RP Section

Mr Swiftshots]Clair was admittedly taken by surprise when the figure pulled out Aurora's watch. This new discovery made Clair somewhat question the figures motives however as questionable as it was Clair decided to follow suit. It was her only chance to find Aurora and Bugsy. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33437-dearwolfy/ said:
The cloaked person leads them around the city and down a few streets before stopping in front of the Barrack/police station. He points to it then vanishes when she wasn't looking. The cloaked person watches at a safe distance in hiding. He was watching and waiting. Waiting for the right time to reveal themselves.
Dearwolfy said:
The cloaked person leads them around the city and down a few streets before stopping in front of the Barrack/police station. He points to it then vanishes when she wasn't looking. The cloaked person watches at a safe distance in hiding. He was watching and waiting. Waiting for the right time to reveal themselves.
Clair Followed behind the figure and eventually came across the barracks , which the figure also pointed out. Now The first thing that came to her mind when he did so was 'I already put in a report you 'Harlot' ' But after thinking on the subject for a while her face went pale. Who did Clair know that could 'repair' something only to have it blow up. And who did Clair know 'repaired' things for gold.

Aurora was the murderer ! With a loud gasp at the realization , Clair went bolting towards the main doors. Bursting into the reception like a hurricane , practically taking the doors with her. Once at the desk she spoke quickly and loudly to the guard stationed there "Oi have you got a 'wee' human about yay high and about yay wide imprisoned here ? She has quite a foul tongue , probably said she'd feed you to her devilishly handsome robot companion. You know like Unnaturally handsome robot , godlike in terms of handsomeness. You now the kind of robot that just makes you week at the knees with just a glance , the kind of robot that makes you swoon with every 'toot' of his exhausts. Yeh that kind of robot ! you've seen him right " . The poor , male, guard stood there with quite a confused look plastered upon his face but eventually he went on to say ..... @Dearwolfy
Veda watched as the older man, Gabriel, sold yet another book on welding to an eager-to-learn kid. Gabriel was in his late 50’s, already graying on his short cut hair and fluffy beard. He was tall and had broad shoulders, but the big smile he always wore made everyone adore the older man. He was much too kind for his own good. There were about three people waiting to be rung up, the next after the eager learner was holding a thick-lettered book Veda recognized as an old classic. The second and third appeared to be in their late 30’s impatiently waiting to be served. Not seeing any danger, Veda wandered through the store looking for any suspicious activity. There were rows among rows of ceiling-high shelves, filled to the brim with books. The bookstore was named “New Page” something Gabriel prided himself over for the play on words. She leaned heavily on a bookshelf, having a clear view of the large lobby and Gabriel.
Joseph looked at Zoey, still confused and what exactly she meant by saying what she did after touching his hands, he laughed slightly at her comment about gun fire. The city seems peaceful and well guarded enough to keep big gangs from starting up, and even if some did emerge, they would be nothing but small groups of teenagers doing petty crime, nothing more than small robberies and pick pocketing.

"So, what's your plan?" he said to her, not really sure of where they are heading as they push their way through the traffic of people.

Zoey smiled at Joseph's question. "Little of this, little of that! Thats why it's called exploring!" She said in an eager tone. She looked in to the buildings. Hmm Restaurant...not hungry, College? No. Ooh Bookstore! "Joseph! Bookstore? Could be fun!" She shouted the last part while walking to the bookstore named 'A New Page' she said smiled at the play on words. She stepped inside the shop looking around, memorized she instantly began exploring the massive, seemingly infinite bookshelves. "This is so cool!" She said exitedly walking back to the shopkeeper. "Do you have anything on Aldzari Stremiin?" She said, extremely excited, she turned back to Joseph with a grin "look at all this Joseph! So many books!" She said turning back to the shopkeeper.

@Aine @Fawnking
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Gabriel eyed the girl and gave a big smile, after scrutinizing the younger. Deeming her not a threat he nodded. “I’m sure we can find any books you’re lookin’ for!” He nodded toward Veda, “go ask her to show you where those books are, I need to check out the customers behind you.” Gabriel gave a smile as she walked off.

Veda eyed the kid when she started to talk to Gabriel, making sure she wasn’t planning anything. She was quite protective of the older man. Once Gabriel smiled she knew he was fine. As the elf headed over to her after, the older man gestured, she straightened her posture trying to be a good employee. She didn’t notice the elves companion, which was for the best.

@Aine @Drakeel
Joseph stretches his back before leaning on a wall near some bookcases; it seems as though he isn't quiet exactly used to his new spine just yet and is still adjusting to it. "I'd assume there's a lot of books in a book store," Joseph jokingly towards an extremely excited elf who was now grinning widely at him. "I see you're interested in this 'Aldzari' guy." Joseph's eyes wandered around the store before he spots a face that looked hazily familiar. Her face triggered a sense of nostalgia within him, almost as if Joseph has met her before, though it doesn't seem like they've met for a very, very long time. He ignored her though. It's probably a doppelganger of someone I know, besides, I've rarely been to the East before, he thought as he looked back towards Zoey.

