RP Section

Kyns dreaded at the very thought that his armor was in Pitfum still...it was probably getting sold for scrap..or used by some teenager for storing drugs. His thoughts of dread were halted when he saw the next course of food coming. It smelled and looked amazing, and as a glass of water was placed in front of him, he took Blume's advice and drank some, attempting to keep the charade going that he had air sickness. When the chef gave him his chunk of pork, Kyns asked for a bit of a smaller chunk. "It just wouldn't settle right with my stomach right now." Kyns said smiling and crying inside. Kyns began to nibble on small bites of the pork, hoping to further keep the air sickness lie alive. "Now it is rather... upsetting? For you to decline my offer, but do you know why I brought you aboard my mighty vessel Mr. Kyns?" Whilst pondering on this question, Kyns grabbed his water and took another sip. "Well, I imagined that you just wanted to meet Echo and me. Have a chat, eat some dinner, make some friends, then send us on our merry way...right?" Kyns said jokingly while grinning at Blume. After a moment he let his grin drop. "But in all seriousness, i'm incredibly curious. I have no idea why you'd want me here. I didn't even think anyone of your status knew about me." He said, taking another nibble out of his pork.
Dearwolfy said:
Aurora hums a tune as she works then falls almost off the rail. She windmills her arms and catches herself guving a relieved sigh. "Hey what gives Mista Bellfast?!" She barks then notices they have have docked at Binbig. The girl widens her eyes with awe at how many people there were and so much technology. "Wow cool! I bet this is where I can fetch the rest of the parts for my bike. Soon you will be a bike Bugsy bot bud!" She chirps. The bot nods. "Come on they may have a final piece of the voice box."
Quickly. Aurora gathers her things in a tool box and was about to rush off until she remembers something. She sees Richard and runs toward him were they meet face to face. She hugs and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for the lift Mr. Bellfast. Keep in touch so I can ramble about my adventures and I can hear yours. Take care of your kid too okay? Bye." She giggles and walks away. "Sorry about burning ya ship too I'll make it up to ya next time!" With that, Aurora and Bugsy were off to town calling Clair to follow. She was to excited.

It was almost three hours later walking around and admiring everything from tech to magic even herbs and schools. The snow haired girl settled at a simple inn and hums as she works back on her desk fixing the voice box. It was simple and adding the last piece she bought in town made it all well put together. Lastly, Aurora installs the box inside his wired vocal cords inside his mouth then flips the switch. She puts her hands on her waist looking Bugsy up and down in satisfaction.

"Okay speak." She starts. The robot hums and hums but nothing comes out. Aurora frowns at this. "Damn it! I thought I had it. Hmm maybe you need a little.." "No I'm fine." Said the new voice. Aurora jumps. Hia voice was masculine suiting him and not to mention a bit nerdy yet enough to make Aurora blush. She giggles then laughs and hugs him. She finally did it! She made Bugsy speak all thanks to Clair's idea. Speaking of which she must have wandered off to deliver her so called "order".

"You talked! Ya actually talk! Ha! Take that people who never believe in me! Quick Bugsy say somethin else." She gestures. Bugsy hums then speaks slowly. "Like what Aurora?" Aurora squeals and chuckles. "That'll do. Well now that you have a voice you can speak what you have always wanted to say and as a victory to me let's go exploring." Both friends walk out of the inn for the day and head out to explore some more.

@Vultz (I added somethin sweet for ya :D )
Clair had made her way off the ship some time after the others had done so , this was of course due to the fact she was still snooping around when the others did so. None the less now she was home , 'Binbig the best city of 'em all'. Unlike the west there was hardly any crime and unlike the west everything sold here was overpriced and also legitimate.

You'd find no faulty goods in this city and should one on the off chance do so , well said item could be easily replaced for free. In this city strength meant nothing , it was intelligence that got you your pay , respect and lets not forget the attention of the opposite sex. Oh yes This was Binbig.

Now Clair had grabbed her 'project' and was making her was to the College at quite an unbelievable pace. Why was she moving so fast ? Well that's simply answered you see not only was her project an entire day late but she also wanted to see her own bot 'Dovah'. Now 'Dovah' wasn't your average bot , no he was modeled entirely after a dragon. Hence the name 'Dovah'.

'Dovah' was created entirely by Clair and only responded to her commands.He now spent most of his day sat inactive in the college square , almost like a statue of sorts. Well a statue the size of a four story building. Heck he pretty much sheltered half of the square when it rained , actually that's probably why he was allowed stay there.

Once Clair arrived on campus she made her way to him and well her visit to the bot was rather short lived. You see upon arriving at the bots feet/claws she was instantaneously escorted to the council room where all the 'Great Technological Masters' had supposedly been waiting for her.

With a loud sigh and a puff she took her own seat at the table and rested her 'project' before her upon the circular bronze table.

"Clair , your late , again !" Boomed a small dwarf whom sat opposite Clair.

"Well this time It wasn't my fault , you see ....."

"See what ! Are you going to show me visual evidence or are you just going to ramble on like always !"

