RP Section

Bugsy hears a call. A familiar one and turns only to catch Clair in his embrace. He looks at her with surprise. "M-miss Clair? What are you doing here? Where have you been?" He hears her flirt with him making the bot blush. "I don't think I have ever been attracted miss Clair. I am merely a programed robot." Bugsy spoke to Clair for the first time. She hasn't heard him speak yet so this was the first. His voice was not nerdy but more of a deep voice. Like it would be a handsome guy. The voice was enough to make all girls blush. Especially his whole gentleman act too.

@Mr Swiftshots
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Dearwolfy said:
Bugsy hears a call. A familiar one and turns only to catch Clair in his embrace. He looks at her with surprise. "M-miss Clair? What are you doing here? Where have you been?" He hears her flirt with him making the bot blush. "I don't think I have ever been attracted miss Clair. I am merely a programed robot." Bugsy spoke to Clair for the first time. She hasn't heard him speak yet so this was the first. His voice was not nerdy but more of a deep voice. Like it would be a handsome guy. The voice was enough to make all girls blush. Especially his whole gentleman act too.
@Mr Swiftshots
Clair Was happily clinging to the bot but honestly she hadn't expected for him to speak nor say what he had ! In fact Clair couldn't decide if she was angry at him for saying such a terrible thing about himself , or happy that he could now speak ! Well I mean of course she was happy as it was quite evidently shown by the blush she was now sporting , heck Aurora had done one hell of a job on his voice box. But she was just so damn mad at him that she didn't know how to feel herself.

Eventually she tightened her grip on the bot and rested her head upon his bonnet/chest her tone somewhat soft yet equally sad"Your not just a 'merely a programed robot' , your better than that. Your a needle within a hay stack , One of a kind. I could tell that from the second I lay my eyes upon your frame." Turning her frown into a smile Clair began to liven up her tone. "Bugsy I've seen many Robots in my time , almost made as many as I've seen and well frankly none of them are anything like you ! Your kind , patient , wise and much , much more than that. Not to mention you are extremely attractive , like Really , Really attractive !"


Leco smiled. "Nah miss, if I did that, the butcher'd chop meh head off!" He said, sliding a finger across his throat. "Deh butchers a fair man, and he has the hots for a school teacher 'round here. Ms. Killamets." He walked inside the shop, the smell of fresh blood and raw meat filling his nose. Leco confidently walked up to the counter, which was a good two feet taller than him. He jumped up and rang a bell, which immediately summoned a leviathan of a man. Almost reaching seven foot, with rippling muscles and a handsome clean shaven face and head. As the butcher walked out, he wiped his hands on his blood soaked apron and set a cleaver almost the size of Leco on the counter. Leco looked up at him. "Excuse meh sir, Ms. Killamets asked me to come down here from the school house to get a rack of grilled ribs. It's Lil' Jimjim's birtday, and she wanted to surprise the class. She asked you to please just put it on her tab." The butcher raised an eyebrow, not saying anything. He put a bloody hand on his chin and looked at Leco. After a moment of awkward silence, the chef turned around and disappeared behind the store. A moment later he came back, a sizzling rack of ribs on a hefty plate. He handed it down to Leco, who had to adjust his weight to keep from falling over from the sheer size of the meat. "Tell Ms. Killamets she's getting a pretty hefty tab, boy. And...that I said hi..." The butcher said, rubbing the back of his neck before grabbing the cleaver and returning to his work. Leco rushed out of the store, a huge smile on his face.

Bugsy toots a blush. "M-miss Clair. Thank you for your kind words. You and Aurora are the only ones who treat me like a human being, but I can honestly say I'm not easy to take care of. I find it rather odd yet flattering that an organism like you is attracted to a robot. Even if you do have feelings for me...I'm afraid I might not be compatible nor will I be able to understand love or be the best partner. Yet it would be nice to experiment." He bashfully says that last part.
Clair laughed in an attempt to cover her blushing somewhat , however it was safe to say Clair had never blushed so deep a red in her life. Bugsy had just asked her out ! Well it was very round about way of doing so but he had asked her out ! As in girlfriend and boyfriend.....boyfriend and girlfriend. Now many wouldn't have guessed this but Bugsy would actually be Clair's first boyfriend. You see Clair had entered college at an extremely young age and as a result had practically no free time to explore the world of romantics , well until now. "Bugsy are you asking me to be your girlfriend , because if you are your going to need to do a bit better than that ! Come on !."