@Drakeel @Fawnking

She turned back to Joseph. "That is why I was in the north wandering the mountains." She said while walking over to the other girl. "HI! Do you carry anything on Aldzari Stremiin?" She asked trying not to let her eyes wander to the bullet wound on her cheek."Perhaps a hint on the location of his workshop?" She asked hopefully,trailing off midsentace, getting lost in thought Just the other day this man nearly killed me, now we are exploring new places. A bookstore of all places. She smiled snapping herself back to reality, focusing on the girl she was speaking to again.

@Aine @Fawnking
The receptionist sighs. "Yes we know her. Shes is the cause of the killings after a scam. Slaughtering hem with a blade of some sort. Not only that but she also injured one of our officers. I'm afraid the robot with her went on a rampage and threatened the captain. He is currently forced to open the doors of the girls cell room down this hall and to the left. There were two others here but I didn't want any quarrel. Im just doing my job here. Be my guest tootsie. Everything is hell right now. Making me do paper work too."
Dearwolfy said:
The receptionist sighs. "Yes we know her. Shes is the cause of the killings after a scam. Slaughtering hem with a blade of some sort. Not only that but she also injured one of our officers. I'm afraid the robot with her went on a rampage and threatened the captain. He is currently forced to open the doors of the girls cell room down this hall and to the left. There were two others here but I didn't want any quarrel. Im just doing my job here. Be my guest tootsie. Everything is hell right now. Making me do paper work too."
Clair's pale complexion only worsened when her thoughts were solidified , so Bugsy was imprisoned !......Oh and Aurora But Bugsy was imprisoned ! 'What a bad , bad bot ! Wait , what this is a serous situation ! Stop , stop , stop , stop , stop , STOP ! I need to concentrate.' "lets see her There bail what exactly are we looking at , five thousand , six or what ?"


Kyns blushed for the first time in years, covering his face with one hand. "It was in the tall grass..." He said, failing at defending himself. He grabbed Echo's hand and heaved himself off the ground. "Man..it's been a while since I've taken a tumble like that.." He said, rubbing his head and having a small flashback. "When I first made this armor, the blacksmith that had helped me and looked over my work asked me to get paint from downstairs while he stepped out to buy rivets, suggesting I wear the armor and get used to it. He helped me into it and did all the locking up for me. Once I had gotten the paint I turned to head back up, but one of the stairs broke and I fell backwards...I had no idea how to get out of the stuff...So I was stuck in the armor for seven hours until the smith came back!" Kyns said, laughing as he told the story. He got up and walked over to his fallen helmet, picking it up and locking it on. "Alright, now we head down the trail until we hit hit the main road, then it's just a short walk to Bigbin." Kyns said, brushing dirt off his suit as he started walking.


Leco's eyes widened with delight. "YAAAAAYYYY! I got a fwieeeend!!!" He yelled, jumping up and down. "Come on, te shops dis way!" Leco yelled, waving his arms and running down the street. "It's right here!" He yelled, pointing and jumping, before sitting down in front of the store, a huge smile on his face. Waiting obediently for his friend to catch up.

As yet another boot-up finished its run Statera opened his eyes to take in the new experiment room. Around him the walls were showing constellations which orbited the “sky”, this was not the first time this had been the case. However, on the floor there was a massive map, something new to the boy. He walked over and studied its details, unlike the simple maps in some of the books and scrolls he had been given this one showed a large area of land, and it showed it as if he was flying far above the land, looking down upon its people.

A voice over the speaker which Statera recognized as “Papa” now spoke. “Statera, look upon this map, this is the world outside of the lab.” This was an idea which had never occurred to Statera, there could be more than this lab? “One day you shall go out and learn more than we could ever teach you, so I want you to be ready when the time comes, but when that day comes please remember that you cannot allow anyone to know what you are, at least no one you wouldn’t trust in every situation you know. Now the important parts to rem…” *BOOM CRASH SHOOSH*

The lab shakes fiercely as Statera tries to understand what’s going on; on his shoulder Pӕngo protectively wraps his tail around the boy’s shoulders and head. “Oh god they are here! Garnet, how did they get in?! Quickly, Statera, there isn’t much time, get to your room and grab your stuff, when you are packed pull the chain on the wall that holds the light and get in the capsule! I will find you, but your mission is as it always was meant to be, explore, learn, and show us that you hold the spark of life!” *STSHSHSHSH*

As the feed cuts out Statera and Pӕngo quickly run to their workstation/room where they were raised, they grab their meager things together and what they can take quickly from the room itself, then they pull the chain as loud bangs and screams come from behind the door. The chain pulls down and reveals a small seated container which must be the capsule Papa described. The two fit snuggly into the device and latch the cover just as the door breaks down, the scarred man rushes for them only to be blown back as the elemental propulsion rune activates, also launching them along the rails.

