RP Section

Serqet felt a slight pressure in her lower back, followed by a voice, a quiet one. She lifted her hands up in the air, like someone who was getting robbed would do. "Oh nooo... What should I do now...?" The sarcasm in Serqet's voice was very apparent. "Listen here kiddo. I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't want to hurt me if you knew me. So, for your own sake, I'll count to three before turning around, and if you actually even THINK about shooting me, or the like, then you're going to have a very bad time." Serqet extended the blades at the end of her gloves and started counting: "One... Two... Three!" As soon as she had turned around she grasped the arm of person that was standing behind her. She didn't plan on hurting them, but she also didn't want to get hurt herself. "Pathetic...", she murmured. "Next time you even try to rob someone you should be prepared for any counter-action.", she said, releasing her grip.

She whitdrew her claws and searched through her pockets, taking out a two or three rings she had previously stolen on the market. "Here", she said extending her hand with said goods towards her recent attacker, "If you sell these, you might get some food these next days."

Serqet looked around, looking for Elizabeth, but she had lost sight of her. "Oh my f...", she turned around, facing the other person again, "you can be LUCKY I didn't end your life right here. It wouldn't be my first time."


"Hey, at least you were in the college. When I applied... Things didn't go as smooth. My inventions tend to, you know, randomly combust or explode, but hey everything looks better with lasers, even if they're faulty... Beth said. ""You're not wrong, lasers are pretty damn cool." Vinn said, a little curious at what kinds of weapons this woman could make. Also, a sentry turret that sees everyone as an enemy is still better than a sentry turret that doesn't see anyone as a criminal, I guess?" Beth said chuckling. "You know what? I like your philosophy Elizabeth." Vinn said, laughing heartily. He clipped his wrench back onto his belt as they neared the barrack. "Would you like to come in....or is this where we part ways?" Vinn asked, his voice sounding a bit sadder than just a second ago.

@Capricornus @IronManatee
As Kyns picked up the man Echo rolled her eyes and gave him an exasperated expression, "You really want to get us killed don't you?" she asked sarcastically then followed the terrified man, "Thank you." she murmured with slight amusement then looked over at Kyns, "Unless you want us crashing into the side of a mountain, you're driving." she said. Once they arrived at the aircraft she climbed in and took one look at the controls before popping her head out the door, "You sure there's not a safer way to leave? Like skydiving?"
Joseph stepped out of the helicopter, following Zoey onto the bustling streets. The vibrant colors of the town surprised Joseph, as it contrasted to the drab and miserable streets of the west; every road and pathway was so wide here, and the people here were so full of life - almost skipping in their steps - each stride leaking with optimism. Flowers decorated the streets, and all of the plant life seemed to have been freshly watered and trimmed neatly - the beads of water atop these blossoms dazzled, sparkling in the sunlight, occasionally dripping onto the soil of the plant pot. Kids were playing, chasing one another up and down the streets, laughing brightly as they passed him. Future inventors, doctors, scholars, those are the people who live here; it's not place for you, mob boss. He grumbled quietly to himself; it would be an understatement that Joseph felt out of place here, and he looked like he has just entered into a new world.

"Not so fast now. I'm only here for business." he said, looking towards a cheerful Zoey as she seamlessly changed her appearance. "Now, why didn't you tell me about this earlier." he walked over, inspecting the somewhat familiar face which Zoey has disguised herself into.


"I...I have no idea how to drive an airplane!"
Kyns quickly objected. He looked over to the man that had lead them to the hanger. "You wanna drive us outta here? Promise you i'll be your best bud..minus the whole almost choking you to death thing...sorry about that by the way, wasn't too keen on whether I should kill you or not yet." The man seemed hesitant, weighing his options. "Alright, i'll drive you out of here, get in. Let's make this snappy." He said, almost mumbling. Kyns inspected the plane, wondering if it would hold the weight of his suit. It was a rather bulky plane with a large rear section. Most likely for holding large amounts of men just in case the airship needed to be evacuated. It looked like a shipping truck with wings and blades. Figuring he had no other options, Kyns got in the rear section, and found it empty of any seats, only a single emergency pack hangs from the wall . The man got into the cockpit seat and started the engine, soon the plane roared to life. Steam rose from the engine as the blades began spinning, bringing the plane forward, and out of the airship. "YES, Echo we did it! We escaped! Well sort of...we kinda just got a free pass from Blume, but still pretty awesome though!" Kyns yelled excitedly over the engine as the plane left the hangar. But the first thing Kyns saw made his jaw drop.