"I'll race you to the main road!" Echo suddenly yelled and sprinted down the trail. Kyns looked up from his armor. "Ah shit! You got a head start on me!" He yelled after her, laughing as he started running down the trail, the metal plates of his armor clanging together loudly. Suddenly, Echo stopped, staring at Binbig. Kyns stopped next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I know, it's quite the sight isn't it?" He said, smiling. Though you couldn't see it, since his helmet was on. "It may be beautiful, but it not as beautiful as..." He stopped talking, and looked at Echo. Slowly and dramatically taking off his helmet with one hand, a smile still on his face. "Me." He said, laughing as he pulled back on her collar slightly to hold her back from running, sprinting to the main road. His armor clanging together loudly with each step. But..karma is a bitch, and as Kyns began running a large tree fell on him, loosened by the small tremors his armored caused. Kyns fell to the ground, groaning. Slowly, he picked himself up, the hydraulics in his arms heaving to assist Kyns with lifting himself. "DAMN IT FUCKING NATURE GAAAAHHHH!!!" Kyns yelled, as he finally picked himself up, lifted the tree and throwing it back into the woods angrily. Kyns was positive he had already lost, and he accepted his fate, slowly walking to the road and holding a hand to his head.

Tilting under the pressure of The Crimson Witch's assault, the Airship Arena's forward Bow began dipping downwards as the battles on board continued. Now arching into a plummeting formation, the Airship Arena sunk out of its original collision course and was now assured to crash into the ground instead.

As the ground shifted beneath him, Thander dug his fingers into the wood of the front deck as the Ambrosia Addicts slipped and slid all over the place. Still giggling like psychopaths, they began toppling off the front of the ship past the champion, though some of them aimed for the Champion instead.

Thander glanced up just as a pair of dangerously sharp high-heels impacted with his helmet, not enough to penetrate his helmet, but enough to dent it and make him lose his grip on the deck.

They both began falling as the Addict who landed on him immediately latched onto one of his flailing arms with the most precious of laughs. Completely uncaring of the dangerous position she raised her free arm and began stabbing at Thander's armor with an electric dagger as they fell.

Putting faith on his armor's durability, Thander focused more on getting ahold of the ship once more before they could enter free fall. Raking gloved fingers through the wooden deck, Thander barley managed to grab hold of the railing as debris and contestants fell past him. Holding tight, he diverted attention to the addicted woman who continued stabbing his armor. She was wrapped tight around his free arm, so he worked a leg in between the two of them and began prying her off of him.

The entire time, she began alternating between nursery rhymes until he finally managed to kick her off of him. As she plummeted below, the Airship Arena continued tipping into a plummet as it dragged closer and closer to the ground. Wrapping his other arm around the railing as well, Thander clung tightly with a grunt as they... landed.

Skidding along the forest below with enough force to casually rip massive trees out of its way, the Airship Arena's lower half was engulfed with flames from the bombardment which managed to set the nearby woods alight as well. Contestants were flung from holes in the hull and off the deck as it skidded to the side of a massive ravine, just barely dipping off the edge before coming to a stop.

Thander breathed a sigh of relief as the Airship Arena finally came to a stop, until an announcement came from the various clockwork Cameras which still buzzed around and inside the wrecked airship Arena.

"Congratulations to all contestants who've managed to survive the Deathmatch Round of today's game!" Golden Gore's voice rang out with undiluted cheer

Thander groaned, the second he heard the word 'portion' he could already tell what was coming next and pulled himself back on the deck of the ruined airship.

"Now begins the hunting portion!" Golden cried with joy "Those of you who didn't manage to claim enough kills for their reward may feel a bit down for risking your life for nothing. But fear not, the kind and generous Golden Gore has devised a new tactic for the next half of today's game. It shall be dubbed, Steal Survival."

Thander stretched and took off along the deck as Golden continued explaining, set on making it off the Arena before he finished.

"This vast Wilderness shall be the new Arena for the remainder of our game, and those of you who wish to be rewarded must steal your rewards by hunting down and ending those who've claimed them from the previous round. Besides that, all other terms still apply, good luck!"