Up, up, up they fly, bouncing along in the tunnel until brilliant light floods down from above making them both shiver with fear and excitement, then, just as they reach the light all goes silent as the capsule shoots out from the mountainside and flies with extreme speed in silence as it glides away toward the foothills. *Slam!* The vehicle crunches into the hard packed snow and saplings. “Well, Pӕngo do you think this needs fixing now or when we get to a workstation?” The boy holds up an arm which has snapped loose and is swinging from a single connection rune in the elbow. * Pӕngo “faints”.* “Right, here it is then.”

The boy sets to fixing his arm, tools flipping in and out of his other hand as he works. By the time he is finished it is almost dark, so he grabs one of his vision cores and sets it to see higher frequencies and sets another to search for heat, even if he can’t feel the cold he knows it isn’t good for either of their components. “Pӕngo can you wake up and switch to medium? It would be nice to move through this quickly and you are less likely to slip and fall.” At this his pet shifts, the scales in Statera’s armor slide and swirl into his pet, allowing him to grow into his normal mount form, Statera straddle’s him and they begin to take off, looking for shelter, life, or anything that they may want to check out as both of them are ever curious.

@AnyoneUpNorth @TheGroupOnThe"TheIceChild"Quest @AnyoneWithAGoodIdea @IronManatee @Capricornus @SpookySpecter @Dearwolfy @Trust
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Clair listened to what the receptionist had to say and after doing so remained silent for quite some time. Ten thousand was quite a hefty price to pay "umm what about the bot , like just the bail for the bot". What ! It was in the spur of the moment it practically flew out of her mouth without a second thought ! Calm down "No , no that won't do. Bugsy wouldn't leave without her , god he's so stubborn ! Listen I'll bail the two out , send the bill to council of 'The Great Technological Masters'. Tell them to take it out of the 'Clair's damage control fund'"

Echo laughed at the story, he was almost as big a clutz as she was. As she watched him adjust his armor she caught sight of the trail they had to take and smiled, "I'll race you to the main road!" She called excitedly and bolted to the trail. She was as quick as a rabbit as she ran but that didn't stop her from admiring the scenery. There were just so many trees! As she spotted the start of the road she excitedly ran forward before stopping dead in her tracks, "Holy crap." She murmured as she saw Binbig for the first time. The sky was a piercing blue that reflected off of a lovely greenhouse that was at the edge of the city, building and houses where scattered about randomly. It was charming and carried a peaceful silence to it, unlike Pitfum which was crowded and noisy at all hours. With a smile Echo swiveled on her heel and cupped her hands around her mouth, "Hurry up slow poke!"

Vinn sighed, looking at Aurora then at the captain. "I'll agree to watch over her." He said, smiling at Aurora. "I'm not sure if she's too keen on the idea though...." He said, wondering how this was going to end...
Veda eyed the taller of the two, nervously trying to avoid any “eye contact” between herself and the mask. She tried to not acknowledge the fact they probably noticed her old scar. Jittery, she tried to get the two on their way and out of Gabriel’s shop. “Of course, we do, Aldzari is a popular subject, though you’ll have to read and find out if there is anything about his workshop I'm not too knowledgeable on that subject.” Veda started striding to the part of the library with books on the famous man, knowing the organization of the large store by memory. “All of the Aldzari Stremiin books throughout Flumi are right here, miss.” She tried to sound polite while ignoring the taller. “Please inform me if you need any more assistance.” She said eager to get away from the two, who made her very uneasy. She quickly departed from the couple and the counter, next to Gabriel and her rifle, just in case something went wrong.

@Aine @Drakeel
(Lol you freaking jerk xD )

"O-oh what?! You've got to be kidding right?" The receptionist stares for a long time then gets serious. "You're serious? W-well a bail is a bail." The woman does what she needs to do to confirm the pay and looks to Clair with a mug. "She's free of bail but will need to be watched by you until further notice. She cannot leave this continent or this place.Understood?" @Mr Swiftshots

The elf guard growls and huffs. "Heh! Good luck. She bites!" Aurora frowns at the elf captain while he leaves them be not wanting to deal with them. Aurora looks at Vinn. "Thank you so much mista. You dont really have watch me. I can just bail after we get far away. I'm in debted to ya. What ever you need fixing or needs to be created I'll do it. Like Bugsy here!" She chirps and gives a cute smile. How could anyone hurt such a sweet girl like her. Sure she was a loud mouth but she was actually a loyal, sweetheart. She sneaks a kiss on the cheek on Vinn then on Elizabeth. "Thank you!"

@Capricornus @SpookySpecter
Joseph stared at the scar on her right cheek, though he tried to position his head in a way that it wasn't obvious that he was looking at it. Pondering where he has seen this woman before, he followed her and the elf closely through the bookstore. I don't know anyone in the east, why do I feel like I know her, he rubbed his eyes in deep concentration, only to finally come back to his senses after she has left.

"Kinda feels like she doesn't like me," he said towards Zoey before randomly searching through the bookcases. "Maybe it's my mask." he grunted at himself as he slowly began to undo the straps on the back of his head. I guess wearing a mask inside would be considered rude around here, he though.

@Drakeel @Fawnking
She nodded the girl and went wandering the shelves she had pointed to. "She seems...jittery like, like"she thought for a moment. "It's as if she saw a ghost. She anyone you seen before? maybe a 'customer' you saw?" she began chuckling when Joseph made a comment about his mask. "I thought that was your face." she said while turning to see him undo it. Shed only seen his face once before, during the fight with Kyns. "Why do you wear that all the time?" she asked curiously before looking through a couple more books, nothing she hadn't already read she sighed a little and turned her attention back to Joseph, wondering if the answer would just be simply to conceal his face or if he had some other reason.

@Aine @Fawnking
-Somewhere in Pitfum-

As expected the client was going to be some high standard young lady thinking they were idiot brutes hired to do whatever. Such a cliché. Silverstein caught her satchel in his arms, wondering why she was acting the way she was but just followed her on outside to apologize. Raven on the other hand rolled his eyes as he followed along. Great, this'll be fun. He thought sarcastically. Outside was just as busy as the barracks but the two managed to keep up with the elf's hurried pace. The only reason they would be doing this was because they actually cared about people, the two could very easily have left her right now by just ditching her in the crowd but by the looks of it no one else was willing to help her out or she wouldn't still be in Pitfum so they were her only option. "Goons eh?" Muttered Raven under his breath, loud enough for her to hear it.

"Ah Miss? How far is your estimate on where your home is?" Asked Silverstein even though he already knew how long it took to get to Binbig, intentionally trying to annoy her to get back at her sudden rudeness.

@SpookySpecter (Sorry for taking so long)
Clair nodded to the receptionist and then proceeded to make her way around the corner and then through the main hall , well until she saw Bugsy that is. Well how could one of possibly missed the bot , he was taking up half the damn hall. With a hop and a skip Clair began to bolt towards the bot arms spread wide "Bugsy ! Your such a bad bot !"

Before Clair could arrive at the bot she took a leap , trusting/hoping completely that the bot would catch her in a hug and well needless to say he did! "Hahaha , Bugsy , I'm so happy your safe and sound and ....is it just me or has prison made you even more attractive than usual ?"

@Dearwolfy @SpookySpecter @Capricornus
Veda kept a close watch on the two as they looked through the books. Gabriel eyed her, confused as to why she was acting so strange. She was tapping her foot to the ground before Gabriel patted her back in a comforting gesture. Veda gave him a small smile, feeling silly for acting so strange. That was until the male undid his mask, making Veda stumble backwards by the opposite wall of the counter. Gabriel turned to face her before she shook her head, leading the older man to sigh and attend the customer in front of him. Joseph looked practically the same, despite his more defined features. She felt another fresh wave of panic set in, concerned what he would do if he got his hands on the traitor. ‘Could I even be considered that?’ She thought to herself ‘All I did was run away, right?’ What concerned her the most, was the fact he hadn’t already confronted her, a supposedly dead member of Enigma. She eyed the short, energetic, elf wondering who she was. ‘A newer member?’ She saw the two glance at her and Veda her way next to Gabriel, wrapping one hand around her rifle under the mahogany surface of the counter. ‘ They must be trying to get me alone? Or do they want to hurt Gabriel for taking me in? I would never allow it!’ Her gaze hardened, studying the couples moves.

@Aine @Drakeel
SpookySpecter said:

Leco's eyes widened with delight. "YAAAAAYYYY! I got a fwieeeend!!!" He yelled, jumping up and down. "Come on, te shops dis way!" Leco yelled, waving his arms and running down the street. "It's right here!" He yelled, pointing and jumping, before sitting down in front of the store, a huge smile on his face. Waiting obediently for his friend to catch up.

Cat walked after her odd bear friend, still tired from all of the travelling she had done, and had to stop herself from drooling as the smell of meat met her nose. "Food.... How are we going to get it? Are you just going to work your 'cute charm' on the butcher?" The blue and green eyed girl giggled, finding the thought rather funny.

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