Now Clair had to think on this question for quite some time before answering but eventually she came out with "Ramble , rambling is good for the soul so that's my final choice , lock it in !"

Clair response caused quite a few of the other members present to snicker and one actually laughed full on but needless to say this outraged the dwarf that was currently engaged in the conversation with Clair.

"Clair ! This is a council made up of the finest minds in all the known world , 'Great Technological Masters'. Now I personally was against you joining and for quite obvious reasons , despite my warning and debating the majority voted you in and gave you a seat. Why they did this is beyond me , however I will warn you now that your seat will be taken from you should you not obey our code of conduct..."

Clair began to grin and roll her knuckles along the metallic body of her project as the dwarf spoke , her demeanor changing from her usual playful and innocent one to a more serious and demeaning one "No it won't"

The dwarf , needless to say was quite taken aback by this statement and rapid change of tone as was everyone else at the table in fact every one of them weren't silent. "My seat will not be taken from me due to the fact I am the main reason your little council is still around , my projects bring in thrice the amount of money and fame any of yours do and almost five times more than any of the other 'Great Technological Masters' assembled here. Simply put , taking my chair away from me would destroy both the council and the college economically. Therefore 'No you won't".

Now of course the council was outraged with this statement but they couldn't disagree with what she had said , it was entirely true they had just hoped Clair didn't notice but evidently she had. Utterly defeated the dwarf uttered "very well , show us what you have this time Clair"

Clair's demeanor instantly swapped back to normal and she continued on as if nothing had happened prior "Gladly ! , this here box combines both clockwork and magic to keep liquids within it cool. It can also be used to cool liquids that pass through it making a perfect for cooling massive contraptions.Now the liquids may be magically cooled but the device itself still requires steam to make the liquid flow through it. It is for this reason that the devise is designed to be fitted just before the exhaust."

With that said Clair simply got up from her seat and pushed the box forward before making her way towards the door "That's all , I'll be going now"
(Hey look who finally got around posting again \o/)

After Pitfum had been bombarded by the Crimson Witch, Elizabeth took shelter in her workshop, together with her parents and Fenrir, her mechanical pet. Once again, scared for their daughter's life, Elizabeth's parents advised her that it'd be the best for her to go on to a different city, like she had already done before. Agreeing with them, she packed her stuff, which consisted mostly of a few spare clothes, PowPow (her rifle), her gauntlet and Fenrir, and took off to one of the best known city: Binbig.

Elizabeth had just arrived at the port in Binbig, after having traveled with the airship. She sat down on a bench for a moment, taking deep breaths. "Motion sickness strikes once again...", she murmured under her breath. As much as she loved the view from up in the sky, she just couldn't handle taveling on an airship, or the like, for too long.

After a while she took out the world map, trying to figure out where she was right now. "Okay let's see... I should be around here... No, no... more like here... But apparently there's nothing but water... Oh no, I've been holding the map wrong this whole time...", Elizabeth sighed. She had never been good with orientating herself, especially in a city she'd never been to before. She gave up rather quickly and threw the map away. "Stupid map... Who needs one anyways?", she mumbled under her breath, "Come on Fenrir, we'll find our way around here... hopefully." She stood up from the bench, stopped for a moment since she still felt kind of uneasy from the flight, looking rather pale, and started walking north, Fenrir following only a few steps behind her.
Echo's eyes flashed over to Kyns as she gave him a sympathetic smile. She imagined with the way her prized that armour that it was rather important to him. She quickly dug into the main course, eating as neatly as possible solely because she didn't want to piss off the witch any more. As Blume proceeded to talk about the shoes they wore Echo's jaw ever so slightly dropped, "Mr. Gallentries? As in the best shoe maker on the continent?" she asked with minor disbelief. She then studied Blume's self designed shoes and gave her a genuine smile, "You have quite a talent for design it seems." she mused.

As Kyns was asked why he thought the pair was on her ship. She nearly laughed when he said she wanted to meet Kyns and herself. If he thought she wouldn't know about him, then echo -A girl who trained some of the west's most successful undercover agents, who had to keep herself anonymous- was practically a fly.
-Pitfum Guard Barracks-

Finally, at long last, both Raven and Silverstein arrived at Pitfum. The trouble of getting there was likely less than the actual task of guarding this lady all the way to her home. Damn ragtag birdmen, only making things difficult for other people instead of pissing off and leaving good people alone. "Are we there yet?" Questioned Silverstein, the same question he had annoyingly been asking the entire way there. If Raven hadn't the patience he had then the constant occurence of the question would have driven him up the wall, literally. "What does it look like?" He retorted.

"Yes. Wait you said no at the last place so that means no?" Asked Silverstein.

"That was the last place, we've been traveling for nearly 2 days by foot..."

"So then this must be it then!"

All Raven could do was rub his temples, almost having a migraine from the stupidity of the question but instead chuckled in response "Yes my friend. Yes it is."