Thander vaulted over the rear railing of the Airship Arena and rocketed to the ground before landing with a heavy thud. Behind him he could hear other title holder also making their way into the woods for the remainder of the game. Cracking his neck once more, Thander took off into the woods for the remainder of the game.

Echo nodded quietly then looked over at him as he started talking about how beautiful.... he was? "You egotistical bastard!" She yelled as she laughed, then kicked about as he held her back from running but as he started running, a large tree fell on him and he was pinned within his armor. Knowing he'd be fine she took the opportunity and ran to the main road before happily boasting her victory, before throwing a hand on her hip, "You can't even win when your cheating!"
Dearwolfy said:
Bugsy tilts his head. "Is that what you want? If so I don't know how else to ask." He sees her turning red and places a hand on her forehead. "Are you sick?" He starts bombarding her with questions starting to get worried. He may not be programed or understand the concept of love, but he was given an idea of romance because of Aurora and her romance novels.
Clair couldn't help but giggle a little when Bugsy placed his hand on her forehead , as if he could even take her temperature ! He was literally burning up himself ! With a soft smile Clair raised herself up and planted a solid kiss upon the bot's face plate "well , asking again doesn't matter. What does matter now is that your my boyfriend and you best not forget that !".

After hugging the bot once again , Clair made her way back down off him and stood by his side. Facing Aurora now she spoke with Glee , completely oblivious to the markings upon the humans skin "What do you think Aurora ? Will he make a good boyfriend ?"

"Well..." Joseph rubbed his chin, looking down in deep though "I do look pretty cool in it, I suppose," he said back towards Zoey, pulling off his mask as he does so, "I don't really know though, it kinda became a habit to conceal my face after joining Enigma." He looked towards the girl whom greeted him and Zoey, still trying to figure out where he has seen her before. His thoughts drifted into a hazy past, sifting through faces of those he was close with. His hazy thoughts finally shifted to his brother, someone who he doesn't really like to think about much, as it would recall many painful memories, though inside these memories were one of his brother and a girl, someone very close to him it seemed like.

Right then, everything clicked. This girl, the one that is working in this store. Veda. His brother's lover. Joseph, with a shocked expression, walked slowly towards the girl.

@Drakeel @Fawnking
SpookySpecter said:
Leco smiled. "Nah miss, if I did that, the butcher'd chop meh head off!" He said, sliding a finger across his throat. "Deh butchers a fair man, and he has the hots for a school teacher 'round here. Ms. Killamets." He walked inside the shop, the smell of fresh blood and raw meat filling his nose. Leco confidently walked up to the counter, which was a good two feet taller than him. He jumped up and rang a bell, which immediately summoned a leviathan of a man. Almost reaching seven foot, with rippling muscles and a handsome clean shaven face and head. As the butcher walked out, he wiped his hands on his blood soaked apron and set a cleaver almost the size of Leco on the counter. Leco looked up at him. "Excuse meh sir, Ms. Killamets asked me to come down here from the school house to get a rack of grilled ribs. It's Lil' Jimjim's birtday, and she wanted to surprise the class. She asked you to please just put it on her tab." The butcher raised an eyebrow, not saying anything. He put a bloody hand on his chin and looked at Leco. After a moment of awkward silence, the chef turned around and disappeared behind the store. A moment later he came back, a sizzling rack of ribs on a hefty plate. He handed it down to Leco, who had to adjust his weight to keep from falling over from the sheer size of the meat. "Tell Ms. Killamets she's getting a pretty hefty tab, boy. And...that I said hi..." The butcher said, rubbing the back of his neck before grabbing the cleaver and returning to his work. Leco rushed out of the store, a huge smile on his face.

"Ooh..." Cat smiled, almost drooling at the sight of the ribs. "Tell you what Mr. lecoro, if you let me have some of those ribs, a picture of Ms. Killamets and some information on that butcher, like his name. I will go get another plate of ribs, how does that sound?" She grinned, knowing the obvious answer to her question. She did a few stretches while awaiting his answer, a happy gleam in her strange eyes. "No better thieves than Kykdren thieves if you ask me" she smirked confidently
Aurora was far away talking to Vinn and Elizabeth when she noticed Bugsy missing. She sees Bugsy talking to Clair. She makes her way over to the newfound couple and on the spot is asked a question. "Wait what? You? And Bugsy?! Well I kind of figured though this is a surprise and cute. Well he is my baby brother. Hurt him and you will be scoldes Clair. Other than that I'm happy for the two of you. I'd you wanna program romantic stuff be my guest but let me know first." She winks behind her goggles. After it was all settled, Aurora realizes something. Her face was covered in bruises and Clair can visibly see them. She hoped Clair would not ask and just focus on a blushing Bugsy.

