hmm?" The witches blood was boiling as she gripped the knife tightly. But then in another instant she let go and folded her hands into her lap. "We will be haveing a lovely three course dinner waiting for us, my esteemed guests, now let us not be rude and keep the Chef waiting for us. And we wouldn't want to show any disrespect now would we?" Blume said smile begin to soften after she picked up a brass bell and range it three times. Blume stared at Echo intently analysising her every move, twitch and micro spasm, and eyed her especially provoking lips.

@Ghost Hunter
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Kyns looked about the room and watched as Blume arose from her seat, wincing a bit as she hugged him and complimented him, expecting a knife in his back. When she turned around and sat back down, Kyns sighed and looked about the room. It was all so eerie to him, he figured "Lady Blume" tried to make her ship seem inviting with all this tacky atmosphere. He winked at Echo and smiled weakly, walking to the end of the table and taking a seat at the end, to the left side of the Witch. He didn't feel confident about this situation one bit.
(meh screw it I will start in my group)

Aurora fell asleep on board the Madeline working on Bugsy. She woke up and stretches seeing the sun rising. She turns to the groaning Bugsy.

"Morning buddy." It wasn't long before she started working on him then starts making a few parts here and there for Bugsy's bike form. She screwed a few bolts and wires into a small square part. It started getting bigger. It won't be long till she has to make an engine. Her tongue sticking out as she works intently on the parts with the blue prints laid out. She approaches Bugsy and opens a compartment on his back starting to attach the new parts inside. Her goggles and gloves on meaning she was a hard worker and working intently on her project.

@Vultz @johnthehunter @Mr Swiftshots
Echo winced at the bite in the witches voice and instinctively straightened in her seat. As the witch explained they'd be having a three course meal she found her eyes wandering over to Kyns, who winked and smiled. She could feel Blume's eyes on her, those violet eyes assessing her every move. It was rather unnerving, and she assumed the witch was assessing if she'd be a threat of any kind. Thinking back through her years of teaching and learning how to deal with gangs, she remembered the small part about portraying confidence. It would be no different here so, she simply leaned back in her chair and returned a lazy smile to Kyns, making it appear as she nearly forgot Blume was there.
Zoey had walked with Joseph after he got his exo-spine. They were scanning the rubble of the scarlet witch's bombing for anything valuable. "So...Joseph, am i part of the gang now?" she said curiously. She hadn't spoken with him since the indecent until now. She couldn't tell how he was feeling about the spine but she hopped it was going well. "Or...the family as Albert put it." she said, trying to choose her words carefully so she wouldn't set him off, she imagined he would be quiet upset after the previous day's events. She was hoping she won at least some trust by sort of saving him from the sniper. "I only ask because i was kind of hoping." she smiled lightly and chuckled a little before searching through more rubble.

Kyns smiled back to Echo, paying no attention to Blume's sudden spike in anger. He reached inside his jacket, pretending to feel a bruise. The shiv he stashed earlier fell to the floor and he kicked it over to Echo, "groaning in pain" as he stretched his body to mask the sounds of a weapon sliding across the floor. "We will be having a lovely three course dinner waiting for us, my esteemed guests, now let us not be rude and keep the Chef waiting for us. And we wouldn't want to show any disrespect now would we?" Lady Blume said in an eerily sweet voice. Kyns turned his attention to her "Of course not Mam', and might I say your eyes look so...striking in that dress your wearing." Kyns said trying to steer the conversation from his awkward stretching. "Thank you for having us aboard your vessel. Might we receive a grand tour after our meal?" Kyns asked, trying his best to sound sophisticated.
Joseph, after finally getting used to his new 'spine', as gotten up to search after the rubble, along with Zoey. Though not very happy about it, after all, he was literally shot not more than a day ago, he still managed to rummage through a decent portion of the wreckage. "Well, we do need some more men, we lost a few during that fight." he said, feeling his new metallic spine, which protrudes from his back. "I guess that you've met the old man," he stood up looking towards her, "Only he calls it a family anymore, it's a business now. Nothing more, nothing less."

Zoey smiled at his answer. "Guessing that's as close to 'yes' i'm gonna get." she turned back around, standing up as Joseph was feeling his new spine. Her face turned to surprise after Joseph concluded his statement. "That seems a bit harsh. What happened? If you don't mind me asking." she asked. Just when i thought i figured this out. "What exactly do you guys do? besides owning the city and...erm...supply lines." she said the last part in an awkward and quiet way hoping Joseph didn't hear.

Joseph stumbled towards her, his face clearly angered by her comment; his right hand was raised, ready to strangle her, though he somehow managed to calm down before he does so. "Lemonade stands." He started, letting a small pause before speaking again, "I heard that far in the east, kids used to start small lemonade stands to get a small amount of pocket money." Joseph turned around and walked back towards a large chunk of a wall, and with a huff, lifted it up to search under it. "That was what Enigma meant to us. My brother knew ol' Al for years, and I joined in after he asked me to. They needed more of the foot soldiers to sell the 'goods', apparently." he moved onto a new piece of rubble before beginning again, "There were no more than 20 people within the 'family' back then. I guess you could say we all got along, at least for the time I knew them for." he stared down towards the ground as he spoke, his voice full of nostalgia.

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Zoey stepped back after he moved closer, sighing as he dropped his arm. She gave him a confused look after he began talking about lemonade stands but, it quickly became a face of interest as he continued. After a moment of silence she asked: "Did something happen?" in a hush voice while looking off into the distance, she shook her head and turned it back to him. "I only ask because you say it like they're gone..." she trailed off and looked back to the rubble. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so nosy." she added without looking back to Joseph.


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