Together they both walked in to the barracks and looked around for a certain elven lady, the one they had heard of asking for someone to watch over her during her passage to Binbig, but there was more than one lady inside making this task more difficult already. Just great. Eventually Silverstein could no longer stand idly by and shouted out "Is there a Nisha Ladymissing here?! Nisha Ladymissing! Hello?!" Though after hearing what was the most funniest moment he'd witnessed in the past couple days Raven leaned close by him and whispered in his ear. "Stop making a big scene. By the way you mispronounced the name, it's Nisha Ladymissum. Get it right mate." Said Raven with a chuckle. Siverstein just stood there looking at all the people staring at them and tried to make out like he intentionally meant to do that, sputtering out uhmm's and aahh's. "I meant uhh, Nisha Ladymissum...heh heh." His tone was slightly more hushed, hoping that he didn't cause that much of a scene.

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(Sorry for the long post but I hope this helps bring conflict and such)

Aurora wanders around town admiring all the expensive tools and such. Everything was like haven for geeks like her. Her eyes carrying stars wherever she went. Not once have they stopped. She gasps and stops at a shop pushing her face against the glass seeing a case of an expensive type of device. "Wow Bugsy look at this! It's so silver and shiny. Oh man do I want it. Oh look at this one! It's also shiny. I might need it for when I do maintenance on ya." She chirps. Bugsy sighs and pulls her away. "I think you've had enough shopping for one day. Besides don't you have to save up for future references?" Aurora hums and places her finger on her chin. "Ya know now that I think about it how much money do we even have?" Aurora opens her utility belt bag on her left hip taking out a pouch only to find it low on Gold. About twenty Gold. She drops a sweat. "Crap! I spent almost all my money. This isn't gonna be enough to pay the inn lady when we leave. We gotta find cash fast."

Bugsy sighs. "That's what I have been trying to tell you." Aurora sheepishly rubs the back of her head. "Hehehe sorry Bugs. Well sitting around here won't do us any good. We gotta think of something and fast." Both of them start walking around and Aurora in serious though. She comes to a halt with an idea after seeing a vendor getting paid in exchange for the part the customer paid. "That's it! We'll have to fix things at a certain price! If this place has expensive stuff on the market, think of all the money we can get Bugs!" "Um...Aurora I don't think that's a good ide-" "Come on!!!" She runs off only for Bugsy to panic and follow her with the sound of rushing metallic, and steam along with occasional earth shaking.

The snow haired girl places a brown mat on the floor as she stands on Bugsy's shoulders. "Come here! Come all! Get ya things fixed at a small price. Just twenty pieces of Gold! Don't matter how small or big. I'll have it fixed.." Aurora pulls out her lucky wrench and tosses it in the air flipping it then catching it with a wink at the passerby's. "...in a jiffy." The first customer was a man in his late 20's wanting his wife's special music box fixed so on and so forth. Eventually by the end of the day or so getting a sack or more of Gold. She closes her shop at 6:00p.m. She was happy to help fulfill all those requests. One of the reasons she would be taking over her old man's shop once settled. Aurora content and singing a tune pulls out a Gold coin and flips it then catches the coin.

"Hah! Didja see all those happy people? They were so happy to get their stuff fixed. Not only that but we have enough to sleep in a luxurious bed. Too bad we already settled on an inn." Bugsy following behind was worried. In reality this was Bugsy's nature or program. He was a worry wart from time to time but obeyed Aurora's commands without question. "Aurora if I may speak freely? That was quite a scam you pulled out there?" The snow haired mechanic opens one eye and looks back. "Whadaya mean? I know how to fix things!" She huffs at his rude comment. Sure she made things explode when creating but when it came to fixing things she had no exploding problems whatsoever. "That maybe, but half of those things you fixed had to be recreated or modified. That's not bad but...well modifying is also like creating and when you create..." Aurora's face went pale and filled with guilty. "Things go boom." She frowns grimacing at the thought of all those people she basically scammed.

The sudden sound of a cop yells both Bugsy and Aurora during their patrol. "Hey you! Are you the ones who have been scamming people on the streets?" Aurora jumps and turns towards two cops. "Bugsy....run." The large titan was surprised by her command. "Wh-what?! Aurora!" The girl turned a bit serious and starts running away as she puts on her goggles. "Hey! Stop in the name of the law!" The guards called out only to groan and chase after the two. Aurora pushes some people aside while Bugsy makes his way through. "Excuse me, pardon me, my apologies." He started. During their run, Aurora notices one of the guards split up and head for the rooftops to get a better angle. "That cheating...Bugsy! We're gonna have to split up up ahead we'll meet up once it's safe!" The bot nods still feeling uneasy about the idea but he believes in her judgement regardless of how childish she acts sometimes. Aurora splits up hiding into the crowd at some point through the market. Bugsy held the cash inside his compartment while Aurora held her bow scythe. At some point the guard chasing her from above tries to pounce on her. She manages to roll and jump down from some stairs safely. The woman continues to dash away until she finds herself trapped between a brick wall in an alley way. Aurora turns to find the guard approaching her with a sword in hand aimed at her. "You're under arrest thief." The girl raises her hand in surrender and steps back slowly. "Heheh, come on officer spare a girl like me will ya? It was a misunderstanding. I was just trying to have a little fun helping people is that so bad?" "You call slaughtering people and taking their money fun?" "Wait wah?" "You're sick lady. I see right through you." Slaughter someone for money with a scam? This wasn't right she did no such thing.

"Wait pal you got the wrong guy! I didn't kill anyone for money. I won it fair and square! Well sort of as long as they don't explode but...I'd neva kill anyone! Never. It's wrong!" "Save your breath! I'm not falling for your begging girl. Now drop down and surrender." Aurora sweats from her temple gritting her teeth thinking of a way out. This guy was too stubborn to listen. She only had one chance to clear her name. "Sorry pal but if you're not gonna listen then I have no choice but to do this to ya." She pulls out a small looking clock trinket which turns into a double sided scythe bow. She switches her gloves to activate in response to the bow. While doing so she also switches elements and in this case using Ice and fire to create mist. The Guard stands his ground raising his sword in place for battle. The girl shoots her ice arrows which were created by her gloves using magic and shoot down at the foot of the guardsman. Instead of just one arrow, five arrows shoot and spread around him and lastly. In an instant Ice covers the brick walls and the stone floors making crackling sounds. Lastly Aurora shoots at the ice creating steam which becomes mist in a huge explosion. The guardsman coughs and groans stepping back from the sudden attack. He notices it was foggy and Aurora takes this chance to rush past him and vanish. The guard searches for the girl only to find he was alone but he did see a shadow and felt a presence pass by him. He growls in his throat and leaves the alley way to chase down the snow haired girl. Aurora already placing her bow away, felt confident and relieved to get away. A smirk crawling on her lips until she bumps into the other guard. She falls onto her rump and hisses from the pain. In that instant they tackle her and arrest her with cuffs in her hands. Aurora was surprised to see the Guard that searched for Bugsy caught both her and her bot. He waved nonchalantly at Aurora as if saying, 'sorry'.

"You're under arrest for the slaughtering and illegal scamming." The guard chasing Aurora catches up and glares at the woman. He was panting and exhausted. "I'm innocent! I didn't do anything! I never killed anyone! You've gotta believe me!" "That's what you said to me right before you attacked me." Both elven guards glare at her. Aurora puffs her cheeks and stands wanting to yell more at them. "Well I was tellin the truth ya bozo!" "Tell it to the judge." They both start escorting Aurora to the barracks station. "I'm innocent I tell ya! Innocent! I want a lawyer! My legal guardian! My dignity!!!! Buy me a drink at least!" She shouts and kicks resisting to go but she was pushed forward anyway until she was in a cell in the chambers. She held onto the bars of the cell shouting. "I'll rip yer heart out and feed it ta Bugsy!! He'll love it!" "No I won't." He said sitting on a bench inside. "Yes you will shut up and help me talk shit. What kind of assistant are you?" Bugsy sighs. The girl frowns and watches the guards leave. "I'm really innocent." She bangs her head on the bars wanting to cry. She would never kill that much is true. She's already seen a death she never wants to see again.

"Clair if ya out there? Bail me out or mista Bellfast. That jerk who left me behind too...what's his face? Kinks (Kyns). Echo too. Bring me some candy while yer at it. Please and thank you." She sighs to herself.

"Well, I imagined that you just wanted to meet Echo and me. Have a chat, eat some dinner, make some friends, then send us on our merry way...right?" Kyns said jokingly while grinning at Blume.

Blume chuckled "Ha, that's funny, Friends? When your as powerful as I am, you have no friends. But as they say, it is better to be feared then loved..." Blume said eyes glossed over for a moment, not really believing what she said, but knowing it's true.

After a moment he let his grin drop. "But in all seriousness, i'm incredibly curious. I have no idea why you'd want me here. I didn't even think anyone of your status knew about me." He said, taking another nibble out of his pork.

Blume grinned again. "Oh please Kyns, you are being to modest. Everyone Knows who you are. Especially People like me. And a quick jab at one of your fist questions Echo, I know you and what you do. I believe one of the people you've trained was aboard my fleet before as well. Not anymore sadly. But anyway, I've brought you here, Kyns, for one reason. Bait. I know your affiliations with the head of the Crime syndicate Enigma. Joseph... It has been sometime since I've seen him. But seeing as he wants you dead, I've brought you here as bait, hoping to lure that rat out onto my little... Rattrap if you will. I want him here, and possibly dead. So have no fear, I do not plan on harming the either of you. And Echo, dear, I've taken quite a liking to you, but if I find more of your people in my midst... Let's just say I would not be pleased at all. K love?" Blume smiled as wicked smile. "You will be hear with me for a little while, but will have all the luxury that I may afford you until Joseph comes running for me, and if he doesn't then I'll let you be on your merry way. Understood?" Blume took another bite of the pork, grinning obviously pleased with herself as she chewd. and of paying attention her teeth seemed to be sharp than a normal persons would... Like witch.

@SpookySpecter @PurpleTurtle @Aine
Kyns Arvo

Kyns narrowed his eyes as Blume let him in on her little plan. To use him as bait, just to lure Joseph out. I'm a Dragonslayer, not some rattrap...He thought to himself angrily, pushing the plate of food away from himself. "I can't eat anymore, I feel too sick." Kyns said lying once again, he was just too angry right now to even think of eating. For a moment: Kyns just sat quiet, stewing in his own anger. After a few moments, he looked at Blume, eyes narrowed. "Madam' I don't want to sound rude..but i'd rather get mauled by a flock of griffins than be your little...what is it you said? Oh yes rattrap for another moment." Whilst keeping eye contact, Kyns chugged his water and placed the glass back on the table. "Now don't get me wrong, I want him gone as much as you. But keeping me and Echo as your "guests" in this airship isn't really the right way to go about this. I'm known to get a little aggressive when i'm inside for too long." Kyns said, in so low of a voice it almost came out as a growl. Kyns sat back in his chair and looked over at Echo, the frustration obvious in his face.

@PurpleTurtle @MsPolite

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Vinn Arvo

(Before the 12 hour time skip)

Vinn emerged from an inn in Pitfum after hearing multiple gunshots and screaming. The inn itself was by a renowned blacksmith's shop and he had planned to buy some ammo from there before searching for his brother: Kyns once again. He's been in the city for three days and has had no luck finding him. But now, he couldn't believe his eyes, as he saw his brother emerge from a giant metal suit of steam plate and back flip behind a hulking mobster..wait..is that JOSEPH LAWRENCE? Vinn thought to himself. And to make matters worse, bombs suddenly began to rain among the streets, and crimson streaks filled the skies whilst sirens wailed. Only driving the citizens of Pitfum into even more panic. It seemed as though this was the end of days. But Kyns seemed unfazed by the shrapnel, people, and even the monster of a scar-faced man standing before him. Was he really about to fight this guy? And then even before a punch was even thrown, men came from the skies and captured Kyns and some random woman he didn't know, leaving Joseph and some elf woman fully exposed. Vinn saw this chance for some fame, just like his brother. Quickly Vinn drew his rifle and jumped into the streets. Taking a firing position, he took a shot at Lawrence's stomach (he wanted the bastard to suffer) before the man suddenly turned around and the bullet pierced his spine. Leaving him to fall over like a rag doll. Grinning, Vinn got up, took one last look of the elf woman running to Joseph's aid, weighed the options of killing her, decided not to, and ran to the nearest airship out this town.

(After the 12 hour time skip)

Vinn stepped onto a dock in Binbig. Taking in the sights of the "City of Creativity" about himself. He chuckled remembering that not too far away was college Oonbin, the prestigious college he was kicked out of only a few years ago. After tying his wrench to his belt and fastening his gun's holster, He began walking north, and a woman stuck out to him. He remembered seeing her on the airship, and not doing too well on it either. Vinn figured it wouldn't hurt to talk to her while he walked. He walked next to her for a moment before introducing himself. "Hi, i'm Vinn. Vinn Arvos." He said looking at her and smiling. His facial similarities to Kyns became very apparent when he smiled. Minus the beard of course. All three of the brothers had inherited their father's charm, and kindly smile. "So, you just come from Pitfum?" He asked, taking a gander at her little robotic companion. It was cute, but he preferred cats.

@Capricornus @Aine @Drakeel @Dearwolfy
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With widened eyes Echo tried to pretend it didn't bother her that Blume just knew who she was, it was rather alarming actually. Who else knew? Her face went near feral when she mentioned one of the men she had trained who went missing. He had been her best Trainee, and had been a close friend of hers for years and guilt still tore at her to this day for sending him here. As she started threatening her with other trainees Echo abruptly stood, the wooden chair making a loud Screech! as she swivelled on her heel and stormed out of the room into the hallway, the large door slamming behind her.

She was quick to assume that Blume had taken the oppurtunity to kill the Echo's old friend herself as she stormed down the hallway. As she rounded the corner her two guards stopped in front of her, amused smirks plastered on there faces, "And where does the little Las think she's going?" one of them taunted, grabbing her hand. She ripped her hand free and continued to her room only to have the other guard try and grab her. She hissed and sent an illusion of pain racing through the dark haired man. He swore colourfully and didn't try and stop her as she went into the room and slammed the door.

Her illusions involving anything with the sense of feeling were usually weak -mostly because she wasn't sure how to make them- but when she was angry she could make a man collapse with half a thought. She had made men collapse with half a thought. After storming into the Victorian themed room she flopped on the bed and waited for that overwhelming sense of guilt and anger to subside as she wrapped her arms around herself and stared blankly at the roof.

@MsPolite @SpookySpecter
Elizabeth was startled by an unknown voice, coming from the right. She turned her head and saw a guy, which looked to be around 30-something, next to which she almost felt like a dwarf. She came to an abrupt halt when she saw his face. She was sure that she had seen that kind of facial structure before, a familiar face. She squinted at him, trying to remember the name of that person. "King... No... Kind?.. No that wasn't it... Kiss?.. No that's just a good band...", she mumbled barely audible before blurting out the right answer. "KYNS! That was the name!.. Wait, your name is not Kyns? I swear to everything that's holy, you look just like him.", she said, blinking a few times and pointing at him when he first introduced himself. "My name's Elizabeth Booker DeWitt... Or whatever you feel like calling me." Her hand that was just pointing at him turned into a stretched out hand, waiting for a handshake.

"Yes I do, I just came with an airship.", she almost turned pale again when mentioning it, "The atmosphere wasn't... too great back there." She had a rather sheepish grin on her face. "So, what about you? Where do you come from?", she asked curiously, slightly tilting her head sideways.

A whirl of Emotions began to stir in The Wicked Crimson Witch of the sky. Anger, Fear, Emapathy? Her hand began to twice and shake has she tried to remain calm until she just balled her hands in a fist into her lap as she began to breath heavily... "1 2 3, 1 2 3..." she continued to count. "Please escorts Mr. Kyns to his room where he is a remain till further notice." she finally said after a minute of counting. The flowers around the room. Began to dull, and twist Into a more sinister form. They grew a bit larger, uglier and more deadly, with thorns sprouting out of its stem and a bit of purple and green fumes beginning to seep out of the blossoms. The servants began to exit the room, Closing the doors and insulating. As soon as everyone left, or at least she thought had left Blume Flipped the heavy table with summoned vines, spilling the good food on the floor. She then tore across the room with a large mace mad of large thorny vines, shattering the columns that really supported nothing. Blume screeched as brought down the chandelier. And as it crashed down she turned and grabbed her chair and threw it in the on the flipped table, splintering it instantly. She then sat in a corner crying as memories flooded her with her beautiful and expensive dress in tatters. Blume continued to count "1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3." Blume did that for an indefinite amount of time. But when she was done the poisonous air had evaporated into a vent, venting out the fumes. Blume stood up and walked back to her room and dressed in her usual attire, making her way to the bridge.

"Make way for the nearest town. And prepare for biochemical bombardment. I need to see death."

@PurpleTurtle @SpookySpecter
(yay I'm joining the feels band wagon!)

It's been a long while and Aurora was humming and singing. She can sing low-key but not Hugh so she did kind of suck but all it took was practice to perfect it. She was swinging he hand with her head down still leaning on the bars. "The suuuuun....has come and now its time to say goodbye. Goodbye, gooobyyyye."

She would switch songs from time to time. "I'm just a soul who's intentions are good. Oh lord please don't let me be misunderstood." Finally she pulled away and holds the bars of the cell lost in thought staring at nothing. She settled on a song. A sad one. She slides down with the back against the bars. Her head hanging loose ck and arms resting on her knees with eyes closed as she starts to sing. While singing the song she starts remembering of her past, contemplating on her decisions. How her father took care of her after her mother's death and calmed her of her small trauma. No child should witness such a scene. She drops a few tears when the lyrics came up,

"I've got a lot of people that I once loved....and betrayed."

Bugsy just watches her sing and vent out. How he wished he could comfort her. He knew to just let her weep unless she wanted comfort. Aurora could brake out but if she were honest, she doesn't want to be a considered a criminal. She starts remembering the last day she left. Her father refused to let her leave because of a secret he was hiding. He just wouldn't spit it out. How was it fair she can't go out and explore? Nothing bad would happen right? She can handle herself. Hands slamming the table, words being thrown and some colorful words as well. She was defending herself. Of course like any rebellious girl she packed her things that night during a storm and left without a goodbye still angry.


Kyns Arvo

Kyns watched as Echo left the room in a huff. He wanted to help her...but before he could get up to run after her Blume piped up.
"Please escorts Mr. Kyns to his room where he is a remain till further notice." Immediately, two guards came over to Kyns, grabbed him by the shoulders and began walking back to his room with him. "Oh you blokes have done it now." A bearded guard said in a hushed tone. Once he was in the hall, Kyns immediately heard the sounds of demolition work behind himself; and the screeches of a mad woman. He was thrown into his room, where he changed out of his suit and back into his old clothes. This whole time, not uttering a word. A blank expression sprawled on his face. Sitting on his bed, Kyns thought quietly to himself. Balancing what his next move should be. He needed to get to Echo, he wanted to make sure she was okay. "GUARD, I need to see my friend, could you escort me to her?!" Kyns yelled, hopefully getting to avoid a shootout. "LADY BLUME SAID YOU STAY IN THIS ROOM UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!!" The guard shouted back through the door. Kyns sighed, got up and walked to the door. Where he kicked with full force at the doorknob, destroying the lock. "What the HELL are you doing in there!?" One of the guards yelled through the door. "NOTHING!...Don't come in, i'm changing! I just knocked into the door on accident. These pants are hard to take off!" Kyns yelled back, almost jokingly. "Changing or not, we're coming in to check!" One of the guards said before opening the door, getting caught off guard by Kyns standing right in front of him, fully dressed and angry, his eyes narrowed and nose scrunched. He grinned before charging at the man. Kyns punched the guard in the face, almost knocking him unconscious, and grabbed him, spinning him around to face the other guard, and using him as a human shield against the barrage of bullets the guard in the hallway fired at Kyns. While the hallway guard attempted to reload, Kyns kicked his meat shield at him, charging in immediately afterward and punching him in the gut. Kyns proceeded to beat the man to death, blood splattering all over his arms and the hallway.

Breathing heavily, Kyns grabbed the guards pistol and a clip of ammo from his pocket. He figured that the man didn't need this anymore. Turning around to start searching for Echo, he saw two guards taking aim at him who he imagined must be Echo's guards. Quickly, Kyns grabbed one of the dead guards and lifted them up, bullets piercing the corpse. Simultaneously, Kyns began firing back, hitting one of the guards with a gut shot and causing him to fall over. Kyns dropped the corpse and charged at the second guard, taking a bullet to the shoulder before finally getting to him. Kyns disarmed the man and unloaded the rest of his pistol's clip into the guard's head. He turned to the other guard and stomped on his head, killing the man and slightly crushing his skull. Quickly Kyns took another clip of ammo from the guards and entered the room that they were protecting. Where he found Echo coiled around herself. Seeing Echo lay on the bed, wrapped in her own arms and just..staring....it made him even angrier at the Crimson Witch than ever before. Kyns dropped his pistol and walked over to Echo, holding his shoulder wound. Once he was at her bedside, he placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled.
"Hey, Echo. It's okay, i'm here. You're not alone. Okay? I'm right here for you." He said before sitting on the bed. "We need to go, I did some things.." He said, taking a look at his blood covered fists.

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Echo, who laid on her bed wondering about the witches reaction to her sudden departure jolted as she heard a bang from outside the door. She was contemplating getting up and checking when Kyns came in and she decided she was contempt to lay on her bed. As he walked over to her, placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled her expression softened and she met his eyes as he finished comforting her staring for a few seconds. She sat up as he mentioned that they had to go, "Now what did the 'Oh Mighty dragon slayer' do that means we have to leave, hmm?" she asked jokingly, but still curious as to what he did. As she looked at the top of his hands she got her answer, "You killed them!? Are you kidding me?"
Kyns Arvo

"You killed them!? Are you kidding me?" Echo said. "Are you horrified or impressed?" Kyns asked, walking back over to the pistol he dropped on the floor. He picked it up and turned back around, dropping it onto Echo's bed. "Here, I think you should have this, i'll just grab one off a corpse in the hall." He lowered his head for a moment, frowning. "Echo...i'm sorry I got you into this mess. If I hadn't asked you to come along with me at the barrack you wouldn't have to be here." Kyns lifted his head back up, smiling weakly. "I think it'd be best if you changed back into your normal clothes. I'll wait outside and guard the door. just open up when you're ready." With that, Kyns took one last glance at Echo and walked out of the room, bending down to one of the corpses; Taking their pistol and filling his pants pockets with ammo.
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"A bit of both to be honest." she murmured then took the pistol with a frown, "We may be in danger at the moment but I'll still slap you silly for feeling guilty for something neither of us knew about. It's completely fine, a tad inconvenient but fine." she said with a soft smile then looked over at her normal clothes and nodded. She quickly changed after he left, stumbling around as she pulled of that cursed dress then looked for her clothes. After she got them on she tied up her shoes and ran out the door. She jerked her head to the left and they started making there way in that direction, using her powers to make them invisible, "So where on an airship, Any plans to get off of it?"
Nisha Ladymissum (quest character)

Nisha waited quietly in the barrack for some mercenaries to come in for her. Eventually, two men entered. And soon, one began shouting her name incorrectly. She raised her hand and walked over to the pair. "It's Ladymissum get it right." She said, pompous as ever. "So, I imagine you two must be my goons. Here, take my luggage. I'm starting get sore from carrying it." She ordered, practically throwing her satchel at Silverstein. "Now come on boys, I wanna get home. Keep your eyes on the rooftops, those damned Flyingfists like to perch up there." Nisha crossed her arms and strutted out of the building, slamming the door as she left.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kyns Arvo

"Well...I thought you might have had all the plans." Kyns said chuckling as they moved left through the hallway. "I kinda need my satchel though, I think finding some sort storage room or an armory would be the best thing for us to do right now." Kyns suggested. Soon, the hall lead to a staircase going down, and one going up. "I think the one going up must lead to the main deck. You wanna go down and try to find a storage room, maybe get some more firepower?" Kyns asked hopefully. He really wanted his satchel, as his shotgun and headphones were inside it.
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Vinn Arvo

Vinn laughed when Elizebeth called him Kyns. "I don't blame you for mistaking me for him, he's my older brother after all." Vinn sighed and accepted Beth's handshake. "The atmosphere wasn't... too great back there." She said with a sheepish grin. "So, what about you? Where do you come from?" Beth asked, tilting her head sideways. "Yeah, that city wasn't doing me too well either. I was there looking for my brother. I come from a farm in the south." Vinn said smiling. "I was actually just heading to guard barrack for work if you'd like to come along. I'm not sure if i'll take a mission or not, but it wouldn't hurt to look." He said, as he continued walking.

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Echo laughed a bit then nodded at his plan to get the the main deck, "We're both invisible right now, her crew will probably be swarming so don't make any noise." She whispered then walked quietly down the stairs. As they rounded the corner, the main deck was revealed and she frowned at the covered area. Blumw's crew was quite large, getting around them would be a pain in the ass, with quick thought she picked up a piece of light metal that sat unattended and threw it at one of the crew members. The man tripped and yelped in pain and half the crew ran over. She quickly sprinted threw the break in the crowd then look at one of the side doors, "I think that's the storage." She whispered as quietly as possible to Kyns.
Kyns Arvo

Kyns nodded, a little bit surprised that he was invisible right now. Quickly, Kyns followed Echo through the crowd and attempted to open the storage door. It was locked. Kyns looked over at Echo and made a motion that he was about to break in. Through the commotion of the crowd, he was positive they wouldn't notice one door getting broken into. With as much force as he could muster, Kyns kicked at the lock, breaking it and grabbing the door knob before the door slammed open. He silently opened the door and grabbed Echo's arm, pulling her in with him. Quietly he shut the door, making sure no one was watching. A dark room of boxes and chests lay before the pair as Kyns began moving through it, opening chests and prying open boxes. He found nothing but more ammo an- holy crap his armor was in the back! Kyns almost yelled excitedly at the top of his lungs but stopped himself, remembering he had to remain silent. He crept over to his suit and opened it up, unlatching the helmet and climbing inside. He found his satchel inside the armor and quickly buckled it to his belt. He unlatched his suit from idle mode and locked the helmet back on. "From now on, i'm calling that lying woman Crimson Bitch." he whispered angrily through his helmet. "Okay, now what?" He asked, not knowing what to do next.

@PurpleTurtle @MsPolite
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"Ooooh... So the two of you are related, that's why you look so alike.", she replied, looking him up and down. "Well, you look more like you'd be the older brother, but whatever.", she added chuckling.

"Well I guess since I have no clue where exactly I'm going, I guess a little company wouldn't hurt.", she accepted his offer to tag along. Due to Elizabeths bad orientation skill, she very much preferred having someone who knows their way around with her. She stopped talkig for a moment, her facial expression shifting to a more serious one. "So about your brother...", she started talking again, "I guess I'll have not so good news.", she said before telling him everything she knew, about the bombardement in Pitfum and how Kyns got kidnapped, together with an elven girl called Echo, by the so called Crimson Witch.

The Fleet was now over a small farming town in the southern region. The inhabitants were peacefully minding their own business, going about there day. It was calming for Blume. But she didn't want calm. she wanted chaos. "Begin bombing run First mate!" Blume barked at her second in command. Alarms began to go off signalling all to go to battle stations and within 30 seconds the fleet was ready. The first mate held a phone to his mouth and the other peace to his ear as he said "Beginning bombing in 3....2....1.... bombs away." The high pitched whistling could be heard down below in the town as the first few towns olfactory loomed and realized they were doomed. Massive explosions of potion Gas filled the town choking all the citizens down below. Blume Went out side to smell the air of her handy work. The Beautiful Silent death creeping in her ears gave an orgasmic sensation to coarse threw her body. "This is what I live for" Blume said inhaling deeply.

The first mate went outside with Blume standing beside her. "Lady Blume, pardon the Interruption. Our guest decided to take there leave."

Blume closed her eyes and faced the sky smiling.

"Oh did they? Then send a red alert. I want them found. And keep Kyns alive, does that matter in what shape. But the girl can die."

"Aye-Aye my lady." The first mate turned and left relaying the commands. Then suddenly all the lights went off and red one turned off signaling the red alert. The Pirates of the flagship put on the gas masks with a light bulb attached to it. The first mate went to the control panel on the bridge and pulled a large white button that activated the tear gas, releasing it's contents on the ship to impair any and all intruders.

"Oh don't worry my love, I will have you yet..."

@PurpleTurtle @SpookySpecter @Aine
Kyns Arvo

Soon after Kyns had entered his suit he heard a commotion outside of the room, and suddenly, men burst in carrying heavier firearms than just pistols and wearing gas masks, and a peculiar gas leaked into the room from behind them. "OH SHIT, Echo lookout!" Kyns yelled, sprinting to her and placing himself between his friend and the barrage of enemy fire. Bullets ricocheted off the back if his armor as he looked at Echo, making sure she wasn't harmed by any bullets. But soon, the gas leaked into his suit, making him choke, cough and even almost fall over onto Echo. Slowly, Kyns turned around and faced Blume's crew, still standing between the bullets and Echo; attempting to overpower the burning sensation in his throat and lungs. Gasping between words, Kyns yelled weakly: "Ech- *gasp* -o...use me as *gasp, choke* cov-er...and return fire!" Almost falling over, Kyns regained his balance and began walking forward, struggling to remain standing with each step.

@MsPolite @PurpleTurtle


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