"S-so...where have you been?"

Kyns runs his hand through his hair. Embarrassed, he looked at Echo. "Karma's a bitch." He says. Rubbing his head. "Damn...that's gonna hurt in the morning.." He groaned, as he started walking. "Sorry about pulling on you back there...wasn't sure if I was gonna get slapped up, so I wanted to get as much distance between you and I as I could.." He said laughing. After a moment of silence, Kyns spoke up again. " In all seriousness...i'm glad I met you Echo." Kyns said, looking at her. "You saved my life back in that ship, and I feel bad I didn't really thank you yet...that gas caught me off guard. I would have died right there, just..choking to death trapped in my own armor." He said, a grim expression growing on his face. "So...thank you." He said, a smile growing on his face again. As they walked, Binbig grew closer and the pair passed a small house. A woman looked out her window then quickly retreated inside. Emerging again with a child and pointing at Kyns. "Look son, the Dragonslayer!" She told the boy excitedly.

She chuckled at his first response, giving him a warn smile she said."well, for what it's worth its nice to see you without it every now and then...but yeah, it does look cool." She turned back to the books giving it one more go for anything she hadn't read before. When she gave up and looked back to Joseph he was walking towards the shopkeeper which wasn't strange but what was off was the look on face. "Joseph?" She said quickly walking to him. "Is everything alright?" She said, her worry appearing in her tone of voice.

@Aine @Fawnking

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Leco looked up at Cat, smiling as usual. "I was gonna give ya da half anyhow." He said, putting it down and breaking the rack in half. He put one half in his mouth and handed the other half to Cat. "Teh butcha's name is Jork Wilbof, has a ting for smart elf girlies. Like Ms.Killamets! N' I gotsa picture of 'er right here." He pulled a picture out of his pocket. "Mailman Hofkins gave me package to deliver to her from some cameraman. It was her portrait she had taken by him the previous day I 'tink. I stole the package, not knowin' it was jest a stupid picture. But..I never throw anthin' out. So I kepts it." He pulled out a large folded up paper from his pocket and handed it to Cat. Then, he sat down, gnawing on the ribs.

Veda smiled at a customer who just bought a novel on parenting, which was odd due to her looking no older than 16. ‘Maybe an aunt?’ She pondered before she remembered who she needed to keep an eye on. She let out an audible gasp as her eyes met with Joseph, who started his walk towards the counter. Gabriel looked at the pair approaching but seeing no harm he went to repair an old damaged book. Veda gave an exasperated look as the older man retreated into a ‘workers only’ room. She focused back on the duo approaching, trying to seem casual, she said, “Uh, find everything ok..?” Her hand, under the counter, gripped the gun harder. Her knuckles turned white with force, as Joseph finally arrived at the counter. It was hard for her to look him in the eyes, her past starting to catch up with her, bringing uncomfortable memories back up.

@Aine @Drakeel
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"Yes she is, but I like her, she seems to be rather adept at knocking you on your ass." She said with a sly smile before frowning at him, "Oh don't get all sobby on me now! I would have done it for anyone, but if you need to, proclaim me Echo the.... dragonslayer saver." She joked. As they progressed into the city a boy and his mother came out and started fawning over Kyn. Echo merely quirked a brow and and turned her head to Kyns, "Does this always happen?" She whispered.
Serqet patted her clothes, coming from the dark alley. "Stupid brat...", she sighed, being remembered of her own youth. She placed her hands on her hips, turning her head right and left, scanning the whole area. "Where has that damn kiddo gone to now... Don't you worry Lizzy, I'll find you sooner or later...", she murmured to herself, having lost sight on her objective. She continued walking towards the barracks, since she had thought that this was where Elizabeth was going, with every step scanning her surroundings.