As Kyns, Echo, and random pirate guy left the airship; Kyns got a glimpse on what was happening outside. A town lay in ruins beneath them, ruined houses and corpses lay in the streets while clouds of gas rise from the ground. In the distance, a hulking airship looms towards Lady Blume's armada, as the armada attempts to gun it down. And an ever present chorus of heavy cannon fire rings through the skies. Soon, the plane touches down in a nearby field, a safe distance away from the gases and cannon fire. Kyns climbs out, eyeing the emergency kit and taking it as he exits. Once outside he kneels in his suit and locks it, making a temporary seat. Unlocking the helmet, he climbs outside and grabs the kit from his suit's hand. Sitting down, Kyns takes off his gas mask and takes a look at the sky, guessing it was about late afternoon, four or five'o clock. Once he figured out the time he set to work, taking off his tie tourniquet and fishing out the bullet lodged in his wound with some tweezers he found in the kit. It was sloppy work, but he finally got the bullet and inspected it. Then, he bandaged himself and cleaned the tweezers with a tube of alcohol he found in the kit.
"Here, I found this in the back." Kyns said, offering the kit to Echo.

@MsPolite @PurpleTurtle
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She gave him a pout. "Aww come ooonnn. We don't always have to be so serious." She said in a sad tone while he walked over to her, inspecting her disguise. "This? I've always been able to, it's just never really came up before" she said in a slightly defensive voice. She grinned."oh oh, hold out your hand. Please?" She said, very excited while morning back to her normal self.
"You're probably the first one to say that.", she answered, a big smile spreading across her face. It was probably the first time anyone had agreed with her on that. It was actually something of so little importance, but it still made her somewhat happy.

The feeling of being followed slowly decreased, until fully disappearing. They started approaching the barrack. "Would you like to come in....or is this where we part ways?" Vinn asked her. The question actually surprised her. The whole time they had spent walking here, she didn't even think about what would happen afterwards. "Well...", she started her sentence, "I wouldn't mind sticking around for a little longer. Of course only if it doesn't bother you or so."


Vinn smiled when Beth agreed to come along. "It wouldn't bother me one bit! It gets a little lonely travelling by yourself...so it'd be nice to travel with two others." He said, looking at Beth's eyes, then looking at her little dog companion. "Who's this by the way?" Vinn asked as he walked into the barrack with Beth, nodding in the direction of Fenrir. As he asked he walked up to the job board and began browsing, his eyes settling on a job to find an orphan in the north, but since he wasn't alone on this he wanted to make sure on what Beth wanted to do. "Hey, see anything you like on here? if not we can just leave." Vinn said, crossing his arms and stepping back, putting the whole board into view.

@Capricornus @Dearwolfy @IronManatee



Eurydice gaped at the simple confidence and idiocy this woman possessed. She froze as she said something. What that was, the girl wasn't entirely sure.

She felt the nerve to say something like, "Do you know who I am?" But seriously. She was someone who couldn't afford a gun. Seeing her hand offered, the woman took the rings carefully. Of course, her hand was still shaking, but it would likely be seen as her being frightened. Well, she was. Absolutely pissing herself.

She touched the edge of her hood, unsure what to say. Was she supposed to say anything? She hadn't really done anything like this before.

Eurydice touched the back of her neck in a subconscious gesture. Her face behind the mask suddenly felt hot, and she felt obligated to apologize.

She slowly brought her hand to her face and pulled the mask down slightly, so she could be heard without sounding like she was talking through a cloth. This revealed the upper half of her face, including her cobalt eyes.

Taking a breath, she said, "I apologize," pausing, she thought the girl looked familiar. Which was odd, as she didn't know anyone at all. Either way, she felt immediately attached to her. The woman was the only one who had showed her kindness- or anything - since six years ago.

As much as she tried to think of something to add to this, nothing came. Finally, she just put the mask back, stiffening slightly.