Vinn smiled when Aurora kissed is cheek. "Hey, don't worry about doing anything to repay me." He said. Before overhearing a conversation out in the lobby. Bugsy was talking to an elf girl...and from what Vinn heard, the conversation was getting a little...too sappy for Vinn's comfort. "Hey, so Aurora, i'll be around...." Vinn says. "Gotta go do a job with Beth, i'll be back in a...while." He said, not knowing she was just bailed. "Well, we're off. Bye!" The receptionist stops him. "She's not under you jurisdiction sir. You're free of responsibility." Vinn raised an eyebrow. "Well, alright then." He said, leaving the barrack as fast as possible. Grabbing Elizabeth's hand, wanting to get out as fast as possible. "That was weird, but hey. I guess we don't have to watch her then!" He said laughing. The pair walked as quickly as possible to the shop the receptionist told them about before to prepare for their mission. Upon entering the shop, the smell of a hearth filled the pair's noses. A hearty looking dwarf walked up to the pair. "WELCOME to my humble northern goods shop! Can I get you two a lovely heavy jacket!? Perhaps a snow griffin for speedy passage to the north!? Faster than any airship guarantee!"The shop keep said. "Sir, we're here for supplies for our mission up north." Vinn said, holding up his mission contract. "AH!!! A pair of brave rapscallions, coming to ol' Pinfor. Looking to get fit for adventure! Well, right this way! Come out back to the stables, I have two backpacks filled with gear for you folks." The sheepkeeper said, motioning the two to follow him.

"Veda." his eyes gazed up towards the girl with scarred face, his burning with anger as he stared towards her, "We thought you were dead! Why did you run away from us?" he almost shouted it towards her, though he regained control of his speech. Joseph crossed his arms and tapped his feet in anticipation as he stood, waiting for an answer from the girl. Even though she his brother's lover, there was still a chance for her to be the one who ratted the gang out. He studied her every movement, in case she tried to escape or pull out a weapon.

@Drakeel @Fawnking
Before Elizabeth could even comprehend what was going on in front of her she was already pulled by her hand, walking out of the barrack as fast as possible. "That was weird, but hey. I guess we don't have to watch her then!", Vinn said laughing. This was when Elizabeth got ripped out of her thoughts. "O-oh yeah, I guess..?", she answered shrugging.

When they arrived at the shop she looked around, her eyes wide open. This was completely different from back there in Pitfum. Of course it wasn't like that everywhere in Pitfum, but where she came from, most shops were come down, dark and, if you were lucky, had barely a roof. Another difference that struck her was the difference in prices. "W-what....", she swallowed hard as she looked around. Luckily they'd get the equipment needed for the mission for free. A dwarf walked up to the two of them. He turned out to be the shopkeeper. Elizabeth eyed him for a solid few seconds, it's been a time since she'd seen one of them. The shopkeeper said that he had two backpacks with what they needed ready, so Elizabeth and Vinn followed him.

Veda gave him a glare, raising her hand from under the desk, grabbing the counter with both hands glad to have a barrier between them. “Don’t raise your voice with me, Joseph, I was scared, weren’t you?” She said in a hushed tone, glancing at the few customers in the store. She wasn’t aware of the others position, thinking Al to still be the leader. “I was shot in the cheek for fucks sake, of course, I would be Frightened.”Veda touched her cheek. Her movements were jerky, she was getting flustered. “I mean I didn’t even see where you guys went, everyone, I knew was practically dead. I’m just so glad I didn’t see John, yours, and Albert's in there.” She gave a small smile remembering John years ago, her face soon dropped. “I didn’t mean to betray you all, and in all honesty, I never thought I would see you again.”

@Aine @Drakeel
Zoey was dumbfounded. "You know her?" she said confused looking at Joseph then back to the girl. "You were there when his brother was killed?" she asked the girl trying to put peaces together. She figured shed have to say something or else Joseph would react violently. "Hi! I'm Zoey." she said in a happy tone. She looked back to Joseph hoping he wouldn't try to kill her.

@Aine @Fawnking
"I'm not a sentimental guy, but running away without your lover to the other side of the world to run a book store really leaves a bad taste in someone's mouth." he paused, "Especially if the person you ran away from was my brother." Joseph stood perfectly still, his voice trailing off a little as he finished his sentence. By now, the attention of strangers within the bookstore were trained upon the conversation of the three, and Joseph was very careful of what he says, hoping not to give away anything about his or Zoey's identity. "We better take this somewhere else, Veda." he said in a calm manner.

@Drakeel @Fawnking

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