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Lucky cat Fran wondered what on earth she should do, sitting around in her village, getting nothing was boring and didn't go along with her ideals, what she wanted was a warm home and lots of power. She had neither and had no idea what way to go about collecting them, the best idea she had was to travel north, despite it being colder there she had heard lots of rumours about the large cities there, hundreds of times the size of this meagre village. "Let's see if the rumours are true..." She mumbled with a slight smile, picking up the small box of fruit and heading north, her excuse for it was that she was a poor kykdren that had been robbed and all she had was this small box of fruits. She spent many days travelling, soon giving up on her cover story and eating the fruit and stealing whatever she needed the rest of the way. By the end of the journey, she was much too tired from sleeping in uncomfortable places to do anything as she arrived at one such city, not able to admire the size of it. Poor, hungry and tired, what could be worse, she doubted she even had the energy to conjure a minor illusion, never mind a wall. She sat herself down on a stone step in front of some building next to a bustling alleyway, not caring if she were taken by the blackmarket or some random gang as long as she was fed. She swiftly fell asleep from her exhaustion, awaiting either a mysterious saviour, or her imminent demise...

"Oh that, that's just my little companion. I've built him myself. He was actually one of my first successful inventions, meaning one of my first inventions that didn't explode when using it... That's still a problem I struggle with... His name's Fenrir!", she introduced her mechanical companion which had always been following with no more than a foot distance.

She looked at the board infront of which Vinn was standing. He stepped aside, granting Elizabeth a good view on all the jobs currently available. Her eyes locked on the picture of the Crimson Witch. "Stupid cow...", she mumbled under her breath before continuing to scan through the other jobs. She put her finger on the one with the orphan. Elizabeth wasn't a big fan of violencs - unless it was necessary - and this was the only job which didn't directly have anything to do with assassinating someone. "This one. This one seems pretty nice. What do you think?", she asked, facing Vinn with one eyebrow raised.

Serqet gave the girl a pathetic smile. "You remember me of myself when I was young..." She paused for a moment, sighing nostaligically and taking a deep breath before continuing to talk. "You don't need to apologize for something like this. After all, I know what it feels like." She turned around, ready to walk away, but stopped midway. She turned only her head to face the unknown girl. "So are you just gonna stay there or..? I can show you some... 'tricks' on how to survive out here. But be warned, once you take this route, it'll be almost impossible to turn back." She continued walking away, not bothering to check if the girl was following her or not.

As both Elizabeth and Vinn searched for a mission on the board, there was an elf being dragged on a stretcher being carried by two medical people in their uniforms. The injured victim groans and throws curses. "That wench is gonna pay for her deeds! She killed all those people and left some of them as orphaned children! We should just hang execute her. There is no question about it."

"Enough Jefferson! We don't know shes the killer. For all we know she could actually be innocent and was there at the wrong time. This scamming serial killer is making people cower I know but you also have no right to abuse that woman! Do you know how it makes us look? Like we are untrustworthy. Just get attended then we will discuss the rest when you're better." The captain sighs holding the bridge of his nose as the paramedics take Jefferson away. The two conversing could be heard from the front desk at the barracks where both Elizabeth and Vinn stood. The captain notices and smiles toward them. "Sorry for our small quarrel, the scamming serial killer has got all of us on edge today."

@SpookySpecter @Capricornus

As the commotion went on in the background, Vinn turned to Beth, figuring it wasn't his business "I was actually thinking about taking that one too!" Vinn said excitedly. Tearing the page off the board and bringing it up to the main desk. The receptionist behind the counter put a Binbig stamp on the contract. "You might wanna get some warmer clothes before heading up north. There's a shop just down the road from here that gives mercenaries free thermal clothes if you can prove you're doing a mission up in the north. Just show them your contract. The shop owner used to live up there and appreciates people that work to help make the place better." The receptionist said, then pointed them to the door. "You best get going now. We're having a bit of an issue with a prisoner and don't want people in here too long. Just in case she breaks out." She said, before returning to her pile of paperwork. "Damn girl...making me do all this paperwork just cuz' she injured that officer.." Vinn raised an eyebrow and shrugged. Looking over to Beth. "So...ready to go?" He asked, folding the contract and placing it in his satchel. A captain walks over, apologizing for the quarrel. "I don't care about the arguing. I want to know if that girl your officer abused is okay...what happened?" Vinn narrowed his eyes at the officer.

@Capricornus @Dearwolfy

Elizabeth was eavesdropping on the coversation between the two paramedics. A girl killing multiple people... But they weren't sure if it was her?

Elizabeth stopped listening to their conversation when the receptionist started telling them what they'd need for the mission. "So... Ready to go?", Vinn asked her, but before she could even answer, a captain walked over to interrupt them. Vinn just seemed as interested in the background story of this quarrel as she was. She approached them in a rather friendly way. "Excuse me... Would you mind telling me... Telling us, what exactly happened, and if that girl is doing all right?"

@SpookySpecter @Dearwolfy
The captain stiffens for a second getting a bit nervous by their question. He was relieved at first that Vinn did not care but then asked about Aurora. "W-we did no such thing! Our guard was simply interrogating the criminal." The stares grew intense and he sighs in defeat. "We can't...exactly say she is alright but she is bruised and beaten by one of my subordinates. We locked her up in a solitude room for safety precautions." Is all he said.

@SpookySpecter @Capricornus
"Well I don't really think that you or your subordinate, who should actually care for a violence-free and peaceful surrounding, know the meaning of 'simply interrogating', eh?", she told the officer, with a disgusting look. "And, I don't want to be 'criticizing' your ways of dealing with said criminal, except that this is actually what I'm doing right now, but I don't think locking her up in complete solitude and such is a very good idea. But hey, that's not of my business, huh?", she added that last part in a rather sarcastic tone. "Stupid morons.", Elizabeth hissed under her breath.

@SpookySpecter @Dearwolfy
The captain glares at her. "Look we were just doing our job. Getting answers in anyway is the only to get them out. If torturing someone is necessary then so be it. Right now we have killer on the loose!" He growls at her.

"But... But apparently you're not very good at doing your job.", Elizabeth replied in a louder voice now, crossing her arms. As stubborn as Elizabeth was, she kept saying everything that came to her mind. "And how can you accuse someone as a murderer if you don't have any evidence, or whatever the other guy just said before?", she pouted, referring to the conversation between the two paramedics before.

@SpookySpecter @Dearwolfy

Kyns glared at the man when he snapped at Beth. "You listen here officer. My friend doesn't need your sass, all she's doing is giving you her input, and frankly I agree with her. Your "prisoner" has no right to be mistreated by you until you have solid FUCKING evidence, you're job isn't to slap around the nearest offender, your job is to track down the real criminal and drag him in!!!" Vinn yelled, pointing at the captain. "Now I think you should get in that GOD DAMN cell and apologize to the woman, because you and the rest of this town guard clearly have your heads up your asses." Vinn crossed his arms, standing up straight as possible, glaring at the captain.

@Capricornus @Dearwolfy
The guard glares at both Vinn and Elizabeth. "I don't have to listen to either of you. Its none of your business or concern. So qui-" He was interrupted by the sudden sounds of guards running down a hall. "Stop that robot!" They shout out. In a matter of seconds, the entire group was blown away and approaching the hallway was Bugsy the robot. "Aurora where are you?!" He shouts.

@Capricornus @SpookySpecter
"I guess," Joseph mumbled, scratching his head before looking back towards the streets. "What exactly do you mean by 'exploring'?" he looked at Zoey with a confused look, smiling under his mask. Letting yourself go for a little ain't so bad, Joseph, he thought to himself as he slowly raised his hands with a small ounce of caution. "Now what?"

Echo walked around in the back of the ship, humming some random song when Kyns threw her back into reality by offering her a medical kit. She murmured a thankyou then took a seat on the floor and grabbed the tweezers, before swearing colourfully enough to make any sailor blush as she got the bullet out. She immediately took the alcohol and poured it on a cloth before cleaning the wound entrance and bandaging it up, "Sometimes I wish I could make my illusions real so I could burn that witch." She murmured then looked over at Kyns, "Where are we going? Binbig... Pitfum?"
Elizabeth rolled her eyes at the guard as soon as he started to talk again, but he was soon interrupted by the sound of guards running in the hall. Elizabeth looked confused at the direction where the sound came from, and soon saw a robot approaching the hall. At the sight of the robot, Elizabeth seemed to remember something. She had already seen him before, and she had also already heard the name 'Aurora' before. After a few moments of pondering, she remembered that the robot was owned by a white haired girl which was named 'Aurora'. The last time she had seen her was in her shop, back in Pitfum.

"Baggy.. Boggy... Buggy... Bugsy? Bugsy! That was it's name!", she called, pointing at the robot. "But where's Aurora?", she asked herself, rubbing her chin.

@SpookySpecter @Dearwolfy

Kyns pondered on Echo's question, as he perused the items inside his satchel. He found his bandoleer and clipped it on, as well as attaching his shotgun in it's holster onto it. He smiled excitedly as he found his headphones, but he put them back in his satchel, as well as stuffing the med-kit inside of it. "Based on our surroundings...i'd say we're closest to Binbig. So, Binbig I guess. How're you holding up?" He asked, tilting his head and looking at her bandaged shoulder. "I suggest you two get out now. I must head back to the ship." The pirate who drove them down said, pointing to the